Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #43                               Sunday, July 28th, 2002

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Early Birds (65 addresses); Whitecaps (77 addresses), Nightcaps (40 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (13 addresses), Very Early Birds (38 addresses)

August Long Weekend Swim Schedule
There is a workout on Saturday, August 3rd 9-10am.  However, all workouts on Monday, August 5th are cancelled due to the Ontario Civic Holiday.
Summer Session
Just a reminder that only the following workouts are available in July/August:
6:30am Earlybirds: MWF 6:30-7:30am and Sat 9-10am
7:30am Earlybirds: MWF 7:30-8:30am and Sat 9-10am
Whitecaps: MTuTh 6:00-7:10pm (child safety supervision offered) and Sat 9-10am (NO safety supervision)
If you ever need to check the workout schedule, it's posted on the website!
Uplands Kids Tri
Thanks to Dave Bourdon (Very Earlybirds) for his help in the swim portion of the Kids Tri on Sunday, July 14th. 
Meech Lake 4k Swim
The registration deadline for the Meech Lake 4km swim on Saturday, August 17th is coming up (August 7th).  Details under "Race Reports and Swim Meets".
Carleton Aquatics Coordinator
Steve Baird's term as Aquatic Coordinator is coming to an end.  Barb Hale will be back in this position as of August 6th.  Many thanks to Steve for all the enhancements to Masters that he has encouraged: Safety Supervision program, 8-9am Saturday workout, Very Earlybirds, private and semi-private Masters lessons, Masters newsletter, etc.  We welcome Barb back, and wish Steve all the best in his continuing role in Athletics.
Dinner with Marilyn and Jack on August 8th
Those of you who have been swimming with Carleton for a while will remember coach Marilyn and her husband Jack.   The Adams are staying at the Minto Suites Hotel from July 27th to August 11th, except for August 2nd-5th.  They will be joining us for dinner after the Whitecaps workout on Thursday, August 8th.  All are welcome as are suggestions for a dinner location!
Lost and Found
I have a couple of water bottles that were left behind after morning Masters some weeks (months?) back -- both look like well used cyclists water bottles.
Fall Session Preview
Details of the Masters groups to be offered in September are listed near the end of the newsletter (above Reminders).  The details are identical to those included last time, and are included again for those who missed them.
Tentative Toonie Schedule
Note that the Summer session will end Thursday, August 29th / Friday, August 30th. We are working on a draft Toonie workout schedule which will run between the Summer and Fall sessions.  These workouts will be open to all who have registered for Fall (Masters or High Intensity) at a cost of $2 per workout (pay the coach on deck).   Tentatively toonie workouts will be held (note the inclusion of Fri Sept 13th which was accidentally omitted last time):
Tue Sept 3rd: 6-7:10pm
Wed Sept 4th: 7:30-8:30am
Thu Sept 5th: 6-7:10pm
Fri Sept 6th: 7:30-8:30am
Sat Sept 7th: 9-10am
Mon Sept 9th: 7:30-8:30am
Mon Sept 9th: 6-7:10pm
Tue Sept 10th: 6-7:10pm
Wed Sept 11th: 7:30-8:30am
Thu Sept 12th: 6-7:10pm
Fri Sept 13th: 7:30-8:30am
Sat Sept 14th: 9-10am
All workouts are 6-lanes (one coach) with no safety supervision offered; coaches TBA.
There will not be a workout on Saturday, August 31st.
So far I have had e-mails from 10 swimmers, and numbers for each workout range from 3 to 7.  We need more than that to go ahead with the toonie workouts!  If you are interested in attending any toonie workouts, please send me an e-mail ( by August 6th with subject "toonie workouts" listing the workouts you will likely attend.  The final schedule will be announced in mid-August.
Summer Session Notes:
We'll celebrate the end of the month with an optional flipper set on Tuesday, July 30th / Wednesday, July 31st for Whitecaps "A", Very Earlybirds and Earlybirds.  If you have any other special requests, just let me know.
Time Trials:
Towards the end of August we'll be doing some more time trials (TTs).  There will be a timed distance freestyle swim, and some short distance time trials -- 400m or less: you pick the event(s).  Here is the schedule:
Tue Aug 13th/Wed Aug 14th: distance fs TT for all (800m for those >2:00/100fs; 1500m for others)
Thu Aug 15th/Fri Aug 16th: TTs for lane 1 (Whitecaps "B" in deep end)
Mon Aug 19th: TTs for lane 2 (Whitecaps "A" in deep end)
Tue Aug 20th/Wed Aug 21st: TTs for lane 3 (Whitecaps "B" in deep end)
Thu Aug 22nd/Fri Aug 23rd: TTs for lane 4 (Whitecaps "A" in deep end)
Mon Aug 26th: TTs for lane 5 (Whitecaps "B" in deep end)
Tue Aug 27th/Wed Aug 28th: TTs for lane 6 (Whitecaps "A" in deep end)
Thu Aug 29th/Fri Aug 30th: fun day (your suggestions are welcome -- so far we've discussed an inner tube relay, T-shirt relay, the usual fs and medley relays, ...!)
You don't have to do your short distance time trials on exactly the day indicated.  In particular, for the Whitecaps who want to start from a dive, you must do your time trials on a day when your group is in the deep end.
After four weeks (11 weekdays workouts), here are the statistics on the Very Earlybirds, Earlybirds and Whitecaps "A" groups -- attendance has been very similar in all three groups.  The Whitecaps "B" statistics will be included next time.
Very Earlybirds: range 11-23, average 16.8
Perfect Weekday Attendance: Andrew K, Meyer
Missed 1 Workout: Jen G, Sandy M, Victoria
Earlybirds: range 11-25, average 15.9
Perfect Weekday Attendance: Elaine Y, Isla
Missed 1 Workout: Dorothy, Jeff F, Julie, Mike B
Whitecaps "A": range 11-24, average 17.5
Perfect Weekday Attendance: Cam, Joanne D
Missed 1 Workout: Andras, Debbie O, Elaine C, Patricia
Race Reports and Swim Meets
Open Water Races:
Technosport is organizing another open water race at Meech Lake on Saturday, August 17th (4k swim from Blanchet to O'Brien).  Let me know if you are interested by August 7th.  It is open to all, and cost is $30 in advance.  If you are uncertain, you can wait and register on the day for $35.  The entry fee includes brunch in Chelsea after the swim.  Check-in is at 7:30am; race starts at 8am.
If you would like to participate in the MSO Ontario Open Water 5km Championships to be held in St. Marys Quarry (near Stratford) on Sunday, September 8th (the Sunday after Labour Day), ask for details.  You must be registered with MSO.
Triathlons and other Race Results:
(Please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races.)
Congratulations to all these swimmers on some great results over the past weeks!
Ottawa Bicycle Club Grand Prix (Gatineau Park; Sat July 13th)
Jeff F (Earlybirds): 65th overall in Novice Men's 42k in 1:15:51.7
Meghan H (Whitecaps "B"): 12th overall in Novice Women's 21k in 41:02.7
Collingwood Half Ironman Triathlon (Collingwood; 2k/90k/21k; 125 competitors; Sat July 13th)
Rudy H (Earlybirds): 29th overall and 1st in his age group in 5:06:22
National Capital Triathlon (Ottawa; 750m/20k/5k; 152 competitors; Sat July 20th)
Rob M (Very Earlybirds): 2nd overall and 1st in his age group in 1:06:52
Tom M (Whitecaps "A"): 3rd overall and 1st in his age group in 1:07:21
John Westdal (Very Earlybirds): 4th overall and 1st in his age group in 1:07:53
Jim Y (Very Earlybirds): 14th overall and 2nd in his age group (behind Rob M) in 1:10:18
Sheila K (Very Earlybirds): 18th overall, 2nd woman and 1st in her age group in 1:10:50
Jacinthe (Very Earlybirds): 79th overall and 12th in her age group in 1:24:09
Lisa O (Earlybirds): 131st overall and 10th in her age group in 1:33:24
Paul K (Nightcaps): 150th overall and 3rd in his age group in 1:47:05
Graham Beasley Triathlon (Carleton Place; 1.5/40/10; 154; Sun July 21st)
Tom M (Whitecaps "A"): 7th overall and 1st in his age group in 2:09:03
Andy W (Earlybirds): 15th overall and 4th in his age group in 2:15:58
Rob L (Very Earlybirds): 18th overall and 1st in the Clydesdale category in 2:20:35
Cynthia C (Whitecaps "A"): 42nd overall, 6th woman, and 1st in her age group in 2:29:45
Chad C (Whitecaps "A"): 125th overall and 14th in his age group in 2:58:07
Graham Beasley Sprint Triathlon (Carleton Place; 400m/20k/5k; 124; Sun July 21st)
Tom A (High Intensity): 3rd overall and 1st in his age group in 1:08:09
Andy J (Very Earlybirds): 40th overall and 14th in his age group in 1:18:57
Brooke D (Very Earlybirds): 89th overall, 42nd woman and 10th in her age group in 1:30:07
Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  I'd like to swim in the morning High Intensity group in September.  Am I fast enough?  M.I. Speedy

Dear M.I. Speedy:  Anyone who currently swims in the Masters morning groups and normally does the lane 1 or lane 2 pace times qualifies for High Intensity, as does anyone who swims in Whitecaps "A" and usually does the lane 1, 2, 3 or 4 pace times.

Dear Coach:  I have been learning flip turns, and now I want to know what strokes I can use them for.  What are the rules?  New Flipper

Dear N. Flipper: Flip turns are allowed in freestyle (front crawl) and backstroke.  In backstroke, you are allowed just one stroke on your front and must immediately start your flip.  In breaststroke and butterfly, you must touch the wall with both hands.  In IM, for the fly/back and breast/free turns you must also touch with two hands.  For the back/breast turn you must touch the wall on your back.

Dear Coach:  I have water stuck in my ear!  What can I do?  Sick of the Sound of Waves

Dear S.S. Waves:  As well as being annoying, having water stuck in your ears can lead to infection.  The cheapest solution is to mix together rubbing alcohol with a small amount of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, and put a few drops in each ear after swimming.  The rubbing alcohol helps the water evaporate and the vinegar/hydrogen peroxide changes the pH of your ear canal to discourage infection.

Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons
Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per student) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.

Contact Lynn for availability.

Fall Session Preview
The Fall Programs will officially start on Monday, September 16th.  The Athletics Program Guide with the program information is due out by August 1st, which is when Fall registration will start.
The Masters groups planned (Sept-Dec and Jan-Apr) are:
7:30am Earlybirds: MWF 7:30-8:30am and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am (Weekday Coach: Lynn)
8:30am Earlybirds: MWF 8:30-9:30am and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am (Weekday Coach: Lynn)
Whitecaps: MTuTh 6-7:10pm and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am (Weekday Coaches: Blake / Mits)
Nightcaps: TuTh 8-9pm and Sat 8-9am or 9-10am (Weekday Coach: Louise)
Child Safety Supervision: MTuTh 6-7:10pm and Sat 9-10am
The Saturday coaching schedule will rotate among the regular and substitute coaches.
The plan is to continue with the rotating themes (i.e. IM is not always on Monday, etc.) for all groups (with the term schedule posted in advance), unless there is strong feedback otherwise!
In addition, there will be two "High Intensity" groups training with the Varsity Swim Team (Sept-Feb).  To join one of these groups, swimmers must be able to repeat 100s free on 1:45 or better, and 100s non-free/IM on 2:00 or better.
High Intensity a.m.: MWF 6-7:30am (limit: 20 swimmers; Coach: Lynn)
High Intensity p.m.: M 7-9pm, W 6-7:40pm, Sat 5-7pm (limit: 6 swimmers; Coach: John)
Note: You cannot mix-and-match Masters and High Intensity (Varsity) workouts.  In particular, High Intensity participants may not attend the Masters Saturday morning workouts.
These groups will follow the Varsity swim workouts and cycles.  If you have questions about this option, talk to Lynn.
The Very Earlybirds (MWF 6:30-7:30am and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am) will start up again in late February when the Varsity season is over.
A Strength Training for Swimmers mini-course will be offered.
Full details and prices of all programs will be in the Program Guide.
Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of the Earlybird, Whitecaps and/or Nightcaps Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week=92s workouts (Tuesday through Monday) on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood=92s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!