From: Lynn Marshall []
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 3:09 PM
To: Steve Baird; Blake Christie; Claudia Cronin-Schlote; Kristi Dean; Louise Hayes; Lynn Marshall; Lynn Marshall; Mits Kachi; Tim Kilby
Subject: Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #167


Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #167                        Sunday, April 8th, 2007


To:  Carleton Coaches (8 addresses)


Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2006 / Winter 2007 and Alumni: 6:30am Earlybirds (16 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (45 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (23 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (45 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "B" (39 addresses), Nightcaps (34 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (37 members).



"....some things can't be done with less than full commitment. A chasm cannot be leaped in two small jumps and a dive cannot be made a little at a time. Sometimes you just have to DO IT." – Steve Goodier



End of Winter Session / Start of Spring Session

The Winter session ended on Wed Apr 4th / Thu Apr 5th.  The pool will reopen for the Spring session on Mon May 7th.  The Spring/Summer programs are 95% finalized and the preliminary information has been posted on our web site: http://carletonmasters.tripod.comRegistration for the Spring and/or Summer sessions starts on Wed Apr 11th.  Note that as there will be no water in the pool during the one month shutdown for maintenance, there will be no $3 workouts J !  Here’s a summary of what is offered for Spring/Summer:

   Spring & Summer: 6:30am Earlybirds, 7:30am Earlybirds, 6pm Whitecaps, Child Supervision

   Spring Only: 8:30am Earlybirds

   Costs: Earlybirds: Spring: $68; Summer $70

              Whitecaps: Spring: $70; Summer $72

              Child Supervision: Spring: $65; Summer $62

              (all prices, except child supervision will have GST added)

   - a few points of note:

            1. no Saturday workouts in July/August as the Athletics building will be closed

            2. Whitecaps workouts will be half-pool only in July/August

            3. the Summer session will run until Sat Sept 8th (September workouts TBC)



Carleton Varsity Swim Team Appeal

As per the recent press release:, Carleton’s Varsity Swim team is at risk.  Read more at:  From that site, you can sign our petition or send a letter of support.  Contact Lynn for more information.



Swimmer Notes   


Swimmer Notes:

   Leona Crabb (x-7:30am Earlybirds) recently wont the top female athlete award for her basic training, partly due to her swimming!  Congrats, Leona!

   Sinisa Catic (Whitecaps “B”) swam 2000m on Sat Mar 31st for Cancer Research and plans to participate in the Arthritis Big Swim, too.  Great causes!

   Coach Lynn was recognized as a runner up (i.e. top 10 women) in the Top World Masters list for 2006 in the April 2007 Swimmers World Magazine ( 

   Coach Mits Kachi’s wife, Tanya Parent-Kachi, is shaving her head for Cancer Research.  Contribute at:


Big Swim for Arthritis: Several Carleton swimmers participated in this April fundraiser last year.  Full details for this year are at:  Vincent Richer from Technosport (who last year swam 10k per day [in two 5k sessions] for 4 days and raised $4000 for his 40km effort) this year plans to swim 100km over 10 days!  See his web site at:  However, you don’t have to be that crazy!!  Participants can swim individual 30 minutes, 1000m, 2500m or 5000m swims, or swim on their own by registering to the Log Your Laps challenge. The Log Your Laps challenge is the most flexible of the challenges because it allows participants to complete a challenge at their convenience using local pool facilities of their choice. There is also a team 5000m challenge and a one hour aqua-fit challenge. A registration fee of $25 is collected in order to participate in an event, but if you chose to raise funds and successfully raise $75 or more, your registration fee is waived.  Margaret K (8:30am Earlybirds) plans to participate, as does Sinisa (Whitecaps “B”).  Anyone else?


Weekend to End Breast Cancer:  Kristi Dean (Coach) is participating in this 60km walk on Jun 2-3rd.  She aims to raise $5000 (last year she raised over $3500) for breast cancer research.  If you’d like to read more about this fundraiser or sponsor Kristi, see:

Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.



Winter Session Summary

Here's the summary of the attendance and time trials for the winter session.  If you notice any errors or omissions, please do let me know.  Thanks to the 8:30am group for the giant chocolate Easter bunny!



Here are the weekday attendance stats for the winter session.  There were 7 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance for the whole term – I think that’s a record!  Congratulations to Steph A (7:30am Earlybirds), Margaret K and Penny (8:30am Earlybirds), Don W and Gi (Whitecaps “A”), and Ashley K and Joanie (Nightcaps). 


6:30am Earlybirds (Feb 26 – Apr 4th; 17 workouts; range 11-20; avg.: 16.1)

Missed 1 Workout: Josiah, Larry D, Ursula

Missed 2 Workouts: Angela D, Jamie, Lydia


7:30am Earlybirds (Jan 3 – Apr 4th; 40 workouts; range 8-24; avg.: 15.0)

Perfect Attendance: Steph A

Missed 3 Workouts: Emile


8:30am Earlybirds (Jan 3 – Apr 4th; 40 workouts; range 7-18; avg.: 13.5)

Perfect Attendance: Margaret K, Penny

Missed 2 Workouts: Alan H, Amir


6pm Whitecaps “A” (Jan 2 – Apr 5th; 41 workouts; range 13-30; avg.: 20.9)

Perfect Attendance: Don W, Gi

Missed 3 Workouts: Kelys M


6pm Whitecaps “B” (Jan 2 – Apr 5th; 41 workouts; range 11-23; avg.: 16.8)

Missed 8 Workouts: Cam D, Katrina S


8pm Nightcaps (Jan 2 – Apr 5th; 28 workouts; range 8-19; avg.: 13.8)

Perfect Attendance: Ashley K, Joanie C


High Intensity (Jan 3 – Feb 20th; 19/13/19 workouts; range 5-18; avg.: 10.0 [excluding Varsity])

Perfect Attendance: Larry D (HI1)

Missed 2 Workouts: Lydia (HI1)



Time Trial and Relay Summary:

The information below on most improved and fastest swimmers is taken from the time trials done during the winter session, and includes the relay splits from the end of term relays (except for the Whitecaps “A” inner tube relay!).  Times done in competitions are not included.  If your times are not listed here and you're curious, just e-mail me for details.  (I have all time trial times since May 2001.)


There were 40 women and 28 men who improved in at least one event!  Six swimmers improved by more than 10sec per 100m.  Most improved was Gi (WCA) who improved by 13.3 seconds in his 100fs.  Francois J (EB1) improved his 200fs by 24.7sec (12.4sec/100m).  Next was Ursula (VEB) who improved her 1500fs by nearly 3min (11.7sec/100m), followed by Debbie L (EB1) with a 5.7sec improvement in 50bk (11.4sec/100m).  Rounding out the top 6 were Carmel (EB1) who improved her 200bk by 20.4sec and Ian L (VEB) improved by just over 2.5min in his 1500fs (both 10.2sec/100m). 


The International Point Scores (link to web page below) are used to determine the best swims.  There were 18 women and 19 men scoring 400 points or above in at least one event.  Two swimmers scored over 700 points:  Melanie P (WCA) with 706 in and Steve K (WCA) with 702 both in 50fs.  Another 7 swimmers scored over 600 points: Blair C (WCA) scored 672 and Jamie (VEB) 637, both in 1500fs.  Jonathan M (WCA) scored 627 and Kelys M (WCA) 625, both in 50fs.  Don W (WCA) was next with 611 in 400IM, followed by Lydia (VEB) with 615 and Bruce S (VEB) with 605, both in 50fs.


The top 3 improvements and the top 3 times for each event are also listed below, as are the results of the relays.  Thanks to all who participated! 



VEB = 6:30am Earlybirds, EB1 = 7:30am Earlybirds, EB2 = 8:30am Earlybirds, NC = Nightcaps, WCA = Whitecaps "A", WCB = Whitecaps "B", HI = High Intensity, V = Varsity Swimmer, WP = Varsity Waterpolo Player, VC = Varsity Swim Coach, WPC = Varsity Waterpolo Coach, MC = Masters Coach, ROC = ROCS, PS = Pool Staff, TR = trying Masters  (Those trying Masters, ROCS, Varsity, Staff and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)


Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):

Only those who have swum Carleton Masters time trials in the same event at least twice are eligible. 


Women: (40)

1.  Ursula        11.7/100m (VEB): 1500fs

2.  Debbie L      11.4/100m (EB1):   50bk

3.  Carmel        10.2/100m (EB1):  200bk

4.  Elaine C       7.9/100m (WCB): 1500fs

5.  Angela D       6.6/100m (VEB):   50fs

5.  Kristan S      6.6/100m  (NC): 1500fs

7.  Jill P         6.0/100m (EB1):   50bk

7.  Kelly S        6.0/100m (EB2):   50fs

9.  Nicole LS      5.8/100m (EB1):   50bk

10. Vanessa        5.5/100m (WCB): 1500fs

11. Megan L        5.3/100m (EB2): 1500fs

12. Nicole D       5.2/100m (WCA):   50br

13. Renee          5.0/100m (EB2):   50br

14. Nicole G       4.8/100m (WCA):   50br

15. Jessica K      4.4/100m (EB1):   50fs

16. Colette        4.2/100m (EB2):   50fl

17. Sarah F        3.7/100m (EB2): 1500fs

18. Lisa B         3.5/100m  (NC): 1500fs

19. Laurie O       3.4/100m (EB2):  200br

20. Flo S          3.3/100m (EB2):  100bk

X.  Steph A        3.3/100m (EB1):  200fs

21. Elizabeth P    3.2/100m  (NC): 1500fs

22. Melanie P      3.0/100m (WCA):   50fl

23. Ashley K       2.6/100m  (NC): 1500fs

23. Isla P         2.6/100m (EB2):   50fs

23. Maggie M       2.6/100m (EB2):   50bk

26. Kirsten S      2.2/100m (WCA):   50fs

27. Kelys M        2.0/100m (WCA):   50br

28. Elaine Y       1.9/100m (WCA):  200br

29. Penny          1.6/100m (EB2):  100br

30. Sara D         1.3/100m (VEB):  100fs

31. Dawn W         1.2/100m (EB1):  400fs

31. Joanie C       1.2/100m  (NC):   50fl

31. Lydia          1.2/100m (VEB):   50fs

34. Cheri R        1.0/100m (WCA):  100bk

34. Michelle S-J   1.0/100m (EB1):   50fs

X.  Jenna R        0.8/100m (WCA):   50br

36. Amanda G       0.4/100m (EB2):   50fs

36. Lina V         0.4/100m (WCA):  200br

38. Jolene H       0.2/100m (VEB):   50fs


Men: (28)

1.  Gi            13.3/100m (WCA):  100fs

2.  Francois J    12.4/100m (EB1):  200fs

3.  Ian L         10.2/100m (VEB): 1500fs

4.  Sebastien      9.1/100m  (NC):  1500fs

5.  Amir           6.3/100m (EB2):  100fs

6.  Chris K        5.6/100m (EB2):   50bk

7.  Peter M        5.3/100m (WCB): 1500fs

8.  Zach           4.4/100m (VEB):   50fs

9.  Josiah         3.6/100m (VEB):   50fs

10. Jamie          3.5/100m (VEB):  400fs

11. Aaron          3.3/100m (WCA):  200fs

12. Bruce S        3.2/100m (VEB):   50fl

13. Chris H        3.1/100m (EB1):  400IM

13. Francois P     3.1/100m (WCA): 1500fs

X.  Jeff B         2.9/100m (WCA):  200fs

15. Bruce H        2.4/100m (EB1):   50br

16. Glen C         2.2/100m (WCA):   50bk

16. Jonathan M     2.2/100m (WCA):   50bk

18. Blair C        1.4/100m (WCA):   50fs

18. Pat B          1.4/100m (WCA):   50bk

20. Larry D        1.2/100m (VEB):   50bk

21. Judah          1.0/100m (VEB):   50fs

21. Sean K         1.0/100m (VEB):   50bk

23. Pete L         0.9/100m (WCA):  200fs

24. Bryan M        0.8/100m (VEB):   50fs

25. Don W          0.4/100m (WCA):   50fs

25. Emile          0.4/100m (EB1):   50fs

27. Steve K        0.2/100m (WCA):   50fs



Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):

All those scoring 400 or more points are shown.


Women: (18)

1.  Melanie P (WCA)     50fs     29.2: 706 points

2.  Kelys M (WCA)       50fs     30.8: 625 points

3.  Lydia S (HI1)       50fs     31.0: 615 points

X.  Steph A (EB1/PS)    50fs     31.4: 597 points

4.  Michelle S-J (EB1)  50fs     31.8: 578 points

X.  Jenna R (WCA/PS)    50br     40.7: 542 points

5.  Kirsten S (WCA)     50fs     33.0: 527 points

6.  Jessica K (EB1)     50fs     34.1: 484 points

7.  Kelly S (EB2)       50fs     34.5: 470 points

8.  Gillian (WCA)      100bk   1:24.1: 457 points

9.  Elaine Y (WCA)      50fs     35.1: 449 points

10. Hilary M (NC)     1500fs    23:13: 440 points

11. Amanda G (EB2)      50fs     33.9: 422 points

12. Alice N (NC)      1500fs    23:35: 421 points

12. Sarah F (EB2)     1500fs    23:35: 421 points

14. Natalie A (EB1)     50fs     36.0: 419 points

15. Joanie C (NC)     1500fs    23:45: 413 points

16. Kendra H (EB2)      50fs     36.6: 400 points


Men: (19)

1.  Steve K (WCA)       50fs     25.8: 702 points

2.  Blair C (WCA)     1500fs    17:58: 672 points

3.  Jamie S (HI1)     1500fs    18:23: 637 points

4.  Jonathan M (WCA)    50fs     27.1: 627 points

5.  Don W (WCA)        400IM   5:38.6: 611 points

6.  Bruce S (VEB)       50fs     27.5: 605 points

7.  Steve N (VEB)     1500fs    19:15: 570 points

8.  Pete L (WCA)      1500fs    19:37: 543 points

9.  Chris H (EB1)       50fs     28.9: 535 points

10. Rich I (WCA)        50fs     29.1: 526 points

11. Gi (WCA)            50fs     29.3: 517 points

12. Steve Morris (WCA)  50br     37.1: 495 points

X.  Jeff B (WCA/WPC)    50fs     29.9: 490 points

13. Sebastien (NC)      50fs     30.0: 486 points

14. Aaron (WCA)         50fs     30.3: 474 points

14. Bryan M (VEB)       50fs     30.3: 474 points

16. Francois A (EB1)   100br   1:23.1: 469 points

X.  Tim K (WCA/MC)      50fs     31.2: 438 points

17. Glen C (WCA)        50fs     31.3: 434 points


(For point scores, see:, click on "IPS Calculator" and enter the information requested; note that SCM = short course meters [25m pool].)


Top 3 Swimmers Improving in Each Event:

Minutes and/or seconds improved and sec/100m improvement are both listed.  The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who improved in that event.  If the improvements are close, more than three swimmers may be shown.


       Women                              Men


50fs   1. Angela D   3.3  (6.6/100m) VEB  1. Zach       2.2  (4.4/100m) VEB

(16/12)2. Kelly S    3.0  (6.0/100m) EB2  2. Sebastien  2.0  (4.0/100m) EB2

       3. Jessica K  2.2  (4.4/100m) EB1  3. Josiah     1.8  (3.6/100m) VEB


100fs  1. Kelly S    1.7  (1.7/100m) EB2  1. Gi        13.3 (13.3/100m) WCA

(8/6)  2. Megan L    1.4  (2.4/100m) EB2  2. Amir       6.3  (6.3/100m) EB2

       3. Sara D     1.3  (1.3/100m) VEB  3. Ian L      2.1  (2.1/100m) VEB

                                          3. Francois P 2.1  (2.1/100m) WCA


200fs  X. Steph A    6.5  (3.3/100m) EB1  1. Francois J 24.7(12.4/100m) EB1

(6/6)  1. Sarah F    5.1  (2.6/100m) EB2  2. Aaron      6.5  (3.3/100m) WCA

       2. Elaine Y   2.7  (1.4/100m) WCA  X. Jeff B     5.7  (2.9/100m) WCA

       3. Kelly S    1.7  (0.9/100m) WCA  3. Bruce H    3.9  (2.0/100m) EB1


400fs  1. Jill P     6.6  (1.7/100m) EB1  1. Jamie S   13.8  (3.5/100m) VEB

(2/1)  2. Dawn W     4.9  (1.2/100m) EB1


1500fs 1. Ursula    2:55 (11.7/100m) VEB  1. Ian L     2:33 (10.2/100m) EB1

(14/6) 2. Elaine C  1:58  (7.9/100m) WCB  2. Sebastien 2:16  (9.1/100m) NC

       3. Kristan S 1:39  (6.6/100m) NC   3. Peter M   1:19  (5.3/100m) WCB


50bk   1. Debbie L   5.7 (11.4/100m) EB2  1. Gi         4.7  (9.4/100m) WCA

(8/8)  2. Jill P     3.0  (6.0/100m) EB2  2. Chris K    2.8  (5.6/100m) EB2

       3. Nicole LS  2.9  (5.8/100m) EB2  3. Ian L      1.6  (3.2/100m) EB1


100bk  1. Flo S      3.3  (3.3/100m) EB2

(2/0)  2. Cheri R    1.0  (1.0/100m) WCA  


200bk  1. Carmel    20.4 (10.2/100m) EB1 



50br   1. Nicole D   2.6  (5.2/100m) WCA  1. Ian L      1.6  (3.2/100m) EB1  

(6/1)  2. Renee      2.5  (5.0/100m) EB2  

       3. Nicole G   2.4  (4.8/100m) WCA  


100br  1. Penny      1.6  (1.6/100m) EB2  1. Francois A 1.5  (1.5/100m) EB2



200br  1. Laurie O   6.8  (3.4/100m) EB2  1. Bruce H    2.4  (1.2/100m) EB1

(5/2)  2. Kelys M    3.9  (2.0/100m) WCA  2. Francois P 1.3  (0.7/100m) WCA

       3. Elaine Y   3.7  (1.9/100m) WCA


50fl   1. Colette K  2.1  (4.2/100m) EB2  1. Bruce S    1.6  (3.2/100m) VEB

(9/4)  2. Sarah F    1.7  (3.4/100m) EB2  2. Chris H    1.3  (2.6/100m) EB1

       3. Melanie P  1.5  (3.0/100m) WCA  3. Gi         0.5  (1.0/100m) WCA


100IM  1. Colette K  1.8  (1.8/100m) EB2  1. Pete L     0.6  (0.6/100m) WCA

(4/1)  2. Sarah F    0.8  (0.8/100m) EB2

       3. Cheri R    0.6  (0.6/100m) WCA 


400IM                                     1. Chris H   12.4  (3.1/100m) EB1




Fastest Three Times in Each Event:

The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of female and male, respectively, time trials done in that event.  If times are really close, more than 3 swimmers are included.


          Women                        Men         


25fs      1.   21.0 Nicole LS (EB1) 

(5/0)     2.   22.9 Debbie L (EB1)    

          3.   37.8 Margaret K (EB2)              


50fs      1.   29.2 Melanie P (WCA)    1.   25.8 Steve K (WCA)  

(86/79)   2.   30.8 Kelys M (WCA)      2.   26.9 Blair C (WCA)

          3.   31.0 Lydia (VEB)        3.   27.1 Jonathan M (WCA)


100fs     1. 1:07.8 Melanie P (WCA)    1. 1:02.3 Jamie S (VEB)

(26/20)   2. 1:08.9 Lydia (VEB)        2. 1:04.3 Chris H (EB1)

          3. 1:17.0 Kelly S (EB2)      3. 1:06.6 Gi (WCAC)

                                       X. 1:06.7 Jeff B (WCA/WPC)

                                       4. 1:06.9 Don W (WCA) 


200fs     1. 2:30.3 Kelys M (WCA)      1. 2:26.6 Pete L (WCA)              

(24/14)   X. 2:46.8 Steph A (EB1/PS)   X. 2:31.3 Jeff B (WCA/WPC)

          2. 2:47.4 Michelle S-J (EB1) 2. 2:36.2 Aaron (WCA)

          3. 2:50.4 Elaine Y (WCA)     2. 2:36.2 Rich I (WCA)      


400fs     1. 5:04.4 Melanie P(WCA)     1. 4:36.2 Blair C (WCA)              

(22/19)   2. 5:59.6 Jessica K (EB1)    2. 4:40.4 Jamie (VEB)

          X. 6:02.8 Jenna R (WCA/PS)   3. 5:06.7 Pete L (WCA)

          3. 6:03.0 Elaine Y (WCA)      


800fs     1. 18:17  Mariette K (WCB)   1. 20:28  Josiah (VEB)          

(7/1)     2. 18:42  Lucie B (WCB)   

          3. 19:06  Jane M (WCB)      

Note: Anyone under 17:00 is excluded from the Top 3 of the 800m.


1500fs    1. 20:46  Kelys M (WCA)      1. 17:58  Blair C (WCA)

(44/36)   2. 22:30  Kirsten S (WCA)    2. 18:23  Jamie (VEB)

          3. 23:00  Lydia (VEB)        3. 19:15  Steve N (VEB)


25bk      1.   45.1 Margaret K (EB2)       



50bk      1.   37.0 Melanie P (WCA)    1.   33.0 Jonathan M(WCA) 

(42/27)   2.   38.7 Kirsten S (WCA)    2.   33.9 Steve K (WCA)

          X.   38.7 Steph A (EB1/PS)   3.   34.9 Don W (WCA)  

3.            40.1 Michelle S-J (EB1) 3.   34.9 Steve Morris (WCA)  


100bk     1. 1:24.1 Gillian L (WCA)    1. 1:14.6 Don W (WCA)  

(12/4)    2. 1:27.6 Kelys M (WCA)      2. 1:15.6 Jonathan M (WCA)

          3. 1:28.9 Amanda G (EB2)     3. 1:18.0 Bruce S (VEB)      


200bk     1. 3:21.7 Amanda G (EB2)     1. 2:41.2 Don W (WCA)

(6/5)     2. 3:41.1 Jill Patrick (EB1) 2. 2:47.7 Rich I (WCA)

          3. 3:45.0 Debby W (WCA)      3. 2:57.8 Steve Morris (WCA)


50br      X.   39.9 Steph A (EB1/PS)   1.   36.3 Jonathan M (WCA)

(33/42)   X.   40.7 Jenna (WCA/PS)     2.   37.1 Steve Morris (WCA)

          1.   40.7 Kelys M (WCA)      3.   37.8 Francois A (EB1)

          2.   47.7 Lina V (WCA)      

          2.   47.7 Nicole D (WCA)


100br     1. 2:01.1 Isla (EB2)         1. 1:20.0 Jonathan M (WCA)          

(5/20)    2. 2:02.6 Laurie O (EB2)     2. 1:23.1 Francois A (EB1)

          3. 2:13.7 Nicole LS (EB1)    3. 1:28.1 Pete L (WCA)     

                                       4. 1:28.3 Chris H (EB1)


200br     X. 3:13.6 Steph A (EB1/PS)   1. 2:59.7 Chris H (EB1)

(7/9)     1. 3:15.5 Kelys M (WCA)      2. 3:02.8 Steve Morris (WCA)

          2. 3:33.2 Elaine Y (WCA)     3. 3:04.0 Don W (WCA)

          3. 3:41.1 Lina V (WCA)       


50fl      1.   32.1 Melanie P (WCA)    1.   28.5 Steve K (WCA) 

(36/20)   2.   33.1 Kelys M (WCA)      2.   29.9 Blair C (WCA)

          3.   35.3 Lydia (VEB)        3.   31.5 Jamie (VEB)


100fl     1. 1:47.6 Megan L (EB2)      1. 1:13.4 Jamie (VEB)            

(2/1)     2. 2:08.1 Angela D (VEB)    


200fl     1. 4:35.1 Penny (EB2)   



100IM     1. 1:15.6 Melanie P (WCA)    1. 1:16.5 Pete L (WCA)    

(14/7)    2. 1:22.9 Kelys M (WCA)      2. 1:17.7 Bruce S (VEB)

          3. 1:28.2 Gillian L (WCA)    3. 1:21.1 Francois A (EB1)      


200IM     1. 3:14.5 Kelly S (EB2)      1. 2:47.4 Chris H (EB1)

(9/4)     2. 3:23.2 Sarah F (EB2)      2. 2:47.7 Pete L (WCA)

          3. 3:25.1 Michelle S-J (EB1) 3. 3:05.3 Aaron (WCA)


400IM     1. 6:03.0 Kelys M (WCA)      1. 5:38.6 Don W (WCA)

(6/4)     2. 6:34.3 Kirsten S (WCA)    2. 5:57.6 Chris H (EB1)

          3. 6:44.3 Lydia (VEB)        3. 6:50.9 Pat B (WCA)


Fun Relays (Wed Apr 4th / Thu Apr 5th)

As always, you can blame the coach if your team didn’t do as well as you hoped J !


4x50m Free Relay

6:30am VEB

1. 2:17.6: Team 3: Sheila, Larry, Bruce S, Sara D

2. 2:19.2: Team 2: Sean, Judah, Josiah, Jeff B

3. 2:20.3: Team 4: Josh, Angela D, Jamie, Bryan M

4. 2:22.3: Team 1: Zach, Ray, Lydia, Zach


7:30am EB1

1. 2:33.0: Team 4: Nicole LS, Debbie L, Jill, Jim, Chris H

2. 2:34.5: Team 2: Natalie A, Julie D-F, Olivier, Jessica

3. 2:38.6: Team 3: Emile, Bruce H, Karen J, Francois A


8:30am EB2

1. 2:35.1: Team 2: Amanda G, Megan L, Amir, Amanda G

2. 2:56.4: Team 4: Laurie, Penny, Isla, Steph A

3. 2:56.6: Team 3: Margaret K, Alan, Colette, Sarah F


6pm WCA

1. 2:06.8: Team 2: Nicole G, Jonathan M, Glen, Rich

2. 2:07.4: Team 3: Kirsten A, Francois P, Kelys M, Don

3. 2:08.5: Team 4: Elaine Y, Pat, Gi, Blair C



1. 2:06.8: 6pm Team 2: Nicole G, Jonathan M, Glen, Rich

2. 2:07.4: 6pm Team 3: Kirsten A, Francois P, Kelys M, Don

3. 2:08.5: 6pm Team 4: Elaine Y, Pat, Gi, Blair C

4. 2:17.6: 6:30am Team 3: Sheila, Larry, Bruce S, Sara D

5. 2:19.2: 6:30am Team 2: Sean, Judah, Josiah, Jeff B

6. 2:20.3: 6:30am Team 4: Josh, Angela D, Jamie, Bryan M

7. 2:22.3: 6:30am Team 1: Zach, Ray, Lydia, Zach

8. 2:33.0: 7:30am Team 4: Nicole LS, Debbie L, Jill, Jim, Chris H

9. 2:34.5: 7:30am Team 2: Natalie A, Julie D-F, Olivier, Jessica

10. 2:35.1: 8:30am Team 2: Amanda G, Megan L, Amir, Amanda G

11. 2:38.6: 7:30am Team 3: Emile, Bruce H, Karen J, Francois A

12. 2:56.4: 8:30am Team 4: Laurie, Penny, Isla, Steph A

13. 2:56.6: 8:30am Team 3: Margaret K, Alan, Colette, Sarah F


4x50m Medley Relay

6:30am VEB

1. 2:40.2: Team 3: Sheila, Larry, Bruce S, Sara D

2. 2:44.8: Team 4: Sean, Jeff, Judah, Josiah

3. 2:49.6: Team 1: Angela D, Bryan M, Jamie, Josh

4. 2:54.3: Team 2: Ray, Zach, Lydia, Ray


7:30am EB1

1. 2:56.0: Team 4: Jill, Jim, Chris H, Debbie L, Nicole LS

2=. 3:06.9: Team 3: Bruce H, Francois A, Karen J, Emile

2=. 3:06.9: Team 2: Julie D-F, Natalie A, Olivier, Jessica


8:30am EB2

1. 3:02.0: Team 2: Amanda G, Amir, Megan L, Megan L

2. 3:21.0: Team 4: Penny, Isla, Steph A, Laurie

3. 3:36.3: Team 3: Margaret K, Sarah F, Colette, Alan


6pm WCA

1. 2:27.6: Team 3: Kirsten S, Francois P, Kelys M, Don

2. 2:28.0: Team 2: Jonathan M, Nicole G, Glen, Rich

3. 2:32.7: Team 4: Pat, Gi, Elaine Y, Blair C



1. 2:27.6: 6pm Team 3: Kirsten S, Francois P, Kelys M, Don

2. 2:28.0: 6pm Team 2: Jonathan M, Nicole G, Glen, Rich

3. 2:32.7: 6pm Team 4: Pat, Gi, Elaine Y, Blair C

4. 2:40.2: 6:30am Team 3: Sheila, Larry, Bruce S, Sara D

5. 2:44.8: 6:30am Team 4: Sean, Jeff, Judah, Josiah

6. 2:49.6: 6:30am Team 1: Angela D, Bryan M, Jamie, Josh

7. 2:54.3: 6:30am Team 2: Ray, Zach, Lydia, Ray

8. 2:56.0: 7:30am Team 4: Jill, Jim, Chris H, Debbie L, Nicole LS

9. 3:02.0: 8:30am Team 2: Amanda G, Amir, Megan L, Megan L

10=. 3:06.9: 7:30am Team 3: Bruce H, Francois A, Karen J, Emile

10=. 3:06.9: 7:30am Team 2: Julie D-F, Natalie A, Olivier, Jessica

12. 3:21.0: 8:30am Team 4: Penny, Isla, Steph A, Laurie

13. 3:36.3: 8:30am Team 3: Margaret K, Sarah F, Colette, Alan


4x50m Inner Tube Relay

6pm WCA

1. 3:45.2: Team 4: Elaine Y, Gi, Pat, Blair C

2. 3:47.6: Team 3: Kirsten S, Kelys M, Kirsten S, Francois P

3. 4:02.7: Team 2: Jonathan M, Glen, Nicole G, Rich


Masters Swimming Competitions

You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Please give Lynn $26 for your 2007 registration, good until Dec 31st, 2007.  Contact Lynn for details.  Note that you must register with MSO at least 3 weeks before the due date of your entry for your first competition. 


Full details on all Ontario Masters competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded blue). 


Here’s a list of upcoming competitions (mostly) in Ontario and QuebecNote that meet entries and confirming meet information and entry dates are your responsibility.  More information and web links (if not listed below) should be available shortly, or look at the full schedules as per the above.


Fri-Sun Apr 20-22nd Quebec Provincials, Quebec City SCM (French) or (English)

Sun Apr 22nd Etobicoke Long Course Pentathlon Team Championships LCM

Sat May 5th Technosport Meet SCM

Sat May 5th Cornwall Masters Meet SCM

Sat May 5th Montreal CASO Masters Meet SCM

Fri-Mon May 18-21st Masters Nationals, Winnipeg SCM

Sat Jun 9th Repentigny, QC Masters meet (no details yet)

Fri-Sat Jun 22-24th New England LCM Champs, Middlebury, Vermont

Sat Jun 30th Montreal Masters Festival LCMîtres.pdf

Apr 15-25th 2008 World Masters Perth, Australia


Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)


Sat Mar 31st Montreal North Masters Meet

I don’t yet have the official results for this meet.  However, I can report that the highlight of the meet was that Kelys M (Whitecaps “A”) won a bottle of wine.  (I hear that wine also played a role in the Friday evening preparation for the meet.)



Ask the Coach


Summary of shutdown information, with added information on the B-Train Masters (thanks, Sandy!) 

Carleton Pool: closed Apr 7th-May 6th (re-opens Mon May 7th)

Carleton Weight Room: closed Apr 30th-May 6th (re-opens May 7th)


Where to swim?:

1. You can train at another pool during their public / adult swimming hours.  Here are a few links:

Ottawa Public Pool Swimming Schedules:

Champagne Pool Drop In Masters:

   Some swims at Champagne are designated Masters swims (Tu/Th 7:30-9pm and Sat 9-10:30am). I believe that you just pay the regular swim fee to join.  If anyone has more details, do let me know.

University of Ottawa Pool Swimming Schedule:

   To end of April; note that the pool is closed Apr 6-9th:; May: start at:; click on Activities at the left; and then the updated schedule should be available at the right (not yet there!)

2. There is a new Masters team that trains at the JCC (west end) and Andy Jones is one of the coaches. 

This team has limited space on Mon/Wed 8-9pm; Mon/Wed 9-10pm; and Mon/Wed/Fri noon-1:30pm.  Price for the month would likely be $30-40.  Contact Andy at for more information.

3. You can train with another Masters team.  List of All Registered Masters Clubs in Ottawa:

4. B-Train Masters swim out of Brewer pool and offer drop-ins at $8 per workout (3 for $20):

            Mon 7-8:30pm; Tue 7-8am; Tue 1:30-2:30pm; Thu 7-8am; Thu 1:30-2:30pm

            For more info: or e-mail coach Andrea


Dear Coach:  I contacted a Masters team where a friend trains to see if I can train with them during the shutdown and they asked for my MSO number.  What is this?  I Don’t Compete


Dear I.D. Compete:  Many Masters clubs get their workout insurance through Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO).  As Carleton Masters is run as a program of the University, we are covered under Carleton’s insurance.  Thus, generally, Carleton Masters swimmers only get an MSO number (details under competitions above) if they plan to compete.  Unless you compete, you probably don’t have an MSO number right now.  However, you can get one (it takes about a week, minimum).


Dear Coach:  What is drafting in swimming?  (You told us not to do this during our 1500 time trial.)  New Swimmer


Dear N. Swimmer:  If you swim within about 5 seconds of the swimmer in front of you, you will be able to swim faster than can on your own.  This effect is called “drafting” and applies to many other forms of motion (e.g. cycling, driving, etc.).  While drafting is legal in triathlons, it is not permitted in FINA sanctioned races and as we try to get fair times in the 1500, drafting should be avoided.  If you catch up to someone, pass!



Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons

Spring/Summer Schedule: Coming soon!

Send me an e-mail to be added to the list of those who are interested in receiving this schedule.


2006-2007 Prices:
Private: $50 per hour, plus GST.
Semi-Private (2-3 swimmers; per swimmer): $32 per hour, plus GST.
Contact Lynn for bookings.





Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.


Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:

- Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout: all year)

- Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout: Sept-Apr)

- Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout: Sept-Jun)

Meet by the Control Desk after workout.

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, photos, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records, among other things, can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!

Lynn (or for quicker response:

Club website: