From: Lynn Marshall
To: Blake Christie ; Tim Kilby ; Tarek (Home) ; Steve Baird ; Mits Kachi (work) ; Kristi Dean ; John Waring ; Claudia Cronin-Schlote (work) ; Heather McBurney (home)
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 2:05 PM
Subject: Carleton Masters Newsletter #19

Carleton Masters Weekly Newsletter #19                        Tuesday, September 11th, 2001
To: Carleton Coaches
Bcc: Early Birds (50 addresses); Whitecaps (51 addresses)
Important Notes
Due to today's terrorist attacks in the US, swimming may be far from your mind.  However, there is some time sensitive information I wanted to get out today. 
Saturday Evening: Kim's Annual Lobster Party
Kim Kennedy (Whitecaps) is hosting her annual Lobster Party this Saturday, September 15th, starting at 6pm at her new house: 13 Mullcraft Crescent (near Woodroffe and Fallowfield in Barrhaven) -- maps will be posted on the bulletin board at the pool.  If you are interested in a lobster (or two), let Kim know by Friday and she will order them on your behalf -- pay on Saturday.  Also, BYOB and a potluck dish.  Questions and orders to Kim at, 825-8515(h), or 724-9865(w).

Sunday Evening: Carleton Open House and Masters Workout
An Open House is being held at the pool on Sunday evening, September 16th for all Carleton residence students.  To show just how much fun it is, we will be holding a Masters workout 7:30-8:30pm in the shallow end, followed by 8:30-9:00pm stroke improvement in 4 lanes of the deep end.  Free to all Carleton Masters and Varsity Swimmers.  Hope to see you there!  Any questions or special requests for the workout or the focus for stroke improvement, please let me know.
Andrea Chandler and Derek Baas (both Whitecaps) are pleased to announce that they are expecting a baby in mid-March 2002!  (See Andrea's question on Maternity Suits in the "Ask the Coach" section.)
Photos from George (Whitecaps) and Poppy's 50th wedding anniversary (and the end of the summer session) dinner have been posted on the bulletin board.
Margaret (Early Birds) has also posted some great swimming newspaper photos.  (The Masters bulletin board is located near the door to the Sun Deck on the Carleton pool deck.)
Feedback on workouts:  Is there something you like to do during workout that we don't do enough, or something you'd like to do less often?  The coaches welcome your suggestions and feedback.
Start of Fall Session and Interim "Toonie" Workouts
The fall session, with all four groups (Early Birds I and II, Whitecaps, and Nightcaps) starts on Monday, September 17th.  Please register at the Athletics Office (2nd floor) or call 520-4480.  Interim "toonie" workouts at a cost of $2 each (fee applicable to Varsity as well as Masters swimmers) for those already registered for the Fall session are available until Saturday, September 15th at the following times:
"Toonie" Workout Schedule (pay $2 to the coach):
Tuesday, September 11th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Kristi)
Wednesday, September 12: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Thursday, September 13th: 6-7:10pm (Coach: Mits)
Friday, September 14th: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Saturday, September 15th: 9-10am (Coach: Lynn)
Race Reports (as usual, please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):
Ottawa 1/2 Ironman (September 1st)
Renee Roberts (Early Birds) was 114th overall and 4th in Women's 45-49 in 6:54:17
Masters Swimming Ontario 5km Open Water Swim Championships St Marys (near Stratford), September 9th
Lynn Marshall (Whitecaps, Coach) was first overall (out of 46 entrants) in 1:05:40

Ask the Coach
Dear Coach: Does anyone in the Master's program have any ideas of where to find good quality maternity
bathing suits? Are good ones available or do swimmers usually make do with bigger sizes of regular suits? This isn't an urgent concern for me right now, but probably soon will be!  Expecting!
Dear Expecting: Someone should be able to help out here: Joanie, Bicki, Mary??
Dear CoachCould you please tell me of any local outlet(s) that sell Zoomers or do I have to order them on the internet???   Looking to Zoom
Dear L. Zoom: For those who have not heard of "Zoomers" they are flippers with small fins, favoured by some swimmers.  I do not know of a local outlet.  Please let me know if anyone has seen them locally or has a recommended internet vendor.
Total Immersion
Derek B (Whitecaps) sends this information on next weekend's Total Immersion clinic:
"Note that unless they have built a new pool since 1984, the pool at St. Andrews College is really crappy; one of the worst I've encountered.   It's 20 yds., about 2 1/2 feet deep in the shallow end, dark, cold and has torture racks for starting blocks (I cut my foot open on one of them when I was swimming a meet in high school).  The college may well have built a new pool but it would be worth checking out before anyone spends $600!"
More Open Water Swimming Tips
Some people may be interested in these tips.  Note that anyone following number 10 or number 1 would be disqualified under Masters Swimming Ontario and Masters Swimming Canada rules!!  Note also that women are well established in the history of Open Water swimming (it's nothing new as is implied here), and in many cases have equalled or surpassed men's records.

By Alex Kostich from

"Open-water swimmer Dawn Heckman (hey, what about those goggle straps?)

In the male-dominated world of open-water swimming, 23-year-old Dawn Heckman has been creating waves.

A member of the USA Swimming Open-water National Team for the last two years, Dawn burst onto the scene after retiring from competitive pool swimming, carving out a name for herself as one of America’s rising long-distance stars.

Her growing list of recent accomplishments includes bronze medals in both the FINA World Open-water Swimming Championships and the USA 25K National Championships last year, in addition to numerous accomplishments from her days as a collegiate swimmer for the University of Florida.

Having profiled swimmer John Flanagan earlier this summer, who provided a useful list of top 10 open-water tips, I wanted to revisit the formula with Dawn, who I thought could offer a “female” perspective to what is still considered a primarily male sport.

While women everywhere are venturing into open-waters for triathlons and other aquatic competitions, Dawn has managed to excel and put a few established men in their place (i.e. behind her at the finish line).

I was interested in finding out the secrets to Dawn’s success; after all, any swimmer — male or female — can learn and benefit from a champion of her caliber. Dawn’s list of top 10 tips will take you by surprise; not only is she a smart and ruthless competitor but she has a sense of humor, too!

A woman’s guide to open-water racing: Top 10 list of do’s and don’ts

10. Grow your nails. In an open-water race it is not uncommon for people (men especially) to swim over you in order to get by. When you find yourself being plowed over by some huge guy, let them know they’re swimming in your territory by giving them a little scratch! When they realize they can’t just push you aside, they’ll usually back off and chart their own course.

9. Pace yourself. Often men dash out of the start, using testosterone to their advantage by swimming as fast as they can. Then, somewhere near the middle of the race, they get tired and start to slow down. This is the perfect opportunity to reel them in and pass them one by one. The race hurts a lot less, and to be honest, it’s quite fun passing men near the end of a race! Their egos are a little crushed, and passing them gives you that extra mental boost to finish the race strong.

8. Relax your stroke. The ocean is more powerful than you are. It’s not worth wasting energy fighting it. Try to develop a rhythm with the current conditions. Don’t worry about technique. Technique is something you practice in the pool. Your work in the pool will pay off in the ocean.

7. Avoid unwanted hickies. Use Vaseline around chafing areas. There is nothing worse than having your swimsuit straps rub against your neck in salt water for a long period of time. If you don’t wear Vaseline, you’ll end up wearing a turtleneck for two weeks, or you’ll have to constantly explain to everyone (including your boyfriend) that Dracula wasn’t sucking on your neck!

6. Don’t shave right before the race. Razor burn and salt water — need I say more?

5. No itsy-bitsy teeny-weenie yellow polka-dot bikinis!!!

4. Race sans jewelry. Although necklaces, anklets, and bracelets are fashionable, they are also very enticing for someone to grab on to. (And if sharks and other forms of carnivorous wildlife are a concern for you, eliminating all shiny things — earrings included — is highly recommended.)

3. Wear your goggles under your cap. If you start the race with goggles, most likely you want to finish the race with goggles (especially if you wear contacts). The start of an open-water race is very crowded and hectic. It is not uncommon for someone to knock your goggles off (intentionally or unintentionally). If you put your goggles on before you put your cap on, they will stay put and not fall off.

2. Carpe diem! Seize the moment. Enjoy your surroundings. Embrace nature. Swimming in the open water is very refreshing. Most people are afraid of it. You’re doing something most people would never even consider doing, so live for the moment!

1. Draft, draft, draft. Generally speaking, men create larger waves than women. Use this to your advantage. Swim directly behind someone who is slightly faster than you, and let them do the work. When you’re close to the finish, pull to the side and use the energy you’ve saved to sprint the rest of the way.

As I predicted, Dawn’s list has something for everyone, and her accomplishments are no surprise given the strategies above. Open-water swimming can be intimidating for first-timers, and some women may feel especially vulnerable given the nature of the beast (that “beast” being men, rather than the ocean!). It is encouraging to see a woman asserting herself in a sport as potentially rough and intimidating as open-water swimming, and it’s impressive that Dawn is beating her male counterparts on the national and international level.

I was not familiar with Dawn’s goggles-under-the-cap approach until now, and I consider myself privileged to know that should I ever compete against her, I best keep my distance to avoid getting scratched, drafted off of, or perhaps even ... beaten !"
Private Masters Lessons
Fall times and costs for private Masters lessons will be published in September.
General Information
Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:
Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (
Happy laps!