Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #67                              Sunday, June 29th, 2003

To:  Carleton Coaches

Bcc: Those Registered for Spring/Summer 2003, plus "Alumni":  6:30am Earlybirds (44 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (32 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (17 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (41 addresses), Nightcaps (13 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (6 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (79 members)

Summer Session
The Spring session ended on Saturday, June 28th.  The Summer session runs Monday, June 30th to Friday, August 29th.  There are no Nightcaps, 8:30am Earlybirds, or 8am Saturday workouts in the Summer.  These will resume in the Fall. The 6:30am Earlybirds, 7:30am Earlybirds and 6pm Whitecaps, along with the 9am Saturday workouts will continue to run for the remainder of the summer.  Note that there is no child safety supervision on Saturdays in July/August.  Full details on all groups can be found at  Those who have registered for the Spring session only, but would like to continue swimming in the Summer session can contact the Athletics office 8:30am-4:30pm M-F (520-4480) for details on pro-rated prices.
Canada Day Cancellation
Note that there is no Masters workout on Canada Day, Tuesday, July 1st.  For those who want to swim that day, there will be a public swim from 11:45-3:30pm.  There are workouts as usual (i.e. 6:30am, 7:30am and 6pm) on Monday, June 30th.
Mini Swim Camp June 21st-22nd
Thanks to all who participated in the swim camp.  We had 21 swimmers for the clinics on Saturday, and 12 on Sunday, along with 5 Varsity swimmers who swam 2hr workouts during each session.  A big thank you to the coaches Tom Anzai, Tim Kilby, and John Waring, and to videographer Ross Cowie.
Volunteers Needed
A Kids of Steel Triathlon will be held at Uplands Base on Sunday, July 13th.  I will be swim coordinator and need 5-6 volunteers to help out with organizing heats, counting lengths, and cheering on the kids.  The time commitment will be 3 hours: 8:30-11:30am.  Thanks to those who have already volunteered.  If anyone else can help, please let me know! 
Fundraiser for John Baxter's PanAm Games Trip
John Baxter (7:30am Earlybirds) has qualified to swim for Canada at the 3rd PanAm Deaf Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina this September.  He needs to raise $2000.  A "Baxter Pool Party" is being held on Saturday, July 5th from 1pm until dark at 4971 9th Line Road, Carlsbad Springs.  Tickets are $25 ($20 charity tax receipt provided) and this includes food and pop (BYOB).  Bring a lawn chair, beach towel, sunglasses/sunblock, and a swimsuit.  There will be door prizes and a 50/50 draw, plus games: balloon contest, croquet, water volleyball, best swimmer, etc.  For more information, see the information posted on the bulletin board at the pool.  RSVP by July 2nd to Denise DeShaw: or (613) 231-6277.
Fall/Winter Session Sneak Preview
Some of you are already looking ahead to the Fall and asking what Masters programs will be available.  Full details will be available shortly, and registration will start August 1st.  Here's a sneak preview!  The Fall session will start on Monday, September 15th.  (For the first two weeks of September we will likely run a few $3 workouts if there is enough interest -- more details in a future newsletter.)
The regular Masters programs offered for Fall/Winter (i.e. mid-September to December, and January to April) are as follows: 7:30am Earlybirds, 8:30am Earlybirds, 6pm Whitecaps, and 8pm Nightcaps (back to the usual 8-9pm TuTh plus Sat am).  The 6:30am Earlybirds will resume after the Varsity Season ends and will run mid-March to April.  Child Safety Supervision will be offered at the 6pm Whitecaps workouts plus the 9am Saturday workout.
There will also be three High Intensity Masters programs offered.  These groups train with the Varsity team during the Varsity season (mid-September to February).  Swimmers must be able to repeat 100s free on 1:45 or less and 100s of other strokes on 2:00 or better.  Spaces are limited.  The High Intensity groups are: a) 6-7:30am MWF; b) 7:30-9:30am TuTh (Th is Long Course); and c) 7:15-9pm M, 6-7:40pm W, and 5-7pm Sat. 
Swimmer Notes
Obituary  Anyone who has ever attended Masters Nationals has probably met Wayde Mulhern of the Minnesota Masters, a regular at the Canadian Masters Nationals since the mid-1980s.  He had a heart attack and died in his sleep on June 21st.  He was only 44.  He was an avid Masters swimmer, coach (Masters and High School), and a friend of mine.  For those who need a face to put to the name, here's a picture of Wayde and me at the Calgary Nationals in 2001:  Wayde was an avid backstroker.  Despite being at the upper end of his 40-44 age group, he was 2nd in 200bk in 2:29 and 3rd in 100bk in 1:08 at the Montreal Nationals last month.  He called his favourite stroke "belly-up" and his Minnesota Masters team-mates are asking that we all swim a 50m "belly-up" in Wayde's memory the next time we're in the water.
Membership / Masters Registration Audits:  Audits of the Masters class lists and membership lists were done last week.  You will have been contacted if any irregularities were found in your registration. 
Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Spring Session Summary
Here's the summary of the attendance and time trials for the Spring session.
For the Spring Session, there were 9 swimmers with perfect attendance: Jacinthe, Jen G, Keegan, Mits, Nadja R (6:30am Earlybirds), Julie, Keegan, Mark B (7:30am Earlybirds), and Chia and Jo-Ann H (8:30am Earlybirds).  Keegan (Varsity) attended all of the 6:30am, all of the 7:30am and most of the 8:30am, 6pm and 7:10pm workouts, with Mark B (Varsity) attending almost as many workouts! 
A summary for each group, along with the statistics follows:
6:30am Early Birds (23 workouts; attendance range: 20-31; average: 25.7)
1. Jacinthe, Jen G, Keegan, Mits, Nadja R  perfect attendance!!
2. John Bowen                              missed 2 workouts
7:30am Early Birds (23 workouts; attendance range: 15-22; average: 19.3)
1. Julie, Keegan, Mark B                   perfect attendance!!
2. Bernie, Francois A                      missed 1 workout
3. Jeffrey F, Tom S                        missed 2 workouts
8:30am Early Birds (23 workouts; attendance range: 10-19; average: 14.8)
1. Chia, Jo-Ann H                          perfect attendance!!
2. Anita R, Francois A                     missed 2 workouts
Whitecaps "A" (23 workouts; attendance range: 13-27; average: 20.3)
1. Don W                                   missed 1 workout
2. Debby W, John W                         missed 2 workouts
Whitecaps "B" (23 workouts; attendance range: 7-15; average: 9.9)
1. Alex C                                  missed 4 workouts
2. George, Kai, Mariette                   missed 5 workouts
Nightcaps (23 workouts; attendance range: 2-12, average: 5.9)
1. Keegan                                  missed 5 workouts
2. Tony P                                  missed 7 workouts
Time Trial and Relay Summary:
The information below on most improved and fastest swimmers is taken from the time trials done in June, and includes the relay splits.  Times done in competitions are not included. 
Nineteen women and 22 men improved in at least one event (see list below).  The most improved is Mark Hinds (WCA) who improved his 1500m free by over 3:00 or 12.3sec/100m!   Alice (VEB) and Becky (EB1) are the most improved women.  They both improved their 1500s by 2:15 or 9.0sec/100m!  Others improving by over 8sec/100m are Jen G (VEB), Janine D (EB1), Steve J (VEB), Rich M (VEB), and Anders (EB1).  Congratulations!!
The International Point Scores (link to web page below) are used to determine the best swims.  There were 13 women and 17 men who scored 350 points or more in at least one event.  Scoring over 700 points was Keegan (VEB/V) with a blistering 31.8 in 50m breast.  Scoring over 600 points were Jess R (VEB), Mike R (VEB), Tarek (WCA/VC) and Lynn (WCA/VC).  And those scoring 500 points or more were: Mary Beth (VEB), Mark B (VEB/V), Serge (EB2), John Waring (WCA/VC), Robert K (EB1), Francois A (EB1), and Don W (WCA). 
The improvements in each event and the top 3 times for each event are also listed below, as are the results of the June 26-27th relays.  Thanks to all who participated!  Please let me know if you notice any errors or omissions.
VEB = 6:30am Earlybirds, EB1 = 7:30am Earlybirds, EB2 = 8:30am Earlybirds, NC = Nightcaps, WCA = Whitecaps "A", WCB = Whitecaps "B", V = Varsity Swimmer, WP = Varsity Waterpolo Player, VC = Varsity Swim Coach, WPC = Varsity Waterpolo Coach, MC = Masters Coach  (Varsity and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)
Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):
Note that only those who have swum time trials previously with Carleton Masters are eligible. 
1=. Alice           9.0/100m (VEB): 1500fs 
1=. Becky           9.0/100m (EB1): 1500fs 
3=. Janine D        8.8/100m (EB1):   25fs 
3=. Jen G           8.8/100m (VEB):  400fs 
5.  Jacinthe        7.1/100m (VEB): 1500fs 
6.  Rocio           5.9/100m (VEB):  800fs 
7.  Tamara          5.5/100m (VEB): 1500fs 
8.  Natalie A       4.9/100m (EB2): 1500fs
9.  Julia K         4.7/100m (WCA): 1500fs 
10. Marie-Odile     3.2/100m (EB1):   25bk 
11. Anita R         3.0/100m (EB2):  100fs 
12. Pat H           2.8/100m (EB1):  800fs
13. Renee           2.5/100m (EB2):  100IM 
14=.Sandy L         2.1/100m (VEB): 1500fs 
14=.Debby W         2.1/100m (WCA): 1500fs 
16. Kimby           2.0/100m (WCB):  800fs 
17. Mary D          1.1/100m (NC) : 1500fs 
18. Nadja R         0.9/100m (VEB): 1500fs 
19. Jess R          0.4/100m (VEB):   50fs 
1.  Mark Hinds     12.3/100m (WCA): 1500fs 
2.  Steve J         8.6/100m (VEB): 1500fs 
3.  Rich M          8.4/100m (VEB):   50fs 
4.  Anders          8.2/100m (EB1):   50br 
5.  Dave S          6.3/100m (VEB): 1500fs 
6.  Mike S          5.4/100m (EB1):   50fl 
X.  Mark B          3.9/100m (EB/V):1500fs
7.  Andrew K        3.8/100m (VEB): 1500fs 
8=. Francois A      3.6/100m (EB1):   50fs 
8=. Rudy            3.6/100m (VEB): 1500fs 
10. Tom S           3.3/100m (EB1): 1500fs 
11=.Bernie          2.8/100m (EB1):   50bk
11=.Ray A           2.8/100m (VEB):   50fs 
11=.Serge           2.8/100m (EB2):   50fs 
X.  Andy J          2.7/100m (VEB): 1500fs 
14=.Alan H          1.6/100m (EB2): 1500fs 
X=. Keegan          1.6/100m (EB/V):  50br 
14=.Rob B           1.6/100m (EB1):  100bk 
14=.Rob L           1.6/100m (VEB):   50bk 
17=.Meyer           1.4/100m (VEB):   50fs 
17=.Don W           1.4/100m (WCA):  800fs 
19. Bryan M         1.0/100m (VEB): 1500fs 

Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):
All those scoring 350 or more points are shown.
X.  Lynn (WCA/MC)   1500fs    19:35: 680 points!
1.  Jess R (VEB)      50fs     31.0: 624 points!
2.  Mary Beth (VEB)   50fs     33.0: 535 points 
3.  Debbie O (WCA)  1500fs    22:25: 488 points 
4.  Nadja R (VEB)   1500fs    22:44: 470 points 
5.  Sandy L (VEB)   1500fs    22:57: 459 points 
6.  Chia (EB2)        50fs     35.2: 452 points 
7.  Tamara (VEB)    1500fs    23:31: 429 points 
8.  Claudia (WCA)     50fs     36.3: 416 points 
9.  Anita R (EB2)     50fs     36.4: 413 points 
10. Debby W (WCA)   1500fs    24:30: 383 points 
11. Meghann S (WCA) 1500fs    24:53: 366 points 
12. Kim K (WCB)      800fs    12:59: 363 points 
X.  Keegan (VEB/V)    50br     31.8: 718 points!!
X.  Tarek (WCA/VC)    50fs     26.7: 653 points!
1.  Mike R (VEB)      50fs     27.6: 603 points!
X.  Mark B (VEB/V)    50fs     27.8: 593 points
2.  Serge (EB2)       50fs     28.6: 553 points
X.  John W (WCA/VC) 1500fs    19:44: 535 points
3.  Robert K (EB1)    50fs     29.3: 520 points
4.  Francois A (EB1)  50fs     29.5: 511 points
5.  Don W (WCA)      800fs    10:36: 504 points
6=. John Baxter (EB1) 50fs     31.2: 441 points
6=. Pete L (WCA)    1500fs    21:15: 441 points
X.  Tom A (EB1/MC)    50br     39.0: 434 points
8.  Dave S (VEB)      50fs     32.4: 397 points
9.  Rich M (VEB)      50fs     33.3: 367 points
10. Tom S (EB1)       50fl     35.8: 366 points
11=.Ray A (VEB)       50fs     33.6: 358 points
11=.Christian (VEB)   50fs     33.6: 358 points

(For point scores, see:, click on "IPS Calculator" and enter the information requested; note that SCM = short course meters [25m pool].)
Swimmers Who Improved in Each Event:
Minutes/seconds improved and sec/100m improvement are both listed.
         Women                          Men
25fs   1. Janine D   2.2  (8.8/100m) EB1
50fs   1. Becky      2.6  (5.2/100m) EB1  1. Rich M     4.2  (8.4/100m) VEB
       2. Tamara     1.4  (2.8/100m) VEB  2. Dave S     1.9  (3.8/100m) VEB
       3=.Jess R     0.2  (0.4/100m) VEB  3. Francois A 1.8  (3.6/100m) EB1
       3=.Nadja R    0.2  (0.4/100m) VEB  4=.Serge      1.4  (2.8/100m) EB2
                                          4=.Ray A      1.4  (2.8/100m) VEB
                                          6. Anders     0.8  (1.6/100m) EB1
                                          7. Meyer      0.7  (1.4/100m) VEB
                                          8. Andrew K   0.3  (0.6/100m) VEB
                                          9. Mike Seaby 0.1  (0.2/100m) EB1
100fs  1. Anita R    3.0  (3.0/100m) EB2  
       2. Natalie A  0.8  (0.8/100m) EB2  
400fs  1. Jen G     53.2  (8.8/100m) VEB
       2. Renee      6.5  (1.6/100m) EB2
800fs  1. Rocio       47  (5.9/100m) VEB  1. Don W       11  (1.4/100m) WCA
       2. Pat H       22  (2.8/100m) EB1
       3. Kimby       16  (2.0/100m) WCB
1500fs 1=.Becky     2:15  (9.0/100m) EB1  1. Mark Hinds3:05 (12.3/100m) WCA
       1=.Alice     2:15  (9.0/100m) VEB  2. Steve J   2:09  (8.6/100m) VEB
       3. Jacinthe  1:47  (7.1/100m) VEB  3. Dave S    1:34  (6.3/100m) VEB
       4. Tamara    1:22  (5.5/100m) VEB  X. Mark B      59  (3.9/100m) VEB/V
       5. Natalie A 1:14  (4.9/100m) EB2  4. Andrew K    57  (3.8/100m) VEB
       6. Julia K   1:10  (4.7/100m) WCA  5. Rudy        54  (3.6/100m) VEB 
       7. Sandy L     32  (2.1/100m) VEB  6. Tom S       49  (3.3/100m) EB1
       8. Debby W     31  (2.1/100m) WCA  7. Francois A  44  (2.9/100m) EB1
       9. Mary D      17  (1.1/100m) NC   X. Andy J      40  (2.7/100m) VEB/WPC
       10.Nadja R     14  (0.9/100m) VEB  8. Alan H      24  (1.6/100m) EB2
                                          9. Bryan M     15  (1.0/100m) VEB
25bk   1. Marie-Odile0.8  (3.2/100m) EB1
50bk   1. Jess R     0.1  (0.2/100m) VEB  1. Bernie     1.4  (2.8/100m) EB1
                                          2. Rob L      0.8  (1.6/100m) VEB
100bk                                     1. Rob B      1.6  (1.6/100m) EB1     
50br   1. Tamara     2.6  (5.2/100m) VEB  1. Anders     4.1  (8.2/100m) EB1
                                          2. Francois A 0.9  (1.8/100m) EB1
                                          X. Keegan     0.8  (1.6/100m) VEB/V
100br                                     1. Francois A 2.4  (2.4/100m) EB1
50fl                                      1. Mike Seaby 2.7  (5.4/100m) EB1 
                                          2. Francois A 0.1  (0.2/100m) EB1
100IM  1. Renee      2.5  (2.5/100m) EB2       
Fastest Three Times in Each Event:
The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who swam at least one time trial in that event. 
          Women                        Men
25fs      1.   17.8 Catherine V (VEB)  1=.  16.0 Iyad (VEB)    
(9/3)     2.   18.6 Janine D (EB1)     1=.  16.0 John Bowen (VEB)    
          3.   18.8 Jacinthe (VEB)     3.   20.8 Alan H (EB2)
50fs      1.   31.0 Jess R (VEB)       X.   26.3 Keegan (VEB/V)  
(14/25)   2.   33.0 Mary Beth (VEB)    X.   26.7 Tarek (WCA/VC)
          3.   34.3 Tamara (VEB)       1.   27.6 Mike R (VEB)
                                       X.   27.8 Mark B (VEB/V) 
                                       2.   28.6 Serge (EB2)
                                       3.   29.3 Robert K (EB1)
100fs     1. 1:20.8 Chia (EB2)         1. 1:50.7 Rob B (EB1)
(5/1)     2. 1:26.9 Anita R (EB2)     
          3. 1:27.3 Natalie A (EB2)     
200fs     1. 3:07.9 Julia K (WCA)      1. 2:23.7 Serge (EB2) 
400fs     1. 7:01.4 Natalie A (EB2)    1. 7:30   Alex C (WCB)
(3/1)     2. 7:01.7 Renee (EB2)        
          3. 7:21.9 Jen G (VEB)      
800fs     1. 12:59  Kim K (WCB)        1. 10:36  Don W (WCA)
(11/4)    2. 13:10  Joanie (WCA)       2. 15:00  John Bowen (VEB) 
          3. 13:11  Kimby (WCB)        3. 17:26  Mark Hynes (NC)                
1500fs    X. 19:35  Lynn (WCA/MC)      X. 18:27  Keegan (VEB/V)
(26/27)   1. 22:09  Mary Beth (VEB)    X. 19:44  John W (WCA/VC)
          1. 22:25  Debbie O (WCA)     X. 20:36  Mark B (VEB/V)
          X. 22:44  Nadja R (VEB)      1. 20:53  Francois A (EB1)
                                       2. 21:15  Pete L (WCA)
                                       3. 22:56  Tom S (EB1)
25bk      1.   22.3 Marie-Odile (EB1)  1.   23.6 Iyad (VEB)
(3/3)     2.   23.1 Janine D (EB1)     2.   24.6 Charles M (EB1)
          3.   26.5 Natalie K (VEB)    3.   26.5 Alan H (EB2)
50bk      1.   36.4 Jess (VEB)         X.   31.5 Tarek (WCA/VC)
(6/4)     2.   39.3 Mary Beth (VEB)    X.   35.4 Keegan (VEB/V)
          3.   51.0 Julie (EB1)        1.   42.2 Bernie (VEB)
                                       2.   44.4 Rob L (VEB)     
100bk                                  1. 1:55.3 Rob B (EB1) 
25br      1.   22.7 Isla (EB1)
(4/0)     2.   24.0 Anushka (VEB)
          3.   24.8 Catherine V (VEB)
50br      1.   51.0 Tamara (VEB)       X.   31.8 Keegan (VEB/V)
(3/7)     2.   53.9 Renee (EB2)        1.   37.8 Francois A (EB1)
          3.   55.9 Heather A (VEB)    X.   39.0 Tom A (EB1/MC)
                                       2.   42.2 Christian (VEB)
                                       3.   42.7 Rich M (VEB)
100br                                  X. 1:10.9 Keegan (VEB/V) 
(0/2)                                  1. 1:21.7 Francois A (EB1)
200br                                  X. 2:36.7 Keegan (VEB/V) 
25fl      1.   18.7 Nadia S (VEB)       
(2/0)     2.   22.8 Jacinthe (VEB)                                           
50fl      1.   50.7 Renee (EB2)        X.   30.4 Mark B (VEB/V) 
(1/7)                                  1.   30.8 Mike R (VEB)
                                       2.   33.5 Francois A (EB1)
                                       3.   34.8 Robert K (EB1) 
100fl                                  X. 1:12.5 Mark B (VEB/V)  
200fl                                  X. 2:44.0 Mark B (VEB/V)  
100IM     1. 1:44.7 Renee (EB2)       
Fun Relays (June 26-27th, 2003)
As always, if your team didn't place as well as you hoped, it was my fault for putting together unfair teams :-) !!  
4 x 50 Freestyle Relay
6:30am Very Earlybirds (VEB):
1. 2:13.1: Team 6: Dave S, Christian, Meyer, Jess
2. 2:13.5: Team 3: Iyad, Natalie K, Ray A, Tamara, Mark B
3. 2:16.2: Team 2: Nadja R, Andrew K, Anushka, Catherine V, Keegan
4. 2:24.6: Team 5: Rob L, Nadia S, Rich, John Bowen, Jacinthe
5. 2:26.6: Team 4: Mary Beth, Heather, Pat B, Mike R
7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
1. 2:20.0: Team 3: Anders, Bernie, John Baxter, Mark B
2. 2:23.2: Team 2: Jim L, Becky, Mike S, Keegan
3. 2:28.3: Team 4: Jeff F, Julie, Tamsin, Francois
4. 2:29.9: Team 5: Nadia S, Marie-Odile, Charles, Tom A, Tom S
8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):
1. 2:30.4: Team 3: Renee, Chia, Serge, Janine D, Alan H
2. 2:34.0: Team 4: Jo-Ann H, Isla, Nadia S, Anita R, Robert K
3. 2:36.9: Team 2: Margaret K, Francois, Keegan, Mark B
7:10pm Nightcaps (NC):
1. 1:59.3: Mark B, Keegan, Claudia, Tarek
X. 1:59.3: NC: Mark B, Keegan, Claudia, Tarek (All Coaches/Varsity)
1. 2:13.1: 6:30am Team 6: Dave S, Christian, Meyer, Jess
2. 2:13.5: 6:30am Team 3: Iyad, Natalie K, Ray A, Tamara, Mark B
3. 2:16.2: 6:30am Team 2: Nadja R, Andrew K, Anushka, Catherine V, Keegan
4. 2:20.0: 7:30am Team 3: Anders, Bernie, John Baxter, Mark B
5. 2:23.2: 7:30am Team 2: Jim L, Becky, Mike S, Keegan
6. 2:24.6: 6:30am Team 5: Rob L, Nadia S, Rich, John Bowen, Jacinthe
7. 2:26.6: 6:30am Team 4: Mary Beth, Heather, Pat B, Mike R
8. 2:28.3: 7:30am Team 4: Jeff F, Julie, Tamsin, Francois
9. 2:29.9: 7:30am Team 5: Nadia S, Marie-Odile, Charles, Tom A, Tom S
10.2:30.4: 8:30am Team 3: Renee, Chia, Serge, Janine D, Alan H
11.2:34.0: 8:30am Team 4: Jo-Ann H, Isla, Nadia S, Anita R, Robert K
12.2:36.9: 8:30am Team 2: Margaret K, Francois, Keegan, Mark B
4 x 50 Medley Relay
6:30am Very Earlybirds (VEB):
1. 2:38.2: Team 3: Iyad, Natalie K, Tamara, Mark B, Ray A
2. 2:44.2: Team 5: Rob L, Rich, Nadia S, Jacinthe, John Bowen
3. 2:44.6: Team 4: Mary Beth, Heather A, Mike R, Pat B
4. 2:46.9: Team 2: Nadja R, Anushka, Catherine V, Andrew K, Keegan
5. 2:51.3: Team 6: Jess, Christian, Meyer, Dave S
7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
1. 2:36.8: Team 3: Bernie, Anders, Mark B, John Baxter
2. 2:45.3: Team 5: Marie-Odile, Charles M, Tom A, Tom S, Nadia S
3. 2:49.0: Team 2: Becky, Keegan, Mike S, Jim L
4. 2:49.5: Team 4: Julie, Jeff F, Francois, Tamsin
8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):
1. 2:50.2: Team 3: Janine D, Alan H, Renee, Serge, Chia
2. 2:58.6: Team 2: Keegan, Francois, Mark B, Margaret K
3. 3:02.8: Team 4: Nadia S, Isla, Jo-Ann H, Robert K, Anita R
7:10pm Nightcaps (NC):
1. 2:14.1: Tarek, Keegan, Mark B, Claudia
X. 2:14.1: NC: Tarek, Keegan, Mark B, Claudia (All Coaches/Varsity)
1. 2:36.8: EB1 Team 3: Bernie, Anders, Mark B, John Baxter
2. 2:38.2: VEB Team 3: Iyad, Natalie K, Tamara, Mark B, Ray A
3. 2:44.2: VEB Team 5: Rob L, Rich, Nadia S, Jacinthe, John Bowen
4. 2:44.6: VEB Team 4: Mary Beth, Heather A, Mike R, Pat B
5. 2:45.3: EB1 Team 5: Marie-Odile, Charles M, Tom A, Tom S, Nadia S
6. 2:46.9: VEB Team 2: Nadja R, Anushka, Catherine V, Andrew K, Keegan
7. 2:49.0: EB1 Team 2: Becky, Keegan, Mike S, Jim L
8. 2:49.5: EB1 Team 4: Julie, Jeff F, Francois, Tamsin
9. 2:50.2: EB2 Team 3: Janine D, Alan H, Renee, Serge, Chia
10.2:51.3: VEB Team 6: Jess, Christian, Meyer, Dave S
11.2:58.6: EB2 Team 2: Keegan, Francois, Mark B, Margaret K
12.3:02.8: EB2 Team 4: Nadia S, Isla, Jo-Ann H, Robert K, Anita R
Race Reports and Swim Meets
Masters Swimming Competitions
Here's a summary of upcoming local and championship meets.  If you want to compete and have not yet registered with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario), ask for details on cost, etc.   Full details on all competitions (including open water competitions) can be found at:
Sat Jul 12th Technosport 3k Meech Lake (Blanchet: 4x around the island): Warm Up: 7:30am, Start: 8am; cost: $30 (includes brunch); deadline: Wed July 2nd (open to all; MSO registration not required; those wearing wetsuits are considered exhibition).
Sat Aug 16th Technosport 4k Meech Lake (Blanchet to O'Brien): Warm Up: 7:30am, Start: 8am; cost: $30 (includes brunch); deadline: Wed Aug 6th (open to all; MSO registration not required; those wearing wetsuits are considered exhibition).
Sun Sept 7th MSO 5km Championships, St Marys Quarry (near Stratford): Warm Up: 10:30am, Start: noon; cost: $35 (includes awards and post-race meal); deadline: Sat Aug 16th (MSO registration required, wetsuits not allowed).
Meet Results: (Please let me know if I've missed anyone or any events.)
Sat June 7th Technosport Distance Meet:
Francois (Earlybirds) and Lynn (Coach) took part.  Results still not available.
Sat June 21-Sun June 22nd Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival
Debby W (Whitecaps "A") was on the team (Gibson & MacLaren / Party World Bytown Paddlers) that came 2nd overall.  Congratulations Debby!
Sat June 21-Sun June 22nd Chico Racing Annual Summer Solstice 24 hour Mountain Bike Race
Iyad (6:30am Earlybirds) competed in the solo category (his first 24hr race).  He did very well and finished 14th (out of 34) and cycling nearly 300km on a hilly and technical course.  Mike D (7:30am Earlybirds) was on a 5 person team that spent more time in the beer tent than on the course and had a lot of fun, finishing 76th in their 150-199 (age total) category.
Sun June 22nd Smiths Falls Triathlon (500m swim / 20k bike / 5k run; 304 competitors)
Sheila (Whitecaps "A") was 17th overall and 1st woman in 1:00:42
John Bowen (6:30am Earlybirds) was 48th overall, 43rd man and 12th in the 30-34 age group in 1:07:46
Natalie G (6:30am Earlybirds) was 141st overall, 41st woman and 12th in the 30-34 age group in 1:15:19
Ellen L (Whitecaps "A") was 148th overall, 43rd woman and 4th in the 20-24 age group in 1:15:48
Lisa O (Winter 8:30am Earlybirds) was 190th overall, 62nd woman and 5th in the 20-24 age group in 1:19:35
Alex B (Winter 7:30am Earlybirds) was 212th overall, 142nd man and 16th in the 45-49 age group in 1:22:29
Renee (8:30am Earlybirds) was 230th overall, 78th woman and 4th in the 45-49 age group in 1:25:08

Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  I've noticed that some of the faster swimmers do a dolphin (fly) kick or two after they push off the wall in freestyle.  Is that legal and is it faster than flutter (freestyle) kick?  I Want Faster Turns
Dear I.W.F. Turns:  Yes, it is legal, and, for most people, it is faster to do dolphin kick rather than flutter after each turn.  You'll likely also find it more tiring!  Ask your coach to help you with this if you're interested.
Dear Coach:  I do a partial catch-up when I swim freestyle.  Is that ok, or should I try to avoid that?  Swim Clinic Attendee
Dear S.C. Attendee:  A partial catch-up is a good thing!  That means that you're spending more time with an arm above your head in the most efficient and streamlined position of the stroke cycle.  This is what all the Australians do and it's called "front quadrant" swimming as you always have one hand in the water in front of your shoulders.
Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons
Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively). 

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per student) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.

Here are the private lesson times for July-August:
7:15-8:15pm Monday, Tuesday (August only)
6-7pm Wednesday
7-8pm Wednesday (June, August only)
Contact Lynn for more information and availability.
Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts (Tuesday through Monday) on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

See you at the pool!