Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #37                               Sunday, May 12th, 2002

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Early Birds (62 addresses); Whitecaps (71 addresses), Nightcaps (39 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (13 addresses), Very Early Birds (35 addresses)

Spring Session:
The Spring session started on May 6th.  Welcome to all the new and returning swimmers!
We had enough people sign up for the earlier Nightcaps, so that group is running for May/June (7:10-8pm Mon/Tue/Thu & Sat).  This group starts as Whitecaps finishes, with Nightcaps starting their warm up as Whitecaps finish their warm down.   (It's fine if the two groups overlap by a few minutes.) 
If you are not planning to swim over the summer and would like to be removed from the e-mail list, just let me know.
Upcoming Cancellations:
There will be no workouts on Monday, May 20th (Victoria Day) -- morning or evening.  You are welcome to attend the public swim at Carleton that day which is from 11:45am - 3:30pm only (no early morning or evening swim, as the facility is open 8am-8pm only). 
Note also that there will also be no workouts on Saturday, May 25th (morning) due to the Ottawa Early Bird Triathlon being held at Carleton.  If you're interested in participating in the Triathlon, you can get more details at: http://www.some=
Feedback Forms Information (Part 2):
Here is more information from the 86 feedback forms received in April:
Whitecaps Theme Nights:
As promised, the Masters Spring/Summer schedule showing the theme for each workout has been posted on the bulletin board, and is up on the website (pdf format): http://lynnma=
Feedback on the Coaches:
As many swimmers provided input on more than one coach (as requested), we received a total of 169 responses on our coaching staff.  To figure out an overall score for the coaching staff in each area, I used 1 for strongly disagree, 2 for disagree, 3 for neutral, 4 for agree, and 5 for strongly agree to figure out the average response in each category.  Using this scoring method gives:
Our coaches...
... are organized and prepared: 4.69
... provide an effective swim program: 4.56
... have good communication skills: 4.49
... are motivational and encouraging: 4.44
... are knowledgeable and informative: 4.57
... provide challenging workouts: 4.51
... address your personal goals: 3.94
Overall score: 4.46 (out of 5)
The one area where we scored significantly lower than the others is that of addressing your personal goals.  To some extent, this is not too surprising, given the many different reasons people are training (as listed in the last newsletter), and the ratio of swimmers to coaches -- most groups average 20-25 swimmers.  However, this is one area I hope we can improve and I'd like your suggestions (more on this below).
The written comments about the coaches were as follows (number of swimmers making the comment follows in parentheses):
- great coaches; good coaching (14 swimmers)
- I really like one (or more) of the coaches (18)
- I really don't like one (or more) of the coaches (4)
- my coach is supportive and motivational (5)
- coaches are approachable and encouraging (4)
- my coach is attentive and keen (2)
- I like the positive reinforcement given (1)
- coaches understand Masters (1)
- my coach needs to work on arithmetic skills :-) (1)
- I don't see one (or more) coach often enough for help with my goals (3)
- my coach addresses my personal goals (1)
- I need help setting my goals (1)
General Comments:
On the positive side, 34 comments were along the lines of: good workouts/program; appropriate workouts; good structure/planning.  Eight people noted that the workouts were fun and enjoyable, while six commented that they were challenging (in a good way!), and two said they liked the laid back approach (no pressure to perform).  Three said that the level of workouts was suitable for all levels.  Another three had favourable input on the length (time/distance) of the workouts, while 2 commented on the punctual start time.
One person requested music during the swim -- just ask the coach if you'd like that.  One person noted that the workouts are sometimes disrupted by late arrivals -- please be considerate of your lane mates if you arrive late!  Occasionally the coach will have to juggle lanes around after warm up if lanes become unbalanced, but this should be done with a minimum of disruption.  Two people commented on the easy to read instructions on the blackboard, while one swimmer reminds the coaches to always write large enough for the workouts to be legible!
Workout Content:
We received lots of comments on workout content (summary next time), but for now I'll focus on the most common suggestions.  The highest number of similar comments were 25 requesting "more technique instruction", and 15 requesting "more one-on-one feedback".  I believe that this ties in closely with the "address my personal goals" above.  For the record, five swimmers said they like the amount of stroke improvement they are receiving!
As mentioned above, it's difficult for a coach to provide much individual feedback while coaching a group of 20-25 swimmers in a 1-hour period.  Someone suggested having two coaches per group once per week -- a great idea, but it would mean an increase in the cost (which would be passed on to the swimmers!).  I'll look into occasionally having two coaches on deck (perhaps once per month or so, to keep the costs down) for the Fall term.
Your coach is generally the least busy during the warm up period.  If you want individual attention (and not everyone does!), that's the best time to get it.  And the best way to get it is to ask!  Either ask specific questions about technique, training, etc., or ask the coach to give you feedback on a particular stroke.  We'll be happy to help! 
For those who want even more personal attention, I recommend the mini swim camp -- the ratio of swimmers to coaches will be near 5:1, and you have the option of being videotaped.  One person said the swim camps are good.  One asked for more frequent camps.  One asked for videotaping (available in the June camp), and one person said the camps should be less expensive.  The camp is run by the Masters Club, not by Athletics.  We charge only enough to cover the pool rental and the coaches, and do not make a profit.  The only way to make it cheaper would be to have fewer coaches, which would defeat the purpose!
Another option to get lots of personal feedback (albeit even more expensive) is semi-private (2-3:1) or private (1:1) instruction (details below).
If you have other ideas on how we can help you improve your technique and/or meet your goals, please let me know.
Some of the general suggestions/comments will be covered in the "Ask the Coach" section below, and more will be in future newsletters.
Mini Swim Camp:
The mini swim camp will be held: Saturday, June 15th 5-7pm and Sunday, June 16th 8:30-10:30am.  The cost will be $40 for both days and $25 for one day, plus $10 for the (optional) videotaping.  The clinic will also be open to non-Carleton Masters at a higher cost: $60 for both days, $40 for one day, and $15 for videotaping.  As last year, we will offer clinics covering each stroke, as well as starts and turns, and will keep the ratio of swimmers to coaches at around 10:1.  Coaches confirmed to date are: John, Tim, Louise and Lynn.
Those videotaped on Saturday will get their feedback from 7:30-8:30pm, and those on Sunday will get their feedback from 11am-noon.  The videotaping will cover two strokes and you will be taped both above and underwater. 
If you have not already done so, please let me know if you are interested in attending this clinic, which day(s) you will attend, whether you are interested in videotaping and on which day.  Please register by June 1st.
Fun Swim Meet:
We need 12 people to go ahead with the fun swim meet: Saturday, June 22nd 5-7pm.  You do not have to be a member of MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario) to compete in this meet -- it is just for fun.  So far only three people have expressed interest.  There will be a $10 charge to cover the pool rental fees.  I'll set the events based on what people are interested in swimming.  Let me know if you are interested in participating as well as the events you'd like to swim.  If we don't have 12 people signed up by June 1st, the fun meet will be cancelled.
New and Nearly New Swim Equipment For Sale:
There are still caps, a pair of goggles, and some women's suits available for sale.  The caps are priced at $1.  The goggles $4, and the suits $10-$20 at the buyer's discretion.  Ask to look at our "boutique"!
Club News:
Margaret K (Earlybirds) sent a postcard to the team during her recent trip to the UK.  It is posted on the bulletin board.  Thanks, Margaret!
Session Notes
We will be taking weekday attendance for Whitecaps as well as Earlybirds and Nightcaps this Spring term.  The Whitecaps will also have a chance to participate in the time trials and fun relays at the end of June.
Margaret and Penny (Earlybirds 2) are continuing with their "fly miles" this term.  If anyone else wants to join in, just give me your fly total after each workout. 
Race Reports and Swim Meets (please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!)
April 13th Technosport Meet:
The official results of the April Technosport meet at U of Ottawa are still not available.  The official list of club records set will be published once I have the results.
Quebec Provincials Update:
All of Lina V (Whitecaps) times from the Quebec Provincials were club records for her 50-54 age group:
50fs: 33.91; 100fs: 1:16.77; 50br: 45.60; 100br: 1:38.98; 200br: 3:32.27; 50fl: 37.88; 100IM: 1:30.09
Congratulations Lina!
May 11th Technosport Meet:
Five members of Carleton Masters competed in the May 11th Technosport meet.  Mits (Whitecaps Coach / Very Earlybirds) was swimming in his first meet and, as well as showing a unique way of wearing goggles, did some great times in 50 and 100m freestyle and breaststroke.  Charles M (Earlybirds) competing for the first time in a few years, and the first time with Carleton, improved on his time trial times in 50m backstroke and 50 and 100m freestyle.  Bernie (Earlybirds) unofficially set a few more club records in 50m and 100m backstroke and 50m fly.  Tom A (High Intensity) also improved on a few club records in sprint fly and breaststroke.  Lynn (Coach) was not very pleased with her efforts (all six races slower than earlier this season).  Again, the official results are needed before any Club Records can be updated.
Upcoming Meets:
The next and last local meet of the season will be on June 1st at Ottawa U (8:30am warm up; meet runs 9-11am).  The only events offered are 800 and 1500m freestyle.  Deadline for entry is May 22nd.  If you are not yet registered with MSO, but are interested in competing, let me know ASAP.
There is a meet in Repentigny (just past Montreal), Quebec on June 15th.  The warm up is at 8am.  The meet starts at 9am.  The events offered are: 100bk, 100br, 50fs, 100IM, 200ch, break, 50fly, 200 medley relay, 50bk, 100fs, 50br, 100fly, 200 mixed free relay.  You can swim a maximum of  3 individual events and 2 relays.  More information at: inv.pdf
Also, don't forget the fun meet (open to all) at Carleton on June 22nd, which will go ahead if we have at least twelve swimmers.
There are two open water races (open to all) being held b Technosport in Meech Lake this summer -- a 3km race on July 13th and a 4km race on August 17th.
NCM Weekend:
I know that quite a few Carleton Masters participated in the NCM Weekend races.  I'll include the full results for the Masters next time -- so e-mail me with your results!!  Congratulations to Kristi (Coach) on finishing 243/409 in her age group in the 10k!
Ask the Coach
These questions/suggestions are all from the feedback forms:

Dear Coach:  Can we move the Masters bulletin board to the deep end so that it's more convenient for the Earlybirds?  Out of Sight - Out of Mind

Dear O. o. S. O. o. Mind:  If all the Masters groups were in the deep end that would be fine.  However, one of the Whitecaps groups is always in the shallow end.  Nightcaps is usually in the shallow end, and Saturdays are in the shallow end.  The current location (in the middle of the pool) is a compromise.

Dear Coach:  Can you provide a booklet of ten workouts for us to do on our own -- I wouldn't mind paying a photocopying fee.  Sometimes Swim Alone

Dear S. S. A:  I'm guessing that this person does not have e-mail, as the workouts are available by e-mail for all who want them.  In addition, I sent out last July's workouts to all those who wanted some extra workouts to do over the break.  If you don't have e-mail and want the workouts, talk to me!

Dear Coach:  After we set our goals, can you offer advice as to the type of training needed, and provide suitable workouts?  Want to Meet my Goals

Dear W. t. M. m. Goals:  Provided that you are aiming to improve on a regular stroke (fly, back, breast, free or IM) and a distance between 50m and 5k, the workouts should help.  It's important to attend regularly to see quick improvement.  If you are training at an elite level for really short (25-50m) or really long (2k+) events, you may need some additional specialized training (e.g. weight training, extra swimming), but otherwise you should be fine.

Dear Coach:  Can we organize a session for those interested in competing covering training cycles, mental preparation, eating prior to and at a competition, etc.?  New Competitor

Dear N. Competitor:  If there is enough interest, this could be organized for a small fee.  E-mail me if you are interested!

Dear Coach:  Can you please adjust the workout focus/intensity on a weekly (microcycle) and monthly/bi-monthly (macrocycle) based on the known peaking dates?  Want to Taper for Big Events
Dear W. t. T. f. B. Events:  Your suggestion is a good one.  We currently follow a term long macrocycle, but without a big taper at the end.  The problem is that everyone has different goals / events they are aiming for, so it's not possible to pick a date when everyone wants to peak.  If there is a particular event you are training for, ask the coach for suggestions as to what you should do / not do during your taper.
Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons
Spring (May-June) remaining available times for private and semi-private Masters lessons with Lynn are as follows:
Monday 9:45-10:45am June 3 to June 24th
Monday 3:30-4:30pm May 27 to June 17th
Tuesday 3:30-4:30pm May 21 to June 18th
Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm May 22 to June 19th
Wednesday 7-8pm June 12 & 26th
Thursday 3:30-4:30pm May 30 to June 20th
Friday 9:45-10:45am May 17, June 7, 21 & 28th
Friday 3:30-4:30pm May 24 to June 21st
Saturday noon-1pm May 18, June 8 & 22nd
Summer (July-August) times are:
Wednesday 6-7pm July 17, August 7, 14 & 21st
Friday 6-7pm July 5th to August 23rd, except August 2nd

Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per student) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.

Contact Lynn for availability.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Please Register for Spring/Summer Session: If you haven't yet signed up for Spring/Summer, please register at the Athletics Office 8:30am-4:30pm M-F (2nd floor or 520-4480).  Prices are posted on the web site ( .
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of the Earlybird, Whitecaps and/or Nightcaps Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts on Sunday.

Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 8:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

Weight Training for Swimmers: A six-hour program on strength training for swimmers was offered 11am-1pm Saturdays January 12th, 19th and February 2nd.  This course was poorly attended (4 people) and the Athletics department is reluctant to offer it again, unless attendance is up.  If you would be interested in this course either now, in the Spring/Summer or next Fall, please let me know .  Also, let me know what time/day works best for you.
General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!