From: Lynn Marshall []
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 8:23 AM
To: Steve Baird; Blake Christie; Claudia Cronin-Schlote; Kristi Dean; Louise Hayes; Lynn Marshall; Lynn Marshall; Mits Kachi; Tim Kilby
Subject: Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #200


Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #200                                 Sunday, July 13th, 2008


To:  Carleton Coaches (9 addresses)


Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2007 / Winter/Spring/Summer 2008 and Alumni: 6:30am Earlybirds (38 addresses); 7:30am Earlybirds (40 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (33 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (35 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "B" (42 addresses), 8pm Nightcaps (29 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (29 members).



"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." – Ralph Waldo Emerson



Summer Session Dates and Workout Cancellation Notes

Note that the Athletics building is CLOSED on Mon Aug 4th.  Also, don’t forget that the 8:30am group does not run during the summer session, and Saturday workouts in July/August are 10:30-11:30am ONLY

   Whitecaps have half the pool (6 lanes shallow end, and thus one coach) for the summer session.  Blake Christie will coach on Mondays (except that Lynn will coach Mon Jun 30th).  Lynn Marshall will coach Tuesdays and Thursdays in July, and Mits Kachi will coach Tuesdays and Thursdays in August.



Swimmer Notes   


New Web Site Photos: ( or click on Recent Photos near top of main page)

- Two photos of Jennifer Stewart (Whitecaps “B”)’s baby, Georgia, born June 17th have been added to the web site.

- A photo of Jill Patrick (7:30am Earlybirds) and Jose Vivanco (Whitecaps) on their wedding day, June 28th, has also been added.  Jill reports that the first 12 days of marriage have gone well, and they plan to stick it out for at least 12 more J !


House Warming and Summer Birthdays Celebration:  Lina Vincent (Whitecaps) is hosting a party on Sat Jul 19th from 5pm on at her place: 1581 Belleterre.  Bring your meat to BBQ or bring a dish to share. Also BYOB. Snacks and soft drinks will be served.  Please RSVP by Thu Jul 17th.  Directions: East Queensway to 174 towards Orléans.  Exit at Jeanne d'Arc Blvd.South (keep to the right off the ramp).  Left at second traffic light on to St. Joseph Blvd. for about 1,8 km.  Right at Edgar Brault (first right after the church), right on Ridgegate (Edgar Brault changing name).  First street on the right: Belleterre.  Forth bungalow on the right is the place: 1581.


News Articles:

   Swim Vacations:

   A pre-Olympic Trials article on Dara Torres (who made this year’s US Olympic Swim team at age 41):

   The World's Longevity Secrets:

   Athletes use Viagra for a competitive edge, experts say:

   Post-Exercise Caffeine Helps Muscles Refuel:


Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.



Summer Session Information

Here’s where you’ll find information on the Summer session, including weekday attendance (starting next time), and upcoming time trials, etc.


The list of time trials planned for the Summer session is as follows (subject to change without notice!):

All: July 8/9: 200

All: Jul 31/Aug 1: 400

Morning groups: Aug 6: 2 x 50

All: Aug 12/13: 800/1500

Morning groups: Aug 27: 2 x 100

Morning groups: Aug 29: relays


Congratulations to those who made big improvements in their 200: Ken Johnson (6:30am Earlybirds) 8.9sec in 200 free, Elaine Cooper (Whitecaps) 8.1 in 200 free, Vanessa Woods (Whitecaps) 6.4 in 200 free, and Rob Trimbee (Earlybirds) 4.3 in 200 breast.


Here are the weekday attendance statistics for the spring term.  So far there are 6 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance – keep it up! 


6:30am Very Earlybirds (Jun 30-Jul 11th; 6 workouts; range: 2-9; avg.: 5.8)

Missed 1 Workout: Ian L, Rob T


7:30am Earlybirds (Jun 30-Jul 11th; 6 workouts; range: 11-23; avg.: 16.5)

Perfect Attendance: Carmel M, Isla P, Katie Y, Sean K


6pm Whitecaps (Jun 30-Jul 11th; 5 workouts; range: 17-20; avg.: 18.6)

Perfect Attendance: Rob K, Suzanne L



Masters Swimming Competitions

You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Registration for 2007-2008 is on now.  As the main batch of club registrations has already been mailed, your cost is $26 for registration ($25 for MSO, $1 for postage/handling).  Your MSO membership is good until Dec 31st, 2008.  Contact Lynn for more details.  You must register with MSO at least 3 weeks before the due date of your entry for your first competition.  Note that the MSO annual fee will increase to $35 starting in 2008-2009.


Full details on all Ontario Masters competitions can be found at:

For Quebec competitions see: (select “FNQ” and then look at meets with meet type “Maitres”).


Here’s a list of upcoming competitions (mostly) in Ontario and Quebec.  More meets will be added as the information become available.  Note that meet entries and confirming meet information and entry dates are your responsibility. 


For those who like to plan ahead, the 2009 Ontario Masters Championships will be held at the Nepean Sportsplex from March 20-22nd.  The 2009 Canadian Masters Championships will be held at the Etobicoke Olympium (usually the May long weekend).  Also, the 2010 World Masters Aquatic Championships will be held in Goteborg and Boras, Sweden, from July 28-August 10th.  


Mon Jul 14th Quebec Open Water 1k, 2k, 5k and 10k Championships, Ile Ste Helene Rowing Basin, Montreal, select upcoming meets, province: FNQ, July, and then the meet

Sat Jul 19th 2.9k Easter Seals Swim, Nepean Sailing Club, MSO registration not required

Sat Jul 19th Bright’s Grove 1.5k and 3k Provincial Championships

Sat Jul 26th Technosport Meech Lake 3k Swim, MSO membership not required

Sat Aug 2nd Welland Canal Four Bridges 3k and 5k Swims

Sat Aug 9th Fourth Annual 4km Sun City Swim, Barrie, MSO membership not required

Sat Aug 9th Technosport Meech Lake 4k Swim, MSO membership not required

Sun Aug 10th 1000 Islands Y Open Water 500m, 1k, 1.5k and 3k swims, MSO membership not required for 1k swim

Sun Sept 7th St Marys 5km Provincial Championships



Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)


Sat Jun 28th Long Course (50m pool) Masters Meet, Parc Jean-Drapeau, Montreal

Official (almost) results are now posted at (under Events, Meet List & Results).  Gi’s 50fl time unfortunately got slower (it seems the time he thought he did was for another lane!).  Lynn’s 200fs time got a little faster (apparently the electronic timing didn’t work properly for someone in the heat, so all manual times were used).  And George’s 50br is missing from the results (but will be added soon).  Here’s how we placed:

George Tombler (Whitecaps, 80-84): 1st 200fs (5:27.25), 100bk (2:34.87), 50br (1:15.93), 100br (2:51.69); 2nd 50bk (1:13.93)

Lynn Marshall (Coach / Whitecaps, 45-49): 1st 50fs (30.46), 100fs (1:05.85), 200fs (2:15.88 National Record), 100br (1:35.40), 50fl (33.52)

Francois Parent (Whitecaps, 40-44): 1st 200br (3:25.98); 5th 100br (1:37.05); 12th 50fs (36.51)

Gi Wu (Whitecaps, 25-29): 3rd 50fl (37.09); 4th 50br (41.64); 5th 50fs (29.17)


Sun Jun 29th Barry’s Bay Triathlon (750m/32k/8k; 104 participants)

Full results at  Congratulations to Susan and Jamie on their results.  (Jamie won overall by nearly 8 minutes!)

Jamie Stephenson (ROCS; 35-39): 1st overall, 1st in age group in 1:29:50

Susan Nevitt-Yelle (7:30am Earlybirds; 45-49): 69th overall; 4th in age group in 2:13:46


Sat Jul 5th Joe’s Team Triathlon, Muskoka (750m/20k/5k; 40 teams)

Kristi Dean (Coach / 6:30am Earlybirds) did the swim and bike on a team (called Sirius Cause) with Susan St. Amand, her boss.   They both found this race (a cancer research fund raiser) extremely inspirational.  They finished 32nd in 1:49:08, but more importantly they raised over $8000 for cancer research.  Well done!  More on the race and Joe, see:  Full results at:


Sat Jul 5th Shawinigan Dragon Boat Festival

Debby Whately (Whitecaps) and the Cascades Women placed 2nd overall, behind their nemesis Montreal.  However, the strong current gave them their fastest ever 500m time by a huge margin.


Sat Jul 5th Meech Lake Mike Collingwood Memorial Triathlon (1200m/23.5k/6.4k; 193 individuals, 14 teams)

Full results at  Jamie wins again – this time by 4 minutes, and had his photo on the front page of the Sun Jul 6th Ottawa Sun!  Good job by all those who participated:


Jamie Stephenson (ROCS, 35-39): 1st overall, 1st in age group in 1:14:45

James Young (6:30am Earlybirds, 45-49): 5th overall; 2nd in age group in 1:22:58

Sheila Kealey (6:30am Earlybirds; 40-44): 19th overall; 2nd woman; 2nd in age group in 1:28:52

Renee Robert (7:30am Earlybirds, 50-54): 157th overall; 4th in age group in 1:59:52

Andy Robert (Renee’s husband, 60+): 180th overall; 2nd in age group in 2:10:59


Reid Van Melle (7:30am Earlybirds) was the cyclist on the 2nd team overall (1st men’s team) 1:28:21

Iyad Abbas (7:30am Earlybirds) was the swimmer on the 3rd team overall (2nd men’s team) 1:30:38

Ian Lorimer (6:30am Earlybirds) was the swimmer on the 7th team overall (3rd men’s team) 1:34:02



Ask the Coach


Dear Coach:  Why should I descend during some sets?  Isn’t it best to swim at one speed?  Pacing Myself


Dear P. Myself:  Variety is the spice of life and the key to improving!  Varying your speed during workout is the best way to “shock” your system.  If you always do the same thing (and swim at the same speed), your body adapts to that and you will get in a rut.  By varying the intensity, you will see more improvement.


Dear Coach:  Can you recommend anyone who can provide a swimming-specific weights workout?  Want to Get Stronger


Dear W.t.G. Stronger:  For any swimmer who is not at a high competitive level and who does not have injuries (joints, etc.) a general weights routine is fine.  Most gyms (e.g. Carleton) have a handout that they will give you with a recommended general routine.  If you are focusing on a particular event or stroke, or if you have injuries, you may need a workout that focuses on particular areas or builds on your weaknesses (e.g. some swimmers have pecs stronger than the back muscles, and need to balance that out, or need to do rotator cuff exercises due to shoulder problems).  I’m sure that if you post your request on TriRudy ( you will get some good suggestions of personal trainers, etc.


Dear Coach:  I looked at the Dolfin bathing suits on-line (the web site you mentioned in the last news letter:  I was wondering how this suit fits.  The price was great, but not worth it if does not fit right.  I have a long body and also need support up top; any comments?  Looking for the Right Suit


Dear L.f.t.R. Suit: I like the suits with thin straps (like the Dolfin Uglies) as they stretch more to fit a long body.  However, the thinner straps also mean a bit less support.  I ordered the same size that I wear in a TYR polyester suit (also with thin straps), i.e. 34 and it fits me fine.  You’ll get more support if the suit is tighter, but all suits tend to stretch out a bit over time.  Swim2000 also has other brands of suits on sale, so you might want to see if there are any with thicker straps that you like in other brands.  (Suit materials these days are stretchier than in the past, so not many suits come in “L” i.e. long anymore.)


Dear Coach:  Any suggestions on where I can get plus-size swimwear?  Larger Swimmer


Dear L. Swimmer:  A collective search by both of us came up with the following: (Kingston) (UK)

And also, Dolfin makes men’s suits in up to a 46” waist.



Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons

Summer Schedule:


Mon 7:15-8:15pm Aug 11th, 18th, 25th

Tue 7:15-8:15pm Aug 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th

Wed 6-7pm Aug 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th

Wed 7-8pm Aug 6th, 13th, 20th

Thu 7:15-8:15pm Aug 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th


Prices (may increase soon):
Private: $50 per hour, plus GST.
Semi-Private (2-3 swimmers; per swimmer): $32 per hour, plus GST.
Contact Lynn for bookings.





Masters Spring/Summer Programs / Prices: Here’s the information on the Spring/Summer Masters programs.  You can register now for both Spring and Summer programs.  Details on Athletic memberships at:  -- note the spring/summer specials.  Register for programs on-line at: and follow the links, or directly at:  Note that the 6:30am Earlybirds group has 4 lanes on Mondays and Fridays until July 25th (6 lanes on Wednesdays and in August).  Also, the Spring Whitecaps “B” group has 4 lanes on weekdays.  You can also register by phone or in person at Customer Service 8:30am-4:30pm M-F.

Spring Dates: May 5th – June 28th, except May 17th (Earlybird Triathlon Booking) and May 19th (Victoria Day)

Summer Dates: June 30th – August 30th, except July 1st (Canada Day) and August 4th (Civic Holiday)

Saturday Schedule: Spring Session: 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am; Summer Session: 10:30-11:30am ONLY

Programs Offered:  (All programs are for members only)

6:30am Earlybirds: 6:30-7:30am MWF + Sat (times above): Spring: $68+GST; Summer: $78+GST

7:30am Earlybirds: 7:30-8:30am MWF + Sat (times above): Spring: $68+GST; Summer: $78+GST

8:30am Earlybirds: 8:30-9:30am MWF + Sat (times above): Spring Only: $68+GST

6pm Whitecaps: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + Sat (times above): Spring: $70+GST; Summer: $80+GST (half pool for Summer)

Child Safety Supervision: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + Spring Only: 8:30-9:30am Sat: Spring $64; Summer $58 (no GST)


Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.


Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:

- Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout: all year)

- Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout: Sept-Apr)

- Saturday Brunch (after 9:30-10:30am workout: Sept-Jun; after 10:30-11:30am workout: July-Aug)

Meet by the Control Desk after workout.

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, photos, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records, among other things, can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!

Lynn (or for quicker response:

Club website: