Carleton Masters Weekly Newsletter #15                        Thursday, August 16th, 2001
To: Carleton Coaches
Bcc: Early Birds (47 addresses); Whitecaps (47 addresses)
Important Announcements:
Congratulations to Andrea Chandler and Derek Baas (both Whitecaps) who got married on Saturday, August 11th.
Congratulations also to Cory (nee Boeckler) and Ross Cowie (x-Whitecaps) on their wedding, also on August 11th.
Best wishes to Raymond Casey (Early Birds) for a speedy recovery from his back surgery on August 14th.  Raymond hopes to be back in the water for the start of the Fall session on September 17th.
Upcoming Events:
Carleton Mini-Swim Camp: Weekend of August 18-19th 
We now have 28 people confirmed for this weekend's swim camp!   Camp times are Saturday, August 18th 10am-noon and Sunday, August 19th 9:15-11:15am.  The five coaches (all with competitive swimming and coaching experience) will be: John Waring, Louise Hayes, Alex Hayes, Maurice Gibbs and myself.  E-mail me for more details.
A suggestion has been made that after Brunch on Sunday, some people may be interested in attending an outdoor matinee:
Play: "The Little Square"
Where: Strathcona Park (Laurier Avenue East at Range Road)
Time: 2pm Sunday, August 19th
Cost: "pay what you can"
No need to decide in advance if you plan to attend, and those not attending the camp are, of course, most welcome.

Fall Session
The Carleton Fall Program Guide has been slightly delayed at the printers and thus likely won't be available until next week.  Thus Steve and Kristi have kindly provided the details which I include here.  Registration is already open and can be done at the Athletics Office on the 2nd floor or by phone at 520-4480 (Visa or MasterCard).
Membership Costs:
Full Annual Membership: $281 + $19.67 GST = $300.67
Swim Only Annual Membership: $253 + $17.71 GST = $270.71
(Alumni, Spousal, and shorter duration memberships are also available.)
Masters Swimming Groups:
Head Coach: Kristi Dean

Earlybirds: (Coach: Lynn Marshall)
I M/W/F 7:30-8:30 am Sat 9:00-10:00 am
II M/W/F 8:30-9:30 am Sat 9:00-10:00 am
No workouts: Oct 8 (Thanksgiving), Feb 16 (WP Tournament), Mar 29 (Good Friday), April 1 (Easter)
1. Sep 17-Dec 19 Members: $115+8.05 GST = $123.05
2. Jan 2-Apr 19 Members: $125+8.75 GST = $133.75

WhiteCaps: ("A" Coach: Kristi Dean; "B" Coach: Mits Kachi)
M/T/Th 6:00-7:10 pm Sat 9:00-10:00 am
No workouts: Oct 8 (Thanksgiving), Feb 16 (WP Tournament), April 1 (Easter)
1. Sep 17-Dec 20 Members: $115+8.05 GST = $123.05
2. Jan 3-Apr 18 Members: $125+8.75 GST = $133.75
Babysitting: A safety supervisor is available to look after children ages 2 and up during the Whitecaps evening workouts.  Prices available upon request.

NightCaps: (Coach: Lynn Marshall)
T/Th 8:00-9:00 pm Sat 9:00-10:00 am
No workout: Feb 16 (WP Tournament)
1. Sep 18-Dec 20 Members: $77+5.39 GST = $82.39
2. Jan 3-Apr 18 Members: $85+5.95 GST = $90.95
Note: Saturday coaching schedule will rotate among regular and substitute coaches and will be announced later.

High Intensity Training Group (with the Varsity Team):
Head Coach (Evening Workouts): John Waring
Assistant Coach (Morning Workouts): Lynn Marshall
Mon 6:00-7:30am & 7:15-9:00 pm Tues/Thurs 7:30-9:30 am
Wed 6:00-7:30am & 6:00-7:40 pm Sat 5:00-7:00 pm
Dates: Sep 24/01 - Jan 31/2002
Members Only: $190 + $13.30 GST = $203.30
Limit: 6 participants.
Swimmers' Strength Training Clinic:
6hr course during regular Fitness Centre hours
Dates: Fall: Sep 15, 22 and Oct 13
Winter: Jan 12, 19 and Feb 2
Sat 11:00 am-1:00 pm Fitness Centre
Members: $30 + $2.10 GST = $32.10; Non-members: $65 + $4.55 GST = $69.55
Limit: 10 participants.
"Toonie" Workouts
The summer session ends on Friday, August 31st, and the Fall session starts September 17th.  For those who would like to train during the first two weeks of September, we will be offering "Toonie" workouts to all those who have registered for the fall session (in any group).  For the "toonie" workouts, you just bring $2 to each workout and pay the coach on deck.  (Coaching schedule will be announced shortly.)
We will definitely hold "toonie" workouts in the normal Whitecaps times, and Saturday from after Labour Day until the fall session starts.
Thus, there will definitely be "toonie" workouts:
Tuesday, September 4th: 6-7:10pm
Thursday, September 6th: 6-7:10pm
Saturday, September 8th: 9-10am
Monday, September 10th: 6-7:10pm
Tuesday, September 11th: 6-7:10pm
Thursday, September 13th: 6-7:10pm
Saturday, September 15th: 9-10am
We will hold morning "toonie" workouts if there is enough interest.  A decision on morning toonie workouts will be made by Friday, August 24th.  An average of 10 people per workout is required, and we're up to 8 right now, so 2 more people per workout are needed for us to proceed with the following workouts:
Wednesday, September 5th: 7:30-8:30am
Friday, September 7th: 7:30-8:30am
Monday, September 10th: 7:30-8:30am
Wednesday, September 12: 7:30-8:30am
Friday, September 14th: 730-8:30am
If you are interested, please let me know ASAP.
Volunteers Needed!  On the morning of Sunday, August 26th, a Kids-of-Steel triathlon (age 7 to 18) is being held at CFB Ottawa near the Aviation Parkway and Hemlock Road area.  Kristi is one of the race directors and I am the swim coordinator.  The swim will be held in the base 4 lane 25yd outdoor pool.  We will need 3-5 more volunteers to help with the swim (you'd need to be there by 8:30am).  Duties will involve counting lengths (you get a paper and pen, unlike in workout!), and general organization (ensuring kids are in the right place for their swim start, checking names/numbers, explaining safety rules, etc.).  Lots more volunteers will be needed in the transition zone, and on the bike and run courses.  Volunteers will get a free meal after the race.  Carleton Masters volunteers will also receive a $5 rebate on the 2-day fee for the August 18-19th swim camp.
Informal Meech Lake Swim: Seven of us swam at Blanchet Beach, Meech Lake at 8:30am on Sunday, August 12th.  It was a beautiful morning and after the swim most of us went for brunch in Chelsea (except for keener Jen G [Early Birds] who cycled home!).
Stretching and Injury Prevention Clinic: Around 15 people attended the clinic held on Monday, August 13th.  Dr. Patrick Faloon (Chiropractor) was a very entertaining speaker!
Weekly Carleton Masters Social Events:  Those new to Masters may not know of the two weekly Masters social (eating) events.  On Thursday evenings after Masters a group goes for dinner at a nearby restaurant (meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm to decide on venue).  On Saturday mornings after Masters a group goes for brunch, normally at the Greek Souvlaki House at Prince of Wales and Baseline (meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am for a head count).  All are welcome!
Race Reports (as usual, please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):
Checking Isla Paterson's (Early Birds) race results from the Binghamton meet Sunday, August 5th against the Carleton Masters records, shows that (in addition to her 5 gold medals) she set two club records in the women's 50-54 age group: 100fs (1:33.82) and 400fs (7:33.29).  Congratulations, Isla!
Ask the Coach
Dear Coach: Swimming strengthens the front of the rotator cuff (shoulder), but not the back of the shoulder.  What exercises can I do to strengthen the back of my shoulders?  Uneven Rotator
Dear U. Rotator: Dr. Faloon's talk on Monday referred to three stages in building up a joint when recovering from an injury or weakness.  The 3 steps are 1. range of motion, 2. stability, 3. strength.  Your question comes into the second category, so the key focus is to build stability (even out the muscles) without being too concerned about strength.  Thus use very light weights for these exercises (1-5lbs).  A good exercise is to lie on your right side on a bench with your left arm bent at a right angle.  Your elbow is tucked into your side and your hand (holding the small weight) faces down.  Slowly lift your forearm until your hand is pointing almost straight up.  Do 30 repeats on each side.  Another good one is done standing.  Hold small dumbbells in each hand with your arms straight out in front of you, backs of hands pointing towards each other -- pointing your thumbs down will remind you to keep this position.  Lower your hands so the weights almost touch your thighs and then raise your arms slowly until the weights are at head height.  Again do 30 repeats on each side.  There are lots of variations of these exercises.  Ask for a demo!
Early Birds (Morning Group) Summer Session Notes
End of session time trials start next week!  You can do your time trials anytime between Monday, August 20th and Wednesday, August 29th.  (The last workout of the session, Friday August 31st, will be a fun session with some optional relays.) 
If you are interested in "toonie" workouts during the first two weeks of September (see above), please e-mail me letting me know how many you would attend ASAP, as a decision will be made August 24th.  
Private Masters Lessons
Here is the summer schedule for private coaching.  If you are interested, please talk to me for details and book through the Athletics Office (520-4480).
Times available (Sunday, July 22nd to Sunday, September 2nd):
Day       Time        Pool Space
Monday    6:30-7:30am Deep    (not August 6th)
Tuesday   7:30-8:30am Shallow
Wednesday 6:30-7:30am Deep
Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm Shallow (not July 25th)
Thursday  7:30-8:30am Shallow
Friday    6:30-7:30am Deep
Sunday    5:00-6:00pm Shallow
Sunday    6:00-7:00pm Shallow
Fees for Carleton Members:
# of 1 Hour     
Sessions   Members     GST     Total    Cost / Session
1           $35.00    $2.45    $37.45    $35.00+GST
2           $65.00    $4.55    $69.55    $32.50+GST
3           $90.00    $6.30    $96.30    $30.00+GST
4          $112.00    $7.84   $119.84    $28.00+GST
5          $132.00    $9.24   $141.24    $26.40+GST
Fees for Non-Members:
# of 1 Hour     
Sessions  Non-Members  GST     Total    Cost / Session
1           $50.00    $3.50    $53.50    $50.00+GST
2           $85.00    $5.95    $90.95    $42.50+GST
3          $115.00    $8.05   $123.05    $38.33+GST
4          $142.00    $9.94   $151.94    $35.50+GST
5          $162.00   $11.34   $173.34    $32.40+GST
(Note that times and costs will be reviewed in September.)
General Information
Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:
Please remember that for the rest of the summer, the Early Birds (MWF morning group) will run from 7:30-8:30am ONLY.  The 8:30-9:30am group will recommence September 17th.
Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (
See you at the pool!