Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #46                               Thursday, September 5th, 2002

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2002 as of August 30th: 7:30am Earlybirds (13 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (9 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (16 addresses), 8pm Nightcaps (8 addresses), 6am High Intensity (9 addresses), High Intensity p.m. (2 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (13 addresses); plus: Old Early Birds List (68 addresses); Old Whitecaps List (81 addresses), Old Nightcaps List (41 addresses), Old Very Early Birds List (39 addresses)

Newsletter Receiver List
I am going to be cleaning up the newsletter receiver lists this Fall to better reflect who is actually registered in each group (see above).  If you are not planning to register for Masters or High Intensity this Fall, but would like to continue receiving the newsletter, please drop me an e-mail.
Toonie Workout Schedule
The "toonie" workouts are underway.  These workouts cost $2 each (pay the coach on deck) and are open to all who have registered for the Fall Masters and High Intensity programs.  All workouts are 6-lanes (one coach) with no child safety supervision offered.  The schedule is:
MWF 7:30-8:30am: Wednesday, September 4th to Friday, September 13th
MTuTh 6-7:10pm: Tuesday, September 3rd to Thursday, September 12th
Sat 9-10am: September 7th and 14th
Mits, Heather, Claudia, Lynn, Kristi and Louise will all be coaching the toonie workouts.  The coaching schedule is posted on the web page.
Fall Session Information
The Fall Programs officially start on Monday, September 16th.  The Athletics Program Guide with the program information is out and registration is open!  Full details (including cancellations) are on the web page.  A summary of programs/prices is given near the end of this newsletter.  There is still space in all programs, but register soon to avoid disappointment.  The Fall Saturday coaching schedule is posted on the website, as are the Toonie and Fall workout themes.
Masters Phone/E-Mail List
There are a few swimmers interested in George's (Whitecaps) idea of a Masters phone / e-mail list.  This information would be shared only with other Carleton Masters swimmers.  If you would like to have your phone number and/or e-mail address included, please send me the information you would like to appear by the end of September.  A list will be produced and circulated only to those on the list.
Summer Session Notes: Here are the attendance stats, and the time trial results!
Attendance (July/August):
Congratulations to Elaine Y (EB1) for being the only swimmer with perfect attendance for the Summer session weekdays, with Debbie O (WCA) a close second, missing only one workout!  While the attendance for July/August was down for the morning groups and Whitecaps "B", the attendance for July/August was actually higher for Whitecaps "A" than in May/June!  Those missing five or fewer weekday workouts are listed here:
Very Early Birds (25 weekday mornings, excludes Sat)
1. Dave Bourdon               missed 4 workouts
2. Jacinthe                   missed 5 workouts
7:30am Early Birds (25 weekday mornings, excludes Sat)
1. Elaine Y                   perfect attendance!
2. Isla                       missed 4 workouts
3. Dorothy, Jeff F            missed 5 workouts
Whitecaps "A" (25 evenings, excludes Sat)
1. Debbie O                   missed 1 workout!
2. Elaine C, Patricia         missed 4 workouts
3. Andras, Joanie, Rob V      missed 5 workouts
Whitecaps "B" (25 evenings, excludes Sat)
1. Charles O                  missed 4 workouts
Range and Average Workout Attendance:
                       Range       Average Attendance
1. Whitecaps "A"          11-26              18.4
2. 7:30am Early Birds      9-25              15.1
3. Very Early Birds        6-23              14.4
4. Whitecaps "B"           4-22               8.9
Time Trial and Relay Summary:
The information below on most improved and fastest swimmers is taken from the sprint time trials done August 19-28th, and also includes the 800/1500 time trials from August 14th/15th, as well as the relay splits from August 30th.  I discovered that I cannot take splits for 6 relays at once, so I was not able to record any splits for the Whitecaps relays on August 29th -- many apologies! :-(  Times done in competitions are not included. 
Fewer people did time trials than in June.  This is partly due to the lack of relay splits, but also due to vacations.  The award for dedication goes to Krista B (V) for doing no less than three 1500m time trials!  Debbie O (WCA) gets the consistency award for exactly equalling her 1500m time from last time.
There were some great improvements with nine women and eight men improving by at least 2sec/100m in at least one event.  Those improving over 5sec/100m deserve special mention.  Jacinthe (VEB) gets top honours for taking over 3min off her 1500m time (12.5sec/100m!!), while Andy J (WPC) took over 2.5 minutes off his 1500 (10.1sec/100m!!).  Also in the 1500, Jim Y and David M (both VEB) took off, respectively, just over and just under 1.5 minutes for improvements of 6.4 and 5.8 sec/100m!  All those improving by 2sec/100m or more are listed under "Most Improved Swimmers" while all the improvements are listed under "Swimmers Who Improved in Each Event".
The International Point Scores (link to web page below) are used to determine the best swims.  There were 10 women and 11 men who scored 400 points or more in at least one event.  Krista B (V) scored over 800 points for a great 50br!!  Keegan's (V) 50br was next at 737, followed by my 1500 at 710!  Others scoring over 500 were Debbie O, Patricia, Karine, Don W, and Richard I (all WCA) all for their 1500s, as well as Jamie and Josee in 50fs.  All those scoring 400+ are listed below under "Fastest Swimmers", while the top three in each event are listed under "Fastest Three Times in Each Event".
The results of all the relays are below (under "Fun Relays").  Thanks to everyone who participated, especially to Maurice and Jamie who participated in the relays in two different workouts, and to the Very Earlybirds (David Barclay, Dave Bourdon, and Jamie), who had to swim twice on their relays (as there were only 6 swimmers!).  I think that for many the highlight was playing in the bubbler :-) !
VEB Very Early Birds, EB1 7:30am Early Birds, EB2 8:30am Early Birds, NC Nightcaps, WCA Whitecaps "A", WCB Whitecaps "B", V = Varsity Swimmer, WP Varsity Waterpolo Player, VC Varsity Swim Coach, WPC Varsity Waterpolo Coach, MC Masters Coach  (Varsity, High Intensity and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)
Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):
Note that only those who have swum time trials previously with Carleton Masters are eligible.  All those improving by at least 2sec/100m are included here.
1. Jacinthe 12.5/100m (VEB): 1500fs!!
2. Tamara    4.1/100m (VEB): 1500fs
3. Joanie    4.0/100m (WCA): 1500fs
4. Jen G     3.6/100m (VEB): 1500fs
5. Steph J   3.3/100m (EB1): 1500fs
6. Julie     2.8/100m (EB1): 1500fs & 50bk 
7. Karine    2.7/100m (WCA): 1500fs
8. Isla      2.6/100m (EB1):   50fs
9. Janine G  2.5/100m (EB1): 1500fs
X. Andy J   10.1/100m (WPC): 1500fs!!
1. Jim Y     6.3/100m (VEB): 1500fs!
2. David M   5.6/100m (VEB): 1500fs!
3. Raymond C 4.8/100m (EB1): 1500fs
4. Jim L     4.2/100m (EB1): 1500fs
5. Rob V     2.5/100m (WCA): 1500fs
6=. Don W    2.3/100m (WCA): 1500fs
6=. Jeff F   2.3/100m (EB1): 1500fs
Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):
All those scoring 400 or more points are shown.
X. Krista B (V)       50br     35.6: 803 points!! 
X. Lynn (MC)        1500fs  19:15  : 710 points
1. Debbie O (WCA)   1500fs  21:20  : 557 points
2. Patricia (WCA)   1500fs  21:33  : 543 points
3. Karine (WCA)     1500fs  22:01  : 515 points
4. Josee (EB1)        50fs     34.7: 500 points
5. Elaine (EB1)       50fs     34.8: 499 points
X. Marianne (WP)    1500fs  23:32  : 431 points
6. Akiko (WCA)      1500fs  23:36  : 428 points
7. Joanie (WCA)     1500fs  24:03  : 406 points
X. Keegan (V)         50br     32.0: 737 points!!
1. Don W (WCA)      1500fs  19:41  : 543 points
X. Jamie S (V)        50fs     29.0: 537 points
2. Richard I (WCA)  1500fs  20:00  : 522 points
3=. Pete L (WCA)    1500fs  21:03  : 456 points
X=. Tom A (MC)      1500fs  21:03  : 456 points
4. Tom M (WCA)      1500fs  21:04  : 455 points
6. David Barclay (VEB)50fs     31.2: 451 points
7. Jim Y (VEB)      1500fs  21:15  : 445 points
8. Dave Bourdon (VEB) 50fs     32.8: 411 points
9. Rob V (WCA)       100br   1:29.5: 402 points
(For point scores, see: and enter SC Metres short course meters [25m pool].)
Swimmers Who Improved in Each Event:
Minutes/seconds improved and sec/100m improvement are both listed.
         Women                          Men
50fs   1. Isla   1.3 (2.6/100m) (EB1) 1. Bernie    = ;   0.4  (0.8/100m) (EB1)
                                      2. Dave Bourdon 0.2  (0.4/100m) (VEB)
100fs                                 1. Rob V        2.0  (2.0/100m) (WCA)
800fs  1. Rocio    7 (0.9/100m) (VEB)       
1500fs 1. Jacinthe3:07(12.5/100m)(VEB) X. Andy J     2:31 (10.1/100m) (WPC)
       2. Tamara 1:01(4.1/100m) (VEB) 1. Jim Y       1:35  (6.3/100m) (VEB)
       3. Joanie 1:00(4.0/100m) (WCA) 2. David M     1:24  (5.6/100m) (VEB)
       4. Jen G   54 (3.6/100m) (VEB) 3. Raymond C   1:12  (4.8/100m) (EB1)
       5. Steph J 50 (3.3/100m) (EB1) 4. Jim L       1:03  (4.2/100m) (EB1)
       6. Julie   42 (2.8/100m) (EB1) 5. Rob V         37  (2.5/100m) (WCA)
       7. Karine  41 (2.7/100m) (WCA) 6. Don W         35  (2.3/100m) (WCA)
       8. JanineG 38 (2.5/100m) (EB1) 7. Jeff F        34  (2.3/100m) (EB1)
       9. Cheri   31 (1.2/100m) (WCA) 8. Dave Bourdon  11  (0.7/100m) (VEB)
      10. Debby W 12 (0.8/100m) (WCA)
50bk   1. Julie  1.4 (2.8/100m) (EB1) 
50br                                  X. Andy J       0.6  (1.2/100m) (WPC)
                                      1. Rob V        0.4  (0.8/100m) (WCA)
50fl                                  1. Bernie       0.9  (1.8/100m) (EB1) 
Fastest Three Times in Each Event:
The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who swam at least one time trial in that event.  If results were really close, I sometimes include more than three people!
          Women                        Men
50fs      1.   34.7 Josee (EB1)        X.   29.0 Jamie S (V) 
(10/21)   2.   34.8 Elaine Y (EB1)     1.   31.2 David Barclay (VEB)
          3.   41.9 Nadja (EB1)        2.   32.8 Dave Bourdon (VEB)
                                       3.   33.5 Jim Y (VEB)
                                       4.   33.7 John B (EB1) [close!]
                                       5.   33.8 Rob V (WCA) [close!]
100fs                                  1. 1:19.1 Rob V (WCA)
(0/2)                                  2. 1:24.1 Meyer (VEB)
800fs     1. 13:57  Tracey (WCB)       1. 13:02  Ross W (VEB)
(4/4)     2. 16:36  Rocio (VEB)        2. 15:41  Sandro (WCB)
          3. 17:49  Gosia (VEB)        3. 19:14  George (WCB)
                                       4. 19:15  Charles O (WCB) [very close!]
1500fs    X. 19:15  Lynn (MC)          1. 19:41  Don W (WCA)
(24/21)   X. 20:08  Krista B (V)       2. 20:00  Richard I (WCA)
          1. 21:20  Debbie O (WCA)     3=.21:03  Pete L (WCA)
          2. 21:33  Patricia (WCA)     X=.21:03  Tom A (MC)
          3. 22:01  Karine (WCA)       4. 21.04  Tom M (WCA) [very close!]
50bk      1.   45.7 Elaine Y (EB1)     X.   35.3 Jamie S (V)
(3/2)     2.   50.6 Julie (EB1)        1.   46.4 David Barclay (VEB)
          3.   51.7 Nadja (EB1)      
100bk                                  1. 1:13.9 Don W (WCA) 
200bk                                  1. 2:41.8 Don W (WCA) 
50br      X.   35.6 Krista B (V)       X.   32.0 Keegan (V)
(2/6)     1.   52.0 Isla (EB1)         1.   41.7 Rob V (WCA)
                                       X.   43.7 Andy J (WPC)
                                       2.   46.6 Dave Bourdon (VEB)
                                       3.   47.0 Mike B (EB1)
                                       4.   47.7 John B (EB1) [close!]
100br                                  1. 1:29.5 Rob V (WCA) 
50fl                                   X.   33.6 Jamie S (V) 
(0/4)                                  1.   40.5 Maurice G (WCA)
                                       2.   44.8 Bernie (EB1)
                                       3.   45.2 Jim L (EB1)
Fun Relays (August 29-30th, 2002)
Remember that if you won, it was due to excellent swimming!  However, if you lost, it was despite your excellent swimming and because the coach made up unfair teams :-) :-) !!  
4 x 50 Free Relay
6pm Whitecaps
1. WC3: 2:17.1  Krista B, Charles O, Maurice, Rob V
2. WC6: 2:20  Debby W, Dawn, Cheri, John Waring
3. WC1: 2:21  Evelyn, Mark Hinds, Lisa H, Pete L
4. WC4: 2:25  Nicole D, Binny, Joanne D, Danny
5. WC2: 2:26  Tom, Debbie O, Patricia, Marg
6. WC5: 2:29  George, Keegan, Cam, Barb
6:30am Very Earlybirds
1. VEB4: 2:11.3  David Barclay, Maurice, Dave Bourdon, David Barclay
2. VEB3: 2:16.2  Jamie, Jacinthe, Andy J, Jamie
7:30am Earlybirds
1. EB4: 2:29.6  Jeff F, John B, Julie, Jim L
2. EB2: 2:31.2  Isla, Janine D, Elaine Y, Jamie
3. EB3: 2:38.1  Mike B, Josee, Bernie, Nadja
1. VEB4: 2:11.3  David Barclay, Maurice, Dave Bourdon, David Barclay
2. VEB3: 2:16.2  Jamie, Jacinthe, Andy J, Jamie
3.  WC3: 2:17.1  Krista B, Charles O, Maurice, Rob V
4.  WC6: 2:20    Debby W, Dawn, Cheri, John Waring
5.  WC1: 2:21    Evelyn, Mark Hinds, Lisa H, Pete L
6.  WC4: 2:25    Nicole D, Binny, Sheila, Danny
7.  WC2: 2:26    Tom, Debbie O, Patricia, Marg
8=. WC5: 2:29    George, Keegan, Cam, Barb
8=. EB4: 2:29.6  Jeff F, John B, Julie, Jim L
10. EB2: 2:31.2  Isla, Janine D, , Elaine Y, Jamie
11. EB3: 2:38.1  Mike B, Josee, Bernie, Nadja
4x50 Medley Relay
6pm Whitecaps
1.  WC6: 2:40  Cheri, Dawn, John Waring, Debby W
2.  WC3: 2:42  Maurice, Rob V, Krista B, Charles O
3.  WC2: 2:43  Tom, Debbie O, Patricia, Marg
4=. WC1: 2:46  Evelyn, Pete L, Mark Hinds, Lisa H
4=. WC4: 2:46  Nicole D, Binny, Danny, Joanne D
6.  WC5: 2:56  George, Keegan, Cam, Barb
6:30am Very Earlybirds
1. VEB3: 2:38.1  Jamie, Andy J, Jamie, Jacinthe
2. VEB4: 2:49.2  David Barclay, Dave Bourdon, Maurice, Dave Bourdon
7:30am Earlybirds
1.  EB2: 2:55.8  Elaine Y, Isla, Jamie, Janine D
2=. EB3: 2:58.2  Nadja, Mike B, Bernie, Josee
2=. EB4: 2:58.2  Julie, John B, Jim L, Jeff F
1.  VEB3: 2:38.1  Jamie, Andy J, Jamie, Jacinthe
2.   WC6: 2:40    Cheri, Dawn, John Waring, Debby W
3.   WC3: 2:42    Maurice, Rob V, Krista B, Charles O
4.   WC2: 2:43    Tom, Debbie O, Patricia, Marg
5=.  WC1: 2:46    Evelyn, Pete L, Mark Hinds, Lisa H
5=.  WC4: 2:46    Sheila, Nicole D, Danny, Binny
7.  VEB4: 2:49.2  David Barclay, Dave Bourdon, Maurice, Dave Bourdon
8.   EB2: 2:55.8  Elaine Y, Isla, Jamie, Janine D
9.   WC5: 2:56    George, Keegan, Cam, Barb
10=. EB3: 2:58.2  Nadja, Mike B, Bernie, Josee
10=. EB4: 2:58.2  Julie, John B, Jim L, Jeff F
<= /DIV>
Race Reports and Swim Meets
Masters Swimming Competitions
The 2002-2003 Masters competition season will be upon us soon.  If you registered with MSO, your current card is good until the end of the year.  If you are not registered with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario), and want to compete this Fall, let me know.  It costs $25 annually ($20 to MSO and $5 to Carleton Masters).  If you register now, your registration is good until December 2003.
Here's a summary of some upcoming local and championship meets:
Sat Oct 19th Technosport Sprint 1 (U of O, 25m pool)
Sat Nov 23rd Technosport Sprint 2 (U of O, 25m pool)
Sat Dec 7th Technosport Distance 1 (U of O, 25m pool)
Sat Jan 18th Technosport Sprint 3 (U of O, 25m pool)
Sat Feb 1st Technosport Distance 2 (U of O, 25m pool)
Sat Feb 8th Nepean Winterlude Meet (Sportsplex, 50m pool)
Sat Mar 8th Technosport Invitational (U of O, 25m pool)
Fri Apr 4-Sun Apr 6th (tentative) Provincial Championships (Fri: U of O and Sat/Sun: Sportsplex, 25m pool)
Sat Apr 12th Technosport Sprint 4 (U of O, 25m pool)
Sat May 3rd Technosport Sprint 5 (U of O, 25m pool)
Fri May 16-Mon May 19th Masters Nationals (Claude Robillard, Montreal, 25m pool)
Sat May 31st Technosport Distance 3 (U of O, 25m pool)
Triathlons and other Race Results: (Please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races.)
Congratulations to all these swimmers on some great results!
Ironman Canada (Penticton) Sun Aug 25th (3.8k/180k/42.2k; 2040 competitors)
Richard I (Whitecaps): 37th overall and 5th in his age group in an amazing 9:44:21!!
Ross W (Very Earlybirds): 703rd overall and 144th in his age group in 11:48:49
There was an article in the Citizen mentioning Richard's performance:
Also, Richard has sent in a couple of photos which can be viewed on the website: swim: and finish:
Greater Hartford Tri Sun Aug 25th (1.5k/46k/10k; 262 competitors)
Tom M (Whitecaps): 6th overall and 1st in his age group in 2:19:55 winning the USA North Atlantic / New England Masters title!!
Sat Aug 31st:
Ottawa Half-Ironman (2k/90k/21.1k; 108 competitors)
Cynthia (Whitecaps): 18th overall, top woman and 1st in her age group in 5:05:41
Fran=E7oise (8:30am Earlybirds): 102nd overall and 3rd in her age group in 7:50:41
Ottawa Sprint (400m/30k/5k; 137 competitors)
Lisa O (Earlybirds): 86th overall and 2nd in her age group in 1:38:57
Gilles (Spring Earlybirds): 89th overall and 4th in his age group in 1:39:30
Colleen (Whitecaps): 103rd overall and 8th in her age group in 1:44:26
Wilderness Tours Half Wild Tri (2k/60k/15k; 46 competitors)
Rob M (Very Earlybirds): 4th overall and 1st in his age group in 3:06:58
Jim Y (Very Earlybirds): 5th overall and 2nd in his age group in 3:07:30
Sheila (Very Earlybirds): 7th overall, top woman and 1st in her age group in 3:11:45
Wilderness Tours Long Course Champs (4k/120k/30k; 134 competitors)
Rudy (High Intensity am): 65th overall and 1st in his age group in 7:54:23
Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  I find that I am very stuffed up after swimming, probably due to the large amount of water that goes up my nose during workout.  What do you recommend?  I think nose clips are for wimps!  Sniff'n and Sneez'n

Dear S. a. Sneez'n:  It seems that many adult swimmers are developing sensitivity to the chlorine.  In addition, for beginner swimmers avoiding getting water up your nose is just one more thing to worry about.  I recommend nose clips for both these situations.  It takes a while to get used to breathing in and out through your mouth, but the lack of sniffles and nose fulls of water is worth it.  There are quite a few good swimmers wearing nose clips these days, so they're not only for wimps!  I recently got a supply of good noseclips through Claudia, one of our coaches who works at Synchro Canada.  They cost $4.30 each.  I'm selling them for $5, with the 70c profit going to the club account.  If you're interested, just let me know!

Fall/Winter Session Summary
Note that the pool will be shut for a full month in 2003 (April 4th p.m. to May 4th inclusive) due to extensive work needed on the diving towers.
Membership Cost (Masters is only open to members): Annual Full Membership: $306+GST; Swim Only Annual Membership: $266+GST; Other Membership types/durations available (see Guide). 
The Masters groups (Sept 16 - Dec 19 and Jan 2 - Apr 4) are:
7:30am Earlybirds: MWF 7:30-8:30am and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am (Weekday Coach: Lynn): $120+GST per term
8:30am Earlybirds: MWF 8:30-9:30am and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am (Weekday Coach: Lynn): $120+GST per term
Whitecaps: MTuTh 6-7:10pm and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am (Weekday Coaches: Blake / Mits): $120+GST per term
Nightcaps: TuTh 8-9pm and Sat 8-9am or 9-10am (Weekday Coach: Louise): $85+GST per term
Child Safety Supervision: MTuTh 6-7:10pm and Sat 9-10am: $80 (no GST) per term
The Saturday coaching schedule will rotate among the regular and substitute coaches, and is posted on the website for Fall 2002.
The "High Intensity" groups (training with the Varsity Swim Team; Sept 16 - Feb 17) are:
High Intensity a.m.: MWF 6-7:30am (limit: 20 swimmers; Coach: Lynn): $165+GST
High Intensity p.m.: M 7-9pm, W 6-7:40pm, Sat 5-7pm (limit: 6 swimmers; Coach: John): $165+GST
Note: To join one of these two groups, swimmers must be able to repeat 100s free on 1:45 or better, and 100s non-free/IM on 2:00 or better.  You cannot mix-and-match Masters and High Intensity (Varsity) workouts.  In particular, High Intensity participants may not attend the Masters Saturday morning workouts.  High Intensity a.m. participants can purchase an Early Bird Membership (good only on weekdays before 9am), if they only use the facilities for these workouts.
The Very Earlybirds (MWF 6:30-7:30am and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am) will start up again when the Varsity season is over (Feb 26 - Apr 4): $50+GST.
A Strength Training for Swimmers 6hr mini-course will be offered in the weight room: 11am-1pm Sat Sept 14, 21 and Oct 5th; or Sat Jan 11, 18, and Feb 1st: $35+GST ($75+GST for non-members)
Full details and prices of all programs is in the Program Guide.

Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons

2001-2002 prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per student) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.

Private lesson times for Fall are: 4-5pm Monday, and 7:15-8pm Tuesday/Thursday.  Prices may increase slightly.

Contact Lynn for details/availability.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: If you are interested in getting copies of the Earlybird, Whitecaps and/or Nightcaps Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week=92s workouts (Tuesday through Monday) on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm (starting Sept 19th)
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood=92s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!