From: Lynn Marshall []
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 2:53 PM
To: Steve Baird; Blake Christie; Claudia Cronin-Schlote; Kristi Dean; Louise Hayes; Lynn Marshall; Lynn Marshall; Mits Kachi; Tim Kilby
Subject: Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #160


Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #160                        Sunday, December 17th, 2006


To:  Carleton Coaches (8 addresses)


Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2006 and Alumni: High Intensity (17 addresses); 7:30am Earlybirds (42 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (23 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (40 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "B" (39 addresses), Nightcaps (25 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (37 members).



"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” (or stroke?)  - Confucius  



Fall Session End / Winter Session Start

The Fall session ended on Sat Dec 16th.  The Winter session starts on Tue Jan 2nd / Wed Jan 3rd, except that there is no HI2 workout on Tue Jan 2nd.  There are a few interim $3 workouts offered – see below.



Athletics Building / Pool Holiday Hours

Here’s information on the Athletics building and pool hours over the next month.  Note that building holiday hours are 8am-8pm (morning members allowed all day); pool holiday hours mean just one public swim offered from 11:45am-3:30pm.


Up to Thu Dec 21st: building and pool open normal hours

Fri Dec 22nd: building open normal hours; pool open holiday hours

Sat Dec 23rd – Tue Dec 26th: CLOSED

Wed Dec 27th – Sat Dec 30th: building and pool open holiday hours

Sun Dec 31st – Mon Jan 1st: CLOSED

Tue Jan 2nd on: building and pool open normal hours



Interim Workout Schedule

Here’s a list of the $3 Masters workouts over the holidays.  These are open to anyone who registered with Masters or High Intensity for Fall and/or Winter, and who has a valid membership for the time of the workout.  (Note that morning only members can attend on Dec 28th, as morning memberships are good all day on reduced hours days.)  All workouts are half-pool and no safety supervision is offered.  Please bring exact change and pay the coach on deck.

Mon Dec 18th 7:30-8:30am (Lynn)

Mon Dec 18th 6:00-7:10pm (Lynn)

Tue Dec 19th 6:00-7:10pm (Mits)

Wed Dec 20th 7:30-8:30am (Lynn)

Thu Dec 21st 6:00-7:10pm (Mits)

Thu Dec 28th 3:30-5:00pm (Mits)

Sat Dec 30th 9:30-10:30am (Louise)

   There are also some Varsity workouts coached by Lynn that are open to High Intensity swimmers (free of charge) and to regular Masters swimmers for $3 per workout:

Mon Dec 18th 6:00-7:30am

Wed Dec 20th 6:00-7:30am

Thu Dec 21st 7:30-9:30am

Fri Dec 22nd 9:30-11:30am

Fri Dec 22nd 3:30-5:30pm



Winter Term Registration

Registration for the Winter Term for all Athletics programs is underway.  Note that the only Masters groups continuing after Christmas without the need to re-register are the High Intensity groups.  For all other groups (Earlybirds, Whitecaps, Nightcaps), a new Winter registration is required.  Register early to avoid disappointment.  Winter Masters groups start on Tue Jan 2nd / Wed Jan 3rd.  Note that although the 6:30am group doesn’t start until February 26th, registration for that group is open.  If you want to switch from another group to the 6:30am group, let the Customer Service staff know when you register.  Details on programs, dates and cost can be found in the “Reminders” section below.  You can register on-line at:     



Varsity Swim Team Fundraiser: Carleton Night with the Senators: Tue Jan 30th

Would you like to see the Ottawa Senators take on the Washington Capitals on Tue Jan 30th at a reduced price and support Carleton’s Varsity Athletes?  Tickets start at $45.  Ask for a brochure or take one from the Varsity swim bulletin board, or go to: and then enter SENGRPCAR, and then click on Washington Capitals inside the red box.  Under seating preferences comments, add that you want to support the “swim team”, or the money will go to the general Varsity fund.



Swimmer Notes   


Baby Pictures:  Beth (x-Whitecaps) and husband Jonathan Stein, report that their daughter and second child, Mira Lily Stein, was born at 4pm Wed Dec 6th, weighing 7lbs.  The whole family, including big brother Adam are doing well.  You can see a photo of Mira at:  (Or go to the main page: and click on recent photos.)


Super Moms:  As we suspected(!), the super Moms out there are (naturally) on drugs: (Dec 11th Sydney Morning Herald)


Lapel Pins:  I still have two bags of lapel pins left at the Christmas party.  Any takers?


Carleton Swim Suits:  These are polyester training suits (long lasting).  Men’s suits are available in sizes 28-40 (they fit small – you may want to go up a size).  Cost is $35.  Women’s suits are available in sizes 26-40 (they fit large – you may need to go down a size).  Cost is $55.  Contact me via e-mail if you are interested in a suit and let me know your approximate size.  You can pay by cash or cheque payable to “Carleton University”. 

Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.



Fall Session Summary

Here's the summary of the attendance and time trials for the Fall session.  If you notice any errors or omissions, please do let me know. 



Here are the weekday attendance stats for the Fall session.  There are just 3 swimmers remaining with perfect weekday attendance: Alan Hunt (8:30am Earlybirds), Christiane Wilke (Whitecaps “B”), Francois Audet (High Intensity 2). 


My apologies to Christiane for mistakenly reporting that she had missed two workouts.  And apologies also to Amir (7:30am Earlybirds) who has missed just one workout and was omitted from the last newsletter. 


7:30am Earlybirds (Sept 13-Dec 15th; 40 workouts; range 9-32; avg.: 19.0)

Missed 4 Workouts: Francois A, Ursula


8:30am Earlybirds (Sept 13-Dec 15th; 40 workouts; range 11-20; avg.: 15.7)

Perfect Attendance: Alan H

Missed 1 Workout: Amir

Missed 3 Workouts: Colette K

Missed 4 Workouts: Natalie A, Renee


6pm Whitecaps “A” (Sept 12-Dec 14th; 40 workouts; range 10-29; avg.: 19.6)

Missed 2 Workouts: Don W, Pete L

Missed 3 Workouts: Francois P, Gi, Jose


6pm Whitecaps “B” (Sept 12-Dec 14th; 40 workouts; range 12-29; avg.: 20.1)

Perfect Attendance: Christiane W

Missed 4 Workouts: Cam D, Joanne D


8pm Nightcaps (Sept 12-Dec 14th; 25 workouts; range 10-20; avg.: 15.1)

Missed 1 Workout: Ashley, Joanie

Missed 4 Workouts: Anna P, Britt


High Intensity Masters (Sept 13-Dec 16th; 39/28/37 workouts; range 5-22 [excl Varsity]; avg.: 13.2)

Perfect Attendance: Francois A (HI2)


Time Trial and Relay Summary:

The information below on most improved and fastest swimmers is taken from the time trials done during the fall session, and includes the relay splits from the end of term relays.  Times done in competitions are not included.  If your times are not listed here and you're curious, just e-mail me for details.  (I have all time trial times since May 2001.)


There were 40 women and 33 men who improved in at least one event!  Eight swimmers improved by more than 10sec per 100m.  Most improved was Flo S (EB2) who improved her 100fs by 15.4sec.  Next was Sarah F (EB2) who improved her 200IM by 28.9sec (14.5/100m).  Amir B (EB2) improved by 26.7sec in 200fs (13.4/100m).  Anita M (WCB/EB1) improved her 1500fs by almost 3.5min (12.9sec/100m), and Rob S (NC) improved his 1500 by nearly 3min (11.7/100m).  Both Jenn S (WCB) and Laurie O (EB2) improved by 11.4sec/100m in 800 and 200fs, respectively.  Rounding out the top 8 was Ian L (EB1) who improved his 100fs by 10.7sec.  Amir, Jenn and Ian were also amongst the most improved last term, so great work to do that twice in a row!!  I’d also like to offer special congratulations to Jim L (EB1) who improved his 200fs time from a few years ago.  This is quite an achievement as Jim is still recovering from a stroke!


The International Point Scores (link to web page below) are used to determine the best swims.  There were 27 women (14 non-staff/Varsity) and 32 men (22 non-staff/Varsity) scoring 400 points or above in at least one event.  There were 12 swimmers (6 non-staff/Varsity) scoring over 600 points.  Leading the way was Keegan (ROC) with 761 points for 100br.  Next was Steve K (WCA) with 678 in 50fs, followed closely by Blair C (WCA) with 673 and Greg M (V) with 670, both in 1500fs.  On the women’s side, Paola (V) and Melanie P (WCA) led the way with 667 and 662, respectively in 1500fs, followed closely by Karli (V) with 660 in 50fs.  Jamie S (HI1) scored 659 in 1600fs.  Steve Morris (WCA) and Trevor M (V) were next with 640 (100fs) and 639 (1500fs).  Kelys M (WCA) scored 611 in 50fs, and Mark B (ROC) got exactly 600 in 50fl.  Congrats to all who made it onto this list!


The top 3 improvements and the top 3 times for each event are also listed below, as are the results of the relays.  Thanks to all who participated! 



VEB = 6:30am Earlybirds, EB1 = 7:30am Earlybirds, EB2 = 8:30am Earlybirds, NC = Nightcaps, WCA = Whitecaps "A", WCB = Whitecaps "B", HI = High Intensity, V = Varsity Swimmer, WP = Varsity Waterpolo Player, VC = Varsity Swim Coach, WPC = Varsity Waterpolo Coach, MC = Masters Coach, ROC = ROCS, PS = Pool Staff, TR = trying Masters  (Those trying Masters, ROCS, Varsity, Staff and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)


Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):

Note that only those who have swum time trials previously with Carleton Masters are eligible. 


Women: (40)

1.  Flo S         15.4/100m (EB2):  100fs

2.  Sarah F       14.5/100m (EB2):  200IM

3.  Anita M       12.9/100m (WCB): 1500fs

4.  Jennifer S    11.4/100m (WCB):  800fs

4.  Laurie O      11.4/100m (EB2):  200fs

6.  Ashley K       7.9/100m  (NC): 1500fs

7.  Meryl R        7.7/100m (EB2):  200fs

8.  Jackie L       7.6/100m (WCB): 1500fs

9.  Bicki W        6.3/100m (WCA):  200IM

10. Nicole G       6.2/100m (WCA):   50fs

11. Andrea M       6.0/100m (WCB): 1500fs

12. Jessica K      5.9/100m (EB1): 1500fs

13. Maggie M       5.6/100m (EB2):   50bk

14. Wendy S        5.5/100m (WCB): 1500fs

15. Colette K      5.0/100m (EB2):   50bk

15. Cheri R        5.0/100m (WCA):  200IM

X.  Robin V        5.0/100m (EB1):   50br

17. Marie-Odile    4.9/100m (EB1):  200fs

18. Christiane W   4.6/100m (WCB):  200br

19. Andrea C       4.4/100m  (NC):  800fs

20. Joanie C       4.1/100m (WCA):  200IM

21. Sandra A       3.5/100m (EB1): 1500fs

22. Nicole D       3.1/100m (WCA):  200fs

23. Melanie P      2.8/100m (WCA):   50fs

23. Natalie A      2.8/100m (EB2):   50bk

25. Ursula S       2.7/100m (EB1):  200fs

26. Megan L        2.6/100m (EB2):   50fl

27. Jill P         2.4/100m (EB1):  200IM

28. Carmel M       2.3/100m (EB1):  200fs

X.  Lauren D       1.6/100m (WCA):   50fs

29. Julie D-F      1.5/100m (EB1):  200fs

30. Dawn W         1.4/100m (EB2):   50fl

31. Renee          1.2/100m (EB2): 1500fs

X.  Lila M         1.0/100m (WCA):   50fs

32. Suzanne L      0.9/100m (WCB):  800fs

32. Isla P         0.9/100m (EB1):  200fs

34. Sarah D        0.8/100m (EB1):  200br

35. Amanda G       0.6/100m (EB2):   50fs

36. Debby W        0.4/100m (WCA):  200bk

X.  Jenna R        0.4/100m (WCA):   50br


Men: (33)

1.  Amir          13.4/100m (EB2):  200fs

2.  Rob S         11.7/100m  (NC): 1500fs

3.  Ian L         10.7/100m (EB1):  100fs

4.  Dave B         8.5/100m (EB1):  200IM

5.  Gi             7.8/100m (WCA):  100br

6.  Bruce H        7.2/100m (HI1):   50fs

7.  Stephane R     6.4/100m (WCA):   50bk

8.  Chris H        5.4/100m (EB1):  100br

9.  Jose           3.9/100m (WCA):  200fs

X.  Jeff B         3.6/100m (WCA):   50fs

X.  Greg M         3.5/100m   (V): 1500fs

10. Iyad           3.1/100m  (NC): 1500fs

11. Sean K         2.6/100m  (HI):   50br

11. Steve M        2.6/100m (WCA):  100IM

X.  Keegan         2.6/100m (ROC):  100br

13. Sebastien      2.5/100m  (NC): 1500fs

14. Bruce S        2.2/100m (EB1):   50fs

14. Francois P     2.2/100m (WCA):   50fs

16. Adam J-D       2.0/100m (EB2):   50fs

17. Nigel W        1.8/100m (WCA):   50fs

17. Steve K        1.8/100m (WCA):  200IM

19. Blair C        1.6/100m (WCA):   50bk

19. Jamie S        1.6/100m (HI1): 1500fs

21. Mike S         1.0/100m (EB1):   50fs

X.  Trevor M       0.9/100m   (V): 1500fs

22. Alexis G       0.8/100m (EB2):  200fs

22. Francois A     0.8/100m (EB1): 1500fs

22. Pat B          0.8/100m (WCA):  100fs

25. Chris K        0.6/100m (EB2):   50fs

X.  Tim K          0.6/100m (WCA):  200IM

26. Don W          0.5/100m (WCA):  200bk

26. Jim L          0.5/100m (EB1):  200fs

28. Pete L         0.2/100m (WCA):  200fs



Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):

All those scoring 400 or more points are shown.


Women: (27)

X.  Paola (V)         1500fs    19:40: 667 points

1.  Melanie P (WCA)   1500fs    19:44: 662 points

X.  Karli M (V)         50fs     30.1: 660 points

2.  Kelys M (WCA)       50fs     31.1: 611 points

X.  Katie M (V)        100fl   1:14.3: 595 points

X.  Heather M (V)       50fs     31.5: 592 points

3.  Lydia S (HI1)       50fs     31.6: 587 points

4.  Michelle S-J (EB1)  50fs     32.3: 556 points

X.  Erika F (V)        100fs   1:11.4: 542 points

X.  Lauren D (WCA/PS)   50fs     32.7: 540 points

X.  Jenna R (WCA/PS)   200br   3:10.7: 533 points

5.  Laura S (WCA)      200IM   2:56.3: 525 points

X.  Lila M (PS/WCA)     50fs     33.2: 519 points

X.  Robin V (PS/EB1)    50fs     34.0: 488 points

X.  Amy P (V)         1500fs    22:52: 458 points

6.  Sarah D (EB1)      200br   3:23.7: 449 points

X.  Kelly D (V)       1500fs    23:06: 446 points

7.  Jen L (EB1)        100IM   1:27.4: 443 points

X.  Erica P (V)         50fs     35.5: 435 points

8.  Natalie A (EB1)    100fs   1:17.8: 433 points

9.  Ellen L (WCA)       50fs     35.6: 432 points

X.  Emma G (V)        1500fs    23:33: 423 points

10. Amanda G (EB2)     100IM   1:29.0: 421 points

11. Elaine Y (WCA)      50fs     36.0: 419 points

11. Kelly S (EB2)      100fs   1:18.7: 419 points

13. Jessica K (EB1)     50fs     36.3: 409 points

14. Sarah F (EB2)       50fs     36.4: 406 points


Men: (32)

X.  Keegan (ROC)       100br   1:07.9: 761 points

1.  Steve K (WCA)       50fs     26.2: 678 points

2.  Blair C (WCA)     1500fs    17:57: 673 points

X.  Greg M (V)        1500fs    17:59: 670 points

3.  Jamie S (HI1)     1500fs    18:07: 659 points

4.  Steve M (WCA)      100fs     59.0: 640 points

X.  Trevor M (V)      1500fs    18:21: 639 points

X.  Mark B (ROC)        50fl     29.6: 600 points

5.  Steve N (HI1)     1500fs    19:02: 586 points

X.  Jeff B (WCA/WPC)    50fs     27.9: 584 points

6.  Blair G (EB1)       50fs     28.0: 579 points

6.  Bruce S (HI1)       50fs     28.0: 579 points

6.  Tony R (EB1)        50fs     28.0: 579 points

X.  Ben S (V)           50fs     28.6: 549 points

9.  Don W (WCA)       1500fs    19:33: 548 points

X.  Nick B (V)        1500fs    19:40: 540 points

X.  Tim K (WCA/MC)    1500fs    19:43: 536 points

X.  Alex C (V)        1500fs    19:45: 534 points

10. Nigel W (WCA)       50fs     29.2: 521 points

10. Pete L (WCA)      1500fs   2:25.0: 521 points

12. Francois A (EB1)   100br   2:28.6: 518 points

13. Chris G (EB1)       50fs     29.3: 517 points

14. Chris H (EB1)       50fs     29.4: 512 points

15. Aaron M (WCA)       50fs     29.7: 499 points

15. Rich I (WCA)       200IM   2:40.7: 499 points

17. Dave B (EB1)        50fs     29.8: 495 points

18. Gi W (WCA)          50fs     30.1: 482 points

X.  Nathan (V)        1500fs    20:35: 480 points

19. Glen C (WCA)        50fs     31.1: 442 points

20. Francois J (EB1)    50fs     31.6: 423 points

21. Doug L (HI1)        50fs     31.7: 419 points

22. Stephane R (WCA)   100fs   1:10.3: 408 points


(For point scores, see:, click on "IPS Calculator" and enter the information requested; note that SCM = short course meters [25m pool].)


Top 3 Swimmers Improving in Each Event:

Minutes and/or seconds improved and sec/100m improvement are both listed.  The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who improved in that event.  If the improvements are close, more than three swimmers may be shown.


       Women                              Men


25fs   1. Marie-Odile 1.1 (4.4/100m) EB1

(2/0)  2. Flo S      0.3  (1.2/100m) EB2


50fs   1. Nicole G   3.1  (6.2/100m) WCA  1. Bruce H    3.6  (7.2/100m) EB1

(12/13)2. Jessica K  1.7  (3.4/100m) EB1  2. Amir B     3.3  (6.6/100m) EB2

       3. Melanie P  1.4  (2.8/100m) WCA  X. Jeff B     1.8  (3.6/100m) WCA

                                          3. Bruce S    1.1  (2.2/100m) HI1

                                          3. Francois P 1.1  (2.2/100m) WCA


100fs  1. Flo S     15.4 (15.4/100m) EB2  1. Ian L     10.7 (10.7/100m) EB1

(2/6)  2. Natalie A  0.1  (0.1/100m) EB2  X. Greg M     2.0  (1.0/100m) V

                                          2. Steve M    1.5  (1.5/100m) WCA

                                          3. Pat B      0.8  (0.8/100m) WCA


200fs  1. Laurie O  22.7 (11.4/100m) EB2  1. Amir B    26.7 (13.4/100m) EB2

(5/7)  2. Meryl R   15.3  (7.7/100m) EB2  2. Ian L     14.6  (7.3/100m) EB1

       3. Sarah F   12.6  (6.3/100m) EB2  3. Jose V     7.7  (3.9/100m) WCA


800fs  1. Jennifer S 1:31 (11.4/100m) WCB 

(3/0)  2. Andrea C     35  (4.4/100m) NC

       3. Suzanne L     7  (0.9/100m) WCB


1500fs 1. Anita M   3:14 (12.9/100m) WCB  1. Rob S     2:55 (11.7/100m) NC

(11/10)2. Ashley K  1:59  (7.9/100m) NC   2. Ian L     1:22  (5.5/100m) EB1

       3. Jackie L  1:54  (7.6/100m) WCB  X. Greg M      53  (3.5/100m) V

                                          3. Iyad        46  (3.1/100m) WCB


50bk   1. Maggie M   2.8  (5.6/100m) EB2  1. Stephane R 3.2  (6.4/100m) WCA

(4/6)  2. Colette K  2.5  (5.0/100m) EB2  2. Ian L      2.2  (4.4/100m) EB1

       3. Sarah F    1.9  (3.8/100m) EB2  3. Steve M    1.0  (2.0/100m) WCA

                                          3. Francois P 1.0  (2.0/100m) WCA


100bk                                     1. Dave B     0.7  (0.7/100m) EB1



200bk  1. Flo S     10.3  (5.2/100m) EB2  1. Don W      0.9  (0.5/100m) WCA

(2/1)  2. Debby W    0.7  (0.4/100m) WCA                                 



50br   X. Robin V    2.5  (5.0/100m) PS   1. Amir B     4.0  (8.0/100m) EB2  

(4/5)  1. Andrea C   1.3  (2.5/100m) NC   2. Gi         3.6  (7.2/100m) WCA

       2. Marie-Odile 0.5 (1.2/100m) EB1  3. Dave B     1.3  (2.6/100m) EB1

       X. Jenna R    0.2  (0.4/100m) PS


100br                                     1. Amir B    10.9 (10.9/100m) EB2

(0/4)                                     2. Gi         7.8  (7.8/100m) WCA

                                          3. Chris H    5.4  (5.4/100m) EB1


200br  1. Christiane W 9.1 (4.6/100m) WCB 1. Amir B    21.6 (10.8/100m) EB2

(2/6)  2. Sarah D    1.5  (0.8/100m) EB1  2. Ian L      9.3  (4.7/100m) EB1

                                          3. Chris H    5.5  (2.8/100m) EB1


50fl   1. Megan L    1.3  (2.6/100m) EB2  

(3/0)  2. Natalie A  1.0  (2.0/100m) EB2

       3. Dawn W     0.7  (1.4/100m) EB2 


100IM  1. Colette K  0.1  (0.1/100m) EB2



200IM  1. Sarah F   28.9 (14.5/100m) EB2  1. Dave B    17.0  (8.5/100m) EB1

(6/5)  2. Bicki W   12.6  (6.3/100m) WCA  2. Steve M    5.1  (2.6/100m) WCA

       3. Cheri R    9.9  (5.0/100m) WCA  3. Steve K    1.2  (0.6/100m) WCA



Fastest Three Times in Each Event:

The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who swam at least one time trial in that event.  If times are really close, more than 3 swimmers are included.


          Women                        Men         


25fs      1.   16.9 Marie-Odile (EB1)  1.   16.7 Chris K (EB2)

(8/2)     2.   20.0 Laurie O (EB2)     2.   18.6 Amir B (EB2)

          3.   20.4 Susan N-Y (EB2)              


50fs      X.   30.1 Karli M (V)        1.   26.2 Steve K (WCA)  

(50/39)   1.   30.6 Melanie P (WCA)    2.   27.9 Blair C (WCA)

          2.   31.1 Kelys M (WCA)      X.   27.9 Jeff B (WCA/WPC)

          X.   31.1 Paola (V)          3.   28.0 Bruce S (HI1) 

X.   31.5 Heather M (V)      3.   28.0 Blair G (EB1)

3.   31.6 Lydia S (HI1)      3.   28.0 Tony R (EB1)      


100fs     X. 1:05.9 Karli M (V)        X.   58.8 Greg M (V)

(18/15)   1. 1:10.0 Lydia S (HI1)      1.   59.0 Steve M (WCA)     

          X. 1:11.4 Erika F (V)        X. 1:01.6 Mark B (ROC)

          2. 1:17.8 Natalie A (EB2)    2. 1:02.2 Jamie S (HI1)

          3. 1:18.7 Kelly S (EB2)      3. 1:09.0 Bruce S (HI1) 


200fs     1. 2:23.7 Melanie P(WCA)     1. 2:22.8 Don W (WCA)              

(36/20)   2. 2:35.0 Kelys M (WCA)      2. 2:23.6 Steve K (WCA)

          3. 2:53.8 Kelly S (EB2)      3. 2:24.9 Chris G (EB1)


800fs     1. 17:40  Christiane W (WCB) 1. 17:01  Bill C (WCB) breast          

(14/4)    2. 17:50  Mariette K (WCB)   2. 19:19  Paul K (NC)   

          3. 18:06  Jane M (WCB)       3. 19:29  Chris B (EB1)

Note: Those under 17:00 are excluded from the Top 3 of the 800m.


1500fs    X. 19:40  Paola (V)          1. 17:57  Blair C (WCA)

(49/30)   1. 19:44  Melanie P (WCA)    X. 17:59  Greg M (V)

          X. 20:50  Karli M (V)        2. 18:07  Jamie S (HI1)

          X. 20:55  Heather M (V)      X. 18:21  Trevor M (V)

          2. 20:55  Lydia S (HI1)      3. 19:02  Steve N (HI1)

          3. 21:05  Kelys M (WCA)    


25bk      1.   44.9 Flo S (EB2)       



50bk      1.   42.2 Amanda G (EB2)     1.   34.4 Blair C (WCA) 

(21/17)   X.   43.1 Erica P (V)        2.   34.6 Steve M (WCA)

          2.   43.5 Sarah F (EB2)      2.   34.6 Don W (WCA)  

3.            45.7 Sheila K (WCA)

3.   45.7 Dawn W (EB2)    


100bk     1. 3:31.9 Flo S (EB2)        1. 1:14.1 Don W (WCA)  

(1/2)                                  2. 1:18.3 Dave B (EB1)      


200bk     1. 2:54.9 Laura S (WCA)      1. 2:35.2 Don W (WCA)

(13/6)    2. 3:13.9 Michelle S-J (EB1) 2. 2:36.2 Steve M (WCA)

          3. 3:20.6 Sarah F (EB2)      3. 2:38.7 Rich I (WCA)


50br      X.   41.1 Jenna (PS)         X.   31.7 Keegan (ROC)

(15/19)   X.   45.9 Jessie (PS)        1.   36.6 Steve M (WCA)

          1.   46.4 Kelly S (EB2)      2.   39.1 Chris G (EB1)

          2.   46.8 Lina V (WCA)       2.   39.1 Gi (WCA)

          X.   47.1 Erica P (V)

          3.   51.1 Nicole G (WCA)


100br                                  X. 1:07.9 Keegan (ROC)          

(0/7)                                  1. 1:20.0 Francois A (EB1)

                                       2. 1:21.1 Chris H (EB1)     

                                       3. 1:25.1 Gi (WCA)


200br     X. 3:10.7 Jenna R (PS)       1. 2:53.4 Blair C (WCA)

(10/12)   1. 3:23.7 Sarah D (EB1)      2. 2:59.1 Chris H (EB1)

          2. 3:36.9 Elaine Y (WCA)     3. 3:04.7 Pete L (WCA)

          3. 3:41.9 Lina V (WCA)       X. 3:05.3 Jeff B (WPC)


25fl      1.   18.9 Natalie A (EB2)      

(4/0)     2.   21.1 Megan L (EB2)    

          3.   24.3 Colette K (EB2)      


50fl      1.   33.8 Kelys M (WCA)      X.   29.6 Mark B (ROC) 

(14/10)   X.   34.5 Paola (V)          1.   30.7 Steve M (WCA)

          2.   35.9 Lydia S (HI1)      2.   32.7 Rich I (WCA)

          3.   40.4 Jen L (EB1)        3.   33.0 Chris G (EB1)


100fl     X. 1:14.3 Katie M (V)           

(4/0)     1. 1:44.8 Megan L (EB2)    

          2. 1:54.0 Renee (EB2)

          3. 2:06.3 Penny (EB2)    


200fl                                  X. 2:40.7 Tim K (WCA/MC)   



100IM     1. 1:27.4 Jen L (EB1)        1. 1:15.4 Chris G (EB1)    

(5/4)     2. 1:29.0 Amanda G (EB2)     2. 1:18.9 Aaron M (WCA)

          3. 1:34.9 Cheri R (WCA)      3. 1:19.0 Bruce S (HI1)      


200IM     1. 2:48.5 Melanie P (WCA)    1. 2:25.0 Steve K (WCA)

(21/15)   2. 2:56.3 Laura S (WCA)      2. 2:30.5 Steve M (WCA)

          3. 2:58.1 Kelys M (WCA)      3. 2:40.7 Rich I (WCA)



Fun Relays (Thu Dec 14th / Fri Dec 15th)

As usual I did a better job of making even teams for some groups than I did for others.  You can always blame the coach if your team didn’t do as well as you hoped J !


4 x 50 Freestyle Relay


6pm Whitecaps (WCA):

1. 2:10.1: 6pm Team 2: Stephane R, Paola, Lina, Jeff B

2. 2:11.3: 6pm Team 6: Blair C, Francois P, Kelys M, Nicole G

3. 2:12.2: 6pm Team 5: Pete L, Jose, Don W, Pete L

4. 2:15.1: 6pm Team 1: Debby W, Gi, Tim K, Pat B


6am High Intensity (HI):

1. 2:05.8: 6am Team 1: Bruce S, Sean K, Mark B, Heather M

2. 2:07.1: 6am Team 5: Larry D, Keegan, Lydia S, Karli M

7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):

1. 2:20.6: 7:30am Team 2: Francois A, Julie D-F, Jessica K, Dave B

2. 2:30.6: 7:30am Team 5: Jen L, Leona C, Blair G, Jen L  

3. 2:32.6: 7:30am Team 1: Ian L, Nicole LS, Chris G, Ian L


8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):

1. 2:34.6: 8:30am Team 2: Margaret K, Renee, Kelly S, Sarah F

2. 2:37.9: 8:30am Team 1: Marie-Odile, Andrea C, Megan L, Natalie A, Amanda G  

3. 2:41.4: 8:30am Team 4: Amir, Chris K, Laurie, Meryl, Adam J-D

4. 2:45.4: 8:30am Team 5: Flo, Susan N-Y, Penny, Colette, Robin



X. 2:05.8: 6am Team 1: Bruce S, Sean K, Mark B, Heather M

X. 2:07.1: 6am Team 5: Larry D, Keegan, Lydia S, Karli M

1. 2:10.1: 6pm Team 2: Stephane R, Paola, Lina, Jeff B

2. 2:11.3: 6pm Team 6: Blair C, Francois P, Kelys M, Nicole G

3. 2:12.2: 6pm Team 5: Pete L, Jose, Don W, Pete L

4. 2:15.1: 6pm Team 1: Debby W, Gi, Tim K, Pat B

5. 2:20.6: 7:30am Team 2: Francois A, Julie D-F, Jessica K, Dave B

6. 2:30.6: 7:30am Team 5: Jen L, Leona C, Blair G, Jen L  

7. 2:32.6: 7:30am Team 1: Ian L, Nicole LS, Chris G, Ian L

8. 2:34.6: 8:30am Team 2: Margaret K, Renee, Kelly S, Sarah F

9. 2:37.9: 8:30am Team 1: Marie-Odile, Andrea C, Megan L, Natalie A, Amanda G  

10.2:41.4: 8:30am Team 4: Amir, Chris K, Laurie, Meryl, Adam J-D

11.2:45.4: 8:30am Team 5: Flo, Susan N-Y, Penny, Colette, Robin


4 x 50 Medley Relay


6pm Whitecaps (WCA):

1. 2:29.7: 6pm Team 6: Blair C, Francois P, Kelys M, Nicole G

2. 2:30.6: 6pm Team 5: Don W, Jose, Pete L, Don W

3. 2:35.3: 6pm Team 1: Debby W, Gi, Time K, Pat B

4. 2:38.2: 6pm Team 2: Stephane R, Lina, Paola, Jeff B


6am High Intensity (HI):

1. 2:18.9: 6am Team 1: Bruce S, Sean K, Mark B, Heather M

2. 2:23.1: 6am Team 5: Larry D, Keegan, Lydia S, Karli M


7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):

1. 2:43.5: 7:30am Team 2: Julie D-F, Dave B, Francois A, Jessica K

2. 2:47.3: 7:30am Team 5: Blair G, Leona C, Jen L, Blair G

3. 2:56.3: 7:30am Team 1: Chris G, Ian L, Chris G, Nicole LS


8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):

1. 2:50.4: 8:30am Team 4: Chris K, Amir, Adam J-D, Meryl, Laurie

2=.3:05.0: 8:30am Team 5: Flo, Robin, Penny, Colette, Susan N-Y

2=.3:05.0: 8:30am Team 1: Amanda G, Andrea C, Natalie A, Megan L, Marie-Odile

2=.3:05.0: 8:30am Team 2: Renee, Kelly S, Sarah F, Margaret K



X. 2:18.9: 6am Team 1: Bruce S, Sean K, Mark B, Heather M

X. 2:23.1: 6am Team 5: Larry D, Keegan, Lydia S, Karli M

1. 2:29.7: 6pm Team 6: Blair C, Francois P, Kelys M, Nicole G

2. 2:30.6: 6pm Team 5: Don W, Jose, Pete L, Don W

3. 2:35.3: 6pm Team 1: Debby W, Gi, Time K, Pat B

4. 2:38.2: 6pm Team 2: Stephane R, Lina, Paola, Jeff B

5. 2:43.5: 7:30am Team 2: Julie D-F, Dave B, Francois A, Jessica K

6. 2:47.3: 7:30am Team 5: Blair G, Leona C, Jen L, Blair G

7. 2:50.4: 8:30am Team 4: Chris K, Amir, Adam J-D, Meryl, Laurie

8. 2:56.3: 7:30am Team 1: Chris G, Ian L, Chris G, Nicole LS

9=.3:05.0: 8:30am Team 5: Flo, Robin, Penny, Colette, Susan N-Y

9=.3:05.0: 8:30am Team 1: Amanda G, Andrea C, Natalie A, Megan L, Marie-Odile

9=.3:05.0: 8:30am Team 2: Renee, Kelly S, Sarah F, Margaret K


Masters Swimming Competitions

You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Please give Lynn $26 for your 2007 registration, good until Dec 31st, 2007.  Contact Lynn for details.  Note that you must register with MSO at least 3 weeks before the due date of your entry for your first competition.  Those registered with MSO for 05-06 are able to compete under their old number until Dec 31st, 2006.


Full details on all Ontario Masters competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded blue). 


Here’s a list of competitions in Ontario and Quebec up to the end of February.  Note that meet entries and confirming meet information and entry dates are your responsibility.  More information and web links (if not listed below) should be available shortly, or look at the full schedules as per the above paragraph.


Sat Jan 13th Technosport Sprint Meet SCM

Sat Jan 13th Longueuil Masters Meet SCM

Sun Jan 21st Alderwood Masters Meet SCY

Fri-Sat Jan 26-27th Pointe Claire Meet SCM

Sun Jan 28th 1000 Islands Masters Meet SCM  

Fri-Sat Feb 2-3rd Coupe de la Capitale LCM

Sun Feb 11th Burlington Masters Meet SCM info:; entry form:

Sat-Sun Feb 17-18th La Salle Masters Meet (no details yet)

Sat Feb 24th Ian Button (Nepean) Masters Meet LCM

Sat Mar 17th Technosport Arthur Inglis Meet SCM

Sat Mar 17th Dollard-des-Ormeaux Meet (no details yet)

Fri-Sun Mar 23-25th Ontario Provincials, Sudbury (no details yet)

Sat Mar 24th Beauport, QC Meet (no details yet)

Sat Mar 31st Montreal North Meet (no details yet)

Fri-Sun Apr 20-22nd Quebec Provincials, Quebec City (no details yet)

Sat May 5th Technosport Meet LCM

Sat May 5th Montreal CASO Masters Meet (no details yet)

Fri-Mon May 18-21st Masters Nationals, Winnipeg (no details yet)

Sat May 18th Granby, QC Masters Meet (no details yet)



Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)


Nov 4th Technosport Masters Meet

The official results at: have been updated to include the missing Carleton relays, and Laura’s lead-off 50m back:

   Women’s 4x50 MR 100+: Laura (36.15 club record), Crystal, Kelys, Melanie P: 2:17.86 club record

   Mixed 4x50m MR 100+: Laura, Steve M, Steve K, Melanie P: 2:07.39 club record

Congratulations!  The club records have been updated on the web site and bulletin board.



Ask the Coach


Dear Coach:  For how long will the pool be closed in April?  Planning Ahead
Dear P. Ahead:  The length of the annual shutdown has not yet been finalized.  The current plan is that the pool will close Fri Apr 6th (Good Friday), and tentatively re-open on Mon May 7th.  However, the work required to fix the insulation falling from the ceiling has not yet been finalized.  It is possible that the pool could remain closed a bit longer.  It’s also possible that the work may not go ahead in 2007, which could mean that the shutdown would be the usual 2.5 week length (i.e. approximately Apr 21st-May 6th).  More details will be circulated when they are available.



Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons

Fall/Winter Schedule:

Mon 9:45-10:45am: Jan 8 – Feb 5, Feb 19, Mar 5 – Apr 2

Tue 7:30-8:30am: Feb 27 – Apr 3

Wed 8-9pm: Mar 21

Thu 7:30-8:30am: Mar 1 – Apr 5 

Fri 9:45-10:45am: Jan 5, Jan 26, Feb 2, Feb 16, Mar 2 – 30


2006-2007 Prices:
Private: $50 per hour, plus GST.
Semi-Private (2-3 swimmers; per swimmer): $32 per hour, plus GST.
Contact Lynn for bookings.





Fall / Winter 2006-2007 Session Information

   Note that High Intensity Masters is for those who can repeat 100s free on 1:45 or better and 100s of other strokes on 2:00 or better.  (High Intensity Group 1 is full.)

   Membership and Masters program prices have not increased for 06-07.  In addition, students, staff and faculty do not have to pay a “bump up” fee.  Winter programs run Tue Jan 2nd – Thu Apr 5th, except where noted.  (There will likely be a longer pool shutdown in Apr/May 07 to fix the roof.) 

   You can register by phone (613-520-4480 8:30am-4:30pm M-F) or on-line (programs only, not membership) at:, or follow the links from

   Here’s a summary of the programs offered.  More details at:

7:30am Earlybirds: 7:30-8:30am MWF + 8-9am OR 9-10am Sat: $120+GST each term **FULL for Fall**

8:30am Earlybirds: 8:30-9:30am MWF + 8-9am OR 9-10am Sat: $120+GST each term

6pm Whitecaps: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + 8-9am OR 9-10am Sat: $120+GST each term

Whitecaps Child Supervision: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + 9-10am Sat: $88 each term **FULL for Fall**

8pm Nightcaps: 8:00-9:00pm TuTh + 8-9am OR 9-10am Sat: $86+GST each term

High Intensity 1: 6:00-7:30am MWF: $180+GST Sept-Feb (10 spots) **FULL**

High Intensity 2: 7:30-9:30am TuTh: $180+GST Sept-Feb (5 spots)

High Intensity 3: 7:15-9:00pm M + 6:00-7:40pm W + 5:00-7:00pm Sat: $180+GST Sept-Feb (5 spots)

6:30am Earlybirds: 6:30-7:30am MWF + 8-9am OR 9-10am Sat: $52+GST (Mar-Apr only)


Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.


Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:

- Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout: all year)

- Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout: Sept-Apr)

- Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout: Sept-Jun; after 10-11am workout: Jul-Aug)

Meet by the Control Desk after workout.

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, photos, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records, among other things, can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!

Lynn (or for quicker response:

Club website: