From: Lynn Marshall []
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 7:24 AM
To: Steve Baird; Blake Christie; Claudia Cronin-Schlote; Kristi Dean; Louise Hayes; Lynn Marshall; Lynn Marshall; Mits Kachi; Tim Kilby
Subject: Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #203


Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #203                                 Sunday, August 17th, 2008


To:  Carleton Coaches (9 addresses)


Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2007 / Winter/Spring/Summer 2008 and Alumni: 6:30am Earlybirds (38 addresses); 7:30am Earlybirds (42 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (33 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (36 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "B" (42 addresses), 8pm Nightcaps (29 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (29 members).



"The period of greatest gain in knowledge and experience is the most difficult period in one's life." – Dalai Lama



Summer Session Dates

The summer session ends on Sat Aug 30th.  For August the Whitecaps coaches will be Blake Christie (Monday), and Mits Kachi (Tuesday/Thursday).  Don’t forget that the 8:30am group does not run during the summer session, and Saturday workouts in July/August are 10:30-11:30am ONLY



August Saturday Safety Supervision Make-Up Sessions

Due to repeated problems with a very cold wading pool in the Spring session, four make-up child safety supervision sessions will be held during Saturday morning Masters: 10:30-11:30am Sat Aug 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th.   



Fall/Winter Masters Programs: Details and Registration

You can register now for both Fall and Winter Masters.  Masters remains a members-only program and the new membership costs are posted at:  The on-line registration link is:  Note that there are now just 11 spots left for Fall (23 for Winter) for Whitecaps I.

Changes for 2008-2009:

- 6pm Whitecaps is half pool (shallow) and is now called Whitecaps I.  Register early to get into this program!!

- There is a new Whitecaps II group: 7:10-8:10pm MTuTh half pool (shallow).

- Nightcaps is 8:10-9:10pm TuTh half pool (shallow).

- 6:30am Earlybirds will not run in the Feb-Apr time frame; decision for May/June and/or July/August pending.

- Memberships are now sold for one, two or three terms (the terms are: Sept-Dec, Jan-Apr, May-Aug).

- If you buy a membership starting on a date other than Sept 1st, Jan 1st or May 1st, it will be pro-rated.

Program Dates:

- Fall: Tue Sept 9th – Thu Dec 18th; no workouts Mon Oct 13th

- Winter: Mon Jan 5th (am) / Tue Jan 6th (pm) – Fri Apr 17th; no workouts Mon Feb 16th; Fri Apr 10th – Mon Apr 13th

Program Details and Costs:

- 7:30am Earlybirds I: 7:30am-8:30am MWF + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $130+GST per term

- 8:30am Earlybirds II: 7:30am-8:30am MWF + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $130+GST per term

- 6pm Whitecaps I: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $140+GST per term

- 7:10pm Whitecaps II: 7:10pm-8:10pm MTuTh + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $130+GST per term

- 8:10pm Nightcaps: 8:10-9:10pm TuTh + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $98+GST per term

- Child Safety Supervision: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + 8:30-9:30am Sat: $95 (no GST) per term


- Weekdays:

   - Lynn: Earlybirds I & II, Whitecaps I, and Monday Whitecaps II

   - Mits: Tue/Thu Whitecaps II, and Nightcaps

- Saturday will have a rotating coach schedule

Full program details are also posted at:; and at:



Swim Suits – Sneak Preview Sale: 12:15-5:00pm Sat Aug 23rd

Lynn has lots of swim suits for sale.  There is a large variety of brands, styles, sizes, material and quality.  There are some men’s suits (size 32-38), a few girl’s suits (age 5+), but most are women’s (size 30-40).  They are mostly new, with a few used, and prices range from $5 to $40.  Note that with the exception of a few used suits, these suits do not have “CARLETON” on the chest.  I’ll be bringing these to Carleton for the Fall session, but to reduce the number I need to carry to the pool, you are invited to drop by an open house / suit sale at my place between 12:15pm and 5:00pm on Sat Aug 23rd.  I’m at 499 Sunnyside (corner of Bronson & Sunnyside), ring# 152, unit 202.  Snacks will be served. 



Swimmer Notes   


Get Well Soon: 

   Flo Shinder (7:30am Earlybirds) sends a big thank you to all who signed her card.  In addition to dislocating her shoulder she also fractured it!  When admitted to hospital, they discovered that her blood iron was very low, so that it was no wonder she’d had no energy lately.

   Karen Jensen (7:30am Earlybirds) had a bicycle accident and broke a finger and finger joint.  We hope to see her back swimming soon!


Upcoming Wedding:  Louise Hayes (Coach) is getting married on Sat Oct 11th.  We wish her all the best for the big day!


News Articles:

- Sports Psychology: Endurance Training:

- Peaking to Race (Joe Friel):

- Canada's Athletes: New Techniques for Injury Recovery

- Strength Training without Equipment:

- Training: Why Endurance Training Lacks Staying Power:

- Scientists eye couch potato exercise, weight-loss pill:,0,6745482.story


Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.



Summer Session Information

Here’s where you’ll find information on the Summer session, including weekday attendance (starting next time), and upcoming time trials, etc.


The list of time trials planned for the Summer session is as follows (subject to change without notice!):

All: July 8/9: 200

All: Jul 31/Aug 1: 400

Morning groups: Aug 6: 2 x 50

All: Aug 12/13: 800/1500

Morning groups: Aug 27: 2 x 100

Morning groups: Aug 29: relays


Congratulations to all those who did the 800/1500 time trial and to those Earlybirds who did the 50m time trial.   There was a huge improvement in the 800 by Ken Johnson (6:30am Earlybirds).  He was over 3min faster than in June, improving by nearly 25sec per 100m!  Gi Wu (Whitecaps) and Katherine Venance (Whitecaps) improved their 1500s by 20 and 14 seconds respectively.  Katie Yelle (7:30am Earlybirds) improved her 50fs by 2.1 seconds.  Well done, all!


Here are the weekday attendance statistics for the spring term.  There is just 1 swimmer remaining with perfect weekday attendance due to vacation season.  Rob Kalwarowsky (Whitecaps): the pressure is on! 


6:30am Very Earlybirds (Jun 30-Aug 1st; 15 workouts; range: 2-9; avg.: 5.8)

Missed 6 Workouts: Ian L


7:30am Earlybirds (Jun 30-Aug 15th; 20 workouts; range: 10-23; avg.: 17.1)

Missed 2 Workouts: Francois A, Katie Y, Sean K

Missed 4 Workouts: Sean G, Susan N-Y


6pm Whitecaps (Jun 30-Aug 14th; 19 workouts; range: 15-25; avg.: 20.1)

Perfect Attendance: Rob K

Missed 1 Workout: Gi W

Missed 2 Workouts: George T, Suzanne L



Masters Swimming Competitions

You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Registration for 2007-2008 is on now.  As the main batch of club registrations has already been mailed, your cost is $26 for registration ($25 for MSO, $1 for postage/handling).  Your MSO membership is good until Dec 31st, 2008.  Contact Lynn for more details.  You must register with MSO at least 3 weeks before the due date of your entry for your first competition.  Note that the MSO annual fee will increase to $35 starting in 2008-2009.


Full details on all Ontario Masters competitions can be found at:

For Quebec competitions see: (select “FNQ” and then look at meets with meet type “Maitres”).


Here’s a list of upcoming competitions (mostly) in Ontario and Quebec.  More meets will be added as the information become available.  Note that meet entries and confirming meet information and entry dates are your responsibility. 


For those who like to plan ahead, the 2009 Ontario Masters Championships will be held at the Nepean Sportsplex from March 20-22nd.  The 2009 Canadian Masters Championships will be held at the Etobicoke Olympium (usually the May long weekend).  Also, the 2010 World Masters Aquatic Championships will be held in Goteborg and Boras, Sweden, from July 28-August 10th.  


Sun Aug 17th Wakefield to Cantley 10km Swim, MSO membership not required, not a race and open to all, it’s

    best to provide your own safety boat; details and RSVP to Suzanne

Sun Sept 7th St Marys 5km Provincial Championships



Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)


Sat Jul 26th Technosport 3k Swim, Meech Lake (33 competitors)

Full results at:  There were two Carleton swimmers participating:

Theresa Kavanagh (x-6:30am Earlybirds, 50-54): 22nd overall and 2nd in age group in 55:51

Alex Cullen (x-6:30am Earlybirds, 55-59): 32nd overall and 2nd in age group in 1:13:53


Thu Jul 31st – Sun Aug 3rd Dragon Boat Club Crew World Championships, Penang, Malaysia

Congratulations to Debby Whately (Whitecaps) who is a member of the Cascades women’s team, for their excellent showing!  Check out the blog at:

Thu Jul 31st: 2000m: bronze medal: 11:07.38 (behind China and Montreal; unfortunately they were in a different and windier heat than the other two teams)

Fri Aug 1st: 200m heats and semi-finals: through to the final (4th in heats and 5th in semis)

Sat Aug 2nd: 200m final: bronze medal: 0:50.88 (again behind China and Montreal; a good race!)

Sun Aug 3rd: 500m heats, semis (through to the final) and 500m final: bronze medal: 2:09:23 (again behind China and Montreal!)


Sat Aug 2nd National Capital Sprint Triathlon, Ottawa (500m/20k/5k; 172 participants)

Full results at:  Congratulations to Sean on his results.

Sean Grimes (7:30am Earlybirds; 30-34): 84th overall; 9th in age group in 1:24:52


Sun Aug 3rd K-Town Long Course Triathlon, Kingston (2k/56.5k/15k; 208 participants)

Full results at:  Congratulations to Bruce on his results.

Bruce Haydon (x-7:30am Earlybirds; 40-44): 51st overall; 13th in age group in 3:39:02


Sun Aug 10th Brockville 3km Open Water Swim

It was a cool morning but very calm for the Brockville first annual cable swim (250m long cable on the bottom of the bay – in about 10ft of water).  Events to choose from were 500m, 1000m, 1500m and 3000m.  Lynn Marshall (Whitecaps/Coach) won the 3k in 41:03.  There was an article in the Mon Aug 11th Brockville Recorder and Times about the swims:



Ask the Coach


Dear Coach:  Will there be child safety supervision at both Whitecaps I and Whitecaps II this Fall/Winter?  Swimming Parent


Dear S. Parent:  Child safety supervision will be held during Whitecaps I (only) as well as the earlier Saturday session (8:30-9:30am).


Dear Coach:  What level of ability is Whitecaps II?  Deciding on a Group


Dear D.o.a. Group:  All Masters groups cater to all levels of swimmers.  Pick the group that best fits your schedule.


Dear Coach:  Why are the men swimming at the Olympics wearing full body suits for freestyle and just legs for fly and back?  Curious Swimmer


Dear C. Swimmer:  My understanding is that most of the swimmers have tried all varieties of suits for different events and gone with their personal choice.  I guess there’s a tradeoff for the men between the constriction of the suit and ability to stretch / breathe.  Apparently, the suits with zippers are also more prone to failure.  There are a few swimmer comments on this at on a US Masters Swimmers discussion board:


Dear Coach:  Is it permitted to do breast instead of front crawl for freestyle in an IM?  Newbie IM-er


Dear N. IM-er:  No, this is not allowed.  In an IM you must do four different strokes.



Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons


E-mail Lynn for availability.


Prices (may increase soon):
Private: $50 per hour, plus GST.
Semi-Private (2-3 swimmers; per swimmer): $32 per hour, plus GST.
Contact Lynn for bookings.





Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.


Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 


Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)


Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:

- Thursday Dinner (after 6pm Whitecaps I workout: all year)

- Thursday Drinks (after 8:10pm Nightcaps workout: Sept-Apr)

- Saturday Brunch (after 9:30-10:30am workout: Sept-Jun; after 10:30-11:30am workout: July-Aug)

Meet by the Control Desk after workout.


Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.


General Information: Program information, photos, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records, among other things, can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (


Happy lengths!

Lynn (or for quicker response:

Club website: