From: Lynn Marshall []
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 7:34 AM
To: Steve Baird; Blake Christie; Claudia Cronin-Schlote; Kristi Dean; Louise Hayes; Lynn Marshall; Lynn Marshall; Mits Kachi; Tim Kilby
Subject: Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #183


Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #183                       Sunday, November 25th, 2007


To:  Carleton Coaches (9 addresses)


Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2007 and Alumni: 7:30am Earlybirds (40 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (27 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (34 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "B" (30 addresses), 8pm Nightcaps (34 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (40 members).



"Save the earth – it’s the only planet with chocolate."



Masters Christmas Party

Don, Joanie, Ben and Sam (Whitecaps “A”, Nightcaps, Safety Supervision) have once again kindly volunteered to host the Christmas potluck party on Sat Dec 8th, starting at 6:30pm.  Please bring a dish to share and BYOB.  Masters from all groups and their families are invited.  For full details, see:



Winter Registration

Registration for the Winter Carleton Athletics Programs (including Masters Swimming) has started.  You may now register for the winter continuation of the four groups that are currently running (7:30am Earlybirds, 8:30am Earlybirds, 6pm Whitecaps, 8pm Nightcaps), as well as for the 6:30am group.  The first four groups start on Mon Jan 7th / Tue Jan 8th.  Note, however, that the 6:30am group does not start until Mon Feb 25th.  If you plan to start with one of the four existing groups and then transfer to the 6:30am group as of Feb 25th, please register with the group that you will join in January and let Lynn know that you plan to switch in February.



Swimmer Notes   


Swimmer Notes:

    Chris Hallamore (7:30am Earlybirds) has just accepted a job in HR with BC Hydro in Vancouver starting Jan 2nd.  He’s very excited about the move.  Congratulations, Chris, but we’ll miss you!

    Ursula Scott (7:30 Earlybirds) is a member of the Orpheus Choral Group, which is performing a Christmas concert on Sat Dec 15th at 7:30pm at Annunciation of the Lord Church, 2414 Ogilvie Rd (near Montreal Rd), Ottawa.  There is no admission charge but a free will offering will be accepted to support the Knights of Columbus.  Coffee, tea and home-baked goodies courtesy of Choral Group members will be served after the performance.

    Seán Kelly (7:30 Earlybirds) is performing in the Suzart Production of Oliver! at St. Paul High School, 2675 Draper Avenue, Ottawa (near Baseline at Greenbank), on Fri Dec 21st at 7pm, Sat Dec 22nd at 2pm and 7pm, and Sun Dec 23rd at 2pm.  Tickets are $20 for adults, $16 for students and seniors, $11 for children 12 and under, and can be reserved by calling the Suzart Productions Box Office at 613-828-3500.

   Gi Wu (Whitecaps “A”, 7:30am Earlybirds) has had a great past ten days.  In addition to getting a big raise after less than 8 months on the job, he was just granted Canadian Permanent Residency status.  Congrats, Gi!


Tuesday Evening Post-Nightcaps Carpool Request:  Lori Melien (Nightcaps, is still looking for a lift home (or even part way) after Nightcaps on Tuesdays.  She lives in the area of Alta Vista behind the Billings Bridge Museum.  If you can help, please send Lori an e-mail or talk to her at the pool.


86yr old Australian Swims a Million Meters:  Sydney grandfather John Gwillim recently finished the 1,000,000m swim challenge he started in 2001:


How the Other Half Lives:  Dara Torres (40), an American woman aiming to qualify for a record 6th Olympic Games, has a staff of six keeping her in top shape:


Grant Hackett Asthmatic:  The world record holder in men’s 1500m free was recently diagnosed as being asthmatic:


Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.



Fall Session Information

This section of the newsletter contains information on upcoming special workouts / sets as well as the names of those who attend most regularly.  Note that this term’s 800/1500m freestyle time trial will be Thu Nov 29th / Fri Nov 30th.


Here's the summary of the weekday attendance to date for the Fall session.  (We don’t take attendance regularly on Saturday.)  Those with perfect weekday attendance for the whole session receive a certificate.  Please let me know if you notice any errors!


7:30am Earlybirds (Sept 12-Nov 23rd; 31 workouts; range: 14-29; avg.: 21.5)

Perfect Attendance: Angela D, Ursula

Missed 1 Workout: Sean K

Missed 2 Workouts: Carla S, Derek R


8:30am Earlybirds (Sept 12- Nov 23rd; 31 workouts; range: 12-26; avg.: 18.9)

Perfect Attendance: Amir, Penny

Missed 1 Workout: Colette K, Susan N-Y

Missed 2 Workouts: Tanya L


6pm Whitecaps “A” (Sept 11-Nov 22nd; 31 workouts; range: 13-28; avg.: 21.0)

Missed 1 Workout: Don W, Francois P, Jose

Missed 2 Workouts: Pete L


6pm Whitecaps “B” (Sept 11-Nov 22nd; 31 workouts; range: 8-19; avg.: 12.5)

Missed 6 Workouts: Jackie L, Marg E


8pm Nightcaps (Sept 11-Nov 22nd; 22 workouts; range 10-28; avg.: 19.9)

Missed 2 Workout: Joanie C

Missed 3 Workouts: Amanda G, Julie H


Masters Swimming Competitions

You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Registration for 2007-2008 is on now.  As the main batch of club registrations has already been mailed, your cost is $26 for registration ($25 for MSO, $1 for postage/handling).  Your MSO membership will be good until Dec 31st, 2008.  Contact Lynn for more details.  Note that you must register with MSO at least 3 weeks before the due date of your entry for your first competition. 


Full details on all Ontario Masters competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see: (select “Maitres” to see just the Masters competition).


Here’s a list of upcoming competitions (mostly) in Ontario and Quebec.  More meets will be added as the information become available.  Note that meet entries and confirming meet information and entry dates are your responsibility.  More meets, information and web links (if not listed below) should be available shortly, or look at the full schedules as per the above.


Sat Dec 8th Montreal North Masters Meet

Sun Dec 9th North York Masters Meet

Sun Dec 9th St-Lambert Masters Meet

Sun Jan 6th Muskoka Masters Meet

Sat Jan 12th Technosport Swim Meet (Ottawa)

Sun Jan 20th Alderwood Teddy Bares Masters Meet, Toronto

Sun Jan 27th 1000 Islands Almost Serious Meet

Sun Jan 27th Dufferin Masters Meet

Fri-Sat Feb 1-2nd Quebec City Capital Cup

Sat Feb 2nd Pointe-Claire Masters Meet

Sat Feb 2nd Rideau Speedeaus Meet (Ottawa)

Sun Feb 10th London Masters Meet

Sat-Sun Feb 16-17th LaSalle Masters Meet

Sun Feb 17th Burlington Masters Meet

Sat Feb 23rd Nepean Masters (Ottawa) LCM Meet

Sun Mar 2nd Milton Masters Meet

Sat Mar 8th Technosport Swim Meet (Ottawa)

Sat Mar 15th Dollard-des-Ormeaux Masters Meet

Fri-Sun Mar 28-30th Ontario Provincial Masters Champs, Etobicoke

Fri-Sun Apr 11-13th Quebec Provincials, Trois-Rivieres

Sat Apr 12th Technosport Swim Meet (Ottawa)

Apr 15-25th World Masters Aquatic Championships, Perth, Australia

Sat May 3rd Cornwall Masters Meet

Sat May 3rd CASO Masters Meet, Montreal

Sat May 3rd Woodstock Masters Meet

Fri-Mon May 16-19th Canadian Masters Championships, Quebec City

Sat Jun 7th Repentigny Masters Meet

Sat Jun 28th Masters Invitational LCM Meet, Montreal



Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)


Sat Nov 3rd Technosport Swim Meet, Ottawa U

Official results are now available:  All three of us placed first in all our events!  And Margaret set two new club records in 50m and 100m backstroke, beating her times from last year.  Congratulations, Margaret!  The updated club records have been posted on the web site (link is near the bottom of the main page).

Margaret King (8:30am Earlybirds, 75-79): 1st: 50fs, 100fs, 50bk (1:39.42: club record), 100bk (3:32.04: club record)

Rob Trimbee (Earlybirds, 50-54): 1st: 100fs, 200fs, 100IM

Lynn Marshall (Coach, 45-49): 1st: 50fs, 100fs, 100bk, 100br


Sat Nov 10th Ironman 70.3 Triathlon World Championships, Clearwater, FL

(Half Ironman Distance: 1.2mi, 56mi, 13.1mi; 1466 competitors)

Congratulations to Bruce Haydon on improving his time and doing very well in an extremely competitive field.  Full results at:

Bruce Haydon (7:30am Earlybirds, 40-44): 1111th overall and 157th in age category in 5:18:07


Sun Nov 11th Etobicoke Swim Meet

Rob Trimbee (Earlybirds) participated.  Results to come…


Sat Nov 17th Potsdam Hobble Gobble Prediction Run (9.89km, 85 participants)

Congrats to Susan on her very close prediction!  Full results at:  Unfortunately for Susan, the top 6 won turkeys, so she just missed out! 

Susan Nevitt-Yelle (8:30am Earlybirds) 7th overall based on prediction (14.3 over her guess) and 24th on overall time (45:40.3)


Sun Nov 18th Kingston Swim Meet

Rob Trimbee (Earlybirds) participated.  Results to come…


Fri-Sat Nov 23-24th Montreal A Contre Courant Swim Meet

Rob Trimbee (Earlybirds) and Chris Hallamore (7:30am Earlybirds) participated.  Results to come…



Ask the Coach


Dear Coach:  I noticed one swimmer doing double arm backstroke with whip kick during a recent time trial.  Is that legal?  Just Wondering


Dear J. Wondering:  Yes, it is!  Here’s an excerpt of the backstroke rules from the FINA web site:  “…swimmer shall … swim upon his back throughout the race” [except turns…].  “Some part of the swimmer must break the surface throughout the race” [except turn and 15m after each start/turn…].  Thus, you can do anything you like, as long as you stay on your back.  For most people, alternating arm backstroke with flutter kick is the fastest.


Dear Coach:  OK, then, what about freestyle?  Still Wondering


Dear S. Wondering:  In theory, you can do any stroke you like for freestyle, except in IM where it must be a different stroke from the previous three (fly, back and breast).  Again, for most people, front crawl is fastest.




Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons

Partial Fall Schedule (more dates to come for Dec 4-19th):

Fri 9:45-10:45am


Private: $50 per hour, plus GST.
Semi-Private (2-3 swimmers; per swimmer): $32 per hour, plus GST.
Contact Lynn for bookings.





Fall/Winter Schedule

Here’s the information on the Fall/Winter Masters sessions.  Registration for Winter starts Tue Nov 20thDon’t forget that Saturday workouts are half an hour later than in the past (i.e. 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am). 

Fall Dates: Sept 11th – Dec 19th, except Oct 8th (Thanksgiving Monday)

Winter Dates: Jan 7th – Apr 18th, except Mar 21st, 22nd, 24th (Easter Weekend)

Programs Offered:  (All programs are for members only)

7:30am Earlybirds: 7:30-8:30am MWF + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $127+GST per term

8:30am Earlybirds: 8:30-9:30am MWF + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $127+GST per term

6pm Whitecaps: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $132+GST per term (11 lanes)

8pm Nightcaps: 8-9pm TuTh + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $96+GST per term

Child Safety Supervision: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + 8:30-9:30am Sat: $94 (no GST) per term

6:30am Earlybirds: Feb 25-Apr 18th only: 6:30-7:30am MWF + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $64+GST


Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.


Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:

- Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout: all year)

- Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout: Sept-Apr)

- Saturday Brunch (after 9:30-10:30am workout: Sept-Jun)

Meet by the Control Desk after workout.

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, photos, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records, among other things, can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!

Lynn (or for quicker response:

Club website: