From: Lynn Marshall []
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 6:48 PM
Subject: Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #235


Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #235                        Saturday, October 17th, 2009


To:  Carleton Masters Coaches (7 addresses)


Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2009 and Alumni: 7:30am Earlybirds (37 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (21 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps I (40 addresses), 7:10pm Whitecaps II (35 addresses), 8:10pm Nightcaps (16 addresses), Masters “Alumni” (36 addresses).



“I wouldn’t say anything is impossible. I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and put the work and time into it”. – Michael Phelps



Fall Session Dates / Updates

The Fall session runs until Fri Dec 18th

   Note that if you are still planning to register for Fall, the 6pm Whitecaps 1 and the 7:10pm Whitecaps 2 are full (waiting lists available), and the 7:30am Earlybirds 1 has just two spots left (still quite a bit of space in 8:30am Earlybirds 2 and 8:10pm Whitecaps 3). 

   Also, for Winter, there are just 4 spots left in 6pm Whitecaps 1 (all other groups have lots of space).  I will keep you updated.



MSO Registration

For those who want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions, it’s still not too late to register.  The main club mailing has gone in, but you can still sign up by paying an extra $1 for postage/handling.  You must be at least 18 years old to compete in Canadian / US Masters competitions and at least 25 years of age to compete in International Masters meets.  Note that everyone will get a new registration number this year, as Masters and Age group are moving to a centralized registration system.  The annual cost (good until December 31st, 2010) is $36 ($35 to MSO, plus $1 postage/handling).  You can pay by cash or cheque payable to “Lynn Marshall”.  Contact Lynn for more information.


Swim Suit Rules for Masters

The latest on swim suit rules for Masters is that the FINA Bangkok meeting on Jan 15-16th, 2010 will likely approve Masters moving to the same rules that will be in force for age group swimmers as of Jan 1, 2010.  Masters Swimming Canada is jumping the gun on this and plans to enforce the “new” probable rule as of Jan 1, 2010, before it is approved by FINA!  In any case, the new rules will be one suit only, all fabric (no polyurethane), men’s suits can extend from navel to knee, women’s suits from shoulder to knee, but the only fastenings permitted for both genders are drawstrings, i.e. no hooks, zippers, etc, which pretty much means that women’s suits must have an open back.  Keep this in mind if you plan to do any competing next year!  Here are some articles on the probable FINA ruling:, ,and

A preliminary list of approved suits has been published by FINA:



Carleton Masters Club History: Work in Progress!

Alan Hunt (8:30am Earlybirds)’s 20th anniversary with Carleton Masters has led to many of you providing historical information on the team!  Thanks to all who have contributed to this summary so far.  We believe that Mariette Kenney (7:10pm Whitecaps), Helen Blais (x-6pm Whitecaps), and Ursula Scott (7:30am Earlybirds) are those who have been involved with Carleton Masters since before it started!  This was likely back in 1982-1983 when Coach Tim Kilby was a lifeguard.  Prior to the start of Carleton Masters some stroke improvement classes were offered, and shortly thereafter, possibly in January 1985 (or perhaps the year before?), Carleton Masters started.  Helen has offered to get together with Mariette and Ursula to try to flesh this out a bit. 

   Don Wells (6pm Whitecaps) started with the team in Jan 1985.  Joanne and Cam Dawson (6pm Whitecaps) joined in Sept 1985.  Their son, Sean Dawson (fast lane swimmer with summer 6pm Whitecaps), was the founding member of Child Safety Supervision in 1988, when the Dawson’s hired a caregiver to take care of Sean at the pool while they swam.

   I believe the only group running at that time was the 6pm group.  Does anyone remember when the Sat am workouts started?  Or exactly when the morning groups (7:30am and 8:30am) or 8pm Nightcaps started?  The 7:10pm group started in Fall 2008.

   Here’s a list of dates I have so far.  Please send in more information!

Ursula Scott, Mariette Kenney, Helen Blais: Pre-Masters 1982-83?

Don Wells: Jan 1985

Cam and Joanne Dawson: Sept 1985

George Tombler (6pm Whitecaps): 1987

Safety Supervision 1988

Alan Hunt, Lina Vincent (6pm Whitecaps), Nicole Delisle (6pm Whitecaps): Sept 1989

Lynn Marshall (Coach): Dec 1989

Penny Estabrooks (8:30am Earlybirds): pre-1993

Lisa Bromley (7:10pm Whitecaps): 1994

7:10pm Whitecaps: Fall 2008



Mr. Smooth:

A few of you have asked for my opinion of this web site.  There’s quite a lot of advice there and most of it is reasonable, and the download is a neat desktop application.  The animated swimmer has fairly good technique, although, in my opinion, his catch could be better, the stroke is a little narrow through the middle/back of the stroke, and his stroke is too short (at the back end).  As with all advice, take it with a grain of salt or get a second opinion.  While watching videos and reading about swimming can’t hurt, actually doing it yourself with feedback (as what it feels like isn’t always what it looks like!) is the best way to improve.



Swimmer Notes   


Swimmer Updates:

 - Congratulations to Louise Hayes (x-Masters Coach) and her husband, Christian Diotte, on the arrival of their first child, Annabelle Ghislaine Diotte on Tue Oct 6th at 8:38pm.  Annabelle weighed 6lb 8oz with “everything where it was supposed to be”!  Louise reports that she is happy but exhausted.  A photo of the happy family can be seen at:


 - Best of luck to Val Walker (7:30am Earlybirds) for her Ph.D. defense at McGill on Fri Oct 30th.


 - Dave Bourdon (6pm Whitecaps) was in Cleveland on business last week.  They have one of the fastest pools in the country at Cleveland State University (  He was very excited to swim there, but discovered that it is for members only L !

 - Bon voyage to Lois Finkel (7:30am Earlybirds) who is presenting a paper on communicating and documenting design research findings at the International Association of Societies of Design Research in Seoul, Korea later this month.


 - Bon voyage also to Isla Paterson (8:30am Earlybirds) who is soon off to Bangladesh for work.


 - Sean Kelly (x-Earlybirds) reports that he saw a cardiologist last month and that he’s exhibiting signs of hypertension likely caused by medication.  Changes in the medication have to be done gradually, so it could take a year or so before he can rejoin Masters swimming.  In the meantime, Sean is swimming at the Plant pool.

 - Jen Lee (x-7:30am Earlybirds) reports that she’s settling in well at Mac and enjoying the lab she’s studying in.  However, she’s finding the evening workouts for their Masters team don’t fit well in her schedule and reports that our facility is nicer as we have wider lanes and more lane ropes!  Jen says “hi” to everyone!

 - Lianna Fotia (x-8:30am Earlybirds) is both swimming and playing water polo for St Francis College in Brooklyn Heights, New York:;  Their first swim meet is Oct 31st, and Lianna will likely be racing 1000yd free (yes, one thousand – the American’s race strange distances!), and 50 fly on a relay.  Good luck, Lianna!

 - Mary Jane and Guy Phillips (x-7:10pm Whitecaps) have moved back to Kingston.  Guy has “retired” and they are getting well settled into their retirement home (complete with hot tub) and have reengaged with all of their Triathlon friends.  Mary Jane has joined the Kingston Multisport Club (KMS) swim group at the local YMCA for her coached swimming (three days a week), rather than the rather uncoached Ol' Henry Masters.  Guy finished off his triathlon season in good form with a 3rd in his age group in the Canadian Sprint Triathlon at Mooney's Bay and a second at the Demi-Esprit (Half-Iron) in Montreal, taking over 20:00 off his PB in the latter.  Guy has been offered the opportunity to deploy to sea (in a Reserve Force capacity) with HMCS Fredericton, leaving shortly.  He will be overseas off south west Asia for about 6 months.

 - Here’s an update from Rob Trimbee (x-Earlybirds / Nightcaps): I returned to Toronto last December after 3+ years in Ottawa.  Loved participating with the Carleton Masters team!  A very well run operation, Carleton University should be proud!  I'm back from a more than a month's worth of travel in the past two.  Alaska in the summer, BC after that and Lake Louise last week, did some light training.  3.5 km. hike up and down to the Tea House (the equivalent of a CN Tower climb and descent).  Yikes I'm out of shape!  Now I know how it feels to exercise in rarified air.  There is indeed a difference.  I've had some unexpected injuries to recover from recently.  No broken bones, just bruised ribs and ego!  I swan dived onto some rocks - don't ask, a stupid move.  I returned to swimming this fall, practicing at Ryerson for now.  The media charity I'm working for launched its television service in January.  We are doing something special for the Paralympics next year since it is in Canada - exciting times.

 - And Leona Crabb (x-7:30am Earlybirds) sends this report from Petawawa: I am busy, as per usual.  I'm now the Systems Control Officer on the base which means that I oversee a lot of the military procurement and contracting that goes on.  It's a very interesting job and I'm enjoying it in spite of the fact that there always seems to be too few resources and too much to do.  Well, I guess I can run but I can't hide -- I see I was busted by Susan N-Y at the Army Run.  Overall, I was pretty happy with my time.  I still wish I was swimming but, alas, I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.  These days, running better suits my schedule than the pool times.  And being able to run far is more important to my job than being able to swim fast.  Basically, I'd have to be able to run anyway and I just don't have the time to fit swimming into everything else I have/want to do.  Oh well, swimming loses this time around.

News Articles:

- Grant Hackett and wife have twins:

- Lane Matters (musings by the wife of a coach on the make-up of pool lanes if swimmers choose themselves):

- Sports Nutrition: Metabolic Fatigue:  

- When to Train, When to Strain:

- Eat to Compete:  

- Staying Sharp: New Study Uncovers How People Maintain Cognitive Function In Old Age:

- 5 Ways to Shed Those Last Few Pounds:


Swimming Joke:  Thanks to Irene Marushko (7:30am Earlybirds) for the Blonde’s “Year in Review” joke.  I include here only “July” the swimming related month: 

   Lost breast stroke swimming competition.  Learned later, the other swimmers cheated, they used their arms!!!


Swim Suits for Sale:  The suits range in brand, style, and colour.  The most expensive women’s suits are $40 and the most expensive men’s suits are $25, with most suits less than that.  The swim suits are available for browsing whenever Lynn is coaching – just ask! 


Caps and Goggles to Borrow:  Lynn always has a “lost and found” bag full of spare caps and goggles to borrow if you forget (or break) yours.


50c Swim Caps:  Triathlete and x-Carleton Masters swimmer Ellen Pazdzior and Joanie Conrad (Nightcaps) have kindly donated a large number of mostly new latex swim caps.  The money raised by selling these for 50c will go towards the $45 annual fee to register Carleton Masters with Masters Swimming Ontario.  Just ask Lynn if you’re interested in looking at these.


Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.



Fall Session Information

In this section of the newsletter you’ll find information on time trials, attendance, and other Masters workout news.

The time trials planned for this term are as follows:

Monday, October 5th: 400 (Earlybirds; 6pm/7:10pm Whitecaps)

Tuesday/Wednesday November 10/11th: 2 x 50 (Earlybirds; 6pm Whitecaps)

Tuesday/Wednesday November 17/18th: 200 (Earlybirds; 6pm Whitecaps)

Thursday/Friday November 26/27th: 800/1500 (All groups)

Thursday/Friday December 3/4th: 100 (Earlybirds; 6pm Whitecaps)

Thursday/Friday December 17/18th: relays (Earlybirds; 6pm Whitecaps)


On Thu Oct 8th / Fri Oct 9th all groups did a drill set working on push-offs, turns and finishes.  I know it’s tough to do them right all the time, especially in crowded lanes, but many of us have bad habits to work on!  I just wanted to give special kudos to the entire 8:30am Earlybirds group that did an excellent job on that set!


The first time trial of the term was on Mon Oct 5th: a timed 400 free or IM.  There were a lot of improvements and many others who were very close to their best time.  Congrats all, especially Laura Jowsey (7:30am Earlybirds), Margie Bailey (7:10pm Whitecaps) and Siobhan Welsh (7:30am Earlybirds) who improved by over 20 seconds!  Here’s a list of who improved:



Don Wells (6pm Whitecaps) 0.3 seconds


400 free:

Laura Jowsey (7:30am Earlybirds) 31.6 seconds; Margie Bailey (7:10pm Whitecaps) 22.7; Siobhan Welsh (7:30am Earlybirds) 22.6; Alex Russell (8:30am Earlybirds) 16.4; Katie Hammond (7:10pm Whitecaps) 15.2; Brad Shapansky (7:30am Earlybirds) 14.0; Linda Rossman (7:30am Earlybirds) 10.5; Rod Haney (7:30am Earlybirds): 8.6; Paul Scully (8:30am Earlybirds) 8.4; Dawn Walsh (6pm Whitecaps) 7.8; Nicole Delisle (6pm Whitecaps) 7.3; Cam Dawson (6pm Whitecaps) 5.6; Mindy Finkelstein (7:10pm Whitecaps) 5.0; Jim Farmer (7:10pm Whitecaps) 4.9; Bill Westcott (6pm Whitecaps) 4.9; Lucie Boudreau (8:30am Earlybirds) 2.6; Joanne Dawson (6pm Whitecaps) 2.5; Tricia Gerrow (6pm Whitecaps) 2.4; Nicole Le Saux (7:30am Earlybirds) 2.2; Christiane Wilke (7:30am Earlybirds) 1.4; Erica Parker (6pm Whitecaps) 1.4; Marg Eades (6pm Whitecaps) 1.3; Shauna Ironside (8:30am Earlybirds) 0.5


Zi Zhang (8:10pm Whitecaps) did a 200 breaststroke time trial last week and improved his time from the summer by 17.2 seconds!  Well done, Zi!


We take attendance at weekday workouts, and include the attendance leaders in the newsletter.  Those with the best attendance for the term receive certificates.  There are now 11 swimmers with perfect attendance.  Let’s see who can keep it up!  (Please do let me know of any errors below.)


7:30am Earlybirds 1 (Sept 9-Oct 16th; 16 workouts; range 18-23; average 21.4):

Perfect Attendance: Angela D, Madelayne DG

Missed 1 Workout: Irene M, Larry D, Lois F

Missed 2 Workouts: Andrew B, Carmel M, Marie-Odile J, Martin B, Siobhan W


8:30am Earlybirds 2 (Sept 9-Oct 16th; 16 workouts; range 9-19; average 15.7):

Perfect Attendance: Amir B, Colette K, Margaret K, Susan N-Y

Missed 1 Workout: Claire F, Penny E


6:00pm Whitecaps 1 (Sept 8-Oct 15th; 16 workouts; range 20-29; average 25.1)

Perfect Attendance: Cam D, Don W, Luciara N, Sylvie O

Missed 2 Workouts: Erica P, Joanne D, Marg E


7:10pm Whitecaps 2 (Sept 8-Oct 15th; 16 workouts; range 12-25; average 17.4)

Missed 3 Workouts: Jamie C


8:10pm Whitecaps 3 (Sept 8-Oct 15th; 12 workouts; range 9-15; average 11.3)

Perfect Attendance: Zi Z

Missed 1 Workout: Elaine C, Joanie C

Missed 2 Workouts: Paul D


Masters Swimming Competitions

You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Registration for 2009-2019 is now underway.  Cost is now $36 ($35 to MSO plus $1 postage/handling).  Please pay by cash or cheque payable to “Lynn Marshall”.  Your MSO membership will be good until Dec 31st, 2010.  Contact Lynn for more details.  Note that you must register with MSO at least 3 weeks before the due date of the entry for your first competition. 


Full details on all Ontario Masters competitions can be found at: 

For Quebec competitions see:, select FNQ <show>, upcoming meets, then the appropriate month, then select the appropriate Masters meet to get more info.  If it says “sanctioned” the meet package should be available.


Here’s a list of tentative and confirmed upcoming competitions (mostly) in Ontario and Quebec.  More meets and more details will be added as the information become available.  Note that meet entries and confirming meet information and entry dates are your responsibility.   


Sat Oct 17th Brantford Masters Sprint Splash (SCM)

Sat Oct 18th Clarington Early Bird Meet (SCM) Cancelled

Sat Nov 7th Brossard Meet (SCM)

Sat Nov 14th Coupe de Montreal (SCM)

Sun Nov 15th Etobicoke “Semi-Serious” Meet (SCM)

Sat Nov 21st Ottawa U “Shark Tank” (MSO Registration *not* required)

Sat Nov 21st Pop Sidwell Meet, Winnipeg

Sat Nov 28th Sainte-Foy Masters Meet (SCM)

Sat Dec 5th Technosport Meet (SCM) TBC

Sat Dec 5th Montreal North Meet (SCM)

Sun Dec 13th North York Pentathlon (SCM)

Sun Jan 10th Muskoka Masters Invitational (SCM)

Sun Jan 24th Alderwood Teddy Bares Swim Meet (SCY)

Sat Jan 30th Technosport Meet (SCM) TBC

Sat Jan 30th Pointe-Claire Meet (SCM) TBC

Fri-Sat Feb 5-6th Quebec City Meet (LCM?) TBC

Sun Feb 7th Burlington Masters Meet (SCM) TBC

Sat Feb 13th St Lambert Meet (SCM)

Sun Feb 21st Nepean Masters Meet (LCM) TBC

Sun Mar 7th Milton Meet (SCM) TBC

Sat Mar 13th Technosport Meet (SCM) TBC

Sat Mar 13th Dollard-des-Ormeaux Meet (SCM) TBC

Fri-Sun Mar 19-21st Ontario Masters Provincials, London, ON (SCM) TBC

Fri-Sun Apr 16-18th Quebec Masters Provincials, Sainte-Foy (SCM)

Fri-Sun May 21-24th Masters Nationals Nanaimo, BC (LCM)  

Jul 31-Aug 6th World Masters Aquatic Championships, Goteborg, Sweden (LCM)



Race Results: (Please send in your results, and/or let me know if I missed your name!!


Sun Oct 11th Chicago Marathon (34792 participants; 33608 finishers)

Congratulations to Mike on his performance!  Full results at:

Mike Lau (6pm Whitecaps, 45-49): 2167th overall, 1943rd man and 174th (out of 2138) in age group in 3:17:34 (3:17:02)

Here’s Mike’s report:

   Things don’t always go as planned.  My original plan is to finish around 3:05-3:15 with an even or negative split.  3:09 was my best time on a point-to-point course this year.  I took a big gamble by going faster than I should with the huge crowd support in the first half of the race.  At the half way point, my projected finish time was three minutes ahead of my goal.  I struggled in the second half.  At the end, my finish time is 2 minutes outside my goal.  I was not too pleased with the 1:31 and 1:46 splits.


Sun Oct 11th Ottawa Fall Colours Marathon (131 participants)

Did anyone else participate in these events?  Full results at:  Congrats to Steve on his respectable time, despite very little training!

Steve Morton (x-6pm Whitecaps, 35-39): 56th overall, 51st man and 12th in age group in 3:51:27.



Ask the Coach


Dear Coach:  Why do you keep moving the lanes (and the people in the lanes) around?  Confused Swimmer


Dear C. Swimmer:  It’s often a challenge to set up the lanes so that everyone has enough space to swim, and with people approximately their speed.  If you’re not happy with the lane that you’re in, you are free to adjust (up or down) as long as you can make the pace times of the lane you move to (or are happy to keep out of the way if you get lapped).  If you are not happy with the lane that you are moved to, let your coach know.  We appreciate everyone being flexible, especially at busy workouts!


Dear Coach:  Do people generally swim faster in the morning or the afternoon/evening?  Adjusting My Clock


Dear A.M. Clock:  All things being equal, most people swim faster later in the day as the body is more flexible and loosened up at that time.  However, if you’ve had a very busy day and are tired out, that may not be the case!


Dear Coach:  I find it very difficult to turn without grabbing the wall.  Any advice?  Improving My Turns


Dear I.M. Turns:  At the Carleton pool it’s very difficult to not “grab” on open (non-flip) turns.  Unless you are planning to compete in a pool with higher walls, then grabbing is just fine.  If you do want to practice for racing in other pools, then try to touch with your hand(s) and then let your elbow(s) bend slightly to give a better grip on the wall.  Ask your coach for more help if you’re still having trouble.  At all pools, including ours, you should finish every swim without grabbing the wall (touch with your fingertips).


Dear Coach:  Can I do flip turns while racing butterfly?  Not Sure of the Rules


Dear N.S.o.t. Rules:  The short answer is no, or at least not easily!  The longer answer is that in fly you must touch the wall with both hands while still on your stomach.  I suppose that after that, you could do a flip turn (between your arms), but you are already so close to the wall that it wouldn’t give any advantage.  Thus an open turn is the best way to turn in fly.


Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons


Fall 2009:

Mon 9:45-10:45am: Oct 26, Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Dec 7

Fri 9:45-10:45am: Nov 13, Dec 11

More dates to come during December exams.

You may pick any number of dates/times.


Private: $52.50 per hour, plus GST.
Semi-Private (2-3 swimmers; per swimmer): $34 per hour, plus GST.
Contact Lynn for bookings.





Fall 2009 / Winter 2010 Program Information and Registration

Carleton Masters remain members-only programs. New for this year is that regular and morning memberships can be purchased on-line (approximately 5% convenience fee applies), and programs and memberships can now be purchased in person anytime the Athletics Building is open at the new “Welcome Centre” – currently under construction by the Control Desk.  You need to have your photo taken for your new membership card.  Programs are almost the same as last year, except that Nightcaps has been renamed Whitecaps III (times unchanged), and Safety Supervision will no longer be offered on Saturdays. 

   Here’s a summary of dates and prices:

Fall: Tue Sept 8th – Fri Dec 18th, except Sat Oct 10th, Mon Oct 12th

Winter: Mon Jan 4th (Earlybirds); Tue Jan 5th (Whitecaps I/II); Thu Jan 7th (Whitecaps III) – Fri Apr 16th, except Mon Feb 15th, Fri Apr 2nd, Mon Apr 5th

Earlybirds I: 7:30-8:30am MWF + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $132+GST each term; Coach: Lynn (Note: Nearly full for Fall)

Earlybirds II: 8:30-9:30am MWF + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $132+GST each term; Coach: Lynn

Whitecaps I: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $142+GST each term; Coach: Lynn (Note: Full for Fall and nearly full for Winter)

Whitecaps II: 7:10-8:10pm MTuTh + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $132+GST each term; Coaches: Lynn (Mon); Mits (Tu/Th) (Note: Full for Fall)

Whitecaps III: 8:10-9:10pm TuTh + 8:30-9:30am OR 9:30-10:30am Sat: $100+GST each term; Coach: Mits

Safety Supervision: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh: $105 each term; Note: 6 children needed for this program to run!


Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.


Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 


Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts sent by e-mail will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)


Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:

- Thursday Dinner (after 6pm Whitecaps I workout: all year)

- Thursday Drinks (after 8:10pm Nightcaps workout: Sept-Apr)

- Saturday Brunch (after 9:30-10:30am workout: Sept-Jun; after 10:30-11:30am workout: July-Aug)

Meet by the Control Desk after workout.


Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.


General Information: Program information, photos, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records, among other things, can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (


Happy lengths!

Lynn (or for quicker response:

Club website: