Carleton Masters Newsletter #30                        Saturday, February 9th, 2002

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Early Birds (55 addresses); Whitecaps (66 addresses), Nightcaps (34 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (15 addresses), those interested in Very Early Birds (33 addresses)

It's been 3 weeks since the last newsletter -- sorry for the delay (I was out of town last weekend).  The newsletter is extra long to make up for the long wait!

Important Notes
Reminder: There *is* a workout Saturday, February 16th!
It was originally announced that there would be no workout on Saturday, February 16th due to a waterpolo tournament.  However, the tournament will not need the pool early Saturday morning, so there will be workouts both 8-9am and 9-10am Saturday, February 16th.  Swimmers from all Masters groups can attend one of these two workouts at no additional charge.  (Thanks to Steve Baird, Aquatics Coordinator for arranging this!)
Interested in Competing?
Last call -- I will be doing one more registration with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario) for Carleton Masters.  Cost is $25 ($20 goes directly to MSO + $5 club cost).  Please pay and give (or e-mail) me your name, address, phone number, and date of birth by Saturday, February 16th.  Your MSO registration is good until December 31st, 2002.  It's lots of fun -- no experience necessary!  (See "Race Reports and Swim Meets" below.)
Very Earlybirds Masters Group:
The "Very Earlybirds" Carleton University Masters program is a "go" -- registration opens at 8:30am on Monday, February 11th.  You can register in person at the Athletics Office (2nd floor) or by phone at 520-4480 between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.  The program is limited to 38 participants, so reserve your spot soon!
Dates: Monday, February 25th to Friday, April 19th (8 weeks)
Times: 6:30-7:30am Monday, Wednesday, Friday, plus 8:00-9:00am OR 9:00-10:00am Saturday
Cancellations: Friday, March 29th (Good Friday) and Monday, April 1st (Easter Monday) -- there *is* a workout Saturday, March 30th
Coach: Lynn (with another Masters coach substituting when required)
Cost: Carleton Athletics Members Only: $60.00 + $4.20GST = $64.20
(Note: a two month Early Bird membership costs $50.00+GST, but is much more economical for longer periods, e.g. one year costs $157.00+GST; also many other membership types are available.)
Those currently registered in another Carleton Masters program who want to switch to this group should contact the office to request a transfer to ensure a spot is set aside.  If you are transferring from Nightcaps, there will be an additional cost (as Nightcaps has only 3 workouts per week).
If this group is popular it will continue over the summer, starting on May 6th, when the pool re-opens after its annual maintenance.  Details will be circulated once they are confirmed.
Summer Masters Groups:
Many of the Masters groups will be running in the summer.  All groups include a Saturday workout.  For May/June it will be 8-9am OR 9-10am.  For July/August it will be 9-10am only.
Whitecaps May-August (6-7:10pm MTuTh)
Very Earlybirds (if enough interest) May-June or May-August (6:30-7:30am MWF)
Earlybirds I May-June or May-August (7:30-8:30am MWF)
Earlybirds II May-June ONLY (8:30-9:30am MWF)
The usual Nightcaps time is not available May-August.  An alternative for May/June that is being considered is 7:15-8:00pm Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (plus the usual Saturday times).  So far there has been very little interest (3 people!).  If you are interested, please let me know ASAP.
Births: Cheri (Earlybirds/Nightcaps) Fournier (Reddin) is pleased to announce the birth of her daughter, Jessica, on January 7th.  Jessica weighed in at 7lbs.  Mother, father and baby are all doing well.  Cheri was back in the pool just two weeks after Jessica was born!
Birthday Card for Catherine Bridges: Charles S (Whitecaps) has suggested that all sign a birthday card for Catherine (her birthday is February 19th) -- she's the woman who swam with us a few years ago and is currently recovering from a very serious car accident last summer.  A card is now posted on the bulletin board -- please sign it by February 16th (even if you don't know Catherine).
Many people have sent in their goals for this year.  They range from completing a 500m swim in an indoor triathlon, finishing an Ironman distance open water swim (3.8km), swimming a (legal!) 25m or 100m fly or 200m IM, regularly completing 1500m, 2000m, 2500m, or 3000m in a one hour workout, to competing in a swim meet, etc.!  If you need any advice or tips in setting or reaching your goals, just ask one of the coaches.
A few people have asked if we could have a fun swim meet sometime (for those who aren't sure if they want to enter a "real" meet!).  If you would be interested, let me know and if there is enough interest we'll arrange something.
Lane Naming Contest:
The Earlybird I (7:30-8:30 group) lane 2 swimmers (led by Kristi, Moe, and Andrew K, along with David M, and sometimes Rudy and Anhthu) do butterfly at every opportunity and plan to do 50m and 100m fly time trials later this term.  They have named themselves "The Frequent Flyers", and have issued a challenge to other lanes to come up with their own names.  The only other lane I know of with its own name, is the Whitecaps lane led by George which has been known as "The Hospitality Lane" for years now!  Discuss with your lanemates and send in your lane names within the next two weeks (before the next newsletter).  We'll have (small!) prizes for the best names.
Race Reports and Swim Meets (please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):
Nine members of Carleton University Masters Whitecaps (CAPS) [that's us!] competed at the Technosport meet at the University of Ottawa meet on Saturday, January 19th.  Eight club records were set:
4 x 100m free relay men's 160+ Bernie, Jim L, Andrew K, David M (all Earlybirds) 5:08.65 (beating the old record of 6:23.89 by over a minute!)
Bernie Men's 50-54: 100fs (leading off the relay): 1:21.09
Tom A (High Intensity) Men's 40-44: 50br: 36.34; 50fly: 30.84; 100IM: 1:10.75
George (Whitecaps) Men's 75-79: 100bk: 2:17.39
Margaret (Earlybirds) Women's 70-74: 50fs: 1:06.75; 50bk: 1:25.21 (in her first meet!)
All of the above times also earned first places.  Other placings were:
David M Men's 30-34: 1st 50/100 bk, 50/100fs; 2nd 50 fly (in his first meet!)
Gerry (Nightcaps) Men's 30-34: 2nd 50/100fs; 3rd 50fly
Andrew K Men's 40-44: 1st 100br, 50bk, 3rd 100IM
Jim L Men's 45-49: 1st 50 br, 2nd 50/100fs, 100br
Bernie Men's 50-54: 1st 50/100br, 100IM; 2nd 50fly
George Men's 75-79: 1st 50bk, 50/100br
Lynn (Whitecaps/Coach) Women's 40-44: 1st 50/100 fs, 50/100br, 50/100bk, 50/100fl, 100/200IM
Full results at:
Nineteen members of CAPS competed at the Nepean Winterlude meet at the Nepean Sportsplex (50m pool) on Saturday, February 9th.  27 Club Records, 13 Ontario Records, and 7 National Records were set by our team!  (Note that times are not converted between LC [50m] and SC [25m] pools for our club records, so it is possible to set an Ontario or National record that is not a club record, as a faster time has been done SC!  It's also possible to set a National Record that is not an Ontario Record as for a couple of years the age determination was different for the two sets of records -- Ontario used age on the day of the meet, and Canada used age on December 31st.  And it's also possible to set a World Record that is not a National Record as the proper paperwork must be sent in on time for a World Record to be accepted, but I digress!)
Will L (Varsity) Men's 20-24: Club/Ont/Nat record: 200fs: 2:07.81, 400fs: 4:32.28; Club/Ont record: 50fs: 25.88; Club record: 100fs: 57.79
Brock C (Varsity) Men's 20-24: Club/Ont/Nat record: 200fly: 2:27.38, 400IM: 5:11.05; Ont record: 200IM: 2:29.28
Warren (Varsity) Men's 20-24: Club record: 50bk 32.67, 50fl: 28.35, 100fl 1:05.27
Tarek (Varsity Coach) Men's 35-39: Club record: 50fs 25.73, 100bk: 1:06.65, 50fly: 28.31
John (Varsity Coach) Men's 35-39: Club record: 100fly 1:03.51
Tom A (High Intensity) Men's 40-44: Club record: 200br 3:02.21
Bernie (Earlybirds) Men's 50-54: Club record: 50br: 42.90
George (Whitecaps) Men's 75-79: Club record: 100bk: 2:14.17
Clara (Varsity) Women's 20-24: Club/Ont record: 200fly: 2:44.63; Club record: 50fly: 32.78, 100fly: 1:14.23
Meredith (Varsity) Women's 20-24: Club/Ont record: 200br: 3:06.30
Judy O (Varsity) Women's 20-24: Club record: 200fs: 2:26.43, 400fs: 5:04.74
Morgan (Varsity) Women's 20-24: Club record: 100bk: 1:18.97
Lynn (Whitecaps/Coach) Women's 40-44: Ont/Nat record: 50fs: 29.28, 50fl: 32.18, 200IM: 2:38.49; Ont record: 100fs: 1:04.00
4 x 50 Mixed Medley Relay 80+: Warren, Will, Clara, Morgan: Club/Ont record: 2:10.37
4 x 50 Mixed Medley Relay 120+: Tarek, Meredith, John, Lynn: Ont record: 2:09.54
4 x 50 Mixed Free Relay 80+: Jeff (Earlybirds), Michelle (Varsity), Katie (Varsity), Brock: Club record: 2:11.80
4 x 50 Mixed Free Relay 100+: Warren, Judy, Morgan, Tarek: Club record: 1:54.27
4 x 50 Mixed Free Relay 120+: Will, Clara, Lynn, John: Club/Ont record: 1:52.56
All of the above times also earned first places.  Other placings were:
Clara Women's 20-24: 1st 50fs
Morgan Women's 20-24: 1st 100fs, 50bk;  2nd 50fs
Michelle Women's 20-24: 3rd 50fs, 100fs
Anne-Marie (Varsity) Women's 20-24: 2nd 400fs; 4th 100fs; 5th 50fs
Katie Women's 20-24: 2nd 50bk, 50fl, 200IM; 6th 50fs
Meredith Women's 20-24: 2nd 100br
Warren Men's 20-24: 2nd 200fs
Jeff Men's 30-34: 3rd 50br, 100br; 6th 50fs, 100fs (in his first meet!)
Gerry (Nightcaps) Men's 30-34: 3rd 50fly; 4th 100fs; 7th 50fs
John Men's 35-39: 1st 200fly; 2nd 50fly
Jim (Earlybirds) Men's 45-49: 2nd 50br; 4th 200fs; 7th 100fs; 8th 50fs
Bernie Men's 50-54: 1st 100br; 2nd 50fly
George Men's 75-79: 1st 50br, 100br; 3rd 50bk
4 x 50 Mixed Medley Relay 120+: Michelle, Bernie, Katie, Jeff: 5th
4 x 50 Mixed Free Relay 120+: Anne-Marie, Jim, Meredith, Gerry: 5th
Full results at: (posted just an hour or so after the meet ended -- how's that for efficient!)
The updated club records are posted on our website.
The next local meet coming up is the Technosport Invitational (25m pool) to be held at the University of Ottawa:
Date/Time: Saturday, March 16th; Warm Up: 8:30am, Meet runs: 9:00-11:30am followed by free breakfast
Events: 200fs, 50bk, 100fly, 50br, 50fl, 100br, 100fs, 200IM, 100bk, 50fs, 4x50 women/men medley relay
Cost: $30 (unlimited number of events)
Deadline: Sign up on the bulletin board by Saturday, March 2nd and pay at the meet (cash or cheque payable to "Technosport")
You must be a member of MSO to compete -- see "Interested in Competing?" above.
The Carleton Ravens Varsity Team competed in the OUA (Ontario University Athletics) Championships last weekend at Laurentian University.  All eighteen swimmers did a season best in at least one event and many swimmers did numerous Raven and/or lifetime bests!  Keegan Harris was awarded Carleton's Athlete of the Week for qualifying for the Canadian Intercollegiate Sport (CIS) Championships to be held at the University of British Columbia from February 22nd-24th.  Keegan qualified in 50 breast in 30.40!!  He also scored points in 100 and 200 breast.  Other swimmers who scored points [top 16 places] were Jackie Brunetta (400fs), Clara Tarjan (50fly), Will Litchfield (1500fs), and the men's 4 x 200 free relay (Will, Warren Taylor, Brock Clayden and Keegan).  Jackie and Keegan were Carleton's Swimmers of the Meet.  Will and Judy Overton were the Most Improved Swimmers, and Brock and Judy/Jackie got the "Toughest Swimmer" awards.
Like any sport, Masters Swimming has some rules of etiquette that may be new to beginners and worth reviewing for everyone!  Here are a few...
Ensure that you get out your own "toys" before workout (kickboard, pullbuoy, sometimes flippers, and/or paddles), and don't take those that someone else is using!  Also, please ensure that you put everything away after workout.  The soft yellow boards and torpedo-shaped pullbuoys go in the wooden box.  Other boards (red, blue, hard yellow ones), and white/purple pullbuoys go in the racks.  The flipper boxes are labelled by size.
Swim in a circle (up one side of the lane and down the other), unless there is room for each person to have half a lane, in which case you can swim side-by-side if both agree.  Ensure that you swim straight (use the ceiling as a guide in backstroke).  Take care when passing -- collisions can be painful!  Always be aware of where (you and) your lanemates are.
Even when the lanes are crowded, ensure that your lanemates can do proper turns or touch the wall at the end of a repeat (i.e. keep out of their way!) -- slowing down and/or stopping before the end of the pool is a bad habit to get into. 
Do your best to join in with the others in your lane if you arrive late (though it's best to start with a bit of freestyle and never start out with fly!).
If you are having trouble swimming at the same speed as your lane mates (either too fast or too slow), ask the coach if there's another lane that would be more suitable.  If not, do your best to be courteous so that everyone can enjoy his/her swim.
Any questions and/or other etiquette suggestions are welcome!
Weight Training for Swimmers
A six-hour program on strength training for swimmers was offered 11am-1pm Saturdays January 12th, 19th and February 2nd.  This course was poorly attended (4 people) and the Athletics department is reluctant to offer it again, unless attendance is up.  If you would be interested in this course either now, in the Spring/Summer or next Fall, please let me know .  Also, let me know what time/day works best for you.
Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  What is the proper way to do transitions between strokes in an IM?  Wanna-be-IMer

Dear W-b-IMer:  IM = Individual Medley (fly, back, breast and free).  We will be reviewing these turns in workout, so I'll just go over the basic rules.  In the fly/back turn you must touch the wall on your front with both hands, and then push off on your back.  In the back/breast turn, you must touch the wall (with one hand) on your back (you may not flip over onto your stomach before touching the wall), and then push off on your front.  For breast/free, you mush touch the wall on your front with both hands. 

Dear Coach:  Would other Earlybird swimmers be interested in having large mats to stretch on before or after workout?  If so, I'd be willing to work out a rotation of swimmers to get them out and put them away.  Pat (7:30am Earlybirds)

Dear Pat:  That's a great idea!  Anyone who is interested please talk to Pat (lane 5).

Earlybirds and Nightcaps Notes

The list of things to work on (now that we've finished going through each stroke) is growing:is freestyle flip turns and freestyle breathing.  Suggestions and comments are always welcome.

The list of things to do (now that we've finished going through each stroke) based on your requests is as follows:
  • freestyle flip turns (this week -- a nose clip is recommended for those who haven't tried flip turns before)
  • back flip turns
  • IM turns
  • pyramid sets
  • remedial fly (for those who want to spend more time on this challenging stroke)
  • freestyle breathing
  • open water sighting (April)
Your suggestions for other areas you'd like to spend time on are welcome!
This week you will also have an opportunity to do a lactate tolerance set (anaerobic lactic).  This is an opportunity to work on your speed!  (It is optional)
Private Masters Lessons

Winter times for private Masters lessons with Lynn are Monday 4-5pm, Tuesday 7:15-8pm, Wednesday 8-9pm, Thursday 7:15-8pm, and Saturday noon-1pm. Prices for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).  Contact Lynn for availability.

Safety Supervision (for children) is available in the winter session for the same workouts as in the Fall (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 6-7:10pm and Saturday 9-10am) at a cost of $73.75.  Maximum number of children is 9.  Sign up in the Athletics Office.
Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of the Earlybird or Nightcaps Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts on Sunday.

Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information

Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!