Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #89                                 Tuesday, April 27th, 2004

To:  Carleton Coaches (12 addresses)

Bcc: Those Registered for Winter 2004 plus "Alumni":  6:30am Earlybirds (30 Members), 7:30am Earlybirds (35 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (16 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (85 addresses), Nightcaps (42 addresses), Varsity registered with Masters (5 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (41 members).

Annual Maintenance: Pool Shutdown
The Carleton pool is closed until 6:30am Mon May 10th for annual maintenance.  The Spring session for all Masters groups starts on Mon May 10th.  For those who use the facilities even when the pool is closed, note that there will be no hot water on Wed Apr 28th, and that the Fitness Centre be closed starting Fri Apr 30th and reopen Mon May 10th.
Registration Reminder!!
Your cooperation in ensuring that your membership is up to date and registering for the Spring session before it starts is greatly appreciated!  This allows the coaches to have up to date class lists for the first day.  Even though the pool is closed, the office is open usual hours (8:30am-4:30pm M-F).  Details on the Spring/Summer sessions and registration are below.
Places to Swim During Pool Closure
Several swimmers have asked for suggestions of places to swim while the Carleton pool is closed.  As the shutdown is only a little over two weeks this year, I'd recommend attending public swim at another pool during this time.  The two best pools (in my opinion!) for swimming lengths are the Champagne Pool (just north of Rideau on King Edward) and the Ottawa U pool.  Both have space dedicated to adult only, lengths only swimming, and are a reasonable (i.e. cool) temperature.  The Champagne pool is quite small (4 lanes, 25yds), while the Ottawa U pool is bigger (8 lanes, 2 x 25m).  The Champagne pool schedule is available here:
The Ottawa U schedule (up to the end of April) is:
The Ottawa U schedule will change in May, so phone ahead if the web link isn't updated then.
You can check out the complete City of Ottawa Pools schedule at:
and if there is anyone who wants to arrange to swim with another Masters team during the shutdown, here's information on all the Ottawa Masters teams:
Marilyn and Jack Visit Ottawa
Marilyn (x-Coach Whitecaps "B" & Earlybirds) and her husband, Jack, are visiting Ottawa.  All those who are interested are invited to attend dinner at La Favorita (180 Preston) at 6:30pm on Wed Apr 28th.  If you would like to attend and haven't already RSVP'd, please let me know via e-mail immediately!
Masters Swim Mini Swim Camp / Clinic June 19-20th
We are planning to host a mini-swim camp at Carleton on Saturday, June 19th, 5-7pm and Sunday, June 20th, 9-11am.  This camp will give you an opportunity to work on your technique in a small group.  We'll include clinics on all four competitive strokes (fly, back, breast, free), as well as other skills (e.g. starts, turns).  We'll also offer (optional) underwater videotaping, including a classroom feedback session after the camp.  For Carleton Masters, costs are: $50 for both days, $30 for 1-day, plus $20 for videotaping.  For non-Carleton swimmers, costs are: $70 for both days, $40 for 1 day, plus $30 for videotaping.  If you are interested, please reply indicating whether you'll attend one day or both, if you want to be videotaped, and on which day, and what stroke(s)/skills you'd like to work on.  Note that we will only go ahead with the clinic only if there are sufficient numbers to pay the pool rental and coaches.  (So far only a few swimmers have expressed interest!)

Spring/Summer Masters Groups
The Spring/Summer Program guide is out.  Information on the Spring/Summer programs can also be found on the web site (  Registration is in progress for Spring/Summer programs (which start on May 10th).  Athletics memberships can be purchased through the Athletics office in person (2nd floor) or via phone (520-4480) 8:30am-4:30pm M-F.  You can register for all programs in person/phone as per the hours above or on-line 24 hours a day at:  For pro-rated prices (if you are joining part way through the term) contact the office for details.  The on-line system is showing safety supervision as full.  Let me know if you wanted to register for this and didn't get in in time, as it may be possible to increase the class size.
Note that you should always check in at the Tuck Shop and get a hand stamp or wristband.  This is to ensure that only members are accessing the facilities and will help keep your fees down.  If you are asked to leave your card at the Tuck Shop, please do so.  Your cooperation is appreciated!
Swimmer Notes

Hi from Vancouver:  Dorothy G (x-8:30am Earlybirds) recently contacted Gwen and Margaret and says hello to her Ottawa swimming friends.
Old Underwater Lights:  We have confirmed that there is absolutely no risk from the old underwater lights in the shallow end.  The electricity was disconnected years ago and water from the old fixtures won't seep into the pool due to the difference in pressure. 
Broadway and Beyond Act II: Ursula Scott (Very Earlybirds) is performing with the Orpheus Choral Group in "Broadway and Beyond, Act II" on Wed, May 26, 2004 - 7:30 p.m. at Centrepointe Theatre. Tickets are $18 and can be purchased from the Centrepointe Theatre Box office or by phone at 580-2700.
Found:  Silver "C"-shaped bracelet.  I found this bracelet in my swim bag (it may have been there for a while!).  Perhaps someone gave it to me to look after during workout and I completely forgot about it?  Let me know if it's yours. 

Suit for Sale:  Women's size 6/32, 100% polyester Speedo suit (thin shoulder straps, black with blue trim).  Price reduced to $30.  Contact Lynn for more information.
Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Orleans Townhouse for Sale:  Tarek (Whitecaps) is selling his Orleans townhouse.  See full details at:
Arnie Rescues Swimmer:  The following article is taken from and dated Apr 11th:  California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger became a real life hero on Wednesday when he saved a cramp stricken swimmer he spotted while swimming off the coast of Maui in Hawaii.
The swimmer in distress was hanging onto a boogie board when the governor came across him.
Schwarzenegger who was on holiday with his family at the time, then swam the swimmer back the 100 meters to shore. 

Winter Session Summary
Here's the summary of the attendance and time trials for the Winter session.  If you notice any errors or omissions, please do let me know. 
Here's a summary of the weekday attendance for the Winter session.    There were 4 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance.  Congratulations to Francois A, Jean-Pierre and Sean (7:30am Earlybirds), and Pete L (Whitecaps "A").
Attendance Stats:
6:30am Earlybirds (to April 23rd [19 workouts]; range 13-24; average 18.4)
Missed 1 Workout: Chris Kelly, Jennifer H
Missed 2 Workouts: Mits
Missed 3 Workouts: Nathan, Ray A
7:30am Earlybirds (to April 23rd [47 workouts]; range 16-30; average 23.4)
Perfect Attendance: Francois A, Jean-Pierre, Sean
Missed 1 Workout: Gwen, Jeffrey F, Julie D
Missed 3 Workouts: Becky, Mike S
8:30am Earlybirds (to April 23rd [47 workouts]; range 8-16; average 12.0)
Missed 1 Workout: Sarah F

6pm Whitecaps "A" (to April 22nd [48 workouts]; range 12-28; average 18.6)
Perfect Attendance: Pete L
Missed 3 Workouts: Lynn
6pm Whitecaps "B" (to April 22nd [48 workouts]; range 7-22; average 15.2)
Missed 4 Workouts: Sara D
8pm Nightcaps (to April 22nd [32 workouts]; range 11-23; average 17.8)
Missed 1 Workout: Iyad
Missed 3 Workouts: Anna P
Time Trial and Relay Summary:
The information below on most improved and fastest swimmers is taken from the time trials done in April, and includes the relay splits I have.  Times done in competitions are not included.  If your times are not listed here, just ask or e-mail me for details.  (I have all time trial times recorded since May 2001.)
21 women and 22 men improved in at least one event (see list below).  There were many huge improvements this term!  The most improved swimmer is Jocelyne B (VEB) who improved by a whopping 26.3sec/100m (3.5min!) in 800fs.  She was followed by Louise R (VEB) and Victoria (NC) who improved their 800fs by 15.4sec and 15.1sec/100m respectively (over 2min each).  Next was Penny (EB2) who improved her 50br by 7sec or 14.0sec/100m, and then Debbie L and Charles M (both EB1) both improved by 12.4sec/100m in 50fs (6.2sec) and 1500fs (over 3min), respectively.  Others improving by over 10sec/100m were Mark W (NC) 11.4sec/100m (nearly 3min) in 1500fs and Julie S 10.3sec/100m (nearly 1.5min) in 800fs.  Congratulations to all those who improved!!
The International Point Scores (link to web page below) are used to determine the best swims.  There were 24 women (18 non-Varsity) and 25 men (14 non-Varsity) who scored 350 points or more in at least one event.  The top non-Varsity swimmers were Ben D (WCA) with 699 points in 100fs, and Jess R (VEB) with 671 points in 1500fs.  Others with over 500 points were Mike R (VEB, 602, 200br), Don W (WCA, 554, 1500fs), Aaron M (WCA, 553, 100fs), Sandy L (EB1, 543, 50fs), Marcus B (VEB, 540, 1500fs) and Pete L (WCA, 510, 1500fs).  Leading the Varsity swimmers was Keegan with 759 points in 50br.  Other Varsity swimmers with over 650 points were Lynn, John M, Paola, Krista and Nathan.
The improvements in each event and the top 3 times for each event are also listed below, as are the results of the April 23rd relays.  Thanks to all who participated! 
VEB = 6:30am Earlybirds, EB1 = 7:30am Earlybirds, EB2 = 8:30am Earlybirds, NC = Nightcaps, WCA = Whitecaps "A", WCB = Whitecaps "B", HI = High Intensity, V = Varsity Swimmer, WP = Varsity Waterpolo Player, VC = Varsity Swim Coach, WPC = Varsity Waterpolo Coach, MC = Masters Coach, PS = Pool Staff  (Varsity, Staff and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)
Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):
Note that only those who have swum time trials previously with Carleton Masters are eligible. 
1.  Jocelyne B      26.3/100m (VEB):    800fs
2.  Louise R        15.4/100m (VEB):    800fs 
3.  Victoria        15.1/100m  (NC):    800fs
4.  Penny           14.0/100m (EB2):     50br
5.  Debbie L        12.4/100m (EB1):     50fs
6.  Julie S         10.3/100m (EB1):    800fs
7.  Jan G            7.5/100m (EB1):    800fs
8.  Julie D          6.8/100m (EB1):    100fs
9.  Becky            6.6/100m (EB1):   1500fs
10. Sylvie O         5.8/100m (EB1):   1500fs
11. Susan N-Y        5.7/100m (EB2):    100fs
12. Sandy L          4.8/100m (EB1):     50fs
13. Natalie A        4.7/100m (EB2):   1500fs
14. Jess R           2.6/100m (VEB):     50bk
15. Dawn C           2.4/100m (EB1):    100IM
16. Tara L           1.8/100m  (NC):   1500fs
17. Susan B          1.4/100m (EB2):    800fs
X.  Anita P          1.4/100m  (VC):     50fs
18. Cheri R          0.8/100m (WCA):   1500fs
X.  Paola B          0.4/100m   (V):     50fs
19. Gwen             0.3/100m (EB1):    800fs
1.  Charles M       12.4/100m (EB1):   1500fs 
2.  Mark W          11.4/100m  (NC):   1500fs
3.  Mike S           8.5/100m (EB1):   1500fs
4.  Ray A            5.8/100m (VEB):     50br
5.  Christian        5.1/100m (VEB):   1500fs
X.  Mark B           4.9/100m   (V):    200fl
6.  Sean K           4.2/100m (VEB):   1500fs
7.  Kevin N          4.0/100m (WCA):   1500fs
8=. Francois A       3.7/100m (EB1):    100fs
8=. Corry B          3.7/100m (WCA):   1500fs
10. Tom S            3.2/100m (EB1):   1500fs
11. Bernie           3.1/100m (EB1):    100bk
X.  Nathan           2.6/100m   (V):     50fl
X.  John M           2.6/100m   (V):     50fs
12. Ben D            2.5/100m (WCA):    100fs
13=.Jim L            2.4/100m (EB1):     50br
13=.Don W            2.4/100m (WCA):    200bk
15=.Dave B           2.2/100m (WCA):     50fs
15=.Gary B           2.2/100m (EB1):   1500fs
17. Pete L           1.9/100m (WCA):   1500fs
X.  Keegan           1.6/100m   (V):     50br
18. Mike D           1.1/100m (EB1):   1500fs

Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):
All those scoring 350 or more points are shown.
X.  Lynn (MC/VC)      1500fs    19:24: 684 points
X.  Paola (V)         1500fs    19:35: 680 points
1.  Jess R (VEB)      1500fs    19:42: 671 points 
X.  Krista (V)          50br     37.5: 670 points
X.  Luz (V)           1500fs    20:25: 617 points
2.  Sandy L (EB1)       50fs     32.8: 543 points
3.  Sheila K (WCA)     200fs   2:41.0: 498 points
4.  Kathleen H (VEB)    50fs     34.2: 488 points
5.  Kirsten Stobenau(WCA)1500fs 22:37: 477 points
X.  Louise (MC)        100fl   1:21.9: 469 points
6.  Cassandra T (NC)  1500fs    22:46: 468 points
7.  Christine L (NC)  1500fs    22:58: 458 points
8.  Stacey Z (WCA)    1500fs    23:16: 442 points
9.  Ellen L (WCA)     1500fs    23:20: 439 points
10. Tamara (EB1)        50fs     36.0: 425 points
11. Debby W (WCA)      100fs   1:19.6: 409 points
12. Jenn E (EB2)      1500fs    24:03: 404 points
13. Elaine Y (WCA)     100IM   1:31.3: 393 points 
14. Shirley B (VEB)    100bk   1:29.2: 390 points
15. Natalie A (EB2)     50fs     37.8: 371 points
16. Sarah F (EB2)       50fs     37.9: 368 points
17. Dawn C (EB1)      1500fs    24:54: 365 points 
X.  Anita P (VC)        50fs     38.0: 365 points
18. Joanne D (WCA)    1500fs    25:15: 351 points
X.  Keegan (V)          50br     31.0: 759 points
1.  Ben D (WCA)        100fs     57.2: 699 points
X.  John M (V)          50fs     26.2: 682 points
X.  Nathan (V)         100fl   1:03.8: 652 points
X.  Trevor (V)          50fs     26.9: 641 points
X.  Brandon V (V)     1500fs    18:41: 614 points
X.  Mark B (V)          50fs     27.6: 603 points
2.  Mike R (VEB)       200br   2:44.2: 602 points
X.  Nico (HI)         1500fs    19:16: 570 points
3.  Don W (WCA)       1500fs    19:29: 554 points
4.  Aaron M (WCA)      100fs   1:01.3: 553 points
X.  Brock (V)           50fs     28.8: 543 points
5.  Marcus B (VEB)    1500fs    19:41: 540 points
6.  Pete L (WCA)      1500fs    20:08: 510 points
7.  Francois A (EB1)  1500fs    20:39: 478 points
8.  David M (EB1)       50fs     30.8: 456 points
X.  Tim (MC)           200IM   2:47.3: 456 points
9.  Mike D (EB1)        50fs     30.9: 452 points
X.  Tarek (VC)        1500fs    21:10: 447 points
10. James Y (WCA)     1500fs    21:28: 430 points
X.  Andras (WPC)       100fs   1:12.6: 380 points
11. Ray A (VEB)         50fs     33.1: 374 points
12. Corry B (WCA)     1500fs    22:47: 372 points
13. Christian (VEB)     50fs     33.2: 370 points
14. Tom S (EB1)       1500fs    22:50: 362 points
(For point scores, see:, click on "IPS Calculator" and enter the information requested; note that SCM = short course meters [25m pool].)
Swimmers Who Improved in Each Event:
Minutes/seconds improved and sec/100m improvement are both listed.
         Women                          Men
50fs   1. Jocelyne B  6.6 (13.2/100m) VEB  X. John M      1.3  (2.6/100m) V
       2. Debbie L    6.2 (12.4/100m) EB1  1. Dave B      1.1  (2.2/100m) EB1
       3. Julie S     4.5  (9.0/100m) EB1  2. Ray A       0.5  (1.0/100m) EB1
       4. Sandy L     2.4  (4.8/100m) EB1  3. Christian   0.4  (0.8/100m) EB1
       5. Natalie A   0.8  (1.6/100m) EB2  X. Keegan      0.1  (0.2/100m) V
       X. Anita P     0.7  (1.4/100m) VC 
       X. Paola       0.2  (0.4/100m) V 
100fs  1. Julie D     6.8  (6.8/100m) EB1  1. Francois A  3.7  (3.7/100m) EB1  
       2. Susan N-Y   5.7  (5.7/100m) EB2  2. Ben D       2.5  (2.5/100m) WCA
200fs                                      X. Mark B      1.6  (0.8/100m) V  
800fs  1. Jocelyne B 3:30 (26.3/100m) VEB  
       2. Louise R   2:03 (15.4/100m) EB1
       3. Victoria   2:01 (15.1/100m) NC   
       4. Julie S    1:22 (10.3/100m) EB1   
       5. Jan G      1:00  (7.5/100m) EB1  
       6. Susan B      11  (1.4/100m) EB2  
       7. Gwen          2  (0.3/100m) EB1   
1500fs 1. Becky G    1:39  (6.6/100m) EB1  1. Charles M  3:06 (12.4/100m) EB1
       2. Sylvie O   1:27  (5.8/100m) EB1  2. Mark W     2:51 (11.4/100m) NC
       3. Natalie A  1:10  (4.7/100m) EB2  3. Mike S     2:07  (8.5/100m) EB1
       4. Penny      1:07  (4.5/100m) EB2  4. Christian  1:17  (5.1/100m) VEB
       5. Susan N-Y    44  (2.9/100m) EB2  5. Sean K     1:03  (4.2/100m) VEB
       6. Jess R       36  (2.4/100m) VEB  6. Kevin N    1:00  (4.0/100m) WCA 
       7. Tara L       27  (1.8/100m) NC   7. Corry B      56  (3.7/100m) WCA 
       8. Cheri R      12  (0.8/100m) WCA  8. Tom S        48  (3.2/100m) EB1 
                                           9. Gary B       33  (2.2/100m) EB1 
                                          10. Pete L       29  (1.9/100m) WCA 
                                           X. Nathan       21  (1.4/100m) V 
                                          11. Mike D       17  (1.1/100m) EB1 
                                          12. Don W        12  (0.8/100m) WCA 
                                          13. Francois A    6  (0.4/100m) EB1 
50bk   1. Jess R     1.3  (2.6/100m) VEB   X. Keegan      0.5  (1.0/100m) V
                                           1. Bernie      0.1  (0.2/100m) EB1
100bk                                      1. Bernie      3.1  (3.1/100m) EB1
200bk                                      1. Don W       4.8  (2.4/100m) WCA
50br   1. Penny      7.0  (14.0/100m) EB2  1. Ray A       2.9  (5.8/100m) EB1
       2. Jocelyne B 0.5   (1.0/100m) VEB  2. Sean K      1.7  (3.4/100m) VEB
       3. Debbie L   0.1   (0.2/100m) EB1  3. Jim L       1.2  (2.4/100m) EB1
                                           X. Keegan      0.8  (1.6/100m) V
100br                                      1. Pete L      1.2  (1.2/100m) WCA
50fl                                       1. Mike S      1.7  (3.4/100m) EB1
                                           X. Nathan      1.3  (2.6/100m) V
200fl                                      X. Mark B      9.7  (4.9/100m) V
100IM  1. Dawn C      2.4  (2.4/100m) EB1 
200IM  1. Debbie L   21.9 (11.0/100m) EB1       
Fastest Three Times in Each Event:
The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who swam at least one time trial in that event.  If times are really close, the 4th person is also included.
          Women                        Men       
50fs      X.   30.1 Krista (V)         X.   25.4 Keegan (V)  
(20/23)   X.   30.4 Paola (V)          X.   26.2 John M (V)
          1.   31.4 Jess R (VEB)       X.   26.9 Trevor (V)
          2.   32.8 Sandy L (EB1)      X.   27.6 Mark B (V) 
          3.   34.2 Kathleen H (VEB)   1.   28.4 Mike R (VEB)
                                       X.   28.8 Brock (V)
                                       X.   29.6 Nathan (V)
                                       2.   29.7 Marcus B (VEB)
                                       3.   30.8 David M (EB1)
                                       4.   30.9 Mike D (EB1)
100fs     1. 1:17.9 Ellen L (WCA)      1.   57.2 Ben D (WCA)
(20/14)   2. 1:19.6 Debby W (WCA)      2. 1:01.3 Aaron M (WCA)    
          3. 1:22.3 Tamara (VEB)       3. 1:09.0 Francois A (EB1) 
200fs     1. 2:41.0 Sheila K (WCA)     X. 2:19.8 Mark B (V)      
(4/4)     2. 2:53.1 Sandy L (EB1)      1. 2:36.4 James Y (WCA)
          3. 3:27.8 Renee (EB2)        2. 2:48.9 Tom S (EB1)
                                       3. 3:10.1 Jean-Pierre (EB1)  
800fs     1. 14:10  Sara Domina (WCB)  1. 15:56  Alan H (EB2)       
(19/4)    2.=14:53  Brenda K (WCB)     2. 16:34  Mark Hynes (NC)
          2.=14:53  Zivi (WCB)         3. 20:05  George (WCB)
          4. 14:58  Mary D (WCB)            
1500fs    X. 19:24  Lynn (MC/VC)       X. 18:41  Brandon V (V)
(39/33)   X. 19:35  Paola (V)          X. 18:51  Nathan (V)
          1. 19:42  Jess R (VEB)       1. 18:59  Ben D (WCA)
          X. 20:25  Luz (V)            X. 19:16  Nico (HI)
          2. 22:37  Kirsten Stobenau (WCA) 
          3. 22:46  Cassandra (NC)     2. 19:29  Don W (WCA)
          4. 22:58  Christine L (NC)   3. 22:55  Marcus B (VEB)
50bk      1.   35.1 Jess R (VEB)       X.   31.9 John M (V)
(6/7)     2.   48.2 Sarah F (EB2)      X.   32.5 Keegan (V)
          3.   50.3 Julie D (EB1)      X.   33.8 Nathan (V)
          X.   50.7 Anita P (EB1/VC)   X.   34.1 Trevor (V)
                                       1.   37.7 Marcus B (EB1)  
                                       2.   42.1 Bernie (EB2)
                                       3.   46.8 Gary B (EB2)
100bk     1. 1:14.9 Jess R (VEB)       1. 1:31.6 Bernie (EB1)  
(3/2)     2. 1:29.2 Shirley B (VEB)    2. 1:31.7 Ray A (VEB) 
          3. 1:42.2 Jenn E (EB2)      
200bk                                  1. 2:37.0 Don W (WCA)
50br      X.   37.5 Krista (V)         X.   31.0 Keegan (V)
(5/7)     1.   55.8 Laurie O (EB2)     1.   35.9 Mike R (VEB)
          2.   59.7 Penny (EB2)        2.   38.5 Francois A (EB1)
          3. 1:03.0 Jocelyne B (VEB)   3.   42.5 Sean K (VEB)
                                       4.   42.6 Ray A (VEB)
100br     1. 2:15.7 Penny (EB2)        X. 1:15.3 Keegan (V) 
(2/2)     2. 2:21.3 Andrea C (WCB)     1. 1:24.2 Pete L (WCA)
200br                                  1. 2:44.2 Mike R (VEB) 
(0/2)                                  X. 2:46.5 Nathan (V)
50fl      1.   40.9 Kathleen H (VEB)   X.   28.9 Nathan (V) 
(3/7)     2.   45.9 Natalie A (EB2)    X.   29.7 Mark B (V)
          3. 1:04.1 Colette (EB2)      X.   30.1 Trevor (V)
                                       1.   36.2 David M (EB1) 
                                       2.   36.5 Tom S (EB1)
                                       3.   40.4 Dave B (WCA)
100fl     X. 1:21.9 Louise (MC)        X. 1:03.8 Nathan (V)  
200fl                                  X. 2:21.8 Nathan (V)  
(0/2)                                  X. 2:31.9 Mark B (V) 
100IM     1. 1:27.8 Stacey Z (WCA)     1. 1:24.2 David M (EB1)       
(6/5)     2. 1:31.1 Kathleen H (VEB)   2. 1:27.6 Rob V (WCA)
          3. 2:31.3 Elaine Y (WCA)     3. 1:35.3 Bernie (EB1)
200IM     1. 3:22.5 Dawn C (EB1)       X. 2:26.3 Nathan (V)       
(2/2)     2. 4:50.9 Debbie L (EB1)     X. 2:47.3 Tim K (WCA/MC)
Fun Relays (April 23rd, 2004)
Remember that if your team didn't do as well as you hoped, blame the coach for putting together unfair teams :-) !!
4 x 50 Freestyle Relay
6:30am Earlybirds (VEB):
1. 2:21.0: Team 4: Chris Kelly, Mike R, Marcus B, Mark B
2. 2:22.1: Team 5: Nathan, Jocelyne B, Christian, Keegan
3. 2:23.1: Team 2: Jenn H, Ray A, Dave B, Jess R
4. 2:25.5: Team 3: Gary B, Sean K, Tamara, Kathleen H
7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
1. 2:15.8: Team 5: Sandy L, Anita P, Mike S, Keegan
2. 2:18.3: Team 3: Debbie L, Jeff F, Nathan, Mark B
3. 2:19.1: Team 4: Bernie, Jim L, Tom S, Mike D
4. 2:26.3: Team 2: Jean-Pierre, Julie D, David M, Francois A
8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):
1. 2:54.7: Team 3: Laurie O, Colette, Susan N-Y, Sarah F
2. 3:00.2: Team 4: Penny, Renee, Natalie A, Jenn E
Varsity (V):
1. 1:53.1: Team 3: Trevor, Paola, Keegan, Trevor
2. 1:55.5: Team 4: Nathan, Brock, Krista, John M
X. 1:53.1:   V Team 3: Trevor, Paola, Keegan, Trevor
X. 1:55.5:   V Team 4: Nathan, Brock, Krista, John M 
1. 2:15.8: EB1 Team 5: Sandy L, Anita P, Mike S, Keegan
2. 2:18.3: EB1 Team 3: Debbie L, Jeff F, Nathan, Mark B
3. 2:19.1: EB1 Team 4: Bernie, Jim L, Tom S, Mike D
4. 2:21.0: VEB Team 4: Chris Kelly, Mike R, Marcus B, Mark B
5. 2:22.1: VEB Team 5: Nathan, Jocelyne B, Christian, Keegan
6. 2:23.1: VEB Team 2: Jenn H, Ray A, Dave B, Jess R
7. 2:25.5: VEB Team 3: Gary B, Sean K, Tamara, Kathleen H
8. 2:26.3: EB1 Team 2: Jean-Pierre, Julie D, David M, Francois A
9. 2:54.7: EB2 Team 3: Laurie O, Colette, Susan N-Y, Sarah F
10.3:00.2: EB2 Team 4: Penny, Renee, Natalie A, Jenn E
4 x 50 Medley Relay
6:30am Earlybirds (VEB):
1.=2:42.4: Team 2: Jess R, Ray A, Dave B, Jenn H
1.=2:42.4: Team 5: Keegan, Jocelyne B, Nathan, Christian
3. 2:46.3: Team 3: Gary B, Sean K, Kathleen H, Tamara
4. 2:47.4: Team 4: Marcus B, Mike R, Mark B, Chris Kelly
7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
1. 2:37.3: Team 3: Nathan, Jeff F, Mark B, Debbie L
2.=2:38.8: Team 4: Bernie, Jim L, Tom S, Mike D
2.=2:38.8: Team 5: Anita P, Keegan, Mike S, Sandy L
4. 2:46.8: Team 2: Julie D, Francois A, David M, Jean-Pierre 
8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):
1. 3:18.1: Team 4: Renee, Penny, Natalie A, Jenn E
2. 3:28.8: Team 3: Sarah F, Laurie O, Colette, Susan N-Y
Varsity (V):
1. 2:07.8: Team 3: Trevor, Keegan, Trevor, Paola
2. 2:09.9: Team 4: John M, Krista, Nathan, Brock
X. 2:07.8:   V Team 3: Trevor, Keegan, Trevor, Paola
X. 2:09.9:   V Team 4: John M, Krista, Nathan, Brock
1. 2:37.3: EB1 Team 3: Nathan, Jeff F, Mark B, Debbie L
2.=2:38.8: EB1 Team 4: Bernie, Jim L, Tom S, Mike D
2.=2:38.8: EB1 Team 5: Anita P, Keegan, Mike S, Sandy L
4.=2:42.4: VEB Team 2: Jess R, Ray A, Dave B, Jenn H
4.=2:42.4: VEB Team 5: Keegan, Jocelyne B, Nathan, Christian
6. 2:46.3: VEB Team 3: Gary B, Sean K, Kathleen H, Tamara
7. 2:46.8: EB1 Team 2: Julie D, Francois A, David M, Jean-Pierre 
8. 2:47.4: VEB Team 4: Marcus B, Mike R, Mark B, Chris Kelly
9. 3:18.1: EB2 Team 4: Renee, Penny, Natalie A, Jenn E
10.3:28.8: EB2 Team 3: Sarah F, Laurie O, Colette, Susan N-Y

Masters Swimming Competitions
If you want to compete in the 2003-2004 Masters Swimming season, there is a $25 cost to register with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario).  Your registration is good until December 31st, 2004.  New and renewal registrations have been submitted.  You can still sign up -- it just costs an extra $1 to cover postage/handling.  Contact Lynn for details. 
Here's a summary of upcoming local, nearby and championship meets.  Details on all Ontario competitions for the 2003-2004 season can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded yellow).  If you would like more information or are interested in competing in any of these competitions, let me know.
Fri May 21st - Mon May 24th  Canadian Masters Nationals, Edmonton.  Full details were in the latest Waves magazine sent to all registered swimmers or see:  (Please send in your entry yourself.)
June 3rd - 13th  Masters World Championships, Riccione, Italy.  Full details posted on the bulletin board or see:  (Please send in your entry yourself.)
Sat June 5th  Technosport Distance 3 LC (50m pool), U of Ottawa.  7:45am warm-up, 8:30am start, 10:30am finish.  Events: 800fs, 800 Free Relay, 1500fs.  Cost: $25 (unlimited events).  Deadline: send Lynn your events and entry times by Mon May 24th (you can pay at the meet).
Race Results: (Please let me know if I've missed anyone or any events.)
April 2-4th Quebec Masters Provincial Championships
Lina V (Whitecaps "A") was Carleton's only swimmer at the Quebec Provincial Championships, which are open to anyone (despite the name!).  She swam very well, placing no worse than third in the 50-54 age group in all of her seven events:  1st: 200br; 2nd: 50fs, 100fs, 50br, 50fl (missing 1st by 0.03!), 100IM; 3rd 100br.  Congratulations, Lina!
Sun Apr 18th Almonte's Paris-Roubaix 75km Off-Road Bike Race
Jeffrey F (7:30am Earlybirds) took part in this, but I can't find the results.  Jeffrey will have to tell us all how he did!
Sun Apr 18th Run for Reach Half-Marathon
Congratulations to Louise R (6:30am Earlybirds) for finishing 5th in her age group in 2:24.  If anyone else took part in any of the Run for Reach runs, just send me your results.
Sat Apr 24th Technosport LC Meet
Five Carleton swimmers took part in this meet.  Due to some pool reservation conflicts, the meet started late and ended before the last 3 events (100fs, 50fl, 100bk) could be swum!  This meant that Jose (Whitecaps "B") swam only one event, the 200IM in which he did well, but I think he enjoyed breakfast more :-) !  George (Whitecaps "B") swam 3 events (50bk, 50br, 100br), and did a very impressive 50m back in 59 seconds and change -- a Club and Ontario record.  Mits (6:30am Earlybirds) swam 50 and 100br.  He looked very strong in the 100 doing a PB for that event in a 50m pool.  Mark B (Masters/Varsity) swam 400 and 200fs, and had a very solid swim in the 200.  Lynn (Whitecaps "A") swam 8 events (should have been 11!).  Her first event, 400fs, was a National record (4:47).  Official results next time.
Masters Nationals, and Masters Worlds
Mark B (Varsity/Masters) is attending Masters Nationals (Edmonton, May 21-24th), and George (Whitecaps "B") and Mike R (6:30am Earlybirds) are going all the way to Italy for the Masters Worlds (Riccione, Jun 3-13th).  Good luck to you all! 
Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  I'd like to learn to do racing dives.  Will we do that in the Spring session?  Wanna-be-Diver
Dear W-b-D:  Talk to your coach and I'm sure this can be arranged.  For the morning groups, this is one of the skills we can work on in the 15min clinics near the end of workout.  Note also that starts (racing dives) will also be covered in the June clinic in more depth, provided there is sufficient interest.
Dear Coach:  When I try to register on-line I end up at a web page with information on Fall/Winter, not Spring.  Can you help?  Not Yet Registered
Dear N.Y. Registered:  It seems that many people's browsers don't refresh properly on the Athletics pages.  This URL will take you directly to Spring registration:
Private and Semi-Private Masters Lessons
Here is the list of days/times for private and semi-private swim lessons for May-August:
Mon/Fri: 9:45-10:45am: Mon May 10 - Fri Jul 2 (except Mon May 24)
Mon/Tue/Thu 3:30-4:30pm: Mon May 10 - Thu Jun 24 (except Mon May 24)
Mon/Tue/Thu 7:15-8pm: Mon May 10 - Tue Jun 29 (except Mon May 24)
Wed 6-7pm: May 12 - Sep 1
Wed 7-8pm: May 12 - Jun 30 and Aug 11 - Sep 1
Tue/Thu 7:15-8pm: Tue Jul 6 - Thu Aug 5
Mon/Tue/Thu 7:15-8:15pm: Mon Aug 9 - Thu Sep 2
As always, slots are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis.
2003-2004 prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $36.75 for 1 hour, $68.25 for 2, $94.50 for 3, $117.60 for 4 and $138.60 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($52.50, $89.25, $120.75, $149.10 and $170.10, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $22.05 for 1 hour, $40.95 for 2, $56.70 for 3, $70.56 for 4, and $83.16 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per person) $31.50 for 1 hour, $53.55 for 2, $72.45 for 3, $89.46 for 4, and $102.06 for 5 hours, all plus GST. 

Contact Lynn for availability and bookings.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!