From: Lynn Marshall []
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 7:33 AM
To: Steve Baird; Blake Christie; Claudia Cronin-Schlote; Kristi Dean; Louise Hayes; Lynn Marshall; Lynn Marshall; Mits Kachi; Tim Kilby
Subject: Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #178


Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #178                     Sunday, September 16th, 2007


To:  Carleton Coaches (8 addresses)


Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2006 / Winter/Spring/Summer 2007 and Alumni: 6:30am Earlybirds (26 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (47 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (28 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (46 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "B" (41 addresses), Nightcaps (26 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (33 members).



“I love for people to tell me I can't do something, because I love to prove them wrong. Challenge is what drives me the most.” – Mandy Garcia



Fall/Winter Schedule

Here’s the information on the Fall Masters sessions, which started Sept 11/12th.  (Registration for Winter starts in November.)  Don’t forget that Saturday workouts are half an hour later than in the past (i.e. 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am). 

Fall Dates: Sept 11th – Dec 19th, except Oct 8th (Thanksgiving Monday)

Winter Dates: Jan 7th – Apr 18th, except Mar 21st, 22nd, 24th (Easter Weekend)

Programs Offered:  (All programs are for members only)

7:30am Earlybirds: 7:30-8:30am MWF + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $127+GST per term

8:30am Earlybirds: 8:30-9:30am MWF + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $127+GST per term

6pm Whitecaps: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $132+GST per term (11 lanes)

8pm Nightcaps: 8-9pm TuTh + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $96+GST per term

Child Safety Supervision: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + 8:30-9:30am Sat: $94 (no GST) per term

6:30am Earlybirds: Feb 25-Apr 18th only: 6:30-7:30am MWF + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $64+GST



Memberships and Program Registration during Support Staff Strike

Those who need to purchase or renew Athletics memberships during the strike can pick up a membership form at the Control desk or print one from the Carleton web site: the completed form off at the Control Desk.  The only way to register for Athletics programs right now is using the on-line registration system, which for Aquatics is at:  You can register on-line while your membership is being processed, just indicate your membership number is not yet available (or use your current number, if you are renewing).  The 7:30am group is nearly full (3 spots remaining), so register soon to avoid disappointment.  For more information on the strike, see:, which includes a link to the CUPE2424 web page.     



Swimmer Notes   


Swimmer Update:  Leona Crabb (x-7:30am Earlybirds) reports that for August she was posted at CFB Petawawa (Acting Admin Officer for Supply Company).  She’s off to CFB Gagetown (NB) for her next phase of training in September, and back to Petawawa in December.  In early 2008, she’ll be doing more training at CFB Borden (ON) and then returning to Petawawa in May.  By then Petawawa’s pool (currently undergoing major renovations) will be open and she’ll finally be able to swim regularly.  Lack of a pool is her only major complaint about her postings until then.


Run for the Cure:  Karen Jensen (7:30am Earlybirds) is running in the CIBC Run for the Cure on Sept 30th in honour of her dear friend, Kate, who passed away from breast cancer this summer.  If you would like to make donation, see:


Swimmer Obituary:  Jack Galvin, North York Gators and designer of the Masters Swimming Ontario logo, died suddenly of complications due to his recently diagnosed leukemia on Fri Aug 31st at age 76, see:  Jack competed in the St Marys’ 5k Open Water swim last year (setting a record for 75-79) and this year’s swim (see “Race Results”, below) was in his honour.    


Thanks to Summer Morning Groups:  Many thanks to the morning groups for the wonderful end of term gift of a mini-mesh shower bag ( for which I’ve already received lots of compliments! 30th


E-Newsletter E-Mail List Clean-Up:  Starting shortly, I’ll be cleaning up the e-newsletter lists.  Only those who are registered for Fall will continue to receive the newsletter.  If you do not plan to register for Fall, but would like to continue receiving the newsletter, just send me an e-mail request.


Fall Themes Posted:  The workout themes and Saturday coaches for Fall 2007 have been posted on the bulletin board and web site ( or go to the main site and scroll down to the Fall information).  


Athletics Permanent Lockers:  All permanent lockers in Athletics must be renewed by Fri Sept 21st.  Renewal forms are available at the Control Centre.  All remaining permanent lockers will go on sale at 6pm Wed Sep 26th on a first come-first served basis.


Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.



Summer Session Summary

Here's the summary of the attendance and time trials for the summer session.  If you notice any errors or omissions, please do let me know. 



Here are the attendance statistics to date for the summer session (excluding Saturdays and holidays).  Due to vacations, there are no swimmers with perfect attendance for this term!  Gi Wu (Whitecaps) was the closest, missing just 2 weekday workouts.


6:30am Earlybirds (July 4-Sept 7th; 27 workouts; range: 7-17; avg.: 12.4)

Missed 6 Workouts: Cindy S


7:30am Earlybirds (July 4-Sept 7th; 27 workouts; range: 10-21; avg.: 14.7)

Missed 5 Workouts: Francois A

Missed 6 Workouts: Chris H, Colette, Margaret K


Whitecaps (July 3-Sept 6th; 27 workouts; range: 12-29; avg.: 21.3)

Missed 2 Workouts: Gi

Missed 3 Workouts: George

Missed 4 Workouts: Francois P

Missed 5 Workouts: Jose


Time Trial and Relay Summary:

The information below on most improved and fastest swimmers is taken from the time trials done during the summer session, and includes the relay splits from the end of term relays.  Times done in competitions are not included.  If your times are not listed here and you're curious, just e-mail me for details.  (I have all time trial times since May 2001.)


There were 21 women and 16 men who improved in at least one event.  Five swimmers improved by at least 9 seconds per 100m.  Most improved was Guy Sanschagrin (6:30am Earlybirds) with a whopping 19.0 sec/100m in 50br.  Next was Colette Kenney (7:30am Earlybirds) with a huge 17.8 sec/100m in 400fs.  Rounding out the top 5 were three women: Cindy Sanschagrin (6:30am Earlybirds) with 10.7 sec/100m in 100br, Sara Domina (6:30am Earlybirds) with 9.3 sec/100m in 100bk, and Joanie Conrad (Whitecaps) with 9.0 sec/100m in 50br.  Tying for second most improved among the men with 6.3 sec/100m were Paul Kane (6:30am Earlybirds) in 1500fs (just a few months after fracturing his pelvis!) and Maxim Hebert (Whitecaps) in 200fs.


The International Point Scores (link to web page below) are used to determine the best swims.  There were 10 women and 14 men scoring 400 points or above in at least one event.  Lynn Marshall (Whitecaps) and Jamie Stephenson (6:30am Earlybirds) had the highest scores, both in 1500fs, with 729 and 641 points, respectively.  Six other swimmers scored over 500 points.  Lydia Sanschagrin (6:30am Earlybirds) was next with 587 points in 50fs.  Chris Hallamore and Rhys Goldstein (both 7:30am Earlybirds) tied with 540 in 50fs.  Steve Morris (Whitecaps) managed a respectable 530 in 50fs, despite a leg injury.  Maureen Mahoney and Lisa Sharp (both Whitecaps) finished just 1 second and 1 point apart in 1500fs with 517 and 516, respectively.


The top 3 improvements and the top 3 times for each event are also listed below, as are the results of the relays.  Thanks to all who participated! 



VEB = 6:30am Earlybirds, EB1 = 7:30am Earlybirds, EB2 = 8:30am Earlybirds, NC = Nightcaps, WCA = Whitecaps "A", WCB = Whitecaps "B", WC = Whitecaps, V = Varsity Swimmer, WP = Varsity Waterpolo Player, VC = Varsity Swim Coach, WPC = Varsity Waterpolo Coach, MC = Masters Coach, ROC = ROCS, PS = Pool Staff, TR = trying Masters  (Those trying Masters, ROCS, Varsity, Staff and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)


Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):

Only those who have swum Carleton Masters time trials in the same event at least twice are eligible. 


Women: (21)

1.  Colette       17.8/100m (EB1):  400fs

2.  Cindy S       10.7/100m (VEB):  100br

3.  Sara D         9.3/100m (VEB):  100bk

4.  Joanie C       9.0/100m  (WC):   50br

5.  Jennifer S     5.3/100m  (WC):  800fs

6.  Flo            4.8/100m (EB1):  100bk

7.  Margaret K     2.7/100m (EB1):  400fs

8.  Jenna R        2.5/100m  (WC):  200fs

9.  Fiona H        2.0/100m (EB1):   50br

9.  Renee          2.0/100m (EB1):  200IM

11. Debbie L       1.8/100m (EB1):  100bk

12. Lisa S         1.5/100m  (WC): 1500fs

13. Lisa O         1.4/100m (VEB):   50br

13. Sarah D        1.4/100m (EB1):   50bk

15. Jill P         1.3/100m (EB1):  200IM

16. Tamsin D       1.2/100m (EB1):   50fs

17. Steph LSF      0.9/100m  (WC):  100fs

18. Kendra H       0.8/100m (VEB):   50fl

19. Lydia S        0.4/100m (VEB):   50bk

20. Carmel M       0.2/100m (EB1):   50fl

X.  Lynn M         0.2/100m  (WC): 1500fs


Men: (16)

1.  Guy S         19.0/100m (VEB):   50br

2.  Paul K         6.3/100m (VEB): 1500fs

2.  Maxim H        6.3/100m  (WC):  200fs

4.  Bruce H        5.2/100m (EB1):  200br

5.  Rhys           4.2/100m (EB1):   50br

X.  Tim K          2.3/100m  (WC):  100fl

6.  Emile S        2.0/100m (VEB):   50fs

6.  Ian L          2.0/100m (VEB):   50fl

8.  Chris H        1.9/100m (EB1):  200fs

8.  Francois A     1.9/100m (EB1):  100IM

10. Francois P     1.8/100m  (WC):  200br

11. Jamie S        0.8/100m (VEB):   50bk

12. Cam D          0.6/100m  (WC):   50fs

12. Olivier S      0.6/100m (VEB):  100IM

14. Sean K         0.4/100m (VEB):   50bk

15. Gi             0.2/100m  (WC):  100IM



Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):

All those scoring 400 or more points are shown.


Women: (10)

X.  Lynn M (WC)       1500fs    18:54: 729 points

1.  Lydia S (VEB)       50fs     31.6: 587 points

2.  Maureen M (WC)    1500fs    21:50: 517 points

3.  Lisa S (WC)       1500fs    21:51: 516 points

4.  Sarah D (EB1)       50br     42.4: 488 points

5.  Jenna R (WC)       200br   3:18.9: 478 points

6.  Steph LSF (WC)     100fs   1:15.1: 476 points

7.  Sheila K (WC)       50fs     35.6: 432 points

8.  Kendra H (VEB)     200IM   3:11.1: 424 points

9.  Sara D (VEB)      1500fs    23:35: 421 points


Men: (14)

1.  Jamie S (VEB)     1500fs    18:20: 641 points

2.  Chris H (EB1)       50fs     28.8: 540 points

2.  Rhys G (EB1)        50fs     28.8: 540 points

4.  Steve M (WCA)       50fs     29.0: 530 points

5.  Gi W (EB1)          50fs     29.7: 499 points

6.  Jeff B (EB1)        50fs     29.8: 495 points

7.  Francois A (WCA)   100br   1:22.2: 483 points

8.  Don W (WCA)         50fs     30.1: 482 points

9.  Pete L (EB1)      1500fs    21:05: 450 points

X.  Tim K (WCA)        100fs   1:08.1: 445 points

10. Bruce S (WCA)      200IM   2:48.8: 438 points

X.  David M (ROCS)      50fs     31.5: 427 points

11. Maxim H (WC)       200fs   2:35.3: 406 points

12. Francois J (EB1)    50fs     32.2: 401 points


(For point scores, see:, click on "IPS Calculator" and enter the information requested; note that SCM = short course meters [25m pool].)


Top 3 Swimmers Improving in Each Event:

Minutes and/or seconds improved and sec/100m improvement are both listed.  The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who improved in that event.  If the improvements are close, more than three swimmers may be shown.


       Women                              Men


50fs   1. Cindy S    3.6  (7.2/100m) VEB  1. Guy S      4.3  (8.6/100m) VEB

(3/5)  2. Tamsin     1.1  (2.2/100m) EB1  2. Emile S    1.0  (2.0/100m) VEB

       3. Sara D     0.9  (1.8/100m) VEB  3. Bruce H    0.6  (1.2/100m) EB1


100fs  1. Cindy S    6.7  (6.7/100m) VEB  1. Guy S      4.7  (4.7/100m) VEB

(3/3)  2. Sara D     1.1  (1.1/100m) VEB  2. Ian L      0.7  (0.7/100m) VEB

       3. Steph LSF  0.9  (0.9/100m) WC   3. Bruce H    0.1  (0.1/100m) EB1


200fs  1. Jenna R    4.9  (2.5/100m) WC   1. Max H     12.5  (6.3/100m) VEB

(1/4)                                     2. Chris H    3.8  (1.9/100m) EB1

                                          3. Bruce H    1.5  (0.8/100m) EB1


400fs  1. Colette K 1:11.1(17.8/100m) EB1 

(3/0)  2. Margaret K 10.8 (2.7/100m) EB1 

       3. Sara D     4.2  (1.1/100m) VEB


800fs  1. Jennifer S  42  (5.3/100m) WC 



1500fs 1. Sara D      55  (3.7/100m) VEB  1. Paul K    1:34  (6.3/100m) VEB

(3/2)  2. Lisa S      23  (1.5/100m) WC   2. Chris H     14  (0.9/100m) EB1

       X. Lynn M       3  (0.2/100m) WC 


50bk   1. Flo S      0.8  (1.6/100m) EB1  1. Guy S      1.7  (3.4/100m) VEB

(4/4)  2. Sarah D    0.7  (1.4/100m) EB1  2. Rhys G     1.4  (2.8/100m) EB1

       3. Lydia S    0.2  (0.2/100m) VEB  3. Jamie S    0.4  (0.8/100m) VEB

       3. Cindy S    0.2  (0.4/100m) VEB


100bk  1. Sara D     9.3  (9.3/100m) VEB 

(3/0)  2. Flo S      4.8  (4.8/100m) EB1  

       3. Debbie L   1.8  (1.8/100m) EB1


50br   1. Cindy S    4.6  (9.2/100m) VEB  1. Guy S      9/5 (10.0/100m) VEB  

(4/3)  2. Joanie C   4.5  (9.0/100m) WC   2. Rhys G     2.1  (4.2/100m) EB1

       3. Fiona H    1.0  (1.0/100m) EB1  3. Bruce H    1.0  (2.0/100m) EB1


100br  1. Cindy S   10.7 (10.7/100m) VEB  1. Guy S      9.9  (9.9/100m) VEB



200br                                     1. Bruce H   10.3  (5.2/100m) EB1

(0/2)                                     2. Francois P 3.6  (1.8/100m) WC  


50fl   1. Kendra     0.4  (0.8/100m) VEB  1. Ian L      1.0  (2.0/100m) VEB

(3/1)  2. Sara D     0.2  (0.4/100m) VEB 

       3. Carmel     0.1  (0.2/100m) EB1 


100fl                                     X. Tim K      2.3  (2.3/100m) WC



100IM  1. Lisa S     0.2  (0.2/100m) WC   1. Francois A 1.9  (1.9/100m) EB1

(1/3)                                     2. Olivier S  0.6  (0.6/100m) VEB

                                          3. Gi W       0.2  (0.2/100m) WC 


200IM  1. Renee      4.0  (2.0/100m) EB1  

(2/0)  2. Jill P     2.5  (1.3/100m) EB1



Fastest Three Times in Each Event:

The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of female and male, respectively, time trials in that event.  If times are really close, more than 3 swimmers are included.


          Women                        Men         


50fs      1.   31.6 Lydia S (VEB)      1.   28.5 Jamie S (VEB)  

(33/35)   2.   33.8 Lisa S (WC)        2.   28.8 Chris H (EB1)

          2.   33.8 Maureen (WC)       2.   28.8 Rhys G (EB1)


100fs     1. 1:14.5 Lisa S (WC)        1. 1:05.4 Rhys G (EB1)

(16/15)   2. 1:15.1 Steph LSF (WC)     X. 1:08.1 Tim K (WC)

          3. 1:20.0 Sara D (VEB)       2. 1:08.1 Don W (WC)

                                       3. 1:11.2 Francois J (EB1)


200fs     1. 2:55.1 Jenna R (WC)       1. 2:16.2 Jamie S (VEB)              

(20/17)   2. 2:56.6 Sandy L (EB1)      2. 2:24.7 Rhys G (EB1)

          3. 2:57.7 Kendra H (VEB)     3. 2:26.3 Chris H (EB1)


400fs     1. 6:03.6 Sara D (VEB)       1. 4:41.0 Jamie S (VEB)          

(8/11)    2. 6:29.5 Lisa O (VEB)       2. 5:07.4 Rhys G (EB1)

          3. 6:45.2 Colette (EB1)      3. 6:14.5 Tom S (EB1)      


800fs     1. 17:37  Jennifer S (WC)   

(4/0)     2. 28:22  Margaret K (EB1)   

          3. 28:26  Flo S (EB1)      

 (only those over 17:30-18:00 are eligible; others should do the 1500 instead)


1500fs    X. 18:54  Lynn (WC)          1. 18:20  Jamie S (VEB)

(16/10)   1. 21:50  Maureen (WC)       2. 20:55  Chris H (EB1)

          2. 21:51  Lisa S (WC)        3. 21:05  Pete L (WC)

          3. 23:30  Sarah D (EB1)      

          4. 23:35  Sara D (VEB)


50bk      1.   40.7 Lydia S (VEB)      1.   34.9 Jamie S (VEB) 

(20/8)    2.   44.8 Sara D (VEB)       2.   35.9 Rhys G (EB1)

          3.   45.3 Sarah D (EB1)      X.   39.8 David M (ROCS)

                                       X.   41.1 Tim K (WC)

                                       3.   44.8 Sean K (VEB)  


100bk     1. 1:39.1 Sara D (VEB)       1. 1:14.8 Jamie S (VEB)  

(5/4)     2. 1:48.9 Sandy L (EB1)      2. 1:38.4 Pat B (WC)

          3. 2:05.9 Renee (EB1)        3. 1:39.1 Sean K (VEB)      


200bk     1. 3:45.1 Sandy L (EB1)      1. 2:44.8 Steve M (WC)

(6/7)     2. 4:01.5 Elaine Y (WC)      2. 2:49.8 Bruce S (VEB)

          3. 4:05.6 Elaine C (WC)      3. 3:18.8 Max H (WC)

          4. 4:05.8 Cori D (VEB)       4. 3:18.9 Pat B (WC)


50br      1.   42.4 Sarah D (EB1)      1.   40.5 Don W (WC)

(16/11)   2.   48.3 Kendra H (VEB)     2.   44.2 Rhys G (EB1)

          3.   49.0 Fiona H (EB1)      3.   46.2 Rob T (EB)

          3.   49.0 Joanie C (WC)


100br     1. 1:47.8 Elaine Y (WC)      1. 1:22.2 Francois A (EB1)          

(5/11)    2. 2:00.0 Cindy S (VEB)      2. 1:26.3 Chris H (EB1)

          3. 2:03.4 Megan L (EB1)      3. 1:31.5 Gi (WCA)     


200br     1. 3:18.9 Jenna R (WC)       1. 3:01.0 Chris H (EB1)

(6/10)    2. 3:43.1 Elaine Y (WC)      2. 3:18.1 Gi (WC)

          3. 3:54.6 Cheri (WC)         3. 3:27.7 Francois P (WC)


50fl      1.   36.0 Lydia S (VEB)      1.   32.2 Jamie S (VEB) 

(11/8)    2.   36.9 Lisa S (WC)        2.   33.9 Chris H (EB1)

          3.   37.6 Maureen (WC)       3.   35.5 Rhys G (EB1)


100fl     1. 1:24.9 Lydia S (VEB)      X. 1:15.1 Tim K (WC)            



200fl                                  1. 2:42.0 Jamie S (VEB)            



100IM     1. 1:25.6 Lydia S (VEB)      1. 1:12.4 Jamie S (VEB)    

(9/12)    2. 1:25.9 Lisa S (WC)        2. 1:17.1 Francois A (EB1)

          3. 1:28.3 Steph LSF (WC)     3. 1:17.6 Chris H (EB1)      


200IM     1. 3:11.1 Kendra H (VEB)     1. 2:47.4 Steve M (WC)

(11/6)    2. 3:28.3 Lisa O (VEB)       2. 2:48.8 Bruce S (VEB)

          3. 3:32.1 Joanie C (WC)      3. 2:56.8 Rhys G (EB1)


400IM     1. 7:38.7 Natalie A (EB1)    1. 6:04.0 Chris H (EB1)

(5/1)     2. 7:42.0 Fiona H (EB1)

          3. 8:20.5 Cori D (VEB)     



Fun Relays (Thu Sept 6th / Fri Sept 7th)

As always, you can blame the coach if your team didn’t do as well as you hoped J !


4x50m Free Relay

6:30am VEB

1. 2:24.1: Team 6: David M, Olivier, Guy, Lydia

2. 2:26.8: Team 2: Sean, Cindy, Jamie, Rob T

3. 2:28.9: Team 4: Sara D, Brent, Ian L, Emile


7:30am EB1

1. 2:29.3: Team 4: Sandy L, Rob T, Rhys, Bruce H

2. 2:33.2: Team 2: Francois J, Renee, Colette, Chris H


6pm WC

1. 2:17.4: Team 6: Nicole D, Jose, Lisa S, Steve M

2. 2:18.1: Team 2: Gi, Cheri, Joanie, Gi

3. 2:22.5: Team 4: Tim, Cam, Jill, Jeff B

4. 2:24.7: Team 5: Sheila, Don, Maureen, Joanne D



1. 2:17.4: 6pm Team 6: Nicole D, Jose, Lisa S, Steve M

2. 2:18.1: 6pm Team 2: Gi, Cheri, Joanie, Gi

3. 2:22.5: 6pm Team 4: Tim, Cam, Jill, Jeff B

4. 2:24.1: 6:30am Team 6: David M, Olivier, Guy, Lydia

5. 2:24.7: 6pm Team 5: Sheila, Don, Maureen, Joanne D

6. 2:26.8: 6:30am Team 2: Sean, Cindy, Jamie, Rob T

7. 2:28.9: 6:30am Team 4: Sara D, Brent, Ian L, Emile

8. 2:29.3: 7:30am Team 4: Sandy L, Rob T, Rhys, Bruce H

9. 2:33.2: 7:30am Team 2: Francois J, Renee, Colette, Chris H



4x50m Medley Relay

6:30am VEB

1. 2:48.7: Team 6: David M, Olivier, Lydia, Guy

2. 2:50.0: Team 2: Sean, Cindy, Jamie, Rob T

3. 2:54.6: Team 4: Sara D, Brent, Ian L, Emile


7:30am EB1

1. 2:52.0: Team 4: Sandy L, Rob T, Rhys, Bruce H

2. 2:58.1: Team 2: Colette, Renee, Chris H, Francois J


6pm WC

1. 2:44.1: Team 6: Nicole D, Jose, Lisa S, Steve M

2. 2:45.1: Team 5: Sheila, Don, Maureen, Joanne D

3. 2:50.8: Team 4: Tim, Cam, Jill, Jeff B

4. 2:53.1: Team 2: Cheri, Joanie, Gi, Cheri



1. 2:44.1: 6pm Team 6: Nicole D, Jose, Lisa S, Steve M

2. 2:45.1: 6pm Team 5: Sheila, Don, Maureen, Joanne D

3. 2:48.7: 6:30am Team 6: David M, Olivier, Lydia, Guy

4. 2:50.0: 6:30am Team 2: Sean, Cindy, Jamie, Rob T

5. 2:50.8: 6pm Team 4: Tim, Cam, Jill, Jeff B

6. 2:52.0: 7:30am Team 4: Sandy L, Rob T, Rhys, Bruce H

7. 2:53.1: 6pm Team 2: Cheri, Joanie, Gi, Cheri

8. 2:54.6: 6:30am Team 4: Sara D, Brent, Ian L, Emile

9. 2:58.1: 7:30am Team 2: Colette, Renee, Chris H, Francois J


Masters Swimming Competitions

You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Registration for 2007-2008 is starting now.  Cost is $25 for registration (good until Dec 31st, 2008).  Contact Lynn for details.  Note that you must register with MSO at least 3 weeks before the due date of your entry for your first competition. 


Full details on all Ontario Masters competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded blue). 


Here’s a list of upcoming competitions (mostly) in Ontario and Quebec.  More meets will be added as the information become available.  Note that meet entries and confirming meet information and entry dates are your responsibility.  More meets, information and web links (if not listed below) should be available shortly, or look at the full schedules as per the above.


Sat Oct 13th Brantford Masters Meet

Sun Oct 28th Downtown Swim Club, Toronto, Masters Meet

Sat Nov 3rd Technosport Swim Meet (Ottawa)

Sat Nov 3rd Brossard Masters Meet

Sun Nov 11th Etobicoke Masters Meet

Sat Nov 17th Cowansville Masters Meet

Fri-Sat Nov 23-24th Montreal Cup Masters Meet (Claude Robillard)

Sat-Sun Nov 24-25th Sainte-Foy Masters Meet

Sat Dec 8th Montreal North Masters Meet

Sun Dec 9th North York Masters Meet

Sun Jan 6th Muskoka Masters Meet

Sat Jan 12th Technosport Swim Meet (Ottawa)

Sun Jan 20th Alderwood Teddy Bares Masters Meet, Toronto

Sun Feb 10th London Masters Meet

Sun Feb 17th Burlington Masters Meet

Sat Feb 23rd Nepean Masters (Ottawa) LCM Meet

Sun Mar 2nd Milton Masters Meet

Sat Mar 8th Technosport Swim Meet (Ottawa)

Fri-Sun Mar 28-30th Ontario Provincial Masters Champs, Etobicoke

Fri-Sun Apr 11-13th Quebec Provincials, Trois-Rivieres

Sat Apr 12th Technosport Swim Meet (Ottawa)

Apr 15-25th World Masters Aquatic Championships, Perth, Australia

Sat May 3rd Cornwall Masters Meet

Fri-Mon May 16-19th Canadian Masters Championships, Quebec City

Sat Jun 7th Repentigny Masters Meet

Sat Jun 28th Masters Invitational Meet, Montreal



Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)


Sat Sept 1st Canadian Triathlon Weekend, Ottawa

Ironman Distance (3.8k/180k/42.2k; 54 competitors)

Carleton swimmers made up nearly 25% of the women’s field in this race!  All three women looked awesome on the bike (when I was watching) and they all finished in great times!  Well done!!

Colette Kenney (8:30am Earlybirds, 45-49): 22nd overall; 4th woman; 1st in age group in 11:58:54

Susan Nevitt-Yelle (8:30am Earlybirds, 45-49): 29th overall; 6th woman; 2nd in age group in 12:32:39

Renee Robert (8:30am Earlybirds, 50-54): 45th overall; 12th woman; 2nd in age group in 14:13:10

There was an article on this race in the Ottawa Metro on Fri Aug 31st which includes a photo and quotes from Susan:


Sprint Distance (750m/30k/5k; 269 competitors)

Sheila Kealey (Whitecaps, 40-44): 13th overall; 1st woman; 1st in age group in 1:26:20

Tony Revitt (7:30am Earlybirds, 30-34): 51st overall; 44th man; 6th in age group in 1:36:32

Jolene Harvey (7:30am Earlybirds, 30-34): 117th overall; 31st woman; 8th in age group in 1:46:12

Peter Liu (Nightcaps, 35-39): 150th overall; 109th man; 14th in age group in 1:50:43

Full results for all the events at:


Sun Sept 9th St Marys’ 5km MSO Open Water Swim Championships

This year’s annual 5km swim was held in the memory of Jack Galvin (see “Swimmers Notes”, above).  A significant milestone was reached this year, as, for the first time, an 80 year old, Ken Marchant, completed the race (in 2:48)!  Lynn Marshall (Coach/Whitecaps) was the only Carleton swimmer competing, but Tony Pidkalenko (now living in London) and his girlfriend came to watch (on a very cool day), which was appreciated!  There were 50 swimmers this year.  Lynn finished 1st overall in 1:05:32 (new 45-49 record, almost 2min faster than last year).  Full results at:



Ask the Coach


Dear Coach:  Where can I buy a good training suit?  New Swimmer


Dear N. Swimmer:  When buying a training suit, you want to look for a long lasting polyester fabric.  It’s difficult to find these suits locally, but (in Montreal) has a wide range of styles available and can ship you the suit of your choice (or you can visit one of their stores).


Dear Coach:  Where can I buy prescription goggles?  Short-Sighted Swimmer


Dear S-S. Swimmer:  There are lots of on-line swim stores that sell prescription goggles (including Aquasport, above).  However, most local Sports Experts stores sell Speedo prescription goggles.  (Call ahead to check they have your prescription!)



Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons

Fall Schedule Coming Soon!


2006-2007 Prices:
Private: $50 per hour, plus GST.
Semi-Private (2-3 swimmers; per swimmer): $32 per hour, plus GST.
Contact Lynn for bookings.





Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.


Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:

- Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout: all year)

- Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout: Sept-Apr)

- Saturday Brunch (after 9:30-10:30am workout: Sept-Jun)

Meet by the Control Desk after workout.

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, photos, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records, among other things, can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!

Lynn (or for quicker response:

Club website: