Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #50                              Sunday, November 3rd, 2002

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2002: 7:30am Earlybirds (35 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (24 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (54 addresses), 8pm Nightcaps (28 addresses), 6am High Intensity (17 addresses), High Intensity p.m. (6 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (12 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (23 members)

Carleton Masters Team Swim Wear / T-Shirts
There has been some interest in getting team swim wear and T-shirts.  I am waiting for a quote from Diffusion Aquasport for the additional cost in getting "Carleton Masters" and/or a logo printed, as well as the volume discounts.  That said, here are some approximate prices for TYR suits (Canadian $$, excluding tax, delivery, printing/logo and volume discounts):
Training Suits: (solid colour, I suggest black)
Men's Polyester Brief: $24 (black, navy, blue, red)
Men's Nylon 4" Trainer: $19 (black, navy)
Women's Polyester Maxback: $48 (black, navy, blue, red)
Racing Suits: (solid colour, I suggest black)
Men's Lycra: $25 (black, navy, blue, green, red, burgundy)
Women's Lycra Diamond back: $56 (black, navy, blue, purple, red, burgundy)
T-shirt: (colours: white, red, green, navy, royal, ash, or black)
100% Cotton: $6
Please e-mail me if you are interested, specifying the suit or suits that you're interested in, colour, quantity, and whether you're interested in printing / logo.
Thanks to Volunteers at Varsity Meet
Thanks to Jess and Dave B (both High Intensity a.m.) who came out to time at the Varsity meet on October 27th.  Thanks also to Margaret K (8:30am Earlybirds) who was there to cheer on the swimmers.  Carleton finished close behind U of Ottawa and U of Waterloo, although both those teams placed well ahead of us last year.  Two of Carleton's swimmers qualified for the CIS (Canadian Interuniversity Sport) Championships to be held at U of Victoria in February.  Keegan Harris won the men's 50m breast in 30.51, 0.08 under the cut of 30.59.  Krista Boegel won the women's 50m breast in 35.52, 0.44 under the cut of 35.96.  Krista was Carleton's female athlete of the week for her performance.
Swimmer Notes
Carleton Masters Christmas Potluck Party: Joanie and Don W (Whitecaps / Nightcaps) will be hosting the Carleton Masters Christmas Potluck on the evening of Sat Dec 7th.  Please mark this date on your calendar.  More details nearer the date!
Sens Hockey Tickets: Thursday, January 16th, 2003 at 7pm, Ottawa Senators vs the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, is the third annual Carleton Raven's Hockey Night at the Corel Centre.  The Varsity Swim team is selling 300-level tickets for $42 (a $60 value).  $10 from each ticket sold goes to the team and will help fund the training camp in Florida over New Year's.  Tickets are on sale from now until early December.  Ask Lynn for details.
"Thin Gene"?: The Heart Institute is looking for 1000 slim volunteers for a study into the genetics behind "thinness".  If you participate you receive the results of your test (cholesterol, body fat percentage, etc.) as well as free parking and a meal voucher.  Check out to see if you're eligible.
Swim Caps: Thanks to Jim Y (Whitecaps) for bringing in a bag of latex bathing caps.  We are selling them for $1 each with proceeds going to the club.  Ask Lynn if you'd like one/some.
Nose Clips: Lynn is selling Laxto nose clips for $5, with the 70c profit going to the club. 
Team Swim Wear: The latest Diffusion Aquasport catalog is posted on the bulletin board.  There has been some interest in getting team suits or T-shirts.  Let me know if you're interested and the type of suit / shirt you'd like. 
Other Masters Teams
While we sometimes find things to complain about at Carleton (pool temperature too hot or too cold, air temperature too hot or too cold, etc.), here's an extract from a recent e-mail I received from one of our Alumni who is now swimming with a Masters team in another city, which will make you realize that we have it pretty good at Carleton :-) : 
  • We're in a high school pool, and the facilities leave much to be desired. The pool temperature last Thursday had to be in the high 80s and today was only slightly cooler. In contrast, the showers were actually cooler! And they are the type you can't adjust. Just press them in and wait for your 2 minutes of tepid water. Repeat.
  • We have a total of 8 registered team members, with an average attendance of about 4. We had a high of 5 one night.
  • We share the 25m pool with public swim. So if we have fewer than 4 people, we lose 1 of our 2 designated lanes!
  • In 1.5 hours, our average distance is 2500m total.
  • Our warm-ups are about 250m and our cool downs 100m
Fall Session Notes
In this part of the newsletter, we report on the weekday attendance statistics, and also let you know of anything special happening in the workouts.  If you have any questions/suggestions, please talk to your coach or to me (Lynn) directly.
7:30am Earlybirds (20 workouts) (attendance range: 18-33, average: 24.2)
perfect attendance: Sean K
missed 1 workout: Carolynn, Jeff F, John B
8:30am Earlybirds (20 workouts) (attendance range:14-24, average: 18.9)
perfect attendance: Alan H, Jo-Ann H, Penny
missed 1 workout: Dorothy, Renee 
High Intensity (21 workouts) ([excluding Varsity] attendance range: 5-13, average: 9.3)
perfect attendance: Andrew K
missed 3 workouts: Tamara
Whitecaps "A": no statistics this time
Whitecaps "B": updated stats next time
old data: (14 workouts) (attendance range: 11-22, average: 15.0)
missed 1 workout: Jose
missed 2 workouts: Marg E, Kai H
Nightcaps (13 workouts) (attendance range: 16-27, average: 20.4)
perfect attendance: Steve M
missed 1 workout: Anushka, Anne-Marie, Tony P, Brett, Joe P
missed 2 workouts: Iyad, Pouyan, Natalie G
Race Reports and Swim Meets
Masters Swimming Competitions
If you have a current MSO card good until December, 2002, it's time to renew!  Please bring me $25 ($20 for MSO + $5 club costs) cash or cheque payable to "Carleton Masters Swim Club" by Friday, December 6th.  Also, let me know if any of your information (name, address, phone number) has changed.
The 2002-2003 Masters competition season has started.  Here's a summary of some upcoming local and championship meets (new events in bold).  Please ensure that you have your list of events and payment to me by the date(s) indicated if you wish to participate!
Sat Nov 9th Viking 1500 & Sprint (Variety Village, Scarborough, 25m): Warm Up: 8am; Meet: 8:45-11:45am; Events (in order): 800fs, 25fly, 50fly, 25bk, 50bk, 25br, 50br, 25fs, 50fs, 200IM, 1500fs; cost: $10 (unlimited entries); deadline: Sat Nov 9th (deck entries) [this meet isn't very close, but the price is very reasonable!]
Sun Nov 17th Kingston Masters (Kingston Military Sports Centre, 25m): Warm Up: 10am; Meet: 11am-4pm; Events (in order): 100fly, 50br, 100bk, 50fs, 100IM, 200 Mixed Medley Relay, break, 200 Open, 50fly, 100br, 50bk, 100fs, 200 Mixed Free Relay; followed by social; cost: $25 (unlimited events); deadline: Tue Nov 5th
Sat Nov 23rd Technosport Sprint 2 (U of O, 25m pool): Warm Up: 7:30am; Meet: 8-10am; Events (in order): 400fs, 100fly, 200fs, 100bk, 100fs, 100br, 50fs, 200IM, 200 Medley Relay; followed by breakfast; cost: $25 (unlimited events); deadline: Wed Nov 13th (for this meet you can pay on the day, but I need to know your events by Nov 13th)
Sat Nov 30th Coupe de Montreal (Olympic Pool, Montreal, 50m): Warm Up: 7:30-10am; Meet: 8:30am-4pm (800/1500fs 8:30-10am); Events (in order): 800fs, 1500fs, 50fl, 50bk, 100fs, 200 Open, 200 Free Relay, break, 400fs, 50br, 50fs, 100bk, 100br, 400IM, 100fl, 200 Medley Relay; cost: $4 + $5/event (up to 7 events); (deadline was Fri Nov 1st)
Sun Dec 1st 1000 Islands Invitational (Brockville, 25m): Warm Up: 11am; Meet: noon-5pm; Events (in order): 100fs, 50bk, 100fly with fins, 100br, 100IM, 400fs or IM, break, 200 Medley Relay, 50fs, 100bk, 50br, 200 Open, 200 Free Relay; followed by social; cost: $25 (unlimited events) or $30 on day of meet if space permits; deadline Fri Nov 22nd.
Sat Dec 7th Technosport Distance 1 (U of O, 25m pool): Warm Up: 7:30am; Meet: 8-10am; Events (in order): 800fs, 1500fs; followed by breakfast; cost: $25 (unlimited events); deadline Wed Nov 27th (for this meet you can pay on the day, but I need to know your events by Nov 27th)
Sat Jan 18th Technosport Sprint 3 (U of O, 25m pool)
Sat Feb 1st Technosport Distance 2 (U of O, 25m pool)
Sat Feb 8th Nepean Winterlude Meet (Sportsplex, 50m pool)
Sat Mar 8th Technosport Invitational (U of O, 25m pool)
Fri Apr 4-Sun Apr 6th (tentative) Provincial Championships (Fri: U of O and Sat/Sun: Sportsplex, 25m pool)
Sat Apr 12th Technosport Sprint 4 (U of O, 25m pool)
Sat May 3rd Technosport Sprint 5 (U of O, 25m pool)
Fri May 16-Mon May 19th Masters Nationals (Claude Robillard, Montreal, 25m pool)
Sat May 31st Technosport Distance 3 (U of O, 25m pool)
Meet and Race Results: (Please let me know if I've missed anyone or any events.)
Technosport Sprint 1
The first Masters meet of the season was held at U of Ottawa on Sat Oct 19th.  The official results are now available at: http:= //  Here's how our swimmers placed.
Gerry D (Whitecaps "B", Men 30-34): 1st: 50fl, 100IM; 2nd: 25fs; 3rd: 50fs, 100fs
John B (7:30am Earlybirds, Men 40-44): 1st: 25fs, 50bk, 50br, 100IM; 2nd: 50fs, 100fs, 50fl
Bernie (7:30am Earlybirds, Men 50-54): 1st: 25fs, 50bk (club record: 42.34), 50br, 50fl, 100IM; 2nd: 50fs
George (Whitecaps "B", Men 75-79): 1st: 50br, 2nd: 25fs, 50fs, 50bk 
Janine G (7:30am Earlybirds, Women 30-34): 1st: 50fs, 100fs, 50fl, 100IM
Cheri R (Whitecaps "A", Women 30-34): 1st: 50bk, 50br; 2nd 50fl, 100IM; 3rd: 50fs
Everyone had at least one first place finish!!
Great Floridian Ironman Length Triathlon
Rudy (HI am) finished in 13:24 (3rd in his age group).  Congrats Rudy -- I know you weren't pleased with the time, but you finished despite your dehydration problems!
Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  Do you know of a website that lists pools in North America?  I'm on the road a lot these days and am constantly stumped trying to find a pool that's longer that the 12m hotel pools and is hopefully not shaped like a kidney.  On The Move

Dear O. T. Move:  The best site I know of is the "Swimmers Guide On-line" -- it has info on pools around the world, but as they say, call ahead to check as information quickly gets out of date:   You can add information on pools you know about and help others, too!

Dear Coach:  When doing workouts that include moderate and hard sets, is the intention that we are to really push the hard sets to allow for some rest while maintaining the pace times?  I'm finding that some swimmers go hard on the moderates, then moderate on the hard sets, resulting in practically no rest and training in the wrong zones (essentially a long moderate set).  Frustrated At Some Times, Enjoy Resting!

Dear FASTER:  If you always swim at one speed in workout, you will tend to plateau at that speed.  To improve, you need to vary your speed.  Being able to adjust your speed and be aware of the pace that you're holding is key to improving.  Thus I do try to encourage a variety of speeds in workout.  That said, not everyone has the same goals, and we all have days where moderate is all that we can manage.  I suggest that you and your lane-mates discuss how you are each going to approach the set before you start.  Unless your lane is really crowded, leaving 10 seconds between swimmers is a good way to give each person a bit more space to allow for differences in speed on various repeats / intensities.

Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons

Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per student) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.

Private lesson times for Fall/Winter are: 4-5pm Monday, and 7:15-8pm Tuesday/Thursday.  Prices may increase slightly.

Contact Lynn for details/availability (very few times left before the end of February).

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of the Earlybird Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week's workouts (Wednesday through Monday) on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood's (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!