Carleton Masters Newsletter #26                        Saturday, December 15th, 2001

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Early Birds (44 addresses); Whitecaps (63 addresses), Nightcaps (32 addresses)


Fall Session Ends: The last workout in the Fall session for the Earlybirds is Wednesday, December 19th.  For the Whitecaps and Nightcaps the last workout is Thursday, December 20th.  There will be some end of session get togethers this week.  The Early Birds II group will be going out for coffee after Wednesday morning's workout.  Whitecaps and Nightcaps will have their usual Thursday evening outings, with the Nightcaps joining the Whitecaps at their chosen location.  All are welcome!

Toonie Workouts: For those who want to train over the holidays (we had over 40 replies!!), we are offering the following toonie workouts (cost $2 each -- just pay the coach on deck).  Those participating in the toonie workouts should be registered for the Winter session.  We are opening up these workouts (except December 29th), to non-members for $5, so pass along the word!  Note that the number in square brackets (below) is the number of people who have expressed interest in that workout to date:
Friday, December 21st: 7:30-8:30am [15] or 8:30-9:30am [7] (Lynn) *
Saturday, December 22nd: 8:30-9:30am [12] or 9:30-10:30am [11] (Lynn) *
Thursday, December 27th: 6:00-7:15pm [23] (Mits)
Friday, December 28th: 6:00-7:15pm [12] (Mits)
Saturday, December 29th: 8:30-9:30am [14] or 9:30-10:30am [12] (Lynn) *
Sunday, December 30th: 8:30-9:30am [6] or 9:30-10:30am [3] (Lynn) *
* Note that the morning workouts will be joint with the Varsity team.  While most of the Varsity team will be away (home for the holidays) on December 21st and 22nd, and December 30th does not look to be too popular with Masters, we anticipate that the pool will be quite crowded on Saturday, December 29th.  Those looking for a quiet swim may be better off attending on Sunday, December 30th!
Winter Session: The Winter session starts on Wednesday, January 2nd for the Earlybirds and on Thursday, January 3rd for the Whitecaps and Nightcaps.  Cost for the Winter session (which runs until April 18/19th) is $125 + $8.75 GST = $133.75 for Earlybirds and Whitecaps, and $85 + $5.95 GST = $90.95 for Nightcaps.  Coaches will be the same as in the Fall: Earlybirds: Lynn; Whitecaps: Kristi and Mits; Nightcaps: Lynn; Saturdays: Rotating schedule.  Note: If you register for any program before the holidays, you will be entered in a draw.  The winner of the draw receives 2 Senator's tickets and your program fee is refunded!  Note that the Nightcaps group filled up in the Fall, and the Earlybirds I class is also close to capacity, so registering early is a good idea!
Congratulations to Isabelle Massarelli and Sandro Mazzucato (both Whitecaps) who are expecting a baby in May!

Not-so-Hot Showers: We believe that this problem is now fixed!  Thanks for your patience.

Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of the Earlybird or Nightcaps Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts on Sunday.

Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

Catherine Bridges:  Some of you may remember Catherine Bridges who swam with Whitecaps a few years ago, and is a great triathlete -- she completed the Lake Placid Ironman in July.  She was in a very serious car accident in August and is currently at St Vincent's hospital (Primrose and Cambridge, just off Bronson) during the week for rehab.  Visitors are allowed 4-9pm most weekday evenings.  Rudy has been to visit, and Debby W (Whitecaps) and I went to visit on Monday (December 10th).  Catherine is doing really well, and surprising the medical team with her determination on the long road to recovery.  Her goal is to be able to walk her dog next summer! 

Race Reports and Swim Meets (as usual, please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):

Results of the Technosport November meet are now available on-line:
Congratulations to Caroline (Nightcaps) for one each of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place, and to Isla (Earlybirds) for four 2nds and a 3rd.  On the men's side, Viktor (Whitecaps) had three 1sts(!), and Jim (Earlybirds) one 1st and three 2nds.  Andrew (Earlybirds) had two 1sts, a 2nd and a 3rd.  Gerry (Earlybirds) had two 2nds and a 3rd, and Dragos (Nightcaps) had a 1st and a 2nd.  Bernie (Earlybirds) had a 1st, 2nd and 3rd, setting club records in all three events (50fs, 100br, and 200IM)!  The updated club records are on the website:
There are two swim meets coming up in January that may be of interest:
Technosport (University of Ottawa): morning of Saturday, January 19th
Events: 4x100fs relay, 50fl, 50bk, 100IM, 50br, 100fs, 100br, 50fs, 100fl, 100bk, 200IM
Cost: $25 (includes breakfast after the meet)
Deadline: Wednesday, January 9th
1000 Islands Y Masters (Brockville): morning (distance events) and afternoon (sprint events) of Sunday, January 20th
Events: 1500fs, 800fs; 4x50fs relay, 100fs, 50bk, 100IM, 50fl, 200choice, 50br, 100bk, 50fs, 4x50medley relay
Cost: $10 for a.m. only, $25 p.m. only, $30 whole day (includes social after the meet)
Deadline: Friday, January 11th
Please let Lynn know if you are interested in taking part in these.
Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  I'd like to improve my turns and maybe learn flip turns.  Will we have a chance to do this?  Trouble Turning

Dear T.Turning:  As part of the stroke technique sets we'll be working on in January, there will be some work on turns.  If you have further questions, feel free to ask your coach at any time!

Dear Coach: What position should my head be in and where should I be looking when I do backstroke?  Back(stroke) Trouble

Dear B.Trouble: Ideally, you want to keep your head in the same position as you would be if you were standing on the deck and looking straight forward (thus look straight up at the ceiling).  To ensure that your hips are at the surface, you need to keep your ears underwater and sink your shoulders back slightly.  Yes, you will get water in your face -- if you breathe when both arms are underwater (least splashy part of the stroke) you'll be more likely to breathe air, rather than water :-) !

Dear Coach: What does a good breaststroke pull look like (width, length, etc.)?  Breaststroke-Wanna-Be

Dear B.W.Be: The breaststroke pull should be wide but short -- there is a big outsweep, followed by a big insweep, and then a small movement forward.  Your elbows and hands should remain in front of your shoulders at all times.  A fun drill is to put a noodle under your arms with the ends sticking out behind you and try breaststroke like that -- the noodle will prevent you from moving your arms very far back.

Early Birds and Night Caps Notes
Time Trials: We will be finishing the time trials early next week (Monday a.m. and Tuesday p.m.) -- there have been some great swims!  If you missed the day when your lane did time trials, this will be your last chance!  Information on the fastest and most improved in each event will be reported in the next newsletter!
Last Workout: For the last workout of the session (Wednesday a.m. and Thursday p.m.), we will offer a regular workout, fun relays, and/or waterpolo depending on interest.
Lactate Tolerance Set: Congratulations to those who did the lactate tolerance set last week.  It was tougher than it looked!
Attendance: Those still in the running for the perfect attendance award, with just two workouts to go, are: Bernie, Gwen, Julie (all Early Birds) and Karl (Nightcaps).
Private Masters Lessons

Winter times for private Masters lessons with Lynn are Monday 4-5pm, Tuesday 7:15-8pm, Wednesday 8-9pm, Thursday 7:15-8pm, and Saturday noon-1pm. Prices for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).  Contact Lynn for availability.

General Information

Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!

Lynn (or for quicker response: