Carleton Masters Weekly Newsletter #17                        Thursday, August 30th, 2001
To: Carleton Coaches
Bcc: Early Birds (48 addresses); Whitecaps (50 addresses)
End of Session Celebration
We'll be celebrating the end of summer session as well as George (Whitecaps) and Poppy Tombler's 50th wedding anniversary (a month early as they'll be in Greece on the big day) with a dinner tonight (Thursday, August 30th), 8pm, at Chaophraya (Thai restaurant), 1775 Carling Avenue (West of Churchill Rd on the right hand side with a large blue sign, just before the Great Canadian Bagel Shop).   Note the change of venue.
End of Summer Session, Start of Fall Session and Interim "Toonie" Workouts
This evening (Thursday, August 30th) is the last Whitecaps workout of the summer session.  Tomorrow morning (Friday, August 31st) is the last Early Birds workout of the summer session.
There are no workouts this weekend (neither Saturday, September 1st nor Monday, September 3rd).
The fall session, with all four groups (Early Birds I and II, Whitecaps, and Nightcaps) starts on Monday, September 17th.  Please register at the Athletics Office (2nd floor) or call 520-4480.  Interim "toonie" workouts at a cost of $2 each (fee applicable to Varsity as well as Masters swimmers) for those already registered for the Fall session are available from Tuesday, September 4th to Saturday, September 15th at the following times:
"Toonie" Workout Schedule (pay $2 to the coach):
Tuesday, September 4th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Kristi)
Wednesday, September 5th: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Thursday, September 6th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Kristi)
Friday, September 7th: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Saturday, September 8th: 9-10am (Coach: Kristi)
Monday, September 10th: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Monday, September 10th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Mits)
Tuesday, September 11th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Kristi)
Wednesday, September 12: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Thursday, September 13th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Mits)
Friday, September 14th: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Saturday, September 15th: 9-10am (Coach: Lynn)
KOS Triathlon
Over 200 kids competed in the Kids-of-Steel triathlon (age 7 to 18) held at CFB Ottawa North on Sunday, August 26th.  Thanks very much to Kathy, Dave B, Andy J, and Corry for their help in keeping the swim portion going smoothly!   Maurice G also did a great job in setting up and controlling the Transition Zone.
Race Reports (as usual, please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):
Congratulations to Richard I (Whitecaps) for a great race at Ironman Canada on August 26th -- Richard finished 52nd overall (out of 1985) in 10:00:43 to place 14th (out of 342) in the Men's 30-34 age group, and beating the top Pro Woman by a few minutes, not to mention almost half the Pro Men!!
Congratulations also to Jen G (Early Birds) for completing her first triathlon in 1000 Islands on August 19th, placing 74th overall and 4th in the Women's 25-29 age group in 2:50:58!
Prescription Goggles for Far-Sighted Swimmers
For those who remember our previous discussions on off-the-shelf prescription swimming goggles, we had been unable to find goggles for far-sighted swimmers, only for near-sighted swimmers.  Jim L (Early Birds) has tracked down a source for far-sighted prescription goggles (Thanks, Jim!).  They are available through Vision Plus (Mr. Kavanagh) at 1 Centrepointe Drive (Medical Building), Nepean, phone: 226-7739.  They are produced by Caiman and called "Gator". The cost is $68 plus tax. The plastic prescription lens and eye cup are one piece. There is a silicone gasket cushion on each eye cup which can be removed and hopefully ordered as a replacement part. The Optician is checking into this and believes individual parts can be ordered.  Jim also found a UK website with a picture at:

Ask the Coach
Dear Coach: What's the correct technique for breaststroke pull?  Breaststroke-Wanna-Be
Dear B. W. Be: The latest coaching advice for breaststroke pull is to keep your pull very wide but short (i.e. mostly in front of your shoulders with your elbows never moving down to waist level).  The motion both out to the side and back in to the middle is mostly a sculling action.  When you return your hands out in front (for the glide phase), you can put the palms together or point the palms up and try to sweep over the surface.  Ask your coach during workout for in-water help.
Dear Coach: Do you know of a good adult learn to swim or stroke improvement program in the area? Does Carleton offer an instructional swim program for adults? I have an acquaintance at work who would like to improve their swimming skills before joining Masters.  Helping a Friend
Dear H. A. Friend: While I'm not familiar with what is offered at other pools, Carleton does offer Red Cross Adult Lessons: "Aqua Adults" Levels 1, 2, and 3. Ten 50min lessons are offered on Monday afternoons, Wednesday evenings, and Sunday lunchtimes (women only on Sunday) in the fall and winter terms.  Full details are in Program Guide (page 21).  Completing Aqua Adult 3 should be adequate preparation for joining Masters.  Cost for members is$35+GST, Non-members $70+GST.  Private lessons (by a red cross instructor or Masters coach) are also available.  Details available at the Athletics Office: 520-4480.
Early Birds (Morning Group) Summer Session Notes and Wrap Up
End of session time trials are now complete (details below)!   We'll end tomorrow's last workout of the session (Friday August 31st), with an optional fun relay.  It will be a 4 x 50m Medley relay -- thus the first swimmer does a 50m back, the second 50m breast, 3rd 50m fly and 4th 50m free.  The relays will be age-adjusted.  If you take the total age of all 4 swimmers, for every year above 150 you get to subtract 1/2 second, and for every year below, you add 1/2 second. There must be at least one man and one woman on each team, and each person can swim twice, if you can't find four people.
The Early Bird Summer session ends on August 31st.  The average attendance for the summer session (7:30-8:30am only) was 16.  The lowest attendance was 8 (Mon Aug 20th) and the highest 21 (Wed Jun 27th and Mon Jul 9th).
Great job on the time trials!  Some people were not able to do their time trials twice due to holidays, etc., so they were not eligible for the most improved awards.  Margaret King deserves special mention for using what she learned at the weekend clinic to take a whopping 6.1 seconds off her 50 freestyle  time!!  Danielle (who also attended the weekend clinic, and most of the distance free workouts!) also made a huge improvement of 18.4 seconds in her 200 freestyle!  Congrats to David M (who proved that May's 30.9 50fs was not a fluke by going even faster!) and Richard for being the only two non-Varsity swimmers on the fastest swimmer list!
The attendance star of the Summer session (who also had perfect attendance in the Spring session) is Bernie!  He has not missed a workout since I started coaching this group in May.  (But I hear he's going out of town on holiday next week!)
Below I summarize the star performances in all the time trial events as well as the most improved swimmers, best attendance, and fastest swimmers. 
Overall Stars:
Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):
      Margaret     50 free  12.2 sec / 100m improvement !!!
      Danielle    200 free   9.2 sec / 100m improvement !!
      Stephanie J 100 free   2.4 sec / 100m improvement !
      David M      50 free   1.2 sec / 100m improvement
Bernie              perfect attendance!!!
Isla                missed 5 workouts
Dorothy             missed 6 workouts
Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):
      Jenn      50 fly    32.0:  684 points !
      Michelle  50 free   32.3:  574 points
      Barb      50 free   33.9:  510 points
      Peter     50 free   30.2:  488 points
      David M   50 free   30.3:  483 points
      Richard  100 free 1:08.0:  459 points
(For point scores, see: and look under SCM = short course meters [25m pool].)
       most improved             fastest swimmer (time & date)
     (total time taken off,                
      and dates of swims)
  50fs  Margaret    6.1  (12.2)  Peter         30.2 (16/7)
         (13/7 - 27/8)
 100fs  Stephanie J 2.4   (2.4)  Richard     1:08.0 (16/7)
         (22/6 - 13/7)
 200fs  Danielle   18.4   (9.2)  Shirley     2:50.5 (16/7)
         (18/6 - 29/8)
 400fs  no one eligible          Isla        8:08.7 (20/7)
 800fs  no swimmers              no swimmers
1500fs  no swimmers              no swimmers
  50bk  no one eligible          Jenn          34.9 (16/7)
 100bk  no one eligible          Stephanie J 1:53.5 (13/7)
 200bk  no swimmers              no swimmers
  50br  no one eligible          Bernie        43.4 (11/7)
 100br  no one eligible          Richard     1:26.8 (16/7)
 200br  no one eligible          Mihkel      3:47.7 (13/7)
  50fl  Danielle   0.3  (0.6)    Jenn          32.0 (16/7)
         (22/6 - 27/8)
 100fl  no swimmers              no swimmers
 200fl  no swimmers              no swimmers
 100IM  no one eligible          Kristi      1:35.1 (16/7)
 200IM  no swimmers              no swimmers
 400IM  no swimmers              no swimmers
Private Masters Lessons
Fall times and costs for private Masters lessons will be published in September.
General Information
Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:
Please remember that for the rest of the summer, the Early Birds (MWF morning group) will run from 7:30-8:30am ONLY.  The 8:30-9:30am group will recommence September 17th.
Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (
Happy laps!