Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #39                               Saturday, June 8th, 2002

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Early Birds (64 addresses); Whitecaps (74 addresses), Nightcaps (39 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (13 addresses), Very Early Birds (36 addresses)

Brewer Park Towing!  If you park at Brewer Park, please note that the areas where you are allowed to park have changed recently.  If you park in a tow-away zone, you could be towed.  Read the signs!  If you have trouble getting a spot in the parking lot right next to Bronson, you might try the lot by the river (behind the baseball diamonds) -- after you turn off Bronson, take the first right.

Feedback Forms Information (Part 4):
Here is the final instalment of information from the 86 feedback forms received in April:
Facility (all these comments have been passed along to Athletics):
Pool: We have a great pool (2 people). The pool could be cleaner (the ends of the pool are sometimes dirty) (1 person). The pool shuts down right before Masters Nationals every year which is poor planning (1 person).
Pool Deck/Equipment: Replace the whirlpool (or reduce fees) (4 people).  Can we get more pace clocks with minute hands (1 person)? [Ed. Note: Analog minute hands are not easy to read while digital seconds don't work well, so you ideally need a digital minute hand and analog seconds!]
Change Rooms: Fix the men's showers (1 person).  Fix the women's showers (1 person).  Clean the women's locker room more often/thoroughly (2 people).  Regulate the temperature of the women's change room (1 person).  Can we get an additional plug in front of the large mirror by the washroom in the women's change room as there's a line up of those needing to plug in hair dryers in the morning (1 person)?  Can we get a suit spin dryer (1 person)?
Parking: Free parking would be nice (1 person)!  Any suggestions about parking (1 person)?  Can we do something about parking at Brewer (1 person)? [Ed. Note: See the information on towing at Brewer Park above.]
Program (these comments have also been passed along to Athletics):
Workout Times/Length: Times are convenient and flexible with wide choice (15 people). The new 6:30am time is great (5 people).  Longer workouts (1.5hrs or 1.25hrs in the a.m.) would be nice (3 people).  [Ed. Note: Coming in Fall 2002, you will likely have an option to do 1.5hr workouts 3 mornings a week with the Varsity team Sept-Feb.]
Suggestions for New/Changed Workout Times: Add workouts Tue/Thu a.m. (1 person).  Add a mid-afternoon session (3x/week) (1 person).  Add a 50m pool workout (1 person).  Keep the 8-9am rather than 9-10am Saturday session in July/August (1 person).  [Ed. Note: Based on current numbers, pool availability, and demand, these are not currently options we are considering.  However, if you'd be interested in any of them, send in your vote!]
Coaches/Varsity Athletes: Thanks for including Varsity athletes (1 person).  Restrict Masters to those who pay (no coaches, no Varsity).  [Ed. Note: Attending Masters for free is a benefit we offer all coaches.  Current Varsity Athletes are can participate in Masters for free to keep in shape.  Coaches and Varsity do the same workout as everyone else!]
Moving Between Groups: Don't allow swimmers to switch between groups (1 person).  How about a Masters pass so that we can attend any group's workout (1 person)?  [Ed. Note: Swimmers are allowed to attend a different group if they have a legitimate work/family commitment that prevents them attending their normal group.  Those registered in a group have first priority if the pool capacity is reached.  Ask your coach for details.]
Fees: The program is expensive compared to other clubs when you include the Carleton Membership (4 people).  The program is affordable (good price/value) (3 people).  An option to pay for only one workout per week would be great (1 person).  A pay as you go option (e.g. $5 per workout) would be nice (1 person). 
Swimmers per Lane: Coach moves people to slower/faster lanes as appropriate (1 person).  Good number of swimmers per lane (2 people).  I'd prefer fewer swimmers per lane (1 person).  [Ed. Note: See below for statistics on the number of people attending each group -- you could perhaps choose a less crowded group.]
Dryland: Weights for Swimmers class was good (1 person).  Offer a flexibility and weight program to do at home (2 people).  Provide strength and flexibility testing to identify problem areas (1 person).  [Ed. Note: These programs are offered by Athletics, but are separate from (and outside the scope of) Masters.  A Weight Training for Swimmers class will be offered in the Fall, if there is enough interest.]
Safety Supervision: Great idea (2 people).  It's working well (4 people).  The kids are cute (1 person).  The supervisors are terrific (1 person).  The small children on deck can be a hazard and distract the coach (1 person).  It would be great if the bigger kids could always stay in the diving well (1 person). 
General: I've improved much more quickly than I expected (2 people).  The e-mail newsletter is great (4 people).  The program has improved in the past year (2 people).  The club is very good compared to others in the city (1 person).  The club is child-friendly (1 person).  Swimmers are encouraging; pleasant social atmosphere (3 people).  I'd like more social interaction (1 person).  [Ed. Note: Check out the weekly social events listed at the end of the newsletter, and attend the club parties!]
Mini Swim Camp:
The mini swim camp will be held: Saturday, June 15th 5-7pm and Sunday, June 16th 8:30-10:30am.  The details of the camp were e-mailed to all participants on Friday, June 7th.  If you are interested and didn't get the e-mail, please let me know ASAP.  There is a very limited amount of space available.
Fun Swim Meet:
The meet scheduled for: Saturday, June 22nd 5-7pm has been cancelled due to lack of interest.
New and Nearly New Swim Equipment For Sale:
There are still caps, a pair of goggles, and some women's suits available for sale.  The caps are priced at $1.  The goggles $4, and the suits $10-$20 at the buyer's discretion.  Ask to look at our "boutique"!
Club News:
Don't forget Mary Ann O's (Winter Whitecaps) house cooling party: Saturday, June 15th, 8pm to late at Apt 2-264 Flora Street (ring the top ringer).  BYOB and friends.  Parking is available on Flora and Percy streets.  RSVP by e-mail (maryann.oberthier@c= or phone 233-2785.  Mary Ann has promised to send those attending the swim clinic home early so that they'll be awake and at the pool for 8:30am Sunday, June 16th :-) !
Michelle (Safety Supervision) daughter of Nicole D (Whitecaps) will be appearing in "The Dance Connection" (performed by Le Jazz Hot Dance Co.) at the Centrepointe Theatre at 7:30pm on both Saturday, June 22nd and Sunday, June 23rd.  Tickets are $22 ($20 youth) and are available from the box office or by phone 727-6698.
John Waring (Whitecaps/Nightcaps/Varsity Coach) and his wife Caroline are hosting a (pre-)Canada Day party on Saturday, June 30th, 4pm to late at their home at 608 Tourelle, Orleans.  All are welcome (BYOB, and something to BBQ).
Session Notes
After 5 weeks (12 weekday workouts which excludes the ones Lynn missed), here are the attendance leaders for the Spring session.  There are still 15 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance, and 10 who have missed just one workout.  (Please let me know if I've missed anyone.)  The range in attendance and average number of swimmers at each workout is also shown next to each group:
6:30am Earlybirds (13-25, average 19.0):
Perfect: Dave Bourdon, Jen G, Ross
Missed 1: Alice, Andrew K, David M
Missed 2: John Westdal, Rocio
7:30am Earlybirds (15-30, average 19.1):
Perfect: Bernie, Gosia, Jeff, Julie
Missed 1: Barb M, Rudy
Missed 2: Jacinthe, Lisa O, Mike B
8:30am Earlybirds (8-13, average 11.3):
Perfect: Alan, Jo-Ann, Margaret, Penny, Renee
Missed 1: Claire
Whitecaps ("A": 12-20, average 17.1; "B" to be reported next time):
Perfect: Cam, Debby O, Joanne D
Missed 1: Don W, Joanie
Missed 2: Patricia
Nightcaps (6-13, average 10.0):
Missed 1: Lisa G, Sylvie
Missed 2: Joe P
All groups will have the option of doing time trials this month.  We'll do time trials of shorter (up to 400m) distances from June 11-12th, and June 17-26th.  You get to pick the event(s).  The idea is to try the same events next time and see if you've improved (or swim the same events that you did last time).  On Thursday, June 14th / Friday, June 15th we'll do a long freestyle timed swim (800 or 1500m) for everyone.  On the last weekday of the Spring session (Thursday, June 27th / Friday, June 28th) we'll do some fun relays at the end.
Note that there is a Masters Invitational Open Postal Event being held as part of a big aquatic event (LatyCar 2002) in Cuba.  The postal events are 1500m, 1hr swim, and 1hr team swim.  (There are no pool swimming events, although there are open water races.)  It costs US$5 to enter each postal event, and you just mail in your times/distances by mid-July.  If anyone is interested just let me know.  Full details are at:, and the postal event information is at: http://=
Masters Etiquette

As we have quite a few new swimmers, it is worth reviewing the Masters lane etiquette.  If there are only one or two people in a lane, you can swim side by side and need not be at exactly the same point in the workout.  However, much of the time our lanes have three or more swimmers, so co-operation is important, and everyone must stay together!

If you arrive late, please join in with the others at whatever point they are in the warm up (perhaps doing a few lengths of freestyle first, but being careful to keep out of the way of those who were on time).  If you get ahead of your lanemates during the warm up, do an extra 50.  If you fall behind your lanemates during the warm up, skip a 50.

During a set where you are doing repeats on certain pace times, you must do what's on the board for your lane (unless you have an injury which prevents you from doing a certain stroke)!  If you are unsure of the anything in the set, just ask.  If you are getting too much rest, or not enough rest, let the coach know and the lanes can be adjusted.  If you cannot see the pace clock, get prescription goggles and/or a watch with a stopwatch that you can synchronize with the wall clock before workout.  If you have trouble calculating when the time is up, keep working at it, and ask your lanemates to help.  If you are having trouble keeping track, let someone else in the lane lead, and follow him/her.  If you fall behind occasionally, it is ok to skip a 50 and join back in.  That is much better than "doing your own thing", which can incur the wrath of your lanemates!

If your or someone in your lane is having trouble following the workout, just ask the coach for help. 

Race Reports and Swim Meets (please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!)
June 1st Technosport Meet:
Congratulations to Patricia M (Whitecaps) on a great 1500 at the Technosport distance meet!  Patricia completed the 1500 in 21:45, nearly 1 minute faster than she'd hoped!
Winterlude Ribbons and Point Scores:
The Winterlude official ribbons and point scores have finally arrived (the meet was February 9th)!
Carleton placed 2nd out of 19 clubs with 563 points (1st place was Nepean, the hosts, with 43 swimmers and 1080 points, so we did have more points per swimmer!).
Those who placed in the top 5 in their age groups (based on overall score) were:
1st: Clara T (Varsity) 20-24; Lynn (Coach) 40-44; Will L (Varsity) 20-24 (all with 36 points3D four 1st places)
2nd: Morgan (Varsity/Earlybirds) 20-24 (34); Warren T (Varsity) 20-24 (34); George (Whitecaps) 75-79 (33)
3rd: Brock C (Varsity) 20-24 (27)
4th: Katie (Varsity/Earlybirds) 20-24 (24); Tarek (Coach/Whitecaps) 35-39 (27); Bernie (Earlybirds) 50-54 (25)
5th: Jeff F (Earlybirds) 30-34 (18); John Waring (Coach/Whitecaps) 35-39 (25)
If you competed in this meet, ask me for your ribbons!
Open Water Races:
There are two open water races (open to all) being held by Technosport in Meech Lake this summer -- a 3km race on July 13th and a 4km race on August 17th.  More details nearer the time.
I also have the official entry forms for the MSO Ontario Open Water 5km Championships to be held in St. Marys Quarry (near Stratford) on Sunday, September 8th (the Sunday after Labour Day).  It's a fun swim (11 triangles) and a group from Toronto usually organizes an outing to Stratford on Saturday, plus a stay in a B&B near the quarry on Saturday night, as well as a mandatory stop at an ice cream parlour after the post-race feast!!  To participate in this race you must be a member of MSO.  Ask for details...
Cabot Trail Relay May 25-26th:
Congratulations to David Barclay (Very Earlybirds) who was a member of this year's winning team, the "Ottawa Nice Guys".  It sounds like it was quite an experience!  The team finished in 17:15:41, over half an hour ahead of second place (Aquafina Rocky Road Runners in 17:52:16).  The "Ottawa Nice Guys" held an average of 3:44 per km (6:00 per mile) for the 276.33km (172.28 mile) course!!
Upcoming Events:
Best of luck to Ross W (Very Earlybirds) who is competing in the Long Course (Swim 2km, Bike 55km, Run 15km) Muskoka Triathlon in Huntsville on Sunday, June 16th.  I expect there are other club members taking part -- let me know if you are!
Also, good luck to Rudy (Earlybirds) who is off to France on Tuesday, June 11th and will be participating in Ironman France on Saturday, June 22nd.  The race is being held in Gerardmer in the Lorraine region (East), 2.5 hours from Paris by train.
Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  When I'm swimming I try to feel for asymmetry in my stroke and work on correcting it.  Should I be doing that or is it better to just focus on time/speed and number of lengths?  To Feel or Not to Feel

Dear T. Feel: "Feeling" the water is a key part to improving your technique and should definitely be the focus during warm up, warm down and moderate paced swimming.  When you're swimming hard the effort (pain!) will likely make it more difficult to concentrate on your form.  When swimming hard, I find it easiest to focus on one or two key things that tend to deteriorate when going fast (e.g. stroke length and streamline off the walls). 

Dear Coach:  What should I eat before morning workout?  Hungry Swimmer

Dear H. Swimmer: It is definitely a good idea to eat something before morning workout.  Eating something (anything) is better than nothing.  Ideally you want something that is easy to digest and will provide fuel during the workout (e.g. carbohydrates).  Experiment with various foods until you find something that works for you.  Also, make sure that you are drinking lots of fluids (and remember that coffee is a diuretic!).

Dear Coach: Could the coaches please ensure that they write LARGE for us visually challenged swimmers?  Poor Vision

Dear P. Vision: Let the coach know if you can't read the board and he/she will re-write the part you cannot see or explain the "pattern" which may make it easier for you.  Being able to see the pace clock is more important than being able to see the board.  If you can't see the pace clock, I highly recommend prescription goggles.  There was some discussion on them in previous newsletters which are all posted on the website.

Dear Coach: I'm new and don't understand many of the abbreviations you use.  Is there a list somewhere?  Not Up On Acronyms

Dear N. Acronyms: Yes, I have a list and it is now posted on the club web page.


For those who are into gadgets, you might be interested in reading about the "Aquapacer" at  It sounds like a metronome for swimmers and is used to allow you to keep your stroke rate constant.  I haven't tried it and have no idea what it's like.  I think the beeping would drive me crazy, but the swimmers who have used it, claim it's ok!  Thanks to Gwen (Earlybirds) for bringing this to my attention.
As most of you know, I was off for most of last week due to a partially detached retina.  I'd done some reading on this subject, and those who are short-sighted have a much higher risk of having a detached retina than the general population.  Some sources say it's as high as 1/20 if your prescription is -6 or worse.  Even in the general population it's 1/10,000 (so it's not really that rare).  Anyway, if you ever experience lots of flashing lights in your vision and/or a sudden increase in the number of floaters, seek medical help immediately.  If your retina does detach, you have about 24hrs before irreversible vision loss may occur.
Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons
Spring (May-June) remaining available times for private and semi-private Masters lessons with Lynn are as follows:
Monday 9:45-10:45am June 17th and 24th
Tuesday 3:30-4:30pm May 28 to June 11th and 18th
Thursday 3:30-4:30pm June 13th
Summer (July-August) times are:
Wednesday 6-7pm July 17, August 7, 14 & 21st

Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per student) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.

Contact Lynn for availability.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of the Earlybird, Whitecaps and/or Nightcaps Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week=92s workouts on Sunday.

Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 8:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood=92s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

Weight Training for Swimmers: A six-hour program on strength training for swimmers was offered 11am-1pm Saturdays January 12th, 19th and February 2nd.  This course was poorly attended (4 people) and the Athletics department is reluctant to offer it again, unless attendance is up.  If you would be interested in this course next Fall, please let me know.  Also, let me know what time/day works best for you.
General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!