Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #60                              Sunday, March 16th, 2003

To: Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Those Registered for Fall/Winter 2002/2003: 6:30am Earlybirds (26 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (39 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (26 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (63 addresses), 8pm Nightcaps (29 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (6 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (28 members)

Swim Suit Order
We are still waiting for some suits to arrive from the original order.  However, I'm now taking orders for a new order.  If you're interested, let me know by Saturday, March 22nd.  (The catalog is posted on the bulletin board at the pool -- actually prices will be slightly less than the catalog prices due to club discount.)
Pool Closure
The Carleton pool will be closed for maintenance for a full month this year, due to repairs required on the diving towers.  The last workouts will be Fri Apr 4th, and the pool will reopen on Mon May 5th.  There will be no water in the pool, so there will not be any toonie workouts :-) !  However, there are lots of options for those who want to swim: public swim in any Ottawa area pool, Claudia's workouts at Brewer Park on Friday evenings, and also several local Masters / Triathlon clubs have offered to open up a few spots to Carleton Masters.  Details on all these options are in the "Pool Closure Options" section, following "Ask the Coach".
Spring/Summer Sessions
Registration for the Spring/Summer Sessions opens on Tuesday, April 1st.  You will be able to register on-line 24hrs pre day (, or by phone (520-4480) or in person at the Athletics Office (2nd floor) 8:30am-4:30pm M-F.  All sessions start on Monday, May 5th.  Spring only sessions run until the end of June.  Spring/Summer sessions run May to August.  Workouts are cancelled on Victoria Day, May 24th (Earlybird Triathlon), Canada Day, and August Civic Holiday.  Full details on all sessions can be found at
Here's a summary of the programs available:
6:30am Earlybirds: Spring only ($65+GST) or Spring/Summer ($130+GST)
7:30am Earlybirds: Spring only ($65+GST) or Spring/Summer ($130+GST)
8:30am Earlybirds: Spring only ($65+GST)
Whitecaps: Spring/Summer ($130+GST)
Nightcaps: Spring only (7:10-8pm M/Tu/Th + Saturday; $55+GST - minimum 12 participants required)
Safety Supervision: Spring only ($54), Summer only ($44 - excludes Saturday), Spring/Summer ($88 - excludes Saturday in July/August)
Note: In July/August Saturday swims are 9-10am only
Swimmer Notes
Birth:  Isabelle and Sandro (Whitecaps) are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Elena on February 12th at 18:03.  She was born much earlier than expected at 30 weeks + 4 days and weighed only 3lbs 3oz (1450g).  She is growing fast and should be home from the hospital now.  Isabelle and Sandro plan to return to swimming in the Fall.  For a photo of Elena, see
Baby Photo:  Lori M (7:30am Earlybirds) reports that Kali (born Jan 20th) is growing quickly.  Here's a photo of her at 1 week:
Engagements:  Congratulations to these newly engaged couples:
   Meredith P and Mike Davidson (both Whitecaps)
   Mary Ann O (x-Whitecaps) and Mike Allen (now in Montreal)
Volunteers Needed:  As Ottawa is hosting the Masters Provincials this year, the Ottawa clubs are being asked to help provide volunteers (timers, running errands, etc. -- no experience necessary!).  If you can help out at even one session, it will be greatly appreciated.  You'll also have a chance to see some great swimming! 
Location: Nepean Sportsplex
Session 1: Friday April 4 Warm-up: 4:30 PM Start 5:30 PM
Session 2: Saturday April 5 Warm-up: 8:00 AM Start 9:00 AM
Session 3: Saturday April 5 Warm-up: 12:15 PM Start 1:00 PM
Session 4: Sunday April 6 Warm-up: 8:00 AM Start 9:00 AM
Session 5: Sunday April 6 Warm-up: 12:15 PM Start 1:00 PM
If you can help for any of these sessions then please e-mail Dave Roza at
Broadway and Beyond:  Ursula Scott and Sean Kelly (Very Earlybirds) are selling tickets to Orpheus' big spring show: "Broadway and Beyond" on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 - 7:30 p.m. at Centrepointe Theatre.  This event is in support of the Orpheus Choral Group, of which Ursula and Sean are members.  In addition to a concert including Broadway, gospel and Celtic music by the Choral Group, there will be entertainment by other Orpheus performers.  Tickets are $15.  E-mail Ursula ( or Sean ( if you would like tickets.
Nose Clips:  A new order of noseclips has arrived.  Cost is $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Golf:  Swim Ontario is hosting a Charity Golf Tournament on May 26th at the Glen Abbey Golf Club (Toronto).  The tournament is aimed at corporations with an entry fee of $425 per player.  There is also an opportunity for corporate sponsorships.  For more information contact:
Endurance Sports put Athletes at Risk of Ill Health, Studies Find:
No real surprises here -- those who train too much without adequate rest can make themselves ill...
Winter Session Notes
In this section of the newsletter we'll report on attendance and other items of note for the Winter Session.  If you have any suggestions of things you'd like to see added (to the workouts or the newsletter), just let me know.
As the end of the term is nearing, we'll be giving swimmers the opportunity to do some time trials.  On Tuesday, March 18th or Wednesday, March 19th, swimmers will be doing 1500m (or 800m) for time.  From Thursday, March 20th to Wednesday, April 2nd, swimmers may optionally do time trials of shorter distances.  The last workout (Thursday, April 3rd or Friday, April 4th) will be a fun day (relays, waterpolo, etc.).  Talk to your coach to find out the exact schedule for your group.
Nightcaps please note that the last two workouts (Tuesday, April 1st and Thursday, April 3rd) will be done in a 35m pool, due to waterpolo games in the deep end.  Sorry for the inconvenience!
Attendance Statistics:
6:30am Very Earlybirds (8 workouts; attendance range: 14-19; average 16.9)
perfect attendance: Jen G, Mark B, Tamara
missed 1 workout: Meyer, Rudy
7:30am Earlybirds: (30 workouts [excl. Jan 31st]; attendance range: 16-34; average 25.6)
perfect attendance: Bernie, Claire G, Jeff F, Sean
missed 2 workouts: Gwen, Mike Seaby
8:30am Earlybirds: (30 workouts [excl. Jan 31st]; attendance range: 6-16; average 12.0)
perfect attendance: Alan H, Francois
missed 2 workouts: Margaret K
Whitecaps "A": no stats
Whitecaps "B": (31 workouts; attendance range: 8-24; average 16.2)
missed 5 workouts: Rod H
missed 6 workouts: George, Mariette
Nightcaps: (19 workouts [excluding Jan 2nd/30th]; attendance range: 8-15; average 12.1)
missed 1 workout: Anne-Marie, Tony P
Race Reports and Swim Meets
Masters Swimming Competitions
Here's a summary of some upcoming local and championship meets.  If you want to compete and have not yet registered with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario), ask for details on cost, etc. 
Fri Apr 4-Sun Apr 6th Provincial Championships (Nepean Sportsplex, 25m pool):
Twelve Carleton Masters have registered.  If you are not swimming and would like to watch some of the meet, why not volunteer?  See the call for volunteers near the beginning of the newsletter (Swimmer Notes section). 
Sat Apr 12th Technosport Sprint 4 (U of O, 25m pool): Warm Up: 7:30am; Meet 8-10am; Events (in order): 400fs, 100IM, 100fl, 50bk, 200fs, 50br, 50fs, 100br, 100fs, 50fl, 100bk, 4x100 free relay; followed by free breakfast; cost: $25 (unlimited events; pay at the meet); deadline: Wed Apr 2nd.
Sat May 3rd Technosport Sprint 5 (U of O, 25m pool): Warm Up: 7:30am; Meet 8-10am; Events (in order): 4x100 medley relay, 50fl, 100fs, 200IM, 100bk, 50fs, 100br, 50bk, 100fl, 50br, 200fs; followed by free breakfast; cost: $25 (unlimited events; pay at the meet); deadline: Wed Apr 2nd (due to the Carleton pool closure Apr 4th-May 4th).
Fri May 16-Mon May 19th Masters Nationals (Claude Robillard, Montreal, 25m pool): All registered MSO swimmers should have received an entry form in the mail -- please submit this form yourself.  If you are interested in doing relays, please let me know which relays you're interested in by Wed Apr 2nd.
Sat May 31st Technosport Distance 3 (U of O, 25m pool): Warm Up: 7:30am; Meet 8-10am; Events (in order): 800fs, 1500fs; followed by free breakfast; cost: $25 (unlimited events; pay at the meet); deadline: Wed May 21st.
Meet Results: (Please let me know if I've missed anyone or any events.)
Sat Mar 8th Technosport Invitational:
Four Carleton swimmers: Francois (8:30am Earlybirds), plus Rob V, Tarek and Lynn (all Whitecaps) competed.  Results next time.
Sat Mar 8th Penguinman Ski Event (25, 50, 75 or 100k):
Congratulations to all those competing in this tough (and hilly) endurance event!
John Westdal (Very Earlybirds): 100k in 6:23
Tom M (Whitecaps): 100k in 7:29
Sheila K (Whitecaps/Very Earlybirds): 75k in 4:41
Rudy (Very Earlybirds): 75k in 5:50
Alex B (7:30am Earlybirds): 75k in 7:30

Ask the Coach

Dear Coach:  Do you know of any reason why I might experience lower back pain when doing the breast stroke??  Sore Back

Dear S. Back:  It's likely that you're arching your back too much.  Your back should stay straight while you're swimming.  Try to look down at the bottom of the pool when you glide and look only slightly forward (towards your hands) when you breathe, and keep your abs tight.  Ask your coach to have a look at your breaststroke to see if other tips might help.

Dear Coach:  Was the price for the winter term set based on the shorter than normal term, or should we each get a refund?  Just Wondering

Dear J. Wondering:  The work on the towers has been planned for a year, so when prices were set, the shorter term was taken into account.  The price for the Fall and Winter terms this year was the same.  (Normally the winter term is more costly, due to its length.)

Dear Coach:  Is the whole facility closed from April 5th - May 4th (inclusive)?  Weight Room User

Dear W. R. User:  No, only the pool is closed for a full month.  The squash courts are closed April 21st - May 4th (inclusive), and the entire facility (including the weight room and showers) is closed only April 28th - May 4th (inclusive).

Dear Coach:  Does Carleton offer public swims offered statutory holidays?  Hate Missing my Swim

Dear H. M. M. Swim:  The pool is open 11:45am to 3:30pm (only) on these upcoming statutory holidays: Good Friday, Canada Day, and August Civic Holiday.  The weight room is also open 8am - 8pm (6pm on Canada Day).

Full details on building and facility hours at:

Dear Coach:  I want to swim regularly over the Carleton pool shutdown, are there other teams I can train with?  Addicted to Swimming

Dear A. T. Swimming:  There are lots of options -- see details in the next section (below).

Pool Closure Options
Public Swim
Check out the public swim times for all City of Ottawa pools at:
The U of Ottawa public swim times can be found at:
Note that U of O and Champagne are two of the coolest pools around, and thus are good for training.
Call ahead to confirm the schedules, e.g. Pinecrest is closed April 7th - 27th, the U of O schedule changes effective April 25th, many pools have cancellations over Easter weekend, etc.
Claudia's "Ravens of Carleton" Workouts
Dates/Times: Fridays, April 11th, April 25th and May 2nd 1900-2030 (7-8:30pm) (3 workouts)
Place: Brewer Pool, Brewer Park
Cost: $6 per workout
Note: Claudia is a former National Team swimming coach and is a Masters swimmer. She also as her qualifications from the Canadian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association.  If you tell her your training goals, she will design practices to meet your needs.  Register by sending a cheque for the workouts you will attend ($6/workout) payable to "Ravens of Carleton Swim Club" to Claudia Cronin-Schlote, 151 Norice Street, Nepean K2G 2Y2 by April 4th.
Masters and Triathlete Teams
Note: Each of these clubs has room for only a few swimmers.  Spaces will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis.  You must contact the team in advance to confirm your attendance and the workout schedule, as well as ask any questions you may have about the level of difficulty, number of swimmers per lane, etc, to ensure you'll be happy with your choice.  As an "ambassador" of Carleton Masters, please ensure that you follow the workout and cooperate with the host swimmers!! 
Masters Teams
Technosport (Three Options)
Place: U of Ottawa
Option #1 (intermediate/advanced; mornings/evenings):
   Dates/Times: April 7 - 26th: Mon/Wed 1900-2000 (7-8pm), Tue/Thu 0600-0715 (6-7:15am), Fri 0600-0700 (6-7am), Sat 0730-0900 (7:30-9am), no workouts April 18-21st; April 28 - May 3rd: Mon/Wed/Fri 0600-0715 (6-7:15am), Tue/Thu 1830-1930 (6:30-7:30pm), Sat 0730-0900 (7:30-9am) (21 workouts)
   Cost: $60+GST
Option #2 (intermediate/advanced; mornings only):
   Dates/Times: April 8 - 26th: Tue/Thu 0600-0715 (6-7:15am), Fri 0600-0700 (6-7am), Sat 0730-0900 (7:30-9am), no workouts April 18-19th; April 28 - May 3rd: Mon/Wed/Fri 0600-0715 (6-7:15am), Sat 0730-0900 (7:30-9am) (14 workouts)
   Cost: $55+GST
Option #3 (beginners; evenings/Saturday a.m.):
   Dates/Times: April 7 - 23rd: Mon/Wed 7-8pm, Sat 9-10am, no workouts April 19th and 21st; April 29 - May 3rd: Tue/Thu 6:30-7:30pm, Sat 9-10am (10 workouts)
   Cost: $50+GST
Contact: Duane Jones:
Note: Those choosing any of the above options may participate in Technosport's Sat Apr 19th Easter Camp for $50, instead of the usual $70, see:
Orleans Oasis Aces
Place: Ray Friel Leisure Centre, Orleans
Dates/Times: April 6 - May 4: Mon/Wed/Fri 0600-0700 (6-7am), Tue/Thu 2030-2200 (8:30-10pm), Sun 0630-0800 (6:30-8am), no workouts April 18th, 20th, maybe 21st (21-22 workouts)
Cost: $3.10 per workout (normal public swim rate)
Contact: Steve Fedor:
Note: These workouts take place during part of the pool during public swim.
Stittsville Masters (Two Options)
Place: Goulbourn Recreation Complex, Stittsville
Option #1 (mornings): 
   Dates/Times: April 8 - May 1st: Tue/Thu 0715-0830 (7:15-8:30am) (8 workouts)
   Cost: $48
Option #2 (evenings):
   Dates/Times: April 6 - May 4th: Tue 2200-2300 (10-11pm), Fri 2130-2230 (9:30-10:30pm), Sun 2030-2200 (8:30-10pm), no workout April 20th (12 workouts)
   Cost: $72
Contact: Marc Baillon:
Rideau Speedeaus
Place: U of Ottawa
Dates/Times: April 4 - 27th: Tue 1900-2030 (7-8:30pm), Fri 1830-1930 (6:30-7:30pm), Sun 1030-1200 (10:30am-noon), Sat Apr 19th 1630-1800 (4:30-6pm), no workouts Apr 18th or 20th; April 29 - May 4th: Tue 1830-1930 (6:30-7:30pm), Thu 1830-1930 (6:30-7:30pm), Sun 1030-1200 (10:30am-noon) (13 workouts)
Cost: $50 ($25 for students/seniors/unemployed) for (any) eight workouts
Contact: Lisa Hebert: 
Notes: Lynn provides workout guidelines for the coaches.  Most members are gay/lesbian, but all are welcome.
For details of all Masters clubs in the Ottawa area, see:
Triathlete Teams
Zone 3 Sports
Place: Sawmill Creek Pool (3380 D'Aoust Av.)
Dates/Times: April 8 - May 1st: Tue/Thu 0700-0800 (7-8am) (8 workouts)
Cost: $40
Contact: Rick Hellard:
Peak Centre
Place: U of Ottawa
Dates/Times: April 7 - 26th: Mon 0600-0730 (6-7:30am), Wed 0600-0730 (6-7:30am), Sat 1800-1930 (6-7:30pm), no workout Apr 21st; plus Sat May 3rd 1630-1830 (4:30-6:30pm) (9 workouts)
Cost: $75
Contact: Ken Brunet:
Note: The Saturday workout is done as an open water simulation in a 50m pool.

Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons

Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per student) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.

Private lesson times for Spring/Summer will be announced shortly.  (All the private lessons for the Winter session are now booked.)

Contact Lynn for details.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of the Earlybird Masters workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts (Wednesday through Monday) on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drink (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!
