Carleton Masters Newsletter #27                        Monday, December 24th, 2001

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Early Birds (44 addresses); Whitecaps (64 addresses), Nightcaps (33 addresses)


Toonie Workouts: Here are the details on the remaining toonie workouts (cost $2 each -- just pay the coach on deck).  We are opening up these workouts (except December 29th), to non-members for $5, so pass along the word! 
Thursday, December 27th: 6:00-7:15pm (Mits)
Friday, December 28th: 6:00-7:15pm (Mits)
Saturday, December 29th: 8:30-9:30am or 9:30-10:30am (Lynn) *
Sunday, December 30th: 8:30-9:30am or 9:30-10:30am (Lynn) *
* Note that the morning workouts will be joint with the Varsity team.  While most of the Varsity team will be away (home for the holidays) on December 21st and 22nd, and December 30th does not look to be too popular with Masters, we anticipate that the pool will be quite crowded on Saturday, December 29th.  Those looking for a quiet swim may be better off attending on Sunday, December 30th!
Winter Session: The Winter session starts on Wednesday, January 2nd for the Earlybirds and on Thursday, January 3rd for the Whitecaps and Nightcaps.  Cost for the Winter session (which runs until April 18/19th) is $125 + $8.75 GST = $133.75 for Earlybirds and Whitecaps, and $85 + $5.95 GST = $90.95 for Nightcaps.  Coaches will be the same as in the Fall: Earlybirds: Lynn; Whitecaps: Kristi and Mits; Nightcaps: Lynn; Saturdays: Rotating schedule (posted on website).  There is still space in all groups.  Safety Supervision is available for the winter session for the same workouts as in the Fall (Mon, Tue, Thu Whitecaps and the later Saturday workout).  Sign up through the Office (8:30am-4:30pm M-F 520-4480) for all programs.
Birthday Card for Catherine Bridges: Charles S (Whitecaps) has suggested that all sign a birthday card for Catherine (her birthday is Feb 19th) -- she's the woman who swam with us a few years ago and is currently recovering from a very serious car accident last summer.  I'll bring one in and post it on the bulletin board in early January.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of the Earlybird or Nightcaps Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts on Sunday.

Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

Race Reports and Swim Meets (as usual, please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):

Those interested in competing in 2002, and who have not yet registered with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario), will have a chance to do so in January (deadline January 12th).  Cost is $25 ($20 to MSO, $5 club cost).  Make your cheque payable to "Carleton Masters Swim Club".  I will post a sign up sheet on the bulletin board (alternatively, send me your name, full address, phone number, and date of birth by e-mail).
There are two swim meets coming up in January that may be of interest.  I'll be posting a sign up sheet for the Ottawa meet as there is already some interest, and will post one for Brockville if anyone wants to go:
Technosport (University of Ottawa): morning of Saturday, January 19th
Events: 4x100fs relay, 50fl, 50bk, 100IM, 50br, 100fs, 100br, 50fs, 100fl, 100bk, 200IM
Cost: $25 (includes breakfast after the meet)
Deadline: Wednesday, January 9th
1000 Islands Y Masters (Brockville): morning (distance events) and afternoon (sprint events) of Sunday, January 20th
Events: 1500fs, 800fs; 4x50fs relay, 100fs, 50bk, 100IM, 50fl, 200choice, 50br, 100bk, 50fs, 4x50medley relay
Cost: $10 for a.m. only, $25 p.m. only, $30 whole day (includes social after the meet)
Deadline: Friday, January 11th
Please let Lynn know if you are interested in taking part in these.
Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  I plan to do an Ironman Triathlon next summer and need wetsuit advice.  Can you help?  Wetsuit Novice

Dear W.Novice:  As wetsuits are not permitted in the open water swims that I do, I know very little about wetsuits.  However, Rudy Hollywood (, has some extra wetsuits that he loans out for a donation to charity, and I'm sure he'd be happy to let you try those and also offer advice on the best type to get/borrow.  Make sure you've tried the wetsuit out before you race in it.  Feel free to bring your wetsuit to workout for a trial (if it's still too cold to try it outdoors!).

Early Birds and Night Caps Notes
Here are the Fall session statistics for Early Birds and Nightcaps...
Early Birds
A total of 60 swimmers attended at least one Early Bird I workout (7:30-8:30am MWF), while 39 different swimmers attended at least one Early Bird II workout (8:30-9:30am MWF), for a total of 84 swimmers!
The minimum number at an Early Bird I workout was 14 (Friday, October 19th), and the maximum was 28 (Monday, November 26th).  The average (mean) was 21.13 over 40 workouts.  The minimum number at an Early Bird II workout was 6 (Friday, November 30th and Monday, December 10th), and the maximum was 16 (Monday, September 24th and Wednesday, September 26th).  The average was 11.03 (over 40 workouts).  The Early Bird I and II total minimum attendance was 24 (Monday, December 10th).  The maximum was 40 (Monday, November 26th), and the average was 32.16.
A total of 80 swimmers attended at least one Nightcaps workout (8-9pm TuTh).  The minimum number at Nightcaps was 9 (Thursday, December 20th [Xmas shopping?!]), and the maximum was 34 (Tuesday, October 23rd).  The average (mean) was 24.07 over 28 workouts. 
Summary of Stars:
The attendance leaders are listed below.  Special mention to Bernie (EB1) for having perfect attendance for the third session in a row! 
41 swimmers took part in the time trials, for a total of 94 swims!  There were lots of great swims and some big improvements!  The most improved swimmers (compared to the Early Bird summer time trials) are listed below along with the fastest swimmers overall (based on International Point Scores), and the top three in each event, and the most improved in each event.  The most popular events were 50fs (20 swimmers), 100fs (17 swimmers), and 50 fly(!) (13 swimmers).  No one swam 800 or 1500fs, 200bk, 200fl or 400IM!  The events with just one swimmer were 200br, 100fl and 200IM.  We'll do time trials again in April, so start planning your strategy now (depending on whether you want your name in the newsletter or not ;-) ) !
Margaret (EB2) won the most improved female (and overall) swimmer for the second consecutive session -- at this rate she'll be representing Canada (or Britain!?) at the next Olympics!   Congratulations also to Mo M, Richard P, David M (all EB1), and Pete L (WC&NC) for breaking 500 in the point tables!  Many of you who had never raced before had great results and have your names listed below.  Some new swimmers made the top 5 overall -- special congratulations to Claire, Anna, Natalie G, and Julie, and to everyone else who was brave enough to try a time trial or two!  John Waring, Varsity Head Coach, had the highest point score!
24 swimmers took part in the Early Bird I relays, and 8 swimmers took part in each of the Early Bird II and Nightcaps relays.  Everyone swam well (and had fun, I think)!  Results are below.
Attendance Leaders:
Early Birds (40 morning workouts, excluding Saturday)
1. Bernie, Gwen               perfect attendance!!!
2. Becky, Jeff, Julie, Penny  missed 1 workout!!
3. Renee                      missed 2 workouts!
Nightcaps (28 evening workouts, excluding Saturday)
1. Karl                       perfect attendance!!!
Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):
Note that only those who swam time trials with the Early Birds in the summer are eligible for these awards.
1. Margaret 13.8/100m (EB2):  50 bk !!!
2. Pat H     6.3/100m (EB1): 100 fs !! 
3. Renee     4.6/100m (EB2): 500 fs ! 
4. Mo M      3.8/100m (EB1): 100 br  
5. Isla      3.2/100m (EB1): 100 fs
6. Penny     3.0/100m (EB2):  50 fl  
1. Richard P 4.4/100m (EB1): 100 br !
2. David M   3.4/100m (EB1):  50 bk
Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person, top 5):
Note that the Nightcaps swimmers were at a slight disadvantage as they were not allowed to dive in (shallow end)!
EB1 = Early Birds I, EB2 = Early Birds 2, NC = Nightcaps, WC = Whitecaps, V = Varsity, HI = High Intensity, VC = Varsity Coach  (Varsity, High Intensity and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)
X. Jenn P (V)       50 fly      33.0: 626 points !!!
1. Mo M (EB1)       50 free     33.5: 540 points !!!
X. Barb (V)         50 breast   44.0: 471 points !!
2. Sandy (EB1)     100 free   1:19.4: 421 points !!
3. Claire (EB2)     50 free     36.6: 412 points !
4. Anna (EB1)       50 breast   50.4: 327 points
5. Julie (EB1)      50 free     40.9: 316 points (tie!)
5. Natalie G (NC)   50 free     40.9: 316 points (tie!)
X. John W (VC)      50 fly      29.4: 654 points !!!
1. David M (EB1)    50 free     29.9: 533 points !!! (tie!)
1. Pete L (WC&NC)   50 free     29.9: 533 points !!! (tie!)
X. Tom (HI)         50 fly      32.3: 515 points !
3. Richard P (EB1) 100 breast 1:22.4: 501 points !
4. Evan (EB2)       50 back     36.1: 408 points
5. Dragos (NC)     100 breast 1:29.6: 402 points
(For point scores, see: and enter SC Metres = short course meters [25m pool].)
Fastest Three Times in Each Event (Normal Racing Distances Only)
The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who swam a time trial in that event.
          Women                        Men
50fs      X.   31.3 Jenn P (V)         X.   27.8 John W (WC, NC & VC) 
(10/10)   1.   33.5 Mo M (EB1)         1.   29.9 David M (EB1) [tie]
          2.   36.6 Claire (EB2)       1.   29.9 Pete L (WC & NC) [tie]
          3.   40.9 Natalie G(NC)[tie] 3.   33.9 Brett (NC)
          3.   40.9 Julie (EB1) [tie]  4.   34.0 Jeff (EB1) [very close!]
100fs     1. 1:19.4 Sandy (EB1 & WC)   1. 1:07.1 Richard P (EB1) 
(7/10)    2. 1:30.1 Anna (EB1)         2. 1:17.0 Brett (NC)
          3. 1:33.1 Beth (EB1)         3. 1:20.4 Jeff (EB1)
200fs     1. 3:05.7 Claire (EB2)       1. 3:00.0 Tony (NC) 
(1/2)                                  2. 3:32.0 Karl (NC)
400fs     1. 7:12.9 Renee (EB2)        1. 7:28.0 Karl (NC)
(1/3)                                  2. 7:50.8 Paul G (NC)
                                       3.10:10.0 Shawn (NC)
800fs & 1500fs no competitors!
50bk      X.   35.9 Jenn P (V)         1.   36.1 Evan (EB2)
(5/4)     1.   54.6 Julie (EB1)        2.   39.6 David M (EB1)
          2.   57.3 Kathy (NC)         3.   41.8 Brett (NC)
          3. 1:02.5 Joelle (NC)
100bk     1. 1:51.5 Anna (EB1)         1. 1:20.8 Richard P (EB1)
(1/2)                                  2. 1:34.3 Andrew K (EB1)
200bk no competitors
50br      X.   44.0 Barb M (V)         1.   40.3 Pete L (WC & NC)
(5/3)     1.   50.4 Anna (EB1)         2.   46.3 Brett (NC)
          2.   54.0 Natalie G (NC)     3.   48.5 Meyer (NC)
          3. 1:01.3 Kathy (NC)
100br     1. 1:35.7 Mo M (EB1)         1. 1:22.4 Richard P (EB1)
(4/4)     2. 1:51.1 Beth (EB1)         2. 1:29.6 Dragos (NC)
          3. 2:00.0 Isla (EB1)         3. 1:42.3 Jeff (EB1)
200br                                  1. 4:05.7 Peter O (NC)
50fl      X.   33.0 Jenn P (V)         X.   29.4 John W (WC, NC & VC) 
(6/7)     1.   43.7 Mo (EB1)           X.   32.3 Tom A (HI)
          2.   44.9 Sandy (EB1 & WC)   1.   36.5 David M (EB1)
          3.   51.5 Kathy (NC)         2.   38.5 Brett (NC)
                                       3.   38.7 Andrew K (EB1)
100fl                                  1. 1:21.4 Dragos (NC)
200fl no competitors!
100IM     1. 1:52.1 Kathy (NC)         X. 1:10.6 John W (WC, NC & VC)
(2/4)     2. 2:23.3 Pat H (EB1)        1. 1:25.8 Brett (NC)
                                       2. 1:37.3 Meyer (NC)
                                       3. 2:09.3 Charles (EB1)
200IM                                  1. 2:46.6 Pete L (WC & NC)
400IM no competitors!
Most Improved Swimmers in Each Event
         Women                          Men
50fs   1. Mo M 1.6  (3.2/100m) (EB1)     1. David M 0.4 (0.8/100m) (EB1)
          Jul 16 - Dec 17                   Aug 27 - Dec 14
100fs  1. Pat H 6.3 (6.3/100m) (EB1)     1. Richard P 0.8 (0.8/100m) (EB1)
          Aug 29 - Dec 6                    Jul 16 - Dec 17
       2. Isla 3.2 (3.2/100m) (EB1)
          Jul 18 - Dec 5
500fs  1. Renee 22.6 (4.6/100m) (EB2)
          May 14 - Dec 12
50bk   1. Margaret 6.9 (13.8/100m) (EB2) 1. David M 1.7 (3.4/100m) (EB1)
          Aug 29 - Dec 3                    May 14 - Dec 17
100br  1. Mo M 3.8 (3.8/100m) (EB1)      1. Richard P 4.4 (4.4/100m) (EB1)
          Jul 16 - Dec 17                   Jul 16 - Dec 17
50fl   1. Penny 1.5 (3.0/100m) (EB2)  
          Jun 22 - Dec 5
100IM  1. Pat H 0.9 (0.9/100m) (EB1) 
          Jul 18 - Dec 5  
Relay Results
Early Bird I 6 x 50 free relay:
1st 3:57.6 (judge's decision) Team #1 Anders, Charles, Jeff, Kristi, Richard P, Ursula
2nd 3:57.6 (judge's decision) Team #2 Bernie, Isla, Jan, Julie, Rudy, Serge
3rd 4:21.3 Team #4 Anna, Brent, Gwen, Mo M, Nadja, Pat H
4th 4:30.5 Team #3 Becky, Chris R, Josee, Margaret, Sandy, Ray A
Early Bird I 6 x 50 medley relay (2 breast & 2 free swimmers):
1st 4:27.6 Team #1 Anders, Charles, Jeff, Kristi, Richard P, Ursula
2nd 4:44.7 (tie) Team #3 Becky, Chris R, Josee, Margaret, Sandy, Ray A
2nd 4:44.7 (tie) Team #2 Bernie, Isla, Jan, Julie, Rudy, Serge
3rd 5:15.3 Team #4 Anna, Brent, Gwen, Mo M, Nadja, Pat H
Early Bird II 4 x 50 free relay:
1st 3:01.6 Team #1   Chris K, Jo-Ann, Michelle, Renee
2nd 3:13.5 Team #2*  Barb M, Claire, Dorothy, Penny
Early Bird II 4 x 50 medley relay:
1st 3:32.0 Team #1   Michelle, Jo-Ann, Chris K, Renee
2nd 3:41.3 Team #2*  Claire, Barb M, Penny, Dorothy
* Team #2 would have won if we had taken total age into account! :-)
Nightcaps 4 x 50 free relay:
1st 2:47.5 Team #1  Victoria, Paul G, Karl, Pete L
2nd 2:48.3 Team #2  Beth, Paul K, Anne-Marie, Darren
(close race!)
Nightcaps 4 x 50 medley relay:
1st 3:16.5 Team #1  Karl, Victoria, Pete L, Paul G
2nd 3:28.7 Team #2  Paul K, Anne-Marie, Beth, Darren

Goals for 2002: If anyone has any (specific or general) goals for 2002 that I should be aware of and/or can help with, please don't hesitate to let me know, and I'll ensure that your training is appropriate (e.g. if you want to swim an Ironman distance swim for the first time your training would be a bit different from someone who wants to do a best time 50m free)! 

Private Masters Lessons

Winter times for private Masters lessons with Lynn are Monday 4-5pm, Tuesday 7:15-8pm, Wednesday 8-9pm, Thursday 7:15-8pm, and Saturday noon-1pm. Prices for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).  Contact Lynn for availability.

General Information

Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!

Lynn (or for quicker response: