Carleton Masters Weekly Newsletter #16                        Thursday, August 23rd, 2001
To: Carleton Coaches
Bcc: Early Birds (48 addresses); Whitecaps (49 addresses)
Important Announcements:
End of Session Celebration: We'll be celebrating the end of summer session as well as George (Whitecaps) and Poppy Tombler's 50th wedding anniversary (a month early as they'll be in Greece on the big day) with a dinner on Thursday, August 30th, 8pm, at the Siam Bistro, 1268 Wellington, west of Holland on the south side of the Wellington (Thai food).  Please RSVP to Mits Kachi in person by the end of the Tuesday, August 28th Whitecaps workout (7:10pm) or by e-mail to by noon Tuesday, August 28th.
More Volunteers Needed!  On the morning of Sunday, August 26th, a Kids-of-Steel triathlon (age 7 to 18) is being held at CFB Ottawa near the Aviation Parkway and Hemlock Road area.  Two more volunteers for the swim portion would be helpful!  Duties will involve counting lengths (you get a paper and pen, unlike in workout!), and general organization (ensuring kids are in the right place for their swim start, checking names/numbers, explaining safety rules, etc.).  Lots more volunteers will be needed in the transition zone, and on the bike and run courses.  Volunteers will get a free meal after the race.  Let Lynn know if you can help (
Fall Session
The Carleton Fall Program Guide is now available and can be picked up at Athletics (or see last week's newsletter or the web page:  Registration is already open and can be done at the Athletics Office on the 2nd floor or by phone at 520-4480 (Visa or MasterCard).  If your work schedule means that you cannot always attend the same group's workouts, please discuss this with one of the coaches, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Tentative Saturday Coaching Schedule for the Fall term is:
September 22: Tim; 29: Mits
October 6: Sharon; 13: Heather; 20: Claudia; 27: Blake
November 3: Sharon; 10: Tim; 17: Heather; 24: Claudia
December 1: Blake; 8: Kristi; 15: Mits
"Toonie" Workouts
The summer session ends on Friday, August 31st, and the Fall session starts September 17th.  For those who would like to train during the first two weeks of September, we will be offering "Toonie" workouts to all those who have registered for the fall session (in any group).  For the "toonie" workouts, you just bring $2 to each workout and pay the coach on deck.  We are going ahead with the morning "toonie" swims!  There will be "toonie" workouts during the regular Early Bird I (7:30am), Whitecaps and Saturdays between Labour Day and the start of the Fall session.
"Toonie" Workout Schedule:
Tuesday, September 4th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Kristi)
Wednesday, September 5th: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Thursday, September 6th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Kristi)
Friday, September 7th: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Saturday, September 8th: 9-10am (Coach: Kristi)
Monday, September 10th: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Monday, September 10th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Mits)
Tuesday, September 11th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Kristi)
Wednesday, September 12: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Thursday, September 13th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Mits)
Friday, September 14th: 730-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Saturday, September 15th: 9-10am (Coach: Lynn)
Carleton Mini-Swim Camp: Weekend of August 18-19th 
The camp was well attended (35 and 6 coaches on Saturday, 26 and 5 coaches on Sunday).  Thanks to everyone who attended for making this a success.  We've had lots of feedback, mostly positive (see a glowing report from Craig Bushey, below).  Please give us your suggestions for improvement and we'll look at running another camp in the late Fall.  A big thank you to all the coaches for their help: John, Louise, Alex, Maurice and Will!
Race Reports (as usual, please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):
Congratulations to Tom McGee (Whitecaps) who placed 3rd overall (2nd in his age group) in the Chemong Lake Olympic Distance Triathlon (1500m swim, 40k bike, 10k run) on Sunday, August 12th in 2:08:55.

Ask the Coach
Dear CoachI attended a seminar recently that touched on the topic of heart rate/aerobic "zones". The presenter was sure that zone 1 should be where 80% of total workout time should be spent. Could you please point me in the direction of more (background) information on this topic and explain how this theory could be applied to my own workouts with the Masters swimming group?  Looking for the Zone
Dear L. f. t. Zone: This question covers a lot of ground, so I'll give a high-level answer!  (Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in this area, so this is my understanding!)  Training Zones are calculated based on your heart rate.  While there are formulae to estimate your zones, the only way to know for sure is to be tested -- you get your Zones done, sort of like getting your Colours done (but it's much harder work to find your Zones! :-) )!  Zone 1 is basically a fat burning (lower effort) zone.  Zone 2 is a bit harder.  Zone 3 goes up to your Anaerobic threshold (i.e. the hardest effort you can expend for a fairly long period of time).  Zone 4 and 5 go beyond your Anaerobic Threshold and can only be maintained for a short amount of time.  Lots of Zone 1 training is claimed to decrease your Lactic Acid production and increase your AT and thus allow you to maintain training at higher heart rates for longer periods (e.g. when racing).  You can estimate your Zones as follows: Zone 1 = 50-60% of your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR), Zone 2 = 60-70% of MHR, Zone 3 = 70-80% of MHR, Zone 4-5 = 80-100% of MHR.  You can estimate your MHR as 200 minus your age (220 minus your age for women).  Using these formulae would give me a Zone 1 heart rate of 90-108, where as it's been measured at 140-176, so these estimates may not be very accurate for you, either!  Once you know your zones, it's a good idea to wear a heart rate monitor while training to keep track of how you're doing.  The amount of time you should spend in each zone depends on many factors.  The person who administers the Zone test should be able to advise as to what's best for you.
Early Birds (Morning Group) Summer Session Notes
End of session time trials are in progress and will end on Wednesday, August 29th!   We'll end the last workout of the session, Friday August 31st, with an optional fun relay.  It will be a 4 x 50m Medley relay -- thus the first swimmer does a 50m back, the second 50m breast, 3rd 50m fly and 4th 50m free.  The relays will be age-adjusted.  If you take the total age of all 4 swimmers, for every year above 150 you get to subtract 1/2 second, and for every year below, you add 1/2 second.  Start working on your team now!  There must be at least one man and one woman on each team, and each person can swim twice, if you can't find four people.
Private Masters Lessons
Here is the summer schedule for private coaching.  If you are interested, please talk to me for details and book through the Athletics Office (520-4480).
Times available (Sunday, July 22nd to Sunday, September 2nd):
Day       Time        Pool Space
Monday    6:30-7:30am Deep    (not August 6th)
Tuesday   7:30-8:30am Shallow
Wednesday 6:30-7:30am Deep
Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm Shallow (not July 25th)
Thursday  7:30-8:30am Shallow
Friday    6:30-7:30am Deep
Sunday    5:00-6:00pm Shallow
Sunday    6:00-7:00pm Shallow
Fees for Carleton Members:
# of 1 Hour     
Sessions   Members     GST     Total    Cost / Session
1           $35.00    $2.45    $37.45    $35.00+GST
2           $65.00    $4.55    $69.55    $32.50+GST
3           $90.00    $6.30    $96.30    $30.00+GST
4          $112.00    $7.84   $119.84    $28.00+GST
5          $132.00    $9.24   $141.24    $26.40+GST
Fees for Non-Members:
# of 1 Hour     
Sessions  Non-Members  GST     Total    Cost / Session
1           $50.00    $3.50    $53.50    $50.00+GST
2           $85.00    $5.95    $90.95    $42.50+GST
3          $115.00    $8.05   $123.05    $38.33+GST
4          $142.00    $9.94   $151.94    $35.50+GST
5          $162.00   $11.34   $173.34    $32.40+GST
(Fall times and costs will be published in September.)
Feedback from Craig Bushey (Nepean Masters) on the Swim Camp that appeared in Rudy's e-mail (see

What an excellent swim camp!! Lynn Marshall, Maurice Gibbs, John Waring, Louise Hayes and Alex Hayes put their many years of combined coaching and competition experience to good use as about 35 of us hit the pool on Saturday morning and about 25 or so again on Sunday morning. There were lots of us beginner/ novice types on hand to challenge the experts as on Saturday Maurice Gibbs had his work cut out with me as did Lynn Marshall on Sunday. These people taught me plenty believe me.

The participant / coach ratio was about 5 / 1 so we all received terrific amounts of attention, correction and support. Most participants were active recreational and competitive swimmers of differing levels and there were a few of us novice and budding triathletes. We were afforded several options as to what we wanted or felt we needed to work on so the camp was individually tailored and participant centred in structure. It was great fun as I was with some familiar faces from our Meech Lake swims and cyclists from the Gatineau to meet some very nice new faces too!!! I would certainly recommend this type of camp for anyone wanted to improve stoke efficiency / technique and body positioning as the basics and fundamentals are stressed and re-enforced with practise drills. On Sunday we had the option of doing a workout or practising technique and learned flip turns and dives etc. What a blast!!

Cost was $50 for both days (2 hours per day) as I don't swim at Carleton U and was probably the best $50 I've spent since I started this triathlon stuff. Now if I could just get Lynn and Maurice to follow and coach along side of me at Sharbot Lake next Saturday I'll be all set. Thanks guys.

General Information
Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:
Please remember that for the rest of the summer, the Early Birds (MWF morning group) will run from 7:30-8:30am ONLY.  The 8:30-9:30am group will recommence September 17th.
Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (
Happy laps!