Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #70                              Sunday, August 10th, 2003

To:  Carleton Coaches (13 addresses)

Bcc: Those Registered for Spring/Summer 2003, plus "Alumni":  6:30am Earlybirds (47 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (38 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (18 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (45 addresses), Nightcaps (13 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (6 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (76 members)

Fall/Winter Session
The preview of the Fall/Winter Sessions is included near the end of the newsletter (prices are now included).  Registration for Fall programs opened on August 5th.  (Don't forget that you many also need to renew your membership.)  Note that some groups tend to fill up in the Fall Term, especially the 7:30am Earlybirds, Nightcaps, and High Intensity.  Register early to avoid disappointment!  You can register at the Athletics Office in person (2nd floor) or by phone (520-4480) from 8:30am-4:30pm M-F.  For programs only (not memberships), you can register on-line at:
(or follow the links from
$3 Workouts September 2nd-13th
As the Summer session ends Friday, August 29th and the Fall session doesn't start until Monday, September 15th, we are planning to offer some interim workouts at a $3 cost per person per workout.  You must be registered for one of the Fall programs (Masters or High Intensity) to participate in these workouts.  The tentative schedule follows.  Please e-mail me by August 20th indicating which of these workouts you expect to attend.  We will proceed the workouts for which there is enough interest to cover costs (pool staff and a coach).  Coaching schedule will be announced once the workouts are confirmed.  Note that there will be no workouts on Labour Day Weekend (August 30th-September 1st), but the pool will be open for public swimming (check the schedule for details).
Tentative Interim $3 Workout Schedule:
Tue Sept 2nd 6-7:10pm (half pool, no safety supervision)
Wed Sept 3rd 7:30-8:30am (deep end)
Thu Sept 4th  6-7:10pm (half pool, no safety supervision)
Fri Sept 5th 7:30-8:30am (deep end)
Sat Sept 6th 9-10am (half pool, no safety supervision)
Mon Sept 8th 7:30-8:30am (deep end)
Mon Sept 8th 6-7:10pm (half pool, no safety supervision)
Tue Sept 9th 6-7:10pm (half pool, no safety supervision)
Wed Sept 10th 7:30-8:30am (deep end)
Thu Sept 11th 6-7:10pm (half pool, no safety supervision)
Fri Sept 12th 7:30-8:30am (deep end)
Sat Sept 13th 9-10am (half pool, no safety supervision)
John Baxter's Fundraising
Several people have asked how John Baxter (7:30am Earlybirds)'s fundraising is going for his trip to Buenos Aires this September to compete in the Deaf Pan-Am Games.  The July BBQ raised $530.  John still needs to raise an additional $1000.  If anyone is interested in contributing to this great cause, details can be found at:  A tax receipt will be issued.
Swimmer Notes
Suit Order:  A Masters swim suit order will be organized in the October time-frame.  Ask Lynn for details.
Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Pool Rule:  Just a reminder that absolutely no diving is permitted in the shallow end of the pool!  Thanks for your cooperation.
Summer Session Information
The August time trials are quickly approaching!  The 800/1500 time trial will be on August 12/13th.  Shorter distance time trials can be done between August 14th and 27th.  The last Summer workout (August 28/29th) will end with some relays or other fun activities (e.g. bubbler).  Ask your coach for details.
Here's a summary of the weekday attendance so far for the Summer session.  Due to summer holidays, the number of swimmers with good attendance is rapidly dwindling!  Congrats to the 2 remaining swimmers with perfect attendance so far: George and Keegan

6:30am Earlybirds (to August 8th [17 workouts]; range 15-21; average: 18.1)
Perfect Attendance: Keegan
Missed 1 Workout: Margaret K, Mark B
Missed 2 Workouts: Andrew K, Jen G, Nadja R

7:30am Earlybirds (to August 8th [17 workouts]; range 18-26; average: 21.8)
Perfect Attendance: no one
Missed 1 Workout: Keegan
Missed 2 Workouts: Jeffrey F, Jim L, Mark B, Sean

Whitecaps "A" (to August 7th [16 workouts]; range 19-30; average 23.3)
Perfect Attendance: no one
Missed 1 Workout: Ben D, Debby W, John W
Missed 2 Workouts: Keegan, Mark B

Whitecaps "B" (to August 7th, excludes July 10th [15 workouts]; range 6-15; average 9.5)
Perfect Attendance: George
Missed 3 Workout : Binny, Mariette

Race Reports and Swim Meets
Masters Swimming Competitions
Here's a summary of upcoming local and championship meets.  If you want to compete and have not yet registered with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario), ask for details on cost, etc.   Full details on all competitions, including a tentative schedule for the 2003-2004 season can be found at:
Sat Aug 16th Technosport 4k Meech Lake (Blanchet to O'Brien): Warm Up: 7:30am, Start: 8am; cost: $30 (includes brunch); deadline: Wed Aug 6th (open to all; MSO registration not required; those wearing wetsuits are considered exhibition).  Details at
Sun Sept 7th MSO 5km Championships, St Marys Quarry (near Stratford): Warm Up: 10:30am, Start: noon; cost: $35 (includes awards and post-race meal); deadline: Sat Aug 16th (MSO registration required, wetsuits not allowed).
Race Results: (Please let me know if I've missed anyone or any events.)
Sat July 12th and Sun July 13th Raid Trans-Gaspesian Mountain Bike Race
(100km Saturday and 90k Sunday; 89 competitors)
Mike D (7:30am Earlybirds): 42nd in 11:30:49
Sun July 27th Ironman USA (Lake Placid) (3.8k/180k/42k; 1835 competitors):
Alan R (x-8:30am Earlybirds): 196th overall and 51st in men's 30-34 in 11:05:04
Iyad (Spring 6:30am Earlybirds): 946th overall and 222nd in men's 30-34 in 13:11:37
Alex B (x-7:30am Earlybirds): 1579th overall and 131st in men's 45-49 in 15:50:53

Sun August 3rd K-Town Triathlon (Kingston)
K-Town Long Course (2k/56.5k/15k; 183 competitors):
Sheila (Whitecaps): 9th overall and 1st woman overall in 3:08:07
Rudy (Spring 6:30am Earlybirds): 36th overall and 1st in men's 55-59 age group in 3:26:40
Corry (7:30am Earlybirds) and Andy J (Whitecaps): tied for 57th overall and 7th in men's 30-34 in 3:35:58
Andy J was also 2nd overall in the Clydesdale division!
K-Town Sprint (750m/30k/7.2k; 269 competitors):
Christian (Spring 6:30am Earlybirds): 22nd overall and 4th in men's 25-29 in 1:41:32
Ellen L (Whitecaps): 94th overall and 3rd in women's 20-24 in 1:52:47
Sun August 3rd Triathlon Olivex (Aylmer) (1.5k/38.5k/10k; 29 competitors):
Tom M (x-Whitecaps): 3rd overall and 1st in men's 40-49 in 2:08:06

Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  Relative to my lane-mates, my freestyle is much faster than my other strokes.  Am I allowed to change lanes depending on the theme of the day?  A Freestyler
Dear A. Freestyler:  It's no problem for you to change lanes depending on the theme of the day or for any other reason (e.g. feeling great and wanting a challenge, recovering from injury, etc.) space permitting.  If the pool is busy, just let your coach know at the beginning of workout which lane you'd prefer to swim in for the main set so that swimmers can be rearranged during warm up, if possible.  Of course, you should also be working extra hard on your other strokes to attempt to bring them to the same level as your freestyle!
Dear Coach:  I find it easier to do fly if I only come up for air after every second stroke. In terms of technique, is this discouraged?  A Flyer
Dear A. Flyer:  Just like in freestyle, the breathing pattern is a personal choice.  While some of the elite flyers do breathe every stroke, most of us are less efficient (i.e. not as streamlined) on the strokes where we breathe compared to those where we don't, so breathing every second stroke (if your lungs can handle it) will usually make your stroke smoother. 
Dear Coach:  I've noticed I am painfully slow at kicking and I'd like to improve!  I was watching the Swimming World Championships in Barcelona on TV and I noticed knee bending.  How much of the kick for freestyle is from the knee?  I know it's drive with the hip, but I can't quite get it together...  And are the feet always in the same position or do they flap or move in the stroke?  Want to Kick Faster
Dear W.t.K. Faster:  The key to kicking fast is ankle flexibility.  Sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you and try to touch your toes to the floor (this is so that your feet won't cause drag when you swim) -- notice how much easier it is if you point your toes and turn them in towards each other (pigeon toed).  If your toes are still not close to the ground, you need to work on your ankle flexibility!  When you are kicking, your toes should be pointed and turned in, just like you had them here.  The force comes from the hips, the legs are fairly relaxed so the knees do bend a little and the feet also "flap" a little. (But note that the knees never move up towards the hips -- i.e. the movement is not like pedaling a bicycle or climbing stairs.)  Ask your coach for a demo if this isn't clear!
Dear Coach:  Will there be another swim clinic soon?  Want to Improve my Technique
Dear W.t.I.m. Technique:  We won't run another clinic until next Spring due to the busy schedules of our coaches and the pool during Fall/Winter.  Note that we will devote more time to technique during the first month of the Fall session.  Also, remember that you are more than welcome to ask your coach for feedback during workout.
Fall/Winter Session Preview
The Fall session will start on Monday, September 15th.  (For workouts during the first two weeks of September see details on tentative interim $3 workouts above.)  Full details on Fall/Winter session dates including cancellations can be found on the web site at:
The regular Masters programs offered for Fall/Winter (i.e. mid-September to December, and January to April) are as follows: 7:30am Earlybirds, 8:30am Earlybirds, 6pm Whitecaps, and 8pm Nightcaps (back to the usual 8-9pm TuTh plus Sat am).  The 6:30am Earlybirds will resume after the Varsity Season ends and will run mid-March to April.  Cost for the Fall term for each program is $126+GST, except for Nightcaps which is $90+GST.  Child Safety Supervision will be offered at the 6pm Whitecaps workouts plus the 9am Saturday workout.  Cost for Safety Supervision for the Fall term is $84.
There will also be three High Intensity Masters programs offered.  These groups train with the Varsity team during the Varsity season (mid-September to February).  Swimmers must be able to repeat 100s free on 1:45 or less and 100s of other strokes on 2:00 or better.  Spaces are limited.  The High Intensity groups are: a) 6-7:30am MWF; b) 7:30-9:30am TuTh (Th is Long Course); and c) 7:15-9pm M, 6-7:40pm W, and 5-7pm Sat.  Cost for each program (Sept 15th to March 2nd) is $200+GST.
For the Fall/Winter session, the Whitecaps coaches will be Blake ("A" Group) and Mits ("B" Group).  Louise will coach the Nightcaps and Lynn will coach the Earlybirds.  Saturday mornings will be on a rotation among regular and substitute coaches.  For High Intensity, John will coach the evening workouts and Lynn will coach the mornings.
Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons
Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, $112 for 4 and $132 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($50, $85, $115, $142 and $162, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).  Prices will increase approximately 5% in September.

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $21 for 1 hour, $39 for 2, $54 for 3, $67.20 for 4, and $79.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per person) $30 for 1 hour, $51 for 2, $69 for 3, $85.20 for 4, and $97.20 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Prices will increase approximately 5% in September.

There is just one private lesson slot available in August: 6-7pm Wednesday, August 27th.  Fall/Winter times will be 4-5pm Monday and 7:15-8pm Tuesday/Thursday, starting September 15th.  Contact Lynn for more information and availability.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts (Tuesday through Monday) on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s (Earlybirds/Whitecaps) website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!