Carleton Masters Newsletter #33                             Friday, March 22nd, 2002

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Early Birds (52 addresses); Whitecaps (68 addresses), Nightcaps (33 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (12 addresses), Very Early Birds (31 addresses)

Easter Weekend Schedule:
All Early Bird Masters groups (including Very Earlybirds) are cancelled on Friday, March 29th.
There are regular workouts at both 8-9am and 9-10am on Saturday, March 30th. 
There will be three (optional!) "toonie" workouts on Monday, April 1st.  Bring $2 and pay the coach on deck (Lynn).  Workouts will be held 6:30-7:30am, 7:30-8:30am, and 6:00-7:10pm (1/2 pool only; no children's safety supervision), but not 8:30-9:30am.  All three workouts are open to all Carleton Masters swimmers. 
End of Winter Session:
Just a reminder that all Winter Masters Sessions will end on Thursday, April 18th (Whitecaps, Nightcaps) or Friday, April 19th (Earlybirds).  The Carleton Pool will be closed Saturday, April 20th to Sunday, May 5th inclusive for annual maintenance.  There will be no "toonie" workouts during this time, as there will be no water in the pool ;-) !
Spring/Summer Masters Groups:
The Masters groups for the summer have been finalized.  Further details and prices are listed in the Spring/Summer Program Guide and posted on the web page.  Registration will open on Tuesday, April 2nd
Earlybirds 1 (formerly Very Earlybirds) May 6 - June 29 or May 6 - August 30 (6:30-7:30am MWF + Sat)
Earlybirds 2 (formerly Earlybirds I) May 6 - June 29 or May 6 - August 30 (7:30-8:30am MWF + Sat)
Earlybirds 3 (formerly Earlybirds II) May 6 - June 29 only (8:30-9:30am MWF + Sat)
Whitecaps May 6 - August 29 (6-7:10pm MTuTh + Sat)
Nightcaps May 6 - June 29 only (7:10-8pm MTuTh + Sat) [minimum 12 registrants]
Child (age 2yrs+) Safety Supervision May 6 - June 29 and/or July 2 - August 29 (6-7:10pm MTuTh + 9-10am ONLY Sat) [minimum 8 registrants]
Saturday Workouts: 8-9am or 9-10am May 11 - June 29; 9-10am only July 6 - August 24
No workouts: May 20 (Victoria Day), May 25 (Triathlon [see below]), July 1 (Canada Day), August 5 (Civic Holiday)
Club News:
Dawn C (Whitecaps) had her foot operation on March 7th, and she's happy to entertain visitors (
Josee L (Whitecaps/Earlybirds) sends her thanks for the card and is settling in well in Quebec City -- she will continue to receive the newsletter at her new e-mail address! 
Lisa H (Whitecaps) is a member of the Savoy Society.  They are presenting "The Gondoliers" by Gilbert & Sullivan at Centrepointe Theatre April 12-14th and 17-20th (8pm except, Sunday is 2pm).  Adult tickets $22; student/youth $12.  She suggests that the Saturday, April 13th, 8pm show would be a good choice for a swim team outing.  Contact Lisa ( for more details.
Lane Naming Contest:
Two new lane names have been added: The Flying Saucers and The Sauna Dreamers.  Other names are: The Frequent Flyers, The Hospitality Lane, The Persistent Flying Slugs, The Fast Lane, Not The Hospitality Lane, Bernie's Barracudas, The "K" Lane, and Reynold's Number (i.e. "Ratio of inertial to viscous forces acting upon an organism").  Based on these submissions, the following awards are given:
Longest Standing: "The Hospitality Lane" (this one has been around for years)
Most Original: "The Frequent Flyers"
Least Original: "The Fast Lane" and "Not The Hospitality Lane"
Most Motivational: "The Persistent Flying Slugs" and "The Flying Saucers"
Least Motivational: "The Sauna Dreamers"
Most Obscure: "Reynold's Number"
Your prizes (for all those who participated) are the chance to make up a main set for your Masters group -- just let your coach know!
Fun Swim Meet:
Quite a few people have expressed interest in a fun swim meet.  I will look into arranging something (probably on a weekend), and let you know. 
Last summer we held a Mini-Swim Camp / Clinic.  If there is interest, we'll do it again, but this time try to avoid July/August due to the large number of people on vacation.  Let me know if you're interested.
Race Reports and Swim Meets (please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):
Twelve Carleton Masters competed in the Technosport Invitational at the University of Ottawa on Saturday, March 16th.  There were some great results and a good time was had by all!  A big thank you to Mits for taking splits.  The official results are not yet available, but here's a quick unofficial summary.  George (Whitecaps), Bernie (Earlybirds), Lynn (Whitecaps/Coach) and Margaret formed Carleton's first ever 240+ relay (4x50 Medley) -- so it must have been a club record!  Meyer (Whitecaps/Very Earlybirds) did very well in his first meet, finishing 100fs in 1:15.  Kristi (Earlybirds/Coach) and Moe M (Earlybirds) tied in nearly all their races, and they did some tough ones (100fly, 200IM, ...).  Richard P (Earlybirds) and Tom A (High Intensity) had a close race in 100br (both finishing in 1:20!).  Tom also set club records in 100fs and 100fly.  Jeffrey F (Earlybirds) broke :40 in 50br!  Bernie (Earlybirds) raced 100fly and 100back for the first time, setting club records in both.  Gerry (Nightcaps) raced 200fs for the first time.  Isla (Earlybirds) did a best time in 200fs, just outside the club record.  Margaret improved her 50bk and she would also have improved her 50fs, if it hadn't been for an obstacle in her lane (ask George...)!  George (Whitecaps) was just outside his club record in 100br. Lynn set a club record in 200br.
The next local meet is at U of O on Saturday, April 13th:
Time: 8:30am Warm Up; Meet Runs 9am-11:30am
Cost: $25 for an unlimited number of events (bring cash or cheque payable to Technosport on the day)
Order of Events: 400fs, 100IM, 100fly, 100bk, 200fs, 50br, 50fs, 100br, 100fs, 50fly, 50bk, 4x100fs relay
Entry Deadline: let Lynn know by e-mail or sign up on the bulletin board by Monday, April 1st
Three Carleton Masters (George [Whitecaps], Tom A [High Intensity], and Lynn) will be making the trek to Etobicoke for the Ontario Masters Provincial Championships, April 5-7th.
One Carleton Master (Lina V [Whitecaps]) will attend the Quebec Masters Provincial Championships in Dollard-des-Ormeaux (Montreal), April 19th-21st.
Several people have already asked about local open water swim races this summer.  There will be a 3k race on Saturday, July 13th at Meech Lake (from Blanchet beach and around the island 4 times).  There is also a 4k race (Blanchet to O'Brien) on Saturday, August 17th.  Although these races are organized by Technosport, they are not sanctioned by MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario) and thus are open to all (i.e. you do not have to have an MSO number to compete).  More details once the ice and snow melt!  I expect that Rudy (Whitecaps/Earlybirds) will again be organizing weekly training swims in Meech Lake (traditionally 6am Fridays) once things warm up.
Congratulations to Tom M (Whitecaps, I think -- I haven't seen him in so long!) on his 34th place finish (5th in his 40-44 age group) in the Mont Valin Loppet (50k) in 2:54.53.
The following Carleton Masters competed in the St. Patrick's Day runs -- if I missed anyone else, let me know!
David Barclay (Earlybirds) was 15th overall (12th in men's 20-39) in the 5k finishing in 17:50.3, followed closely by Rich M (Whitecaps/Very Earlybirds) who was 23rd overall and 16th in the same age group in 19:13.2.
Ross W (Very Earlybirds) was 39th overall and 21st in men's 20-39 in the 10k, finishing in 40:54.5.
Congratulations to Sheila K (Whitecaps/Very Earlybirds) on her 7th place finish in 1:56:53.8 at the  ITU Winter Triathlon Championships (5.4km run, 10km mountain bike, 10.8 km ski) in Canmore, Alberta on March 16th (-19C and windy).  Ask her about her new favourite food: donuts!
You may have noticed that the Masters workouts on Saturday, May 25th are cancelled due to a triathlon.  Perhaps you are interested in participating (last year quite a few Carleton Masters took part)?  Details on the Ottawa Early Bird Triathlon, put on by Somersault Promotions can be found at:  For experienced triathletes it is a 500m pool swim, 23k bike and 5k run (there is also a duathlon which substitutes a 2.5k run for the swim, but who would want to run when you could swim?!).  In addition, there is a Try-a-Tri novice category made up of a 100m pool swim, 12.5k bike and 2.5k run -- hardly a chance to get wet in that one! :-)
For those who are interested in getting into Triathlons, an all levels / all ages clinic will be held on Saturday, April 27th, 9am-4pm at the Sawmill Creek Community Centre.  The clinic includes: swim/stroke workout, cycling skills, lunch nutrition seminar, running drills, stretching class.  It is coached by certified triathlon coaches and hosted by the OAT (Ontario Association of Triathletes).  Cost is $30 for OAT members; $40 for non-members.  For more information: or 1-416-410-3628.
Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  Are you allowed to flip from back to breast in IM?  Turning Around

Dear T. Around: The backstroke to breaststroke turn is considered a backstroke finish, so you must touch the wall while still on your back.  Thus a flip is not allowed.

Dear Coach:  I am very evenly matched with one of my lanemates.  If I go ahead, he catches up, and vice versa.  What should we do?  Toe Toucher

Dear T. Toucher:  It's best if you are swimming so that there is no one within 5 seconds ahead or behind you.  If someone is closer than that, you will have a "draft" effect (as in cycling).  If you find that the 5 second gap between you keeps closing, then (unless your lane is very crowded) increase your gap to 10 seconds.  That should help keep you apart.

Dear Coach:  I want to do some open water swim racing this summer.  Do I need a wetsuit?  Can you let me know about the existing events, as well as offer suggestions on how to train (how often and how much)?  Distance Swimmer

Dear D. Swimmer:  I will let you know through the newsletter about any open water races I hear of.  Wetsuits are not allowed in open water swim races.  However, if you get cold easily, you might want to try one out for training early in the season.  You will have no problem with races up to 5k or so on the amount of training you are currently doing (3-4x/week).  However, you may want to consider adding one LSD (long slow distance) type swim per week, either in the pool or outdoors (once it is a bit warmer), swimming some long continuous or longer repeats (400s, 800s) building up to a 5k workout.  Ask in person for some more specific advice.

Very Earlybirds, Earlybirds and Nightcaps Notes
Here are the attendance leaders to date for the Winter term (weekday sessions only):
Very Earlybirds, starting February 25th:
  Perfect Attendance: Andrew K, Jen G
  Missed one Workout: Dave Bourdon, Gilles, Manon, Mits, Nadja, Ross
Earlybirds (and/or Very Earlybirds) starting January 2nd:
  Perfect Attendance: Alan, Bernie, Gwen, Jeffrey F
  Missed two Workouts: Julie, Mel
Nightcaps starting January 3rd:
  Missed three Workouts: Kevin N
  Missed four Workouts: Mark Hynes, Tony P
The Very Earlybirds have now finished going through all the strokes.  If you have any other requests of things to work on (e.g. turns), just let me know.  The only thing currently planned is open water sighting which will be next week.
Next week we will also be doing a longer freestyle swim, and starting the session's time trials (Thursday).  This time we will do the time trials starting with lane 1.  You can be timed for any event(s) that you like, and it's optional...  The rough schedule is:
Thu Mar 29th and Tue Apr 2nd: lanes 1-3
Tue Apr 9th and Thu Apr 11th: lanes 2-6
Tue Apr 16th: lanes 5-6
Mon Apr 1st and Wed Apr 3rd: lanes 1-3
Mon Apr 8th, Wed Apr 10th, and Fri Apr 12th: lanes 2-5
Mon Apr 15th and Wed Apr 17th: lanes 5-6
Note that Blake will be coaching Nightcaps on Thursday, April 4th and all Earlybird groups on Friday, April 5th as I'll be away.  Thanks, Blake!
Penny and Sue A-B (Earlybirds) have started tracking their fly distances this week.  Penny is now at 800m, with Sue (who missed two workouts this week!) trailing at 375m.
Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons

Winter times for private Masters lessons with Lynn are Monday 4-5pm, Tuesday 7:15-8pm, Wednesday 8-9pm, Thursday 7:15-8pm, and Saturday noon-1pm. Prices for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  For non-Members the cost per student is $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours.

Spring/Summer times will be announced shortly. Contact Lynn for availability.

Safety Supervision (for children) is available in the winter session for the same workouts as in the Fall (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 6-7:10pm and Saturday 9-10am) at a cost of $73.75.  Maximum number of children is 9.  Sign up in the Athletics Office.
Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of the Earlybird or Nightcaps Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts on Sunday.

Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

Weight Training for Swimmers: A six-hour program on strength training for swimmers was offered 11am-1pm Saturdays January 12th, 19th and February 2nd.  This course was poorly attended (4 people) and the Athletics department is reluctant to offer it again, unless attendance is up.  If you would be interested in this course either now, in the Spring/Summer or next Fall, please let me know .  Also, let me know what time/day works best for you.
General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!