Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #66                              Wednesday, June 18th, 2003

To:  Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Those Registered for Spring/Summer 2003, plus "Alumni":  6:30am Earlybirds (43 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (31 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (17 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (40 addresses), Nightcaps (13 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (6 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (79 members)

End of Spring / Start of Summer Session
Note that the Spring session will end on Saturday, June 28th.  The Summer session runs Monday, June 30th to Friday, August 29th.  The last 7:10pm Nightcaps workout is Thursday, June 26th (this group will resume in mid-September at 8pm Tu/Th plus Sat am).  The last 8:30am Earlybirds workout is Friday, June 27th (this group will resume in mid-September).  The 6:30am Earlybirds, 7:30am Earlybirds and 6pm Whitecaps will continue to run for the remainder of the summer.  However, note that in July/August, the only Saturday morning workout is 9-10am (8-9am is not offered).  Also, there is no child safety supervision on Saturdays in July/August.  Full details on all groups can be found at  Those who have registered for the Spring session only, but would like to continue swimming in the Summer session can contact the Athletics office 8:30am-4:30pm M-F (520-4480) for details on pro-rated prices.
Canada Day Cancellation
Note that there is no Masters workout on Canada Day, Tuesday, July 1st.  For those who want to swim that day, there will be a public swim from 11:45-3:30pm.
Mini Swim Camp June 21st-22nd
Due to a couple of last minute cancellations, we can accommodate a few more swimmers in the mini-swim camp at Carleton this Saturday, June 21st, 5-7pm and/or Sunday, June 22nd, 9-11am.  If you would like to participate, please let me know ASAP!  This camp will give you an opportunity to work on your technique in a small group.  We'll include clinics on all four competitive strokes (fly, back, breast, free), as well as other skills (e.g. starts, turns).  We'll also offer (optional) underwater videotaping on Saturday, including a classroom feedback session after the camp (7:30-8:30pm).  For Carleton Masters, costs are: $50 for both days, $30 for 1-day, plus $20 for videotaping.  For non-Carleton swimmers, costs are: $70 for both days, $40 for 1 day, plus $30 for videotaping.  Note that the swim camp is being organized by the Masters Club, not by Carleton Athletics, so contact me (not the Athletics Office) for details!
Volunteers Needed
A Kids of Steel Triathlon will be held at Uplands Base on Sunday, July 13th.  I will be swim coordinator and need 5-6 volunteers to help out with organizing heats, counting lengths, and cheering on the kids.  The time commitment will be 3 hours: 8:30-11:30am.   Please let me know if you can help! 
Fundraiser for John Baxter's PanAm Games Trip
John Baxter (7:30am Earlybirds) has qualified to swim for Canada at the 3rd PanAm Deaf Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina this September.  He needs to raise $2000.  A "Baxter Pool Party" is being held on Saturday, July 5th from 1pm until dark at 4971 9th Line Road, Carlsbad Springs.  Tickets are $25 ($20 charity tax receipt provided) and this includes food and pop (BYOB).  Bring a lawn chair, beach towel, sunglasses/sunblock, and a swimsuit.  There will be door prizes and a 50/50 draw, plus games: balloon contest, croquet, water volleyball, best swimmer, etc.  For more information, see the information posted on the bulletin board at the pool.  RSVP by July 2nd to Denise DeShaw: or (613) 231-6277.
Swimmer Notes
Birth: Congratulations to David Moore (6:30am Earlybirds) and his wife Kristen on the arrival of their first child, James, on Sunday, June 8th.  James was 7lb 11oz and 19.5" at birth.  He spent 3 days in the special care unit due to a fever, but is home now and thriving.  A picture of James (age 40min!) is at:
Baby Update: Lisa B (x-Whitecaps) was at the pool with 5 month old Ian at lunch time on Monday.  He enjoyed his swim, and Lisa hopes to get back to swimming herself once Ian's a bit older.  She says "hi" to all her team-mates.
Please Shower Before Masters:  In an attempt to improve the water quality, the Carleton pool staff is asking that all swimmers shower before swimming. 
Membership / Masters Registration Audits:  Soon Carleton Athletics staff will be checking that everyone in the Athletics building has a valid membership and that all those participating in any Carleton Athletics program are properly registered.  Your cooperation in producing your membership card, wristband or handstamp upon request, as well as in ensuring that you've registered for Masters is greatly appreciated! 
Swim Suit Order:  Last call for orders for the summer swim suit order -- it's going in this weekend for sure!
Swim Suit Sale: Coach Louise reports that Sports Experts at the Rideau Centre is having a sale on their bathing suits.  Prices are very reasonable, but selection is limited.
Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Spring Session
In this part of the newsletter I'll keep you up to date on information on the Spring session.  If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know.  We're into the time trials for the Spring session now.  They run until June 25th.  So far I have recorded sixty-three(!) 1500fs times, fourteen 800fs times, and just one each for 400fs and 100IM.  This is your chance to see how much you've improved or to set a benchmark for next time!  Time trial results will be in the next issue (most improved, fastest, etc.)  There will be a "fun day" on June 26-27th (relays, etc.), with Saturday June 28th being the last day of the Spring session. 
We take attendance during the weekday workouts (but not Saturday).  Here are the latest statistics.  There are 9 swimmers with perfect attendance!  An additional 7 swimmers have missed just one weekday workout.
6:30am Earlybirds (to June 18th; 19 workouts; attendance 20-31; average 26.1)
Perfect Attendance: Jacinthe, Jen G, Keegan, Mits, Nadja
Missed 1 Workout: John Bowen
Missed 2 Workouts: Sandy L
7:30am Earlybirds (to June 18th; 19 workouts; attendance 15-22; average 19.4)
Perfect Attendance: Julie, Keegan, Mark B
Missed 1 Workout: Bernie, Francois A, Jeffrey F
Missed 2 Workouts: Becky, Pat H, Tom S
8:30am Earlybirds (to June 18th; 19 workouts; attendance 10-19; average 14.7)
Perfect Attendance: Chia, Jo-Ann H
Missed 2 Workouts: Anita R, Francois A, Renee
Whitecaps "A" (to June 17th; 19 workouts; attendance 13-27; average 20.3)
Missed 1 Workout: Don W, John W
Missed 2 Workouts: Debbie O, Debby W
Whitecaps "B" (to June 17th; 19 workouts; attendance 7-15; average 10.3)
Missed 1 Workout: Kai
Missed 2 Workouts: Alex C
Nightcaps (to June 17th; 19 workouts; attendance 3-12; average 6.3)
Missed 5 Workouts: Keegan
Race Reports and Swim Meets
Masters Swimming Competitions
Here's a summary of upcoming local and championship meets.  If you want to compete and have not yet registered with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario), ask for details on cost, etc.   Full details on all competitions (including open water competitions) can be found at:
Sat Jul 12th Technosport 3k Meech Lake (Blanchet: 4x around the island): Warm Up: 7:30am, Start: 8am; cost: $30 (includes brunch); deadline: Wed July 2nd (open to all; MSO registration not required; those wearing wetsuits are considered exhibition).
Sat Aug 16th Technosport 4k Meech Lake (Blanchet to O'Brien): Warm Up: 7:30am, Start: 8am; cost: $30 (includes brunch); deadline: Wed Aug 6th (open to all; MSO registration not required; those wearing wetsuits are considered exhibition).
Sun Sept 7th MSO 5km Championships, St Marys Quarry (near Stratford): Warm Up: 10:30am, Start: noon; cost: $35 (includes awards and post-race meal); deadline: Sat Aug 16th (MSO registration required, wetsuits not allowed).
Meet Results: (Please let me know if I've missed anyone or any events.)
May 3rd Technosport Meet:
Men 45-49: Francois A (Earlybirds): 1st 100fs (1:07.36 - club record!), 200fs, 100br
Women 40-44: Lynn (Coach): 1st 50fs, 100fs, 50bk, 100bk, 50br, 50fl, 100IM
June 7th Technosport Distance Meet:
Francois and Lynn took part.  Results not yet available.
June 14th Brockville Dragon Boat Races:
Congratulations to Debby W (Whitecaps) who was a member of the winning team!  Her team will also take part in the Ottawa Dragon Boat Races this weekend.
June 14th Muskoka Sprint Triathlon (Huntsville; 750m/20k/5k; 403 participants):
Christian (6:30am Earlybirds): 114th overall and 14th in his age group in 1:24:54
June 15th Muskoka Long Course Triathlon (Huntsville; 2k/55k/15k; 640 participants):
Sheila (Whitecaps): 114th overall and 8th in her age group in 3:17:56
Rudy (6:30am Earlybirds): 190th overall and 2nd in his age group in 3:28:28 

Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  Can you recommend a book that will help with my swimming?  Need to Improve My Technique
Dear N.t.I.M. Books can only help your swimming so much -- feedback from a coach (e.g. the clinic and videotaping) will be more valuable.  However, one Masters swimmer recently read "Swimming Fastest" by Maglischo and said it was very good.  I'd also recommend Terry Laughlin (of Total Immersion)'s material: (general info) and (products they sell).
Dear Coach:  How do the time trials work?  How do I know if I've improved or not?  Time Trialer
Dear T. Trialer:  I have a spreadsheet with all the times that everyone has done in meets and time trials since I started coaching (May, 2001).  I enter all the new times, and thus we are able to compare.  If you want to have a look at your times, just let me know.
Dear Coach:  Why is IM order fly-back-breast-free?  Just Wondering
Dear J. Wondering:  I asked some of my older swimming friends about this, as it relates to a previous question that I wasn't able to answer (about medley relay order).  Here's some information...  Before breast and fly became separate strokes, IM was in the order back, breast and free, although some competitions had the order as breast, back and free -- this was in the day where you could stay underwater the whole length for breast.  Fly and breast became recognized as separate strokes around 1953, which is when the current order was set.  The regular IM order is set up so that you alternate short axis strokes (i.e. fly, breast) with long axis strokes (i.e. back, free), and also gets the most tiring stroke over with first.  Medley relay order has back first (as there's no dive), and then goes from slowest to fastest stroke.
Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons
Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per student) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.

Here are the private lesson times for June-August:
9:45-10:45am Monday, Friday (June only)
3:30-4:30pm Monday, Tuesday (June only)
7:15-8:15pm Monday, Tuesday (August only)
6-7pm Wednesday
7-8pm Wednesday (June, August only)
Contact Lynn for more information and availability.
Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts (Tuesday through Monday) on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!