Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #41                               Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Early Birds (65 addresses); Whitecaps (75 addresses), Nightcaps (40 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (13 addresses), Very Early Birds (36 addresses)

Summer Session
The following workouts are available in July/August:
   6:30am Earlybirds: MWF 6:30-7:30am and Sat 9-10am
   7:30am Earlybirds: MWF 6:30-7:30am and Sat 9-10am
   Whitecaps: MTuTh 6:00-7:10pm (child safety supervision offered) and Sat 9-10am
If you would like to register for one of these groups, pro-rated rates are available.  Contact the Athletics Office (2nd floor or 520-4480 8:30am-4:30pm M-F) for details.
Note: The only Saturday workout in July and August is from 9-10am, and Child Safety Supervision is not offered, so children are not permitted to attend.
Volunteers Needed!!
A Kids of Steel Triathlon will be held at Uplands Base on Sunday, July 14th.  I will be swim coordinator and need 5-6 volunteers to help out with organizing heats, counting lengths, and cheering on the kids.  The time commitment will be 3 hours: 8:30-11:30am.   Please let me know if you can help!  As an added incentive, we're planning another underwater videotaping session (without the accompanying clinic) towards the end of August / beginning of September and those who help out will be entitled to free videotaping! 
Wednesday, June 26th Very Earlybirds / 7:30am Earlybirds
Our apologies to those Earlybirds who showed up on Wednesday, June 26th and were unable to swim due to technical difficulties (chlorine levels too low).  The 8:30am workout did go ahead.
Meech Lake 3km Swim
Please let me know by Friday, July 5th if you are interested in competing in the Technosport 3k Meech Lake swim to be held Saturday, July 13th at 9am at Blanchet Beach.  This event is open to all Masters swimmers and triathletes (you do not have to be registered with MSO).  Cost is $30 which includes breakfast in Chelsea after the swim.
End of Nightcaps Outing and Canada Day Party:  11 Nightcaps/Whitecaps went to the Arrow and Loon on Thursday, June 27th to celebrate the end of Nightcaps until September, when it will resume at the normal Tu/Th 8-9pm time.  Caroline and Coach John Waring's Canada Day party was a great success -- lots of great food, drink and conversation!  Special mention to the team of Ross, Corey, Pete L (Whitecaps), Carol S (Very Earlybirds), and Mike M for their win at Trivial Pursuit.
Mini Swim Camp:
If anyone would like to borrow the swimming videotape made at the Mini Swim Camp, just let me know.
New and Nearly New Swim Equipment For Sale:
There are still caps, a pair of goggles, and some women's suits available for sale.  The caps are priced at $1.  The goggles $4, and the suits $10-$20 at the buyer's discretion.  Ask to look at our "boutique"!
Spring Session Notes: Here are the attendance stats, and the time trial results!
Attendance (May/June):
6:30am Early Birds (20 weekday mornings, excludes Sat)
1. Dave Bourdon, Jen G        perfect attendance!!
2. Andrew K                   missed 2 workouts
7:30am Early Birds (20 weekday mornings, excludes Sat)
1. Bernie, Jeff F             missed 1 workout!
2. Julie                      missed 2 workouts
3. Gosia, Lisa O              missed 3 workouts
8:30am Early Birds (21 weekday mornings, excludes Sat)
1. Renee                      perfect attendance!!
2. Jo-Ann, Margaret           missed 1 workout!
3. Claire, Dorothy, Penny     missed 3 workouts
Whitecaps "A" (21 evenings, excludes Sat)
1. Debbie O, Joanie           missed 1 workout
2. Cam, Don W, Joanne         missed 3 workouts
Whitecaps "B" (23 evenings, excludes Sat)
1. Charles O                  missed 3 workouts
Nightcaps (21 evenings, excludes Sat)
1. Joe P, Sylvie              missed 3 workouts
Range and Average Workout Attendance:
                        Range       Average Attendance
1. Very Early Birds        13-25             18.0
2. Early Birds 1 (7:30am)  13-30             17.9
3. Whitecaps "A"           11-23             17.3
4. Early Birds 2 (8:30am)   8-16             11.4
5. Whitecaps "B"            8-17             10.5
6. Nightcaps                4-13              9.5
Time Trial and Relay Summary:
The information below on most improved and fastest swimmers is taken from the sprint Time Trials done June 17-26th, and also includes the 800/1500 time trials from June 13/14th, as well as the relay splits from June 27/28th.  Times done in competitions are not included.
There were some huge improvements, with seven women and five men improving by over 5sec/100m in one or more events!  The 3 most improved male swimmers all had greater than 15sec/100m improvements!!!  Mike B (EB1) took 10.1 seconds off his 50fs (he also greatly improved his 1500, but as we think he also quite a bit extra last time, I didn't count that one!).  Peter O (NC) took 8.3 seconds off his 50fs, and Anders (EB1) took 2:25 off his 800fs.  The 3 most improved female swimmers all improved between 8 and 9 sec/100m.  Penny (EB2) took 1:10 off her 800fs.  Cheri (NC) took 8.5 seconds off her 100IM, and Claire (EB2) took 2:02 off her 1500fs. 
The International Point Scores (link to web page below) are used to determine the best swims.  There were 14 women and 9 men who scored 400 points or more in at least one event.  Keegan (V) earned top honours by scoring over 700 points for both his 50fs and 50br!  John Waring (VC) was just under 700 in both 50fl and 50fs.  Lynn (MC) and Lisa G (NC) both scored over 600 points in 200bk and 50fs, respectively.  Morgan (V), Debbie O (WCA), and Patricia (WCA) all scored well over 500 in their 1500fs.  Richard I (WCA) and Don W (WCA) also broke 500 in 50fs and 1500fs, respectively.  Special congratulations to Kim K (WCB), for being the only Whitecaps "B" swimmer on the fastest swimmers list!
The results of all the relays are below -- thanks to everyone who participated!  Top honours in both the free relay and medley relay went to Whitecaps Team "5": Kim K, Lisa H, Richard I, and Rob V
Great job everyone!!
VEB Very Early Birds, EB1 7:30am Early Birds, EB2 8:30am Early Birds, NC Nightcaps, WCA Whitecaps "A", WCB Whitecaps "B", V = Varsity Swimmer, VC Varsity Swim Coach, WPC Varsity Waterpolo Coach, MC Masters Coach  (Varsity, High Intensity and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)
Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):
Note that only those who have swum time trials previously with Carleton Masters are eligible.
1. Penny     8.8/100m (EB2):  800fs
2. Cheri     8.5/100m (NC) :  100IM
3. Claire    8.1/100m (EB2): 1500fs
4. Mary D    7.6/100m (WCB):   50fs
5. Jan G     6.3/100m (EB1):  800fs
6. Julie     5.9/100m (EB1): 1500fs
7. Sandy L   5.2/100m (VEB):   50fl
1. Mike B   20.2/100m (EB1):   50fs
2. Anders   18.1/100m (EB1):  800fs
3. Peter O  16.6/100m (NC) :   50fs
4. Brett S   9.5/100m (NC) : 1500fs
5. Brent H   8.0/100m (EB1): 1500fs
Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):
Note that the Nightcaps swimmers were at a slight disadvantage as they were not allowed to dive in (shallow end)!
X. Lynn (MC)         200bk   2:42.1: 622 points 
1. Lisa G (NC)        50fs     31.6: 604 points 
X. Morgan (V)       1500fs  21:05  : 574 points
2. Debbie O (WCA)   1500fs  21:20  : 557 points
3. Patricia (WCA)   1500fs  21:29  : 548 points
4. Elaine Y (EB2)     50fs     34.5: 484 points
5. Sheila (VEB)     1500fs  22:36  : 481 points
6. Karine (WCA)     1500fs  22:42  : 475 points
7. Akiko (WCA)        50br     44.2: 465 points
8. Claire (EB2)       50fs     35.8: 438 points
8. Nadja (VEB)      1500fs  23:24  : 438 points
8. Sandy L (VEB)      50fs     35.8: 438 points
11.Kim K (WCB)        50fs     36.4: 419 points
X. Kristi (MC)        50fs     36.8: 406 points
X. Keegan (V)         50fs     25.5: 728 points
X. John Waring (VC)   50fl     28.3: 694 points
1. Richard I (WCA)    50fs     29.5: 515 points
2. Don W (WCA)      1500fs  20:16  : 504 points
3. John Westdal (VEB) 50fs     30.1: 488 points 
4. Richard P (EB1)    50br     38.1: 484 points
5. Pete L (WCA)     1500fs  20:41  : 478 points
6. Brett S (NC)       50fs     31.6: 429 points
7. Jeff F (EB1)       50fs     32.3: 404 points
(For point scores, see: and enter SC Metres short course meters [25m pool].)
Fastest Three Times in Each Event:
The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who swam at least one time trial in that event.
          Women                        Men
25fs      1.   18.0 Marie-Odile (EB2)  1.   21.9 George (WCB) 
(7/3)     2.   19.3 Isla (EB1)         2.   23.6 Charles O (WCB)
          3.   20.8 Janine D (EB1)     3.   24.3 Alex B (EB1)
50fs      1.   31.6 Lisa G (NC)        X.   25.5 Keegan (V) 
(35/22)   2.   34.5 Elaine Y (EB2)     X.   26.5 John Waring (VC)
          3.   35.8 Claire (EB2)       1.   29.5 Richard I (WCA)
                                       2.   29.8 Don W (WCA)
                                       3.   30.1 John Westdal (VEB)
100fs     1. 1:57.7 Lisa G (NC)        1. 1:13.8 Brett S (NC)
(5/2)     2. 1:35.7 Renee (EB2)        2. 1:21.1 Rob V (WCA)
          3. 1:42.7 Lisa O (EB1)
200fs     1. 3:31.3 Gosia (EB1)        1. 2:52.2 Mike D (EB1) 
(2/2)     2. 3:42.2 Isla (EB1)         2. 3:29.9 James B (EB1)
400fs     1. 7:10.8 Renee (EB2)        1. 5:19.0 John Westdal (VEB)
(1/5)                                  2. 5:44.4 Rob L (VEB)
                                       3. 5:51.7 David Barclay (VEB)
500fs     1. 8:56.7 Renee (EB2)        1. 9:34.2 Francis (WCB)
800fs     1=.12:58  Tamsin (WCB) [tie] 1. 14:07  Raymond C (EB1)
(23/10)   1=.12:58  Meghan H(WCB)[tie] 2. 14:39  Sandro (WCB)
          3. 13:27  Lisa H (WCB)       3. 16:29  James B (EB1)
1500fs    X. 21:05  Morgan (V)         X. 19:42  John Waring (VC)
(26/27)   1. 21:20  Debbie O (WCA)     1. 20:16  Don W (WCA)
          2. 21:29  Patricia (WCA)     2. 20:41  Pete L (WCA)
          3. 22:36  Sheila (VEB)       3. 21:17  John Westdal (VEB)
25bk      1.   23.1 Marie-Odile (EB2) 
(2/0)     2.   50.6 Dorothy (EB2)   
50bk      1.   36.6 Lisa G (NC)        X.   33.0 Keegan (V)
(12/5)    2.   44.1 Kim K (WCB)        1.   39.0 Brett S (NC)
          3.   46.5 Sheila (VEB)       X.   45.7 Andy J (WPC)
                                       2.   46.9 Jeff B (WCB)
                                       3.   53.7 Sandy M (VEB)
100bk     1. 1:17.7 Lisa G (NC)
(2/0)     2. 2:00.7 Steph J (EB2)   
200bk     X. 2:42.1 Lynn (MC) 
(2/0)     1. 2:57.8 Lisa G (NC)   
25br                                   1.   26.5 George (WCB)
(0/2)                                  2.   36.0 Charles O (WCB)
50br      1.   43.9 Akiko (WCA)        X.   32.6 Keegan (V)
(7/8)     2.   51.2 Tamara (VEB)       1.   38.1 Richard P (EB1)
          3.   51.6 Steph J (EB2)      2.   42.0 Brett S (NC)
                                       3.   42.1 Rob V (WCA)
100br no competitors
200br                                  1. 4:01.4 Peter O (NC) 
50fl      1=.  42.3 Sandy L (VEB)[tie] X.   28.3 John Waring (VC) 
(9/8)     X=.  42.3 Kristi (MC) [tie]  1.   33.3 Richard I (WCA)
          2.   44.2 Elaine Y (EB2)     2.   36.7 S=tefan (WCA)
          3=.  45.4 Cheri (NC) [tie]   3.   36.8 Brett S (NC)
          3=.  45.4 Joanie (WCB) [tie]       
100fl & 200fl no competitors
100IM     1. 1:39.2 Cheri (NC)         1. 1:24.2 Brett S (NC)        
200 & 400IM no competitors
Swimmers Who Improved in Each Event:
Minutes/seconds improved and sec/100m improvement are both listed.
         Women                          Men
50fs   1. Mary D 3.8 (7.6/100m) (WCB) 1. Mike B      10.1 (20.2/100m) (EB1)
       2. Cheri  3.2 (6.4/100m) (NC)  2. Peter O      8.3 (16.6/100m) (NC)
       3. Renee  2.2 (4.4/100m) (EB2) X. Andy J       2.4  (4.8/100m) (WPC)
                                      3. Dave Bourdon 1.8  (3.6/100m) (VEB)
100fs                                 1. Brett S      3.2  (3.2/100m) (NC)
400fs  1. Renee  7.5 (1.9/100m) (EB2) 1. John Westdal 2.4  (0.6/100m) (VEB)
500fs  1. Renee  2.0 (0.4/100m) (EB2) 
800fs  1. Penny 1:10 (8.8/100m) (EB2) 1. Anders      2:25 (1= 8.1/100m) (EB1)
       2. Jan G   50 (6.3/100m) (EB1) 2. Raymond C     18  (2.3/100m) (EB1)
1500fs 1.Claire 2:02 (8.1/100m) (EB2) 1. Brett S     2:22  (9.5/100m) (NC)
       2. Julie 1:28 (5.9/100m) (EB1) 2. Brent H     2:00  (8.0/100m) (EB1)
       3. Sheila  56 (3.7/100m) (VEB) 3. Raymond C   1:02  (4.1/100m) (EB1)
       4. Renee   42 (2.8/100m) (EB2) X. John Waring   57  (3.8/100m) (VC)
       5.Patricia 16 (1.1/100m) (WCA) 4. Dave Bourdon  39  (2.6/100m) (VEB)
                                      5. Tony P         9  (0.6/100m) (NC)
                                      6=.Jeff F [tie]   8  (0.5/100m) (EB1)
                                      6=.Alan H [tie]   8  (0.5/100m) (EB2)
                                      8. Bernie         3  (0.2/100m) (EB1)
50bk   1. Julie  2.6 (5.2/100m) (EB1) 1. Brett        1.4  (2.8/100m) (NC)
       2. Cheri  1.2 (2.4/100m) (NC)
50br   1. Cheri  3.1 (6.2/100m) (NC)  1. Brett        2.5  (5.0/100m) (NC)
       2. Mary D 2.0 (4.0/100m) (WCB)
200br                                 1. Peter O      4.3  (2.2/100m) (NC)
50fl   1. Cheri  3.4 (6.8/100m) (NC)  1. Brett        1.7  (3.4/100m) (NC) 
       2. SandyL 2.6 (5.2/100m) (VEB) X. John Waring  1.1  (2.2/100m) (VC) 
       3=.Penny  1.8 (3.6/100m) [tie] (EB2) 
       3=.Renee  1.8 (3.6/100m) [tie] (EB2) 
100IM  1. Cheri  8.5 (8.5/100m) (NC)  1. Brett        1.6  (1.6/100m) (NC)
Fun Relay Results
4x50 Free Relay:
1. 2:18.3 Team #5 (Rob V, Lisa H, Kim K, Richard I)
2. 2:22.9 Team #4 (Anita P, Mary D, Meghan H, John Waring)
3. 2:24.7 Team #2 (Akiko, Joanie, Sheila, Don W)
4. 2:27.9 Team #1 (Tamsin, Stefan, George/Charles, Keegan)
1. 2:34.7 Team #4 (Cheri, Joelle, Peter O, John Waring)
2. 2:35.6 Team #1 (Lucille, Brett, Kathy B, Lisa G)
3. 2:39.6 Team #2 (Jennifer A, Sylvie, Joe P, Keegan)
Very Early Birds:
1. 2:30.1 Team #2 (Tamara, Lisa O, Sandy M, John Westdal)
2. 2:31.8 Team #4 (Alice, Meyer, Andy J, Jim Y)
3. 2:39.7 Team #5 (Jen G, Kelly K, Dave Bourdon, Sandy L)
Early Birds 1:
1. 2:31.0 Team #5 (Kristi, Kim G, Jeff B, Jeff F)
2. 2:35.6 Team #2 (Janine D/Jan G, Julie, Bernie, Keegan)
3. 2:43.7 Team #4 (Richard P, Alex B/Isla, Mike B, Anna)
Early Birds 2:
1. 2:57.4 Team #2 (Jo-Ann/Margaret, Renee, Steph J, Claire)
2. 2:59.1 Team #4 (Doron, Marie-Odile/Dorothy, Sue A-B, Elaine Y)
Top Ten Overall:
1. 2:18.3 WC Team #5 (Rob V, Lisa H, Kim K, Richard I)
2. 2:22.9 WC Team #4 (Anita P, Mary D, Meghan H, John Waring)
3. 2:24.7 WC Team #2 (Akiko, Joanie, Sheila, Don W)
4. 2:27.9 WC Team #1 (Tamsin, Stefan, George/Charles, Keegan)
5. 2:30.1 VEB Team #2 (Tamara, Lisa O, Sandy M, John Westdal)
6. 2:31.0 EB1 Team #5 (Kristi, Kim G, Jeff B, Jeff F)
7. 2:31.8 VEB Team #4 (Alice, Meyer, Andy J, Jim Y)
8. 2:34.7 NC Team #4 (Cheri, Joelle, Peter O, John Waring)
9=.2:35.6 EB1 Team #2 (Janine D/Jan G, Julie, Bernie, Keegan) [tie]
9=.2:35.6 NC Team #1 (Lucille, Brett, Kathy B, Lisa G) [tie]
4x50 Medley Relay:
1. 2:40.3 Team #5 (Kim K, Rob V, Richard I, Lisa H)
2. 2:45.7 Team #4 (Anita P, Mary D, John Waring, Meghan H)
3. 2:51.7 Team #2 (Sheila, Akiko, Joanie, Don W)
4. 2:52.5 Team #1 (Keegan, George/Charles, Stefan, Tamsin)
1. 2:50.3 Team #4 (Cheri, Peter O, John Waring, Joelle)
2. 2:57.1 Team #1 (Lisa G, Brett, Kathy B, Lucille)
3. 3:01.3 Team #2 (Jennifer A, Joe P, Sylvie, Keegan)
Very Early Birds:
1. 2:58.0 Team #4 (Andy J, Alice, Jim Y, Meyer)
2=.3:07.9 Team #5 (Jen G, Dave Bourdon, Sandy L, Kelly K) [tie]
2=.3:07.9 Team #2 (Sandy M, Lisa O, John Westdal, Tamara) [tie]
Early Birds 1:
1=.2:59.8 Team #2 (Julie, Keegan, Bernie, Janine D/Jan G) [tie]
1=.2:59.8 Team #5 (Jeff B, Kim G, Kristi, Jeff F) [tie]
3. 3:15.7 Team #4 (Anna, Richard P, Mike B, Alex B/Isla)
Early Birds 2:
1. 3:27.1 Team #2 (Claire, Steph J, Renee, Jo-Ann/Margaret)
2. 3:35.6 Team #4 (Marie-Odile/Dorothy, Doron, Elaine Y, Sue A-B)
Top Ten Overall:
1. 2:40.3 WC Team #5 (Kim K, Rob V, Richard I, Lisa H)
2. 2:45.7 WC Team #4 (Anita P, Mary D, John Waring, Meghan H)
3. 2:50.3 NC Team #4 (Cheri, Peter O, John Waring, Joelle)
4. 2:51.7 WC Team #2 (Sheila, Akiko, Joanie, Don W)
5. 2:52.5 WC Team #1 (Keegan, George/Charles, Stefan, Tamsin)
6. 2:57.1 NC Team #1 (Lisa G, Brett, Kathy B, Lucille)
7. 2:58.0 VEB Team #4 (Andy J, Alice, Jim Y, Meyer)
8=.2:59.8 EB1 Team #2 (Julie, Keegan, Bernie, Janine D/Jan G) [tie]
8=.2:59.8 EB1 Team #5 (Jeff B, Kim G, Kristi, Jeff F) [tie]
10.3:01.3 NC Team #2 (Jennifer A, Joe P, Sylvie, Keegan)
Air Miles
During May/June Margaret (EB2) swam 1100m of fly, for a total (since March) of 1725m.  Penny (EB2) swam 3200m in the Spring Session, for a total of 6150m.  Congratulations to you both!
Race Reports and Swim Meets (please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!)
Open Water Races:
There are two open water races (open to all) being held by Technosport in Meech Lake this summer -- a 3km race on July 13th and a 4km race on August 17th.  (Details on the July 13th swim are at the top of the newsletter.)
I also have the official entry forms for the MSO Ontario Open Water 5km Championships to be held in St. Marys Quarry (near Stratford) on Sunday, September 8th (the Sunday after Labour Day).  It's a fun swim (11 triangles) and a group from Toronto usually organizes an outing to Stratford on Saturday, plus a stay in a B&B near the quarry on Saturday night, as well as a mandatory stop at an ice cream parlour after the post-race feast!!  To participate in this race you must be a member of MSO.  Ask for details...
Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon (June 16th)
Congratulations to Tom M (Whitecaps) who made the trek to California to participate (along with 1256 others) in the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon.  He finished 3rd in his age group in 2:27:08!
Smiths Falls "Triathlon" (June 22nd)
The triathlon became a duathlon due to high water levels.  There were 234 triathlete turned duathlete competitors in the 5k run / 18k bike / 3k run.  Congrats to the following Masters:
John Westdal (Very Earlybirds): 1st in his age group and 4th overall in 59:24
Rob M (Very Earlybirds): 1st in his age group and 5th overall in 59:35 (a close race!)
Steph J (Earlybirds): 1st in her age group, 4th woman and 70th overall in 1:12:45
Barry's Bay Triathlon (June 30th)
There were 70 competitors in this 750m/30k/8k race.  Great job by the following Masters:
Tom M (Whitecaps) 1st in his age group and 4th overall in 1:32:58
Jim Y (Very Earlybirds) 5th in his age group and 11th overall in 1:40:47
Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  Can we do some more of the clinics in the last 15min of workout?  I'd like to work on my fly technique.  Want to Fly

Dear W. t. Fly:  Sure!  Now that the Spring time trials are complete, we can start up the lat 15min clinics.  We'll start with fly this week.  Let me know what other skills you and your team-mates would like to work on.

Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons
Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per student) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.

Contact Lynn for availability.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of the Earlybird, Whitecaps and/or Nightcaps Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week=92s workouts on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood=92s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

Weight Training for Swimmers: A six-hour program on strength training for swimmers was offered 11am-1pm Saturdays January 12th, 19th and February 2nd.  This course was poorly attended (4 people) and the Athletics department is reluctant to offer it again, unless attendance is up.  If you would be interested in this course next Fall, please let me know.  Also, let me know what time/day works best for you.
General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!