To: Carleton Coaches
Bcc: Early Birds (42 addresses); Whitecaps (36 addresses)
Important Reminder
There is no workout (morning or evening) on Monday, July 2nd (Canada Day holiday). 
There are lots of triathlon race results to report this week!  If I missed anyone or any races, please let me know.
Smiths Falls Triathlon, Saturday, June 23rd (500m swim, 20k bike, 5k run): 268 competitors
Matt Takach (Varsity): 27th overall and 4th in men's 20-24 age group: 59:25
Mike Davidson (Whitecaps): 118th overall and 15th in men's 25-29 age group (breaking 2:00 per 100m in the swim!): 1:09:22
And some Carleton "Alumni":
Trevor Macmillan (who trained with Varsity last year): 7th overall and 3rd in men's 25-29: 55:24
Marty Raymond (x-Whitecaps): 8th overall and 1st in men's 35-39: 55:40
James Young (Carleton Rec Swim and x-Whitecaps): 12th overall and 3rd in men's 35-39: 56:26
Ellen Pazdzior (Carleton Rec Swim and x-Whitecaps): 65th overall and 1st in women's 40-44: 1:04:04
Mont Habitant Triathlon, Sunday June 24th (700m swim, 30k bike, 8k run): 156 competitors
Tom McGee (Whitecaps): 10th overall and 3rd in men's 40-44 age group: 1:28:12
(Marc Pelletier who swims at Carleton in Rec Swim, was 3rd overall and 1st in men's 40-44: 1:24:15)
Guelph Olympic Distance Triathlon, Sunday June 24th (1500m swim, 40k bike, 10k run)
Rudy Hollywood (Whitecaps): 64th overall and first in men's 55-59 age group: 2:24:10
(Liz Lount, Toronto, who swam with Whitecaps on Thursdays last year, was the top woman in the Clydesdale category in the Sprint triathlon held the same weekend: 1:18.34.)
National Capital Triathlon, Ottawa, Saturday, June 30th (750m swim, 20k bike, 5k run): 116 competitors
Stephanie Johnson (Early Birds): 70th overall and 4th in women's 20-24: 1:25:17 (I think this was Stephanie's first triathlon -- great job!!)
Renee Robert (Early Birds): 79th overall and 1st in women's 45-49: 1:28:11
Carleton "Alumni":
James Young (Carleton Rec Swim and x-Whitecaps): 3rd overall and 1st in men's 35-39: 1:06:07
Vayzel Lee (Carleton Rec Swim): 8th overall and 2nd in men's 40-44: 1:09:10
Ellen Pazdzior (Carleton Rec Swim and x-Whitecaps): 20th overall and 1st in women's 40-44: 1:13:31
Andy Robert (Renee's husband): 98th overall and 4th in men's 50-54: 1:32:32
In case anyone has been avoiding Saturday morning workouts due to the large number of people who attended during the winter, keep in mind that Saturday mornings are normally lightly attended over the summer. 
Please remember that for the rest of the summer, the Early Birds (MWF morning group) will run from 7:30-8:30am ONLY.  The 8:30-9:30am group will recommence in mid-September.
If you are interested in private lessons (stroke technique, etc.), please see me.
General Information
Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:
Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (
Some swimmers have asked if they can get copies of the workouts ahead of time.  I will send those in a separate e-mail once a week to those who are interested.  Please let me know if you'd like to be included.
Early Birds (Morning Group) Summer Session Notes
We'll be doing the "start of summer session" time trials during the week of July 9th.  Please decide what event(s) you'd like to swim.
Skills Clinics
Early Birds:
If there is any skill (stroke, starts, turns, etc.) that you'd like to work on during workout, just let me know and we will use the diving well during the last 15min of workout (8:15-8:30am).
On Thursdays when the "A" group is in the deep end (next one is July 5th), we have the space to do stroke and turn/starts clinics in the diving well for the last 20min of workout (6:50-7:10pm).  Please let me know if there's a particular skill you'd like to work on.
Swimming Etiquette
Rule #6:  Leave a 5 (or 10) second gap between swimmers.
If two swimmers are swimming one behind the other and less than 5 seconds apart, the front person will be doing most of the work (as in cycling), thus etiquette dictates that a 5 second gap is left between swimmers when starting each repeat.  If you are catching up to the person in front and finishing less than 5 seconds behind him/her, it's polite to offer to go ahead.  If there are only a few people in the lane, a 10 second gap is even better.  In rec swim, it's polite to start at least 5 seconds ahead or behind someone who is already swimming. 
Ask the Coach
Prescription Goggles
Evelyn (Whitecaps) reports that Elgin Sports (Albert & Bank) carries Speedo prescription goggles (in half dioptres) for around $30.  Evelyn finds that these goggles leak, and they don't seal properly for me, either.  However, they must fit some people!
Dear Coach:  Where's a good place (in town) to buy (non-prescription) swimming goggles?  Need Goggles
Dear N. Goggles: I'm hoping that some of our readers can help answer this one, as I have not purchased goggles in town recently!
Pace Clock Math Quiz Answers
Here are the answers to the quiz, assuming that you started each set on the top (:60).
1. You are doing a set of 10 repeats on 1:20.  When will you start the last repeat (#10)?
Answer: On the top (:60).
2. You are doing a set of repeats on :55.  How many repeats will you have completed the first time you start on the bottom?
Answer: Six.
3. You are doing sets of three repeats where the first of each 3 is on 1:50, the second on 1:45 and the third on 1:40.  (There is no extra rest between each set of three.)  How many sets (of 3) will you have completed, the first time that you start a set (of 3) on the quarter to?
Answer: Three.
4. You are doing a series of repeats to failure, where the first one is on 1:00, the second one on :55, the third one on :50, etc. (always subtracting :05 seconds), until you miss the pace time (i.e. you couldn't swim that fast and arrived after you were supposed to leave).  If the last repeat you successfully completed was on :35, what was your goal arrival time (on the clock in seconds) for the one you missed (i.e. when should you have completed the one on :30 if you had done the time exactly)?
Answer: On the :15 (quarter after).
See you at the pool!