From: Lynn Marshall []
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 3:29 PM
To:;;;;; Kristi Dean (home);; Lynn Marshall at Carleton;;;;
Subject: Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #145


Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #145                          Thursday, June 1st, 2006


To:  Carleton Coaches (11 addresses)


Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2005 / Winter 2006 / Spring/Summer 2006 and Alumni: High Intensity (4 addresses), 6:30am Earlybirds (27 addresses); 7:30am Earlybirds (40 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (30 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (56 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "B" (42 addresses), Nightcaps (37 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (35 members).



Margaret on TV 6:30pm Fri Jun 2nd

8:30am Earlybirds Margaret King will be featured on CJOH TV’s fit seniors program on Fri Jun 2nd at 6:30pm.  Flo Shinder will be featured on the same show later this summer.



Swim in the World Championships Pool!

A Masters meet is being held in the new outdoor pool built for last year’s World Championships in Montreal (Ile Ste Helene).  More details in the Masters Swimming Competitions section below.  This is your chance to race in a very fast pool!  If you are going, I need your event list, times and money by Mon Jun 5th!  (MSO members only.)



Open Water Races (MSO Registration not Required)

Technosport organizes two races in Meech Lake each summer.  There is a 3k in July and a 4k in August.  These swims are open to all, although if you wear a wet suit you are considered to be exhibition.  Details in the competitions section below.



Swimmer Notes   


Junior National Water Polo Team Member:  Congrats to Jean-Francois (J-F) Jacques on being chosen as a member of Canada’s Junior National Men’s Water polo team announced on May 19th.  See:  J-F is a member of the Carleton Varsity swim and water polo teams and a sometimes Earlybirds Masters swimmer.  His Dad, Francois Jacques, swims with the 7:30am Earlybirds.


Masters Swimmer Paul Beregi:  Toronto Masters swimmer Paul Beregi was recently featured in a Toronto Star article.  Despite being diagnosed with terminal cancer, he is doing well and still training:


Swimmer Reminders:  Don’t forget to get out your equipment (kick board, pull buoy) before your swim and put them away afterwards.  Also, swimmers are reminded that they should shower before workout.


8:30am Monthly Coffee Get Together:  All from  the 8:30am group (and any others who can make it) are invited to a coffee outing at Treats after the swim on Fri Jun 16th (approx. 10am).


External Defibrillators:  Here’s an interesting article on external defibrillators (the Carleton pool has one):


News from Pat Hiemstra:  Pat (x-7:30am Earlybirds) has recently moved to Toronto.  Those who swam with her may remember that she had to quit swimming with us due to joint pain.  She was recently diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and her (hopefully temporary) medication has caused a miraculous recovery.  This condition is not widely known and occurs in women mid-50s and above.


Parking Lot Paving:  Athletics parking lot (#5) is finally(!) being paved.  It is expected to take two weeks starting May 29th.  Athletics members with parking passes can park in any available parking meters or pay and display areas free of charge during this time. 


Swimmer Running for Leader of the Liberals:  Anita Manley (currently Whitecaps “B”, and 7:30am Earlybirds a couple of years ago) is running for Leader of the Liberal party.  She must raise $50,000 in individual donations and obtain 100 signatures from card carrying Liberals in Ontario in order to run officially.  If you are interested in supporting her please contact her at  A website: should be up shortly.


Orpheus Choral Group Concerts:  Sean Kelly (6:30am Earlybirds) and Ursula Scott (Winter Whitecaps “B” / 6:30 Earlybirds) are performing with the Orpheus Choral Group (OCG) this spring.  Here are details about the 3 fundraising concerts the OCG is doing:

    Sun Jun 4th, 7:30pm: Temple Israel 1301 Prince of Wales Drive, featuring the OCG, the Temple Israel Choral Group, Crosstown Harmony and the Shira Ottawa Choir in support of Harmony House Women's Shelter and the Temple Israel Liturgical Music Library Fund.  Tickets are $15 ($12 for seniors).  Contact Janet Cohen 523-4573 or Temple Israel 224-1802.

    Sat Jun 10th, 7pm: Carleton Memorial United Church, 740 Melfa Crescent, in support of the Parish Nurse Program.  Tickets are $10 from the Church office 224-7433 or at the door.

    Mon Jun 19th, 7:30pm: Broadway and Beyond Act IV at CentrepointeTheatre, Nepean, in support of the OCG.  Tickets are $20 and are available from the Centrepointe Theatre Box Office 580-2700.


Support Cancer Research and Coach Kristi:  On July 21-23, 2006, Kristi Dean will be participating in a very special event called The Weekend to End Breast Cancer.  She'll walk 60 kilometres over the course of one weekend with thousands of other women and men. The net proceeds will support breast cancer research, and services through the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.  She has agreed to raise at least $2,000, but has set her personal goal at $3,500.  More info at:


Carleton Swim Suits:  Price is $70 for the women's suits ($55 for girl's) and $35 for the men's (cash or cheque payable to "Carleton University").  The men's suits range from size 28 to 38 (no 36s left).  The women's suits range from girl's size 22 to women's size 40 (no 24, 30, 36 or 38 left).  If you would like a suit, please e-mail me at least a day in advance to arrange a time (preferably when I am coaching) so that I can have the suits ready for you. 

Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.



Spring Session Information

There will be a timed 800/1500 for all swimmers in mid-June, as well as some opportunities for some timed sprints in both early and late June.  There is a sprint set scheduled for the groups that Lynn coaches on Tue Jun 6th / Wed Jun 7th (5 x 50 @ 3:00).


Here are the weekday attendance statistics for the first four weeks (excluding Thu/Fri).  There are currently 14 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance.  Let’s see who can keep this up until the end of June! 


6:30am Earlybirds (May 8-31st; 10 workouts; range: 11-19; avg: 15.9)

Perfect Attendance: Larry, Sean


7:30am Earlybirds (May 8-31st; 10 workouts; range: 14-19; avg: 17.2)

Perfect Attendance: Blair G, Francois A, Jen L, Julie D-F, Leona


8:30am Earlybirds (May 8-31st; 10 workouts; range: 15-23; avg: 19.1)

Perfect Attendance: Amir, Colette, Margaret K


6pm Whitecaps “A” (May 8-30th; 10 workouts; range: 12-22; avg: 17.3)

Perfect Attendance: Francois P, Gi, Jose


6pm Whitecaps “B” (May 8-30th; 10 workouts; range: 11-17; avg: 15.3)

Perfect Attendance: Mark R


Masters Swimming Competitions

You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Cost is $26 for a registration good until Dec 31/06.  Contact Lynn for details.  Note that you must register with MSO at least 3 weeks before your first competition. 


Some preliminary information on upcoming local and championship meets for the season is given below.  Full details on all Ontario Masters competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded grey). 


Sat Jun 3rd am  Technosport Distance Meet (Ottawa U; LC).  7:45am warm up, 8:30am start, 10:30am finish.  Events: 200/400/800 relay, 800fs, 1500fs, 200/400/800 relay (Note: There is a good possibility that 400IM will also be offered).  Cost: $25 (cannot swim both 800 and 1500; can pay on the day).  Deadline: Wed May 24th (late entries accepted!). Register on-line at: (or follow links from: and e-mail: to confirm that your entry was received.  If you can bring a timer (no experience necessary, free breakfast), please let Duane know.


Sat Jun 10th Repentigny, QC Masters Meet (SC).  Full details at:


Sat Jul 1st Montreal Masters Meet (LC – World Champs pool) Parc Jean Drapeau (Ile Ste-Helene)

8am wu, 9am start. Events: 400fs or IM, 50fl, 100br, 50bk, 100fs, 4x50MR, 200IM or fl or bk or br or fs, 100fl, 50fs, 100bk, 50br, 4x50FR. Cost $5.50 per event (max 5 events), entries must be sent electronically.  Full details at: will take care of submitting your entry if you give her your events and entry times, plus money by Mon Jun 5th


Sat Jul 1st  Provincial Open Water Swim Champs (Brampton).  The 3k race is open to all ages and you do not need a Swim Ontario or MSO registration.  Cost: $25 for Swim Ontario / MSO members, $30 for others.  Full details at:


Sat Jul 15th am  Technosport 3k Swim (Blanchet Beach, Meech Lake; Open Water).  7:30am check in, 8:00am start.  Cost: $30 (can pay on the day, includes post-swim breakfast in Chelsea).  Deadline: Wed Jul 5th (late entries accepted at $35). Register on-line at: (or follow links from: and e-mail: to confirm that your entry was received.  MSO Registration is NOT required for this unsanctioned swim.


Aug 4-11th, 2006  XI FINA World Masters Championships, Stanford, California, USA.  Details at:  Entry deadline: Sat Jun 3rd.


Sat Aug 19th am  Technosport 4k Swim (Blanchet to O’Brien Beach, Meech Lake; Open Water).  7:30am check in, 8:00am start.  Cost: $30 (can pay on the day, includes post-swim breakfast in Chelsea).   Deadline: Wed Aug 9th (late entries accepted at $35). Register on-line at: (or follow links from: and e-mail: to confirm that your entry was received.  MSO Registration is NOT required for this unsanctioned swim.



Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)


Sat Apr 8th Technosport Swim Meet

We are still awaiting the official results, which should eventually be available here: 


Sat May 13th Technosport Sprint LC Meet

We are still awaiting the official results, which should eventually be available here: 


May 19-22nd Masters National Championships (Calgary)

Andrew P (Whitecaps “B”) was the only Carleton swimmer attending.  Full details at:  Andrew competed in 3 events and set 2 club records.  Good job!

Andrew P (55-59): 2nd 50fl (38.68 – club record); 3rd 50br (42.30 – club record); 4th 100br


May 19-21st Canadian Water Polo National Championships (Montreal)

Masters Coach Blake Christie and Varsity Coach Andras Szeri are members of the Ottawa Waterwalkers water polo club that placed 3rd at the National Championships.  Congrats, guys!  Full results at:


Sun May 21st Florida Half-Ironman (1.2mi, 56mi, 13.1mi; 1937 competitors)

Kevin G (7:30am Earlybirds)’s first ever triathlon.  Nothing like starting with a long one!  Despite losing his watch on the swim, Kevin made his 6hr target with 31 seconds to spare in 5:59:29.  He placed 965th overall and 134th in men’s 30-34.  Well done, Kevin!  The web site is:, with the results at:


Sun May 21st Canadian Duathlon Championships (Hamilton)

Chloe (Pool Staff, ROCS) finished 5th in the under 20 women’s race (5k/20k/2.5k) to earn a spot on the team for the World Duathlon Championships to be held in Cornerbrook, Nfld in July.  Results at:


Sat May 27th ITU Ixtapa Pan American Cup Olympic Distance Triathlon (Mexico)

Jamie S (High Intensity, ROCS) participated in this elite men’s race finishing in 14th place (top Canadian) in 2:06:07.  Full details at:


Sat May 27th Cycling Race: GP de la Cabosse d’Or

Dave S (6:30am Earlybirds) took part in his first bike race: the 3-loop 70km Cabosse d’Or (Masters A3 Division).  He finished, didn’t crash and wasn’t last – great job, Dave!  He finished 55 out of 58, 15:18 behind the leader.  Info on the race can be found at:, with results at: 


Sat May 27th – Sun May 28th National Capital Race Weekend

In addition to the results reported below, other Carleton swimmers ran with their kids or paced friends and thus ran significantly slower times than usual, so their times are not listed below.  Colette K (8:30am Earlybirds) paced friends in the 5k and half marathon.  Laurie O (8:30am Earlybirds) ran the 5k and 10k with her kids.  Sue D and Susan N-Y (both 8:30am Earlybirds) ran the 5k with their kids.  Natalie A (8:30am Earlybirds) ran the 2k with her kids.  If you ran in any of the races and are not listed below, it’s because I didn’t know (or forgot!), so do tell me.  Congrats to all who participated!!


Sat May 27th MDS Nordion 10k Ottawa

I’m sure other swimmers participated, but here are the ones I know about.  Full results at:

Susanne R (6:30am Earlybirds): 118th overall, 18th woman and 5th in women’s 25-29 in 39:31 (39:26 chip)

Natalie A (8:30am Earlybirds): 824th overall, 131st woman and 29th in women’s 30-34 in 50:56 (49:42 chip)

Stephane R (Whitecaps “A”): 1393rd overall, 1102nd man and 163rd in men’s 30-34 in 55:38 (53:01 chip)

Megan L (8:30am Earlybirds): 4471st overall, 2121st woman and 334th in women’s 40-44 in 1:13:13 (1:07:46 chip)

Kristi D (6:30am Earlybirds): 4982nd overall, 2515th woman and 449th in women’s 30-34 in 1:17:22 (1:13:24 chip) – Kristi stopped to help a runner who was having difficulties or she would have been quite a bit faster!


Sun May 28th ING Ottawa Half Marathon

I’m sure other swimmers participated, but here are the ones I know about.  Full results at:

Margie B (6:30am Earlybirds): 131st overall, 15th woman and 6th in women’s 30-34 in 1:32:19 (1:32:11 chip)

Mike Sims (7:30am Earlybirds): 265th overall, 222nd man and 42nd in men’s 40-44 in 1:38:12 (1:38:04 chip)

Susan N-Y (8:30am Earlybirds): 1041st overall, 265th woman and 37th in women’s 40-44 in 1:53:36 (1:53:03 chip)

Gi (Whitecaps “A”): 1665th overall, 1159th man and 59th in men’s 20-24 in 2:01:30 (1:59:03 chip)

Robin V (7:30am Earlybirds): 5640th overall, 2926th woman and 217th in women’s 20-24 in 2:45:20 (2:40:15 chip)

Here is Gi’s race report:

   This is the third year I have been participating this event. It also turned out to be the most challenging year. I had a little cold on Sunday morning before the race, so a pack of tissue was loaded in my running gear instead of gels or water bottles.  Over 7,000 runners and spectators crowded at Confederation Park, and it all started at 10:15am. With the bright sun shining down, the flow of legs was unleashed and poured onto Elgin Street. Amid this vast wave of men and women, I started to feel being absorbed by the runners around me and to run at the same pace as the others.  Both the temperature and the UV index were very high during the entire race, and the world was very "bright".  The entire course was along Rideau Canal. The scenery was magnificent. Too bad I would be DQed if I jumped in and swim for a few k. Talking about the heat, I felt the most of it when there was no cloud above my head, no wind in the air, and all quiet around except for the sound of 40 lungs working hard as if trying to ignite the air.  So, where was fun then? After 16km of suffering and having doubts about my mental health, the final 5 km was the fruit. The ultimate goal was to get my time under 2hr, and in order to achieve so, I had to overcome all the difficulties that I was facing: heat, fatigue, other runners around etc. At the moment having the finish line insight after turning the last corner, I checked my watch. Only less than 3 minutes left (to 2 hr)! And the distance remaining was 250m. I thought:
"Am I able to swim this distance within that much time? Close!"  Then I dashed to the finish and found my goal time fulfilled.
   That 2 minutes was the best experience out of the pool.



Ask the Coach


Dear Coach:  When I push off the wall, what part of the foot should I push with and how far apart should my feet be?  Improving Turner


Dear I. Turner:  You should always hit the wall with your feet shoulder width apart and your weight evenly balanced between your legs, so that you push off with equal power on both feet.  Only the balls of your feet should hit the wall (at about the depth of the horizontal part of the cross on the wall).


Dear Coach:  Is whip (breaststroke) kick permitted while swimming butterfly?  My Lanemate Does This!


Dear M.L.D. This:  It depends!   This is permitted in Masters competitions (most Masters over age 60 learned fly like this!).  However, for open competitions (non-Masters) a rule was implemented a few years ago prohibiting whip kick on fly.


Dear Coach:  Can you remind the swimmers about proper etiquette for circle swimming?  Almost Collided


Dear A. Collided:  Good idea!  First, when you are not swimming, keep out of the way of those who are by squeezing as close to the lane rope as possible when at the end of the pool.  Secondly, ensure that you swim right next to the lane rope, except when passing.  Finally, when passing, ensure that you have the space to do so.  In the slower lanes, you may choose to stop to let faster swimmers by, but ideally you should not need to stop.  (We have super wide lanes at Carleton, and it is possible for experienced swimmers to fit four abreast [2 in each direction] when passing!)  For all this to work smoothly, you should always know approximately where all your lane-mates are and what stroke(s) they are doing!



Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons

Spring Availability: (to June 30th)

Mon 9:45-10:45am Jun 12, 26

Mon 7:15-8pm Jun 5, 19, 26

Tue 7:30-8:30am Jun 6 – 27

Tue 7:15-8pm Jun 6 – 27

Wed 6-7pm Jun 28

Wed 7-8pm Jun 21, 28

Thu 7:30-8:30am Jun 8 –29

Thu 7:15-8pm Jun 8 – 29

Fri 9:45-10:45am Jun 9 – 23


2005-2006 Prices:
Non-Members: $55 for 1 hour, $100 for 2, $140 for 3, and $180 for 4 hours, all plus GST.
Semi-Private (2-3 swimmers; per swimmer):
Non-Members: $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, and $115 for 4 hours, all plus GST.
(Carleton Members get a 25% discount on the above prices.)
Contact Lynn for bookings.





Spring/Summer Sessions

The Spring session started Mon May 8th.  Masters groups available for Spring/Summer are: 6:30am Earlybirds; 7:30am Earlybirds; 8:30am Earlybirds (May-June only); and 6pm Whitecaps.  You can sign up for Spring (May-June), Summer (July-August), or both.  Saturdays will be 8-9am OR 9-10am in May/June, and 10-11am ONLY in Jul/Aug.  Check the Masters web site ( and the Carleton web site ( for full details and prices.  If you plan to swim in the Spring session, please register on-line or through the Customer Service office (520-4480, 8:30am-4:30pm M-F) as soon as possible, if you have not already done so.



Web Site Links and Newsletter Archive: Some swimmers reported that they had problems viewing some of the recent photos.  It's sometimes easier to access the web site pages, by going to the main page ( and then clicking on the link of interest (e.g. recent photos). 

Also, if your copy of the newsletter does not arrive or is accidentally deleted, you can view all the old newsletters on the web site.


Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.


Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:

- Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout: all year)

- Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout: Sept-Apr)

- Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout: Sept-Jun; after 10-11am workout: Jul-Aug)

Meet by the Control Desk after workout.

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, photos, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records, among other things, can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!

Lynn (or for quicker response:

Club website: