Carleton Masters Newsletter #22                        Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Early Birds (37 addresses); Whitecaps (57 addresses), Nightcaps (28 addresses)

Important Notes

Volunteers Needed: The Carleton Varsity team is hosting a swim meet between Brock U, Ottawa U and Carleton this Sunday, October 28th from 8-10am (hardly early at all when you consider the time change on Saturday night:-) !).  If anyone can make it (timers and other helpers are needed), that would be great.  There will be free pizza after the meet for all volunteers!!  Let Lynn know if you are interested.


Carleton Masters in the News!: David Moore (Early Birds) and his wife were featured in a Citizen article last week on couples working in High Tech.  He works at Nortel and she works at Cisco (the photo caption is: "Sleeping with the Enemy")!  I'll be posting the article on the bulletin board.

Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach.  By special request, the "A" Whitecaps group will do a flipper set this Thursday.

Swim Team Fundraiser: The Carleton Varsity Ravens Swim Team (along with the other Varsity teams), is selling Senators Hockey Tickets for "Raven's Night" at the Corel Centre on Thursday, January 24th, 7pm, Senator's vs. the Boston Bruins.  The tickets (300s rows J-L, valued at $60) are being sold for $40, $10 of which goes towards the Varsity team.  Deadline for buying tickets is the end of November.  Contact Lynn if interested.

Waterpolo Team Fundraiser: The Carleton Men's Varsity Ravens Waterpolo Team is selling tulip bulbs as a fund raiser and in support of the 50th Anniversary of the Canadian Tulip Festival.  A "50th Anniversary Garden Box" (containing 50 tulip bulbs) costs $19.95 (buy 4, get a 5th free).  Again, let Lynn know if you are interested.

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of some Masters workouts ahead of time, let me know. I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts on Sunday.

Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:

Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm.

Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm.

Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am. 

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s (Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

Race Reports (as usual, please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):

Eight Carleton Masters (4 men and 4 women) swam in the Technosport meet at Ottawa U on Saturday, October 20th: Gerry, Bernie and Isla (Early Birds), George, and Dawn (Whitecaps), Dragos, and Caroline (NightCaps), and Lynn (Coach and Whitecaps).

Everyone swam very well -- official results are not yet available, so detailed results will be included next time.  A few highlights: Both Bernie and Isla set Carleton Masters Club Records!  Dragos had the fastest time overall in the 50 fly.  Gerry showed some impressive speed in the 25fs.  Dawn and Bernie raced side by side in the 100IM to a very close finish, as did Caroline and Isla in the 50fs.  George had another competitor in his age group (75-79), which doesn't happen very often and his times were close to those he did when he first moved to this age group two years ago!  The women's relay beat the men's (so they'll be out for revenge next time!).

Other Masters Meets coming up in Ottawa before the end of the year are:
Sat Nov 17th (8:30am warm up/ 9-11:30am meet): Technosport Sprint Meet #2
  $25 for an unlimited number of events: 400fs, 200IM, 100fly, 200fs, 100bk, 100fs, 100br, 50fs, 200 Medley Relay
(Entries due by Nov 7th -- I'll be posting a sign up sheet)
Sat Dec 8th (8:30am warm up/ 9-11:30am meet): Technosport Distance Meet #1
  $25 for an unlimited number of events (however, I'd suggest just doing one!): 800fs, 1500fs
(Note that the Nov 10th Hull meet listed in newsletter #20 does not exist!)
Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  Does it really make any difference if I swim in shorts, rather than a Speedo-style suit?  Just Wondering

Dear J. Wondering:  Yes, it makes a *big* difference.  John Waring, Varsity Swim Team Head Coach, who has a Masters and is working on his Ph.D. in the area of swim suit drag, gives a "back of the envelope" estimate of 8-10% improvement if you switch from shorts to Speedo.  Shorts slow you down for several reasons.  The extra material weighs more.  The pockets hold water and act as mini-anchors, and the loose material contributes to even more drag.  John also reports that swimming with extra drag went out with the 80s -- back then we all trained with several loose bathing suits, T-shirts, jeans, and even buckets tied to a rope around our waists.  The problem is that the extra drag makes you to swim differently (read: worse!) -- you are forced to move your hand in a less than optimal way to overcome the drag.  (The opposite of wearing flippers to "learn" what it's like to swim fast!)  Note that Speedo makes suits in many styles, including a "jammer" style (like bicycle shorts), so it's not necessary to expose any more skin than with shorts :-) !

Dear Coach: I have adjusted my backstroke arm position as you suggested and find I'm moving from side to side as well as going forward.  What's wrong?  Also, I can really feel it in my lats (back muscles).  Is that ok?  Improving Backstroker

Dear I. Backstroker: Sounds like your arm position is good -- if your back muscles are coming in to play, that's great!  Increasing the roll in your backstroke allows you to use the big back muscles which will give you much better results than just using your (smaller) arm muscles.  To avoid the side to side motion, ensure that the palm of your hand is facing the wall you're swimming away from during the catch, pull and finish phases of your stroke.  (If your hand is at an angle, you will have a tendency to go sideways.)

Early Birds and Night Caps Notes

Are you interested in doing time trials during some workouts this term?  If so, let Lynn know and we'll work out a way to do time trials (probably one lane per workout), so that it won't disrupt the other swimmers.

Attendance leaders: Those of you who swam with Early Birds over the summer will remember that I tracked the attendance and recognized those with the best weekday attendance (i.e. excluding Saturdays).  I'm doing that for both Early Birds and Night Caps this Fall.  So far the leaders are:

Early Birds I: Perfect Attendance: Bernie, Gwen, Jeff, Julie; Missing 1 Workout: Andrew K, Becky
Early Birds II: Perfect Attendance: Alan; Missing 1 Workout: Penny, Renee
Night Caps: Perfect Attendance: Judy, Karl; Missing 1 Workout: Beth, Carolyn, Dragos, Mark S, Tony
(Any errors or omissions, please let me know!)

Private Masters Lessons

Fall times for private Masters lessons are Monday 4-5pm, Wednesday 8-9pm, Saturday noon-1pm, and Saturday 7-8pm. Contact Lynn for more information and prices.

General Information

Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!

Lynn (for urgent queries: