Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #38                               Sunday, May 26th, 2002

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Early Birds (64 addresses); Whitecaps (73 addresses), Nightcaps (39 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (13 addresses), Very Early Birds (35 addresses)

Masters Registration, Membership Expiry, and PAR-Q Forms:
I have sent out e-mail reminders to those who have not yet registered for Spring/Summer Masters, as well as to those whose Athletics Memberships expire before the end of the session.  Anyone who has not filled in a PAR-Q (medical questionnaire) in the last year, has been asked to complete one.  Your cooperation in getting all this paperwork done is appreciated!
Feedback Forms Information (Part 3):
Here is more information from the 86 feedback forms received in April:
Here's a summary of your comments on the workouts.
18 people said there is a good variety in the workouts, while 5 said they'd like more variety.  Two said there's a good balance of all 4 strokes, and 2 (others) said that there's not always a balance of all 4 strokes.
One asked that we ensure that consecutive workouts have different distances in the main sets -- we definitely are trying to improve on this by having an overall plan giving the focus for each workout that all coaches use.  One suggested that we have more variety in swimming speeds, and another 3 asked for more sprints.  Next week's (optional) lactate tolerance set should help there.  Another asked that the intensity increases as we go through the summer.  Don't worry -- it will :-) !
One person asked for more of an emphasis on good technique, rather than making the pace times.  One person noted that the pace times are always good.  Another asked for more lower intensity workouts for those who train other sports and need an easy day.  We tend to spend more time on technique at the beginning of each session.  If you want to devote extra time to working on your technique and find that difficult in your current lane, you are free to move to a slower lane.  Also if you want an easier workout one day for whatever reason (need an easy day, or you're tired, gave blood, recovering from injury or illness, etc.) you always have the option of moving to a slower lane. Similarly if you are feeling great, or the main set is your favourite, you can always move up a lane!
Three people asked for a distance free only lane for triathletes and/or that freestyle be an option on IM nights.  Frankly, I think this would do you more harm that good.  Always doing the same type of training (stroke and distance) almost guarantees that you will plateau, and can lead to overuse injury.  The way things are currently structured, you can do mostly freestyle two days out of three.  More than that is not recommended.
One swimmer asked for written technique pointers to think about while swimming.  On the spring/summer plan (posted on the bulletin board and website), you'll notice that each week has a "focus" -- that is the technique aspect that you should have in the back of your mind for that week.  If you're not sure what you can do to improve in the area given, just ask your coach. 
Workout Structure:
Warm Up: Three people said they like the (usually) 1000m structured warm up.  Two said the warm up is too long.  If you are in a slower lane and would prefer a shorter warm up, just let your coach know.  One swimmer asked for specific warm up drills to be written on the board.  I'd suggest that instead you ask your coach for good drills for you to do -- not everyone needs to work on the same thing!  One person suggested adding a transition set into the main set.  We rarely do this due to time considerations.  Every time there's a new set to explain, we lose 3-5min of workout time.  If we have any short sets, the coach can be explaining the previous set to one lane, when another is already ready for the next one.  However, I'll try making the last part of the warm up into a mini-set some days and see how that goes.
Main Set: Three swimmers said they prefer doing more short sets, rather than one long set.  One said he/she likes having just one main set.  As explained above, given the short workout time, it's more efficient to do just one set, but I'll occasionally add another and see how people like that.
Strokes: One person asked for more fly, and one person for less!  (I guess we keep it the same?!)  Two asked for less IM and two others asked for less IM on Saturday.  One asked that IM be rotated as he/she can't attend Monday.  We are rotating the IM now, and the Saturday plan should ensure that the Saturday workouts are more balanced.  One suggested that we have fly days, back days and breast days, so everyone has to work all the strokes.  As a significant number of people have injuries that prevent doing one stroke, this isn't really practical.  However, I'll try to include some best/worst strokes in sets as that should serve the same purpose (encouraging you to do all strokes that you can).  Five swimmers asked for more distance work, longer swims and more timed swims.  Two asked for fewer long swims and repetitive sets.  One asked for more freestyle.  One asked for less freestyle and another cautioned against having too much freestyle.  We'll do really long freestyle repeats only once every few weeks, and will have an (optional) long timed swim each term.  It's no surprise that we won't be able to please everybody!  If there's a particular workout type that you just hate, at least you can use the posted schedule to know the day(s) to avoid!
Kick/Pull: Four people asked for more kick sets and one for fewer!  Two asked for more pull.  I'll try adding the occasional kick and/or pull set. 
Starts/Turns: Three people want more work on turns, and another on flip turns in particular.  One person wants to spend an hour on turns.  Another wants help with dives.  One swimmer suggested we have more mini-clinics at the end of the workout (e.g. last 15min in the diving well).  I'm happy to do mini-clinics anytime anyone wants -- just let me know what you want to work on (starts, a specific turn, a stroke, etc.)  and we'll do it!  Spending an entire workout on turns for everyone probably wouldn't be too popular, but we could do that in the June clinic -- let me know if you're interested.
Fun Sets: Three people asked for more fun workouts (e.g. relays, games), while two others said they enjoyed the ones we do.  One person said the time trials were fun, and another person asked that we do more crazy drills.  Three swimmers asked to do more swimming with flippers (my groups will be doing some fly with flippers this week).  One person asked for more fun competitions, while another said there should be less emphasis on competition. 
Drill: Five people asked for more drill, and one for more technique help on strokes other than free.  Two asked for more explanation as to why we do the drills.  If we (the coaches) don't explain why you are doing a drill -- just ask -- we should always tell you why, but sometimes we forget!  One person asked for more drill at the beginning of the term, one said the amount is just right, and another said we should do less drill at the beginning of each session!!  One asked for more on stroke efficiency.  Another asked for stroke improvement to be integrated into the workout.  We've been doing a lot of work on dps (distance per stroke) lately (e.g. golf sets, descending with the first repeat dps) -- that should help with efficiency and with integrating your stroke improvement into the main set.  If it's not working for you, ask for help!  One person suggested doing drill sets without pace times so speed is not an issue.  Pace times should be easy or there should be rest intervals on drill sets -- let us know if that's not the case!  One person says we should force the swimmers to do specific drills. Usually at the beginning of term we do.  Later we give more flexibility.  However, if you're not sure what is most beneficial to you, just ask!  One person asked for video-taping in workout.  It's not really feasible to do this during workout (for space, safety and time considerations).  However, it is being offered at the clinic.  Finally, one person asked that we spend more time working on breathing.  That would be a good topic for a mini-clinic.  Again, just ask!
The bottom line is that we like to hear from you.  Your requests / suggestions / questions are always most welcome.  While we can't please everyone all the time, we should be able to help with many of the suggestions through slight modifications to the workouts and/or more mini-clinics.
Next time: Your comments and suggestions on the facility and program.
Mini Swim Camp:
The mini swim camp will be held: Saturday, June 15th 5-7pm and Sunday, June 16th 8:30-10:30am.  The cost will be $40 for both days or $25 for one day, plus $10 for the (optional) videotaping.  The clinic will also be open to non-Carleton Masters at a higher cost: $60 for both days, $40 for one day, and $15 for videotaping.  As last year, we will offer clinics covering each stroke, as well as starts and turns, and will keep the ratio of swimmers to coaches at between 5 and 10 to 1.  Coaches confirmed to date are: John, Tim, Louise and Lynn.
Those videotaped on Saturday will get their feedback from 7:30-8:30pm, and those on Sunday will get their feedback from 11am-noon.  The videotaping will cover two strokes and you will be taped both above and underwater. 
If you have not already done so, please let me know if you are interested in attending this clinic, which day(s) you will attend, whether you are interested in videotaping and on which day.  Please register by June 1st (i.e. this coming Saturday), so that we can finalize the videotaping schedule and the number of coaches required.  Once the numbers have been finalized an e-mail will be sent to all participants with details of the camp, coaches, and videotaping schedule.
Fun Swim Meet:
We need 12 people to go ahead with the fun swim meet: Saturday, June 22nd 5-7pm.  You do not have to be a member of MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario) to compete in this meet -- it is just for fun.  So far only three people have expressed interest.  There will be a $10 charge to cover the pool rental fees.  I'll set the events based on what people are interested in swimming.  Let me know if you are interested in participating as well as the events you'd like to swim.  If we don't have 12 people signed up by June 1st, the fun meet will be cancelled.
New and Nearly New Swim Equipment For Sale:
There are still caps, a pair of goggles, and some women's suits available for sale.  The caps are priced at $1.  The goggles $4, and the suits $10-$20 at the buyer's discretion.  Ask to look at our "boutique"!
Club News:
Mary Ann O (Winter Whitecaps) is having a house cooling party, as she is moving to Montreal to join her boyfriend, Mike!  All are invited: Saturday, June 15th, 8pm to late at Apt 2-264 Flora Street (ring the top ringer).  BYOB and friends.  Parking is available on Flora and Percy streets.  RSVP by e-mail (maryann.oberthier@c= or phone 233-2785.  Mary Ann has promised to send those attending the swim clinic home early so that they'll be awake and at the pool for 8:30am Sunday, June 16th :-) !
A Very [Crazy] Very Earlybird: One of the members of the Very Earlybirds lives a fair distance out of the city.  I was wondering how early he gets up as he's always one of the first on deck around 6:15am.  The day I inquired he had cycled to Carleton (1.5hrs) and had left home at 4:40am!!! 
Session Notes
After 3 weeks (8 weekday workouts -- we don't take attendance on Saturdays), here are the attendance leaders for the Spring session.  There are currently 20 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance, and 12 who have missed just one workout:
6:30am Earlybirds:
Perfect: Alice, Andrew K, Dave Bourdon, David M, Jen G, Ross
Missed 1: John Westdal, Rocio
7:30am Earlybirds:
Perfect: Bernie, Gosia, Jacinthe, Jeff, Julie
Missed 1: Barb M, Lisa O, Rudy
8:30am Earlybirds:
Perfect: Alan, Jo-Ann, Margaret, Penny, Renee
Missed 1: Claire
Perfect: Cam, Debby O, Joanne D
Missed 1: Don W, Elaine C, Joanie, Patricia
Perfect: Lisa G
Missed 1: Joe P, Sylvie
On Monday, June 3rd (fs) and Tuesday, June 4th / Wednesday, June 5th (ch) all swimmers will have the option of doing a lactate tolerance set.  This is a chance to work on your speed and do some "all out" (race pace) swimming with long rest.  It's optional but is recommended for those who race or who are finding they are plateauing in workout.  Details will be explained at the workouts.
All groups will have the option of doing time trials in June.  We'll do time trials of shorter (up to 400m) distances from June 11-12th, and June 17-26th.  You get to pick the event(s).  The idea is to try the same events next time and see if you've improved (or swim the same events you did last time).  On Thursday, June 13th / Friday, June 15th we'll do a long freestyle timed swim (800 or 1500m) for everyone.  On the last weekday of the Spring session (Thursday, June 27th / Friday, June 28th) we'll do some fun relays at the end.
Race Reports and Swim Meets (please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!)
April 13th and May 11th Technosport Meets:
The official results are in and the following club records were set (the updated records are now on the website):
Apr 13th:
Margaret (8:30am Earlybirds): 70-74 100IM 3:02.40, and 100fs 2:34.58
Barb M (7:30am Earlybirds/Varsity): 20-24 50br 42.60
Katie (8:30am Earlybirds/Varsity), Lynn (Coach), Patricia (Whitecaps), Barb M: 100-119 4x100fs relay 4:55.75
May 11th:
Bernie (7:30am Earlybirds): 50-54 50fl 44.77, and 50bk :44.63 50bk
Tom A (High Intensity): 40-44 50fl 30.24, and 100br 1:20.07
Upcoming Meets:
The next and last local meet of the season will be on June 1st at Ottawa U (8:30am warm up; meet runs 9-11am).  The only events offered are 800 and 1500m freestyle.  Two Carleton swimmers will be participating. 
Also, don't forget the fun meet (open to all) at Carleton on June 22nd, which will go ahead if we have at least twelve swimmers signed up by June 1st (just 3 so far).
There are two open water races (open to all) being held by Technosport in Meech Lake this summer -- a 3km race on July 13th and a 4km race on August 17th.
I also have the official entry forms for the MSO Ontario Open Water 5km Championships to be held in St. Marys Quarry (near Stratford) on Sunday, September 8th (the Sunday after Labour Day).  It's a fun swim (11 triangles) and a group from Toronto usually organizes an outing to Stratford on Saturday, plus a stay in a B&B near the quarry on Saturday night, as well as a mandatory stop at an ice cream parlour after the post-race feast!!  To participate in this race you must be a member of MSO.  Ask for details...
Gatineau Park Duathlon May 4th (76 competitors):
Congratulations to Steph J (8:30am Earlybirds) for her results in the Gatineau Duathlon (5k run, 36k cycle, 3k run).  She finished 42nd overall, 5th woman and 1st in the 20-24 age group: 1:55:38
NCM Weekend May 11-12th:
Here are the results I've been told about for Carleton Masters at the NCM Weekend. First a special mention to Debby W (Whitecaps) and Tom M (Whitecaps) who both spend many hours volunteering over the weekend!
5k (2865 competitors, May 12th):
Nancee H (Winter Very Earlybirds): 65th overall, 14th woman and 2nd in 30-34 age group: 21:28.1 (21:21.1 chip)
10k (4057 competitors, May 11th):
David Barclay (Very Earlybirds): 74th overall, 63rd man and 18th in 25-29 age group: 36:31.5
Ross (Very Earlybirds): 120th overall, 105th man and 23rd in 35-39 age group: 38:33.2 (38:28.0 chip)
Rob L (Very Earlybirds): 296th overall, 254th man and 30th in 40-44 age group: 43:30.6 (42:35.2)
Moe M (Earlybirds): 2080th overall, 731st woman and 150th in 25-29 age group: 59:57.8 (57:55.5)
Kristi D (Coach/Earlybirds): 2943rd overall, 1225th woman and 243rd in 30-34 age group: 1:05.28.1 (1:03:29.5)
Chris M (Very Earlybirds): 3590th overall, 1795th man and 231st in 25-29 age group: 1:17:13.8 (1:11:06.4)
1/2 Marathon (3878 competitors, May 12th):
Rudy H (Earlybirds): 304th overall, 266th man and 11th in 55-59 age group: 1:35:36.8 (1:33:34.0 chip)  
Colleen M (Very Earlybirds): 2938th overall, 1426th woman and 223rd in 40-44 age group: 2:12:27.8 (2:09:58.8)
Lisa O (Earlybirds): 3234th overall, 1657th woman and 136th in 20-24 age group: 2:17:32.4 (2:15:05.8)
Marathon (2487 competitors, May 12th):
Richard I (Whitecaps): 307th overall, 280th man and 51st in 30-34 age group: 3:19:01.8 (3:18:47.6 chip)
Paul K (Nightcaps): 2290th overall, 1475th man and 55th in 55-59 age group: 4:57:17.1 (4:56:00.7)
Broloppet 1/2 Marathon across the bridge between Copenhagen, Denmark and Malmo, Sweden May 19th:
Congratulations to Anders (Earlybirds) took place in this unusual race while on holiday.  It sounds like quite the course -- across a bridge between two countries: eng/karta.asp.  Anders finished in 1:41.18.
Early Bird Triathlon May 25th:
A few Carleton Masters participated in the Try-a-Tri and lots more in the Triathlon.  The swim was held in the Carleton pool.
Try-a-Tri (116 competitors, 100m swim, 12.1k bike, 2.5k run)
Steph J (8:30am Earlybirds): 4th overall, 3rd woman and 1st in the 20-29 age group: 44:44
Tash (8:30am Earlybirds/Lifeguard): 29th overall, 18th woman and 9th in the 20-29 age group: 50:15
Manon P (Winter Very Earlybirds): 113th overall, 82nd woman and 9th in the 30-39 age group: 1:22.27
Triathlon (265 competitors, 500m swim, 22.2k bike, 5k run)
Rob M (Toonie Swims): 3rd overall, 3rd man and 1st in 40-44 age group: 1:03:16
Rob L (Very Earlybirds): 10th overall, 10th man and 3rd in 40-44 age group: 1:06:09
Sheila (Very Earlybirds): 16th overall, 3rd woman and 1st in 35-39 age group: 1:07:45
Jim Y (Very Earlybirds): 30th overall, 25th man and 4th in 40-44 age group: 1:10:47
Jeff B (Whitecaps): 50th overall, 41st man and 2nd in Clydesdales: 1:14:56
Paul G (Fall Nightcaps): 53rd overall, 45th man and 11th in 35-39 age group: 1:15:19
Joe P (Nightcaps): 91st overall, 74th man and 10th in 25-29 age group: 1:20:03
Jacinthe (Earlybirds): 117th overall, 28th woman and 6th in 25-29 age group: 1:22:35
Gerry D (Winter Nightcaps): 137th overall, 101st man and 23rd in 30-34 age group: 1:24:34
Renee (8:30am Earlybirds): 158th overall, 44th woman and 2nd in 45-49 age group: 1:27:07
Natalie G (Fall Nightcaps): 194th overall, 61st woman and 13th in 30-34 age group: 1:31:02
Brooke (Very Earlybirds): 199th overall, 64th woman and 8th in 20-24 age group: 1:32:10
Lisa O (Earlybirds): 207th overall, 70th woman and 9th in 20-24 age group: 1:33:55
Cabot Trail Relay May 25-26th:
David Barclay (Very Earlybirds) took part in this relay.  Results next time!
Ask the Coach
These questions/suggestions are all from the feedback forms:

Dear Coach:  Can we focus more on heart rate (percent of maximum), rather than effort level in the workouts?  In The Zone

Dear I. T. Zone:  If you know your heart rate zones, by all means feel free to use those whenever appropriate in workout (e.g. in descending sets, hard vs. moderate swims, etc.).  However, as maximum heart rates (and thus zones) vary widely, I'm very reluctant to ask everyone in the pool to try to get their heart rate into a certain zone.  On top of the variety in maximum heart rates due to genetics/fitness, we also have to take into account age and other factors (we have some swimmers with heart conditions). 

Dear Coach:  Can we rotate coaches so that we all benefit from the variety of knowledge and experience?  Eager To Learn

Dear E. T. Learn:  This is exactly what we do on Saturday mornings.  All the coaches take turns coaching.  See the schedule to see who is coaching when.  Unfortunately, it's not feasible to rotate the coaches regularly during the weeks due to other commitments (e.g. work, family) that many of our coaches have.

Dear Coach:  Can you give tips for improving general fitness?  Want to be Fitter

Dear W.t.b. Fitter:  I assume that by "general" you mean apart from swimming?  Unfortunately, that's outside of my area of expertise.  I'd suggest a fitness assessment (these are done at Carleton) and then talking to someone who is qualified in that area.

Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons
Spring (May-June) remaining available times for private and semi-private Masters lessons with Lynn are as follows:
Monday 9:45-10:45am June 3 to June 24th
Tuesday 3:30-4:30pm May 28 to June 18th
Wednesday 7-8pm June 26th
Thursday 3:30-4:30pm May 30 to June 13th
Saturday noon-1pm June 8 & 22nd
Summer (July-August) times are:
Wednesday 6-7pm July 17, August 7, 14 & 21st
Friday 6-7pm July 5th to August 23rd, except August 2nd

Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per student) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.

Contact Lynn for availability.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of the Earlybird, Whitecaps and/or Nightcaps Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week=92s workouts on Sunday.

Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 8:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood=92s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

Weight Training for Swimmers: A six-hour program on strength training for swimmers was offered 11am-1pm Saturdays January 12th, 19th and February 2nd.  This course was poorly attended (4 people) and the Athletics department is reluctant to offer it again, unless attendance is up.  If you would be interested in this course next Fall, please let me know.  Also, let me know what time/day works best for you.
General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!