Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #98                                Sunday, September 5th, 2004

To:  Carleton Coaches (11 addresses)

Bcc: Those Registered for Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall 2004 plus "Alumni":  6:30am Earlybirds (46 Members), 7:30am Earlybirds (50 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (16 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (98 addresses), Nightcaps (31 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (34 members).

Locker Room Renovations Update
The men are now back in the front half of their change room and their renovations should be complete in a few weeks.  I've passed along the feedback I've received on the women's change room and can report that the floors will have a non-slip coating applied when two days can be found to do it!  Also, the drainage problems are being looked into, hairdryers will be installed, and a mat for stretching should be in place soon.  Check for updates on the renovations at:
Interim $3 Workouts
We are offering the following interim workouts between the Summer and Fall sessions at a cost of $3 each (pay the coach on deck).  These workouts are open to those who have registered for Fall Masters or High Intensity and who have a current valid membership.  You may attend any of these workouts, regardless of the group you have signed up for in September.  All workouts are half pool only and safety supervision will not be offered.
Tue Sept 7th 6:00-7:10pm** 
Wed Sept 8th 7:30-8:30am
Thu Sept 9th 6:00-7:10pm
Fri Sept 10th 7:30-8:30am
Sat Sept 11th 9:00-10:00am
Mon Sept 13th 7:30-8:30am 
Please note that there will be no workout Mon Sept 13th 6:00-7:10pm due to staff training.
** The 6:00-7:10pm Tue Sept 7th workout will be free of charge (open only to those with a valid membership and who have registered for Fall).  This is a replacement workout for the Tue Aug 10th, cancelled due to the fire alarms.
Fall Program Registration
Registration for Fall Athletics Programs has started.  Booklets with full details on all programs are available.  Note that the Fall workout themes have been posted on the bulletin board and web site.  Details on the Masters programs offered are given both on our web site: and on the Athletics web site at: (bottom of page).  Here's an overview of what's available for the Fall session (September 14th to December 18th) -- check the web site for exact dates, including cancellations:
Regular Masters:
7:30am Earlybirds: 7:30-8:30am MWF plus 8-9am OR 9-10am Sat ($130+GST)
8:30am Earlybirds: 8:30-9:30am MWF plus 8-9am OR 9-10am Sat ($130+GST)
Whitecaps: 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh plus 8-9am OR 9-10am Sat ($130+GST)
Nightcaps: 8:00-9:00pm TuTh plus 8-9am OR 9-10am Sat ($93+GST)
Safety Supervision (for children age 3+): 6:00-7:10pm MTuTh plus 9-10am Sat ($87)
High Intensity Masters (training with Varsity Team):
Group 1: 6:00-7:30am MWF (limit 10; $190+GST for Sept 14 - Feb 10)
Group 2: 7:30-9:30am TuTh (limit 5; $190+GST for Sept 14 - Feb 10)
Group 3: 7:15-9:00pm M; 6:00-7:40pm W; 5:00-7:00pm Sat (limit 5; $190+GST for Sept 14 - Feb 10)
Note: The Saturday Masters workout is not included in the High Intensity program. 
Some of the groups (usually 7:30am, Nightcaps, and High Intensity Group 1) tend to fill up in the Fall, so please register early to avoid disappointment!  You can register on-line at:
Interested in Competing in Swim Meets?
A list of dates for local and nearby Masters swim meets for Fall 2004 can be found below in the competition section.
Party at Lisa's: Sat Sept 11th!
Lisa H (Whitecaps "A") is hosting a house warming party / potluck on Sat Sept 11th from 5:30pm on.  Bring a dish of your choice to share, and lawnchairs.  Her address is: 684 Sandra Ave off Haig between Kilbourne and Pleasant Park.  All are welcome!

Swimmer Notes
Wedding Congratulations:  Congratulations to both Dawn C (7:30am Earlybirds) who got married on August 21st (despite a small fire during the meal!), and to Tamara (6:30am Earlybirds) who tied the knot on August 28th.
Swimming Canada Petition:  If you have been following the debate about the quality of the coaching and organization of the Canadian Swim Team, you may be interested in this petition:
Open Water Swim Training Camp:  Oannes Swims is hosting an open water swim camp September 17-19th at Camp PineCrest near Gravenhurst.  Full details at:
Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  New order expected for September.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.

Summer Session Summary
Here's the summary of the attendance and time trials for the Summer session.  If you notice any errors or omissions, please do let me know. 
Here's a summary of the weekday attendance for the Summer session.    Due to vacations, no one had perfect attendance this session.  Closest were Tom S (7:30am Earlybirds) and Lynn (Whitecaps "A") who each missed one.
Attendance Stats:
6:30am Earlybirds (July 5-Sept 3rd [26 workouts]; range 15-24; average 18.5)
Missed 2 Workouts: Mark B
Missed 5 Workouts: Chris Kelly, Leona
Missed 6 Workouts: Mike R
7:30am Earlybirds (July 5-Sept 3rd [26 workouts]; range 13-25; average 19.1)
Missed 1 Workout: Tom S
Missed 2 Workouts: Julie D-F, Mark B
Missed 3 Workouts: Francois A
Missed 4 Workouts: Alan H
Missed 5 Workouts: Jeffrey F, J-P T

6pm Whitecaps "A" (July 5-Sept 2nd excl July 8, 12, 15, 19, 20 [20 workouts]; range 13-28; average 18.7)
Missed 1 Workout: Lynn
Missed 5 Workouts: Mark B, Melissa H, Tim K
Missed 6 Workouts: Elaine Y, Rob V
6pm Whitecaps "B" (July 5-Sept 2nd [25 workouts]; range 5-18; average 13.0)
Missed 5 Workouts: Jose
Missed 6 Workouts: Chris M
Time Trial and Relay Summary:
The information below on most improved and fastest swimmers is taken from the time trials done at the end of the Summer session, and includes the relay splits I have.  Times done in competitions are not included.  If your times are not listed here, just ask or e-mail me for details.  (I have all time trial times since May 2001 in a spreadsheet.)
Seven women and 15 men improved in at least one event (see list below).  Those improving by over 10sec/100m were: Chris Kelly (VEB: 17.0 per 100m in 800fs), and Sofian (V: 10.7 per 100m in 1500fs).  Improving by over 5sec/100m were: Melissa H (WP: 9.0 in 1500fs), Chris M (WCB: 8.9 in 800fs), and Mike R (VEB: 6.9 in 1500fs).  The most improved non-Varsity woman was Natalie A (VEB: 3.6 in 1500fs).  Congratulations to all those who improved!
The International Point Scores (link to web page below) are used to determine the best swims.  There were 22 women (12 non-Varsity/Coach) and 22 men (11 non-Varsity/Coach) who scored 350 points or more in at least one event.  The top non-Varsity/Coach swimmers were Mike R (VEB) with 599 points in 50br, and Shannon D (WCA) with 459 points in 100fs.  Other non-exhibition swimmers with over 500 points were J-F J (VEB, 598, 50fs), Steve M (WCA, 572, 50fs), and Rich I (WCA, 535, 1500fs).  Leading the Varsity swimmers with over 700 points were Keegan with 748 points in 50br and Paola with 731 points in 1500fs.  Other Varsity / Exhibition swimmers with over 500 points were Krista, John W, Greg M, Lynn, Barb P, Mark B, Brent C, Brandon V, Sofian, and Tim K.  
The improvements in each event and the top 3 times for each event are also listed below, as are the results of the relays.  Thanks to all who participated! 
VEB = 6:30am Earlybirds, EB1 = 7:30am Earlybirds, EB2 = 8:30am Earlybirds, NC = Nightcaps, WCA = Whitecaps "A", WCB = Whitecaps "B", HI = High Intensity, V = Varsity Swimmer, WP = Varsity Waterpolo Player, VC = Varsity Swim Coach, WPC = Varsity Waterpolo Coach, MC = Masters Coach, PS = Pool Staff  (Varsity, Staff and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)
Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):
Note that only those who have swum time trials previously with Carleton Masters are eligible. 
Women: (7)
X.  Melissa H        9.0/100m  (WP):   1500fs
1.  Natalie A        3.6/100m (VEB):   1500fs
2.  Violaine         3.0/100m (VEB):   1500fs
3.  Jocelyn L        2.8/100m (WCA):    100fs
4.  Isla             2.4/100m (EB1):     25fs 
5.  Leona            1.4/100m (VEB):     50fs
X.  Meghann S        1.0/100m  (PS):    100fs
Men: (15)
1.  Chris Kelly     17.0/100m (VEB):    800fs
X.  Sofian          10.7/100m   (V):   1500fs
2.  Chris M          8.9/100m (WCB):    800fs
3.  Mike R           6.9/100m (VEB):   1500fs
X.  Corry B          4.4/100m (WPC):   1500fs
4=. James F          3.0/100m (WCB):   1500fs
X=. John W           3.0/100m  (VC):     50fl
X.  Mits             2.6/100m  (MC):     50br
X.  Brandon V        2.4/100m   (V):    100IM
5.  Rich I           2.3/100m (WCA):   1500fs
6=. J-F J            2.0/100m (VEB):     50fs
X=. Andy J           2.0/100m (WPC):     50fs
7.  Francois J       0.7/100m (VEB):   1500fs
8.  Pete L           0.4/100m (WCA):    100fs
X.  Mark B           0.2/100m   (V):    100fs
Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):
All those scoring 350 or more points are shown.
Women: (22)
X.  Paola (V)         1500fs    18:57: 731 points
X.  Krista (V)         200br   2:52.4: 686 points
X.  Lynn (MC/VC)        50fs     30.7: 638 points
X.  Barb P (WPC)      1500fs    20:33: 607 points
X.  Luz (V)           1500fs    22:15: 498 points
X.  Courtney (WP)       50br     43.6: 460 points
1.  Shannon D (WCA)    100fs   1:16.3: 459 points
X.  Heather M (MC)      50fl     38.0: 423 points
2.  Sheila K (WCA)      50fs     36.5: 410 points
3=. Jocelyn L (WCA)    100fs   1:20.0: 404 points
X=. Meghann S (PS)     100fs   1:20.0: 404 points
4.  Anhthu (WCA)      1500fs    24:12: 397 points
5.  Chia (EB1)          50fs     37.0: 394 points
6.  Natalie A (VEB)     50fs     37.1: 391 points
X.  Lara T (PS)         50fs     37.2: 388 points
7=. Elaine Y (WCA)     100fs   1:22.0: 376 points
7=. Lisa H (WCA)       100fs   1:22.0: 376 points
9.  Sarah Dobbin (EB1)1500fs    24:43: 373 points
10. Sarah F (EB1)       50fs     38.4: 354 points
11. Sandy L (VEB)     1500fs    25:12: 353 points
12=.Debby W (WCA)      100fs     1:24: 351 points
X.= Melissa H (WP)    1500fs    25:15: 351 points
Men: (22)
X.  Keegan (V)          50br     31.2: 748 points
X.  John W (VC)         50fl     28.2: 678 points
X.  Greg M (V)          50fs     26.3: 676 points
X.  Mark B (V)          50fl     29.7: 600 points
1.  Mike R (VEB)        50br     34.4: 599 points
2=. J-F J (VEB/EB1)     50fs     27.7: 598 points
X=. Brent C (V)         50fs     27.7: 598 points
X.  Brandon V (V)      100IM   1:09.4: 585 points
3=. Steve M (WCA)       50fs     28.2: 572 points
X=. Sofian (V)          50fs     28.2: 572 points
X.  Tim K (MC)        1500fs    19:44: 537 points
4.  Rich I (WCA)      1500fs    19:46: 535 points
5.  David M (EB1)       50fs     29.9: 493 points
6.  Marcus B (VEB)      50fs     30.7: 460 points
7.  Francois J (VEB)    50fs     31.3: 437 points
X.  Corry B (VEB)     1500fs    21:31: 428 points
8.  Pete L (WCA)       100fs   1:10.0: 421 points
9.  Francois A (EB1)    50fs     32.2: 404 points
10. Tom S (EB1)         50fl     34.7: 400 points
11. James Y (VEB)       50fs     32.5: 394 points
X.  Mits (MC)           50br     41.1: 375 points
X.  Andy J (WPC)        50fs     33.2: 370 points
(For point scores, see:, click on "IPS Calculator" and enter the information requested; note that SCM = short course meters [25m pool].)
Swimmers Who Improved in Each Event:
Minutes/seconds improved and sec/100m improvement are both listed.
         Women                          Men
25fs   1. Isla        0.6  (2.4/100m) EB1  
50fs   1=.Leona       0.7  (1.4/100m) VEB  1. Chris Kelly 8.4 (16.8/100m) VEB
       1=.Natalie A   0.7  (1.4/100m) VEB  X. Mits        1.1  (2.2/100m) MC
                                           2=.J-F J       1.0  (2.0/100m) VEB
                                           X=.Andy J      1.0  (2.0/100m) WPC
100fs  1. Jocelyn L   2.8  (2.8/100m) WCA  1. Pete L      0.4  (0.4/100m) WCA
       X. Meghann     1.0  (1.0/100m) PS   X. Mark B      0.2  (0.2/100m) V
800fs                                      1. Chris Kelly 2:16(17.0/100m) VEB
                                           2. Chris M     1:11 (8.9/100m) WCB    
1500fs X. Melissa H  2:15  (9.0/100m) WP   X. Sofian     2:41 (10.7/100m) V
       1. Natalie A    54  (3.6/100m) VEB  1. Mike R     1:34  (6.9/100m) VEB
       2. Violaine     45  (3.0/100m) VEB  X. Corry B    1:06  (4.4/100m) WPC
                                           2. James F      45  (3.0/100m) WCB
                                           3. Rich I       34  (2.3/100m) WCA
                                           4. Francois J   10  (0.7/100m) VEB 
50br                                       1. Mike R      1.5  (3.0/100m) VEB
                                           X. Mits        1.3  (2.6/100m) MC
50fl                                       X. John W      1.5  (3.0/100m) VC
100IM                                      X. Brandon V   2.4  (2.4/100m) V      
Fastest Three Times in Each Event:
The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who swam at least one time trial in that event.  If times are really close, the 4th person is also included.
          Women                        Men       
25fs      X.   16.4 Rachel S (X)
(4/0)     1.   17.3 Mandie B (EB1)       
          2.   18.7 Isla (EB1)   
          3.   21.0 Susan M (EB1)   
50fs      X.   30.7 Lynn (MC/VC)       X.   26.0 Keegan (V)  
(14/25)   X.   32.7 Barb P (WPC)       X.   26.3 Greg M (V)
          1.   36.5 Sheila (WCA)       1=.  27.7 Mike R (VEB)
          2.   37.0 Chia (EB1)         1=.  27.7 J-F J (VEB/EB1) 
          3.   37.1 Natalie A (VEB)    X=.  27.7 Brent C (V)
          X.   37.2 Lara (PS)          X=.  27.7 Mark B (V)
                                       3=.  28.2 Steve M (WCA)
                                       X=.  28.2 Sofian (V)
100fs     X. 1:09.7 Lynn (MC/VC)       X. 1:02.7 Mark B (V)
(11/11)   1. 1:16.3 Shannon (WCA)      X. 1:04.5 John W (VC)    
          2=.1:20.0 Jocelyn L (WCA)    X. 1:04.6 Sofian (V) 
          X=.1:20.0 Meghann (PS)       1. 1:10.0 Pete L (WCA)
          3=.1:22.0 Lisa H (WCA)       X. 1:11.0 Tim K (MC)
          3=.1:22.0 Elaine Y (WCA)     2. 1:16.5 Eric T (WCA)
                                       3. 1:19.8 Tom S (EB1) 
200fs     X. 2:23.2 Paola (V)          X. 2:17.8 Mark B (V)      
400fs                                  X. 5:00.5 Mark B (V)      
800fs     1. 16:41  Marg E (WCB)       1. 16:41  Charles M (EB1)       
(5/5)     2. 16:44  Mariette (WCB)     2. 16:36  Chris M (WCB)
          3. 18:00  Helen B (WCB)      3. 17:54  Andre M (WCB)
                                       4. 18:04  Ken C (WCB)
1500fs    X. 18:57  Paola (V)          X. 19:44  Tim K (MC)
(27/18)   X. 20:33  Barb P (WPC)       1. 19:46  Rich I (WCA)
          X. 22:15  Luz (V)            2. 19:55  Mike R (VEB)
          1. 24:12  Anhthu (WCA)       X. 20:30  Mark B (V)
          2. 24:43  Sarah Dobbin (EB1) X=.20:31  Corry (WPC) 
          3. 25:12  Sandy L (VEB)      X=.20:31  Sofian (V)
          X. 25:15  Melissa H (WP)     3. 23:02  Steve M (WCA)
50bk      1.   44.4 Sheila (WCA)       X.   31.8 Greg M (V)
(3/6)     2.   59.1 Susan M (EB1)      1.   41.2 James Y (VEB)
          3.   63.9 Ursula (VEB)       2.   42.6 Pat B (WCA)
                                       3=.  43.9 Francois J (VEB)
                                       3=.  43.9 Bernie (EB1)
100bk     X. 1:35.6 Maria V (V)    
25br      1.   23.0 Mandie B (EB1)      
(4/0)     X.   24.1 Rachel S (X)      
          2.   24.2 Isla (EB1)       
          3.   24.5 Sarah F (EB1)
50br      X.   43.6 Courtney (WP)      X.   31.2 Keegan (V)
(3/5)     X.   51.2 Lara (PS)          1.   34.4 Mike R (VEB)
          1.   72.7 Debbie L (EB1)     X.   41.1 Mits (MC)
                                       2.   43.5 Ray A (VEB)
                                       3.   55.6 Chris Kelly (VEB)
200br     X. 2:52.4 Krista (V) 
50fl      X.   35.1 Barb P (WPC)       X.   28.2 John W (VC) 
(2/8)     X.   38.0 Heather M (MC)     X.   29.7 Mark B (V)
                                       X.   31.9 Greg M (V)
                                       X.   33.1 Brent C (V) 
                                       1.   34.1 J-F J (VEB/EB1)
                                       2.   34.7 Tom S (EB1)
                                       X.   35.1 Tim K (MC)
                                       3.   36.4 Francois A (EB1)
100fl     X. 1:14.1 Paola (V)         
100IM     1. 1:37.5 Anhthu (WCA)       X. 1:09.4 Brandon V (V)       
Fun Relays (Friday, Sept 3rd + Tuesday, Aug 24th)
Remember that if your team didn't do as well as you hoped, blame the coach for putting together uneven teams!!
4 x 50 Freestyle Relay
6:30am Earlybirds (VEB):
1. 2:13.1 6:30 Team 3 Mike R, Anhthu, Sheila, Greg M
2. 2:13.6 6:30 Team 4 Chris K, Francois J, J-F J, Mark B
3. 2:19.5 6:30 Team 2 Jenn H, James Y, Ray A, Brent C
4. 2:21.0 6:30 Team 5 Barb P, Ursula, Mits, Keegan

7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
1. 2:11.1 7:30 Team 5 Bernie, Anita P, J-F J, Keegan
2. 2:13.0 7:30 Team 4 Jim L, Lara, Francois A, Greg M
3. 2:13.6 7:30 Team 2 Rachel S, Susan M, Sarah F, David M, Mark B
4. 2:21.5 7:30 Team 6 (250m) Brent C, Keegan, Mark B, Greg M, J-F J
5. 2:22.8 7:30 Team 3 Isla, Mandie, J-P T, Tom S, Brent C
1. 2:11.1 7:30 Team 5 Bernie, Anita P, J-F J, Keegan
2. 2:13.0 7:30 Team 4 Jim L, Lara, Francois A, Greg M
3. 2:13.1 6:30 Team 3 Mike R, Anhthu, Sheila, Greg M
4=.2:13.6 6:30 Team 4 Chris K, Francois J, J-F J, Mark B
4=.2:13.6 7:30 Team 2 Rachel S, Susan M, Sarah F, David M, Mark B
6. 2:19.5 6:30 Team 2 Jenn H, James Y, Ray A, Brent C
7. 2:21.0 6:30 Team 5 Barb P, Ursula, Mits, Keegan
8. 2:21.5 7:30 Team 6 (250m) Brent C, Keegan, Mark B, Greg M, J-F J
9. 2:22.8 7:30 Team 3 Isla, Mandie, J-P T, Tom S, Brent C
4 x 50 Medley Relay
6:30am Earlybirds (VEB):
1. 2:30.5 6:30 Team 3 Sheila, Mike R, Greg M, Anhthu
2. 2:39.2 6:30 Team 4 Francois J, Chris K, Francois J, Mark B, J-F J
3. 2:43.1 6:30 Team 2 James Y, Ray A, Brent C, Jenn H
4. 2:46.4 6:30 Team 5 Ursula, Keegan, Barb P, Mits
7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
X. 2:02.3 7:30 Team 6 Greg M, Keegan, Mark B, Brent C (all Varsity)
1. 2:28.4 7:30 Team 5 Bernie, Keegan, J-F J, Anita P
2. 2:38.9 7:30 Team 4 Greg M, Lara, Francois A, Jim L
3. 2:46.1 7:30 Team 3 J-P T, Isla, Mandie, Tom S, Brent C
4. 2:48.9 7:30 Team 2 Susan M, Sarah F, Rachel S, Mark B, David M
6pm Whitecaps (Tue Aug 24th):
1. 2:43.4 6pm Aug 24th Pat B, Courtney, Heather M, Meghann S
X. 2:02.3 7:30 Team 6 Greg M, Keegan, Mark B, Brent C (all Varsity)
1. 2:28.4 7:30 Team 5 Bernie, Keegan, J-F J, Anita P
2. 2:30.5 6:30 Team 3 Sheila, Mike R, Greg M, Anhthu
3. 2:38.9 7:30 Team 4 Greg M, Lara, Francois A, Jim L
4. 2:39.2 6:30 Team 4 Francois J, Chris K, Francois J, Mark B, J-F J
5. 2:43.1 6:30 Team 2 James Y, Ray A, Brent C, Jenn H
6. 2:43.4 6pm Aug 24th Pat B, Courtney, Heather M, Meghann S
7. 2:46.1 7:30 Team 3 J-P T, Isla, Mandie, Tom S, Brent C
8. 2:46.4 6:30 Team 5 Ursula, Keegan, Barb P, Mits
9. 2:48.9 7:30 Team 2 Susan M, Sarah F, Rachel S, Mark B, David M
Masters Swimming Competitions
If you want to compete in the 2004 Masters Swimming season, there is a $25 cost to register with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario).  Your registration is good until December 31st, 2005.  New and renewal registrations will be submitted in October -- please contact Lynn to sign up or renew.   Upcoming local meets are listed below.
Here's a summary of upcoming local, nearby and championship meets.  Details on Ontario competitions for the 2004-2005 season can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded yellow).  If you would like more information or are interested in competing in any of these competitions, let me know.
If you're interested in the MSO Annual General Meeting (Sat Oct 23rd), the agenda is posted on the bulletin board and available at:
Sat Oct 16th Technosport Sprint Meet at U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Sun Nov 14th Kingston Masters Meet, Kingston.  Details TBA.
Sat Nov 27th Technosport Sprint Meet, U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Sat Dec 4th Technosport Distance Meet, U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Race Results: (Please send in your results!  My apologies if I missed anyone.)
Sat Aug 14th Meech Lake 4k Swim (29 swimmers, plus 5 exhibition in wet suits)
Congratulations to the Carleton swimmers who participated:
Francois J (6:30am Earlybirds) 11th overall, 5th man, 1st in men's 40-44 in 1:08:00
Sarah F (7:30am Earlybirds) 14th overall, 8th woman, 3rd in women's 30-34 in 1:09:20
Dawn C (7:30am Earlybirds) 16th overall, 9th woman, 3rd in women's 40-44 in 1:12:20
Sun Aug 22nd 1000 Islands Triathlon (1.5k swim / 41.2k bike / 10k run; 140 competitors)
Congratulations to the Carleton swimmers who participated:
Sheila (Whitecaps "A") 11th overall, 1st woman and 1st in women's 40-44 in 2:15:08
Michael Stashin (6:30am Earlybirds) 65th overall, 49th man and 8th in men's 40-44 in 2:39:39
Sun Aug 29th Ironman Canada, Penticton (3.8k swim / 180k bike / 42.2k run; 2166 competitors)
Congratulations Ironmen:
Rich I (Whitecaps "A") 43rd overall and 8th in men's 35-39 in 9:50:27 (qualified for Hawaii!)
Chris M (Whitecaps "B") 149th overall and 20th in men's 40-44 in 10:34:12 (qualified for Hawaii!)
Rudy (x-Earlybirds) 1837th overall and 41st in men's 55-59 in 15:19:22
Chris' race report is at the end of this section.
Sat Sept 4th Ottawa Half Ironman and Sprint
Congratulations to these Carleton swimmers:
Half Ironman (1.9k swim / 90k bike / 21.1k run; 221 individuals, 13 teams)
Vincent (Whitecaps "B") 44th overall, 41st man and 10th in men's 40-44 in 4:57:36
Mike Scherman (Whitecaps "B") 52nd overall, 46th man and 1st in men's 19-24 in 5:03:03
Natalie A (6:30am Earlybirds) 148th overall, 34th woman and 9th in women's 30-34 in 5:49:24
Heather M (Whitecaps "A" / Coach) swimmer on 5th place team 4:52:06 (5th in swim in 31:14)
Jocelyn L (Whitecaps "A") swimmer on 6th place team 4:57:52 (7th in swim in 32:44)
Sprint (500m swim / 30k bike / 5k run; 300 individuals)
Tom M (Whitecaps "A") 2nd overall, 2nd man and 1st in men's 45-49 in 1:12:02
Francois A (7:30am Earlybirds) 8th overall, 8th man and 2nd in men's 45-49 in 1:16:09
Chris' IMC Race Report: (posted to TriRudy)  
Split times:
2.4 mile swim: 1:13:52
112 mile bike: 5:29:00
26.2 mile run: 3:46:21
Overall time: 10:34:12, 149/2166 overall, 20/303 M40-44

Short version:
Ironman Canada was held on the final day of the 2004 Athens Olympics. As they would have said at the original Olympics a couple millennia ago: "Veni, vidi, Kona." English translation: "I came, I saw, I qualified." (Yes, yes, I know it's Latin, not Greek, so this wouldn't actually have been said at the original Olympics.)

Really long version:
"Are you guys going to the Olympics?" That was one of the questions asked of Zoe and me as we stood in line to check in our bikes at the Ottawa airport for the flight to Kelowna. Well, we're hardly Olympic calibre athletes, but we hoped to have good races in Penticton. Another question asked of us by the ticket agent was, "What's in those boxes?" Following Rudy's advice I said, "triathlon equipment," rather than bikes, so we weren't charged an extra $75 each for privilege of having our boxes tossed around in various airports.

We arrived in the Okanogan Valley a week before Ironman Canada to get acclimatised to the heat. This turned out to be a rather needless thing to do, as up until race day the weather there was Ottawa-like: cool and wet.

This was Ironman #4 for me. Despite some delusional dreaming in the previous three Ironman races, this was the first time that I had a legitimate shot at qualifying for the Ironman World Championship in Kona. I thought I'd need to have S/B/R splits of 1:10/5:30/3:30 plus not more than five minutes in two transitions (total 10:15) to have a shot at qualifying.

We stayed with my uncle in Oliver for a few days, going for a couple of easy 2k swims, a couple of short runs, and riding various parts of the course. I was actually happy to get a couple of flats during training rides - it gave me a chance to practice changing tubes quickly, and I figured if I flatted before the race, I wouldn't get any during the race. There were a ton of people from Ottawa in Penticton (I think we had 40 people at the Ottawa breakfast) - it was great to see so many familiar faces and to meet new friends.

Race Day:
Having done IMC two years ago made for a relatively stress-free race morning, as I was familiar with the flow of humanity through the transition area and down to the beach. Zoe and I checked in early, dropped our special needs bags, got body marked, checked out our bikes and put on sunscreen. Then we grabbed a couple of chairs and sat by ourselves away from everybody else, trying not to get caught up with other people's pre-race nervousness. We met Rudy who, like us, was wearing his bright red Keskinada toque to ward off the morning chill.

As planned, I started way, way left and out of the washing machine. From where I was, this was the least violent of the four Ironman swims I've done; there was only a bit of contact between myself and other swimmers. I felt I was moving really easily and expending very little energy. I was mildly disappointed to see 1:13 on my watch at the end, but I didn't worry about it too much.

Even with the peelers, I had a bit of trouble getting my wetsuit off, but I got through T1 pretty quickly, in 3:36. In both T1 and T2 I didn't use the change tent, saving time and avoiding the temptation to linger.

The bike course had been slightly changed this year, and included a 180-degree turn one km into the ride. I took the first 10 km very carefully and rode defensively, not wanting to tangle with any other cyclists on the crowded streets through town. At about 20k Zoe caught up to me and asked what I was doing (going so slowly). Oh yeah, I thought, this is a race, not a training ride, and I cranked it up a notch.

One of the benefits of being such a slow swimmer is that you get the psychological benefit of passing an awful lot of people during the rest of the race. For the fourth consecutive Ironman, I passed 900+ people, many of them on the climbs up McLean Creek Road, Richter Pass and Yellow Lake. I sat and spun in my lowest gear up all of these climbs and was still able to pass tons of people. I felt that I handled the climbs and rode the rollers between Richter and the Cawston out and back really well. The descents were another story, though, as I couldn't commit to staying tucked on my aerobars on some of the long, sweeping descents. Still, not as many people passed me on the downhills as two years ago. The only time I pushed even slightly hard on the bike was the last 15k of the ride. I wanted to try to hit my goal time of 5:30, and I did so by exactly one minute. I felt great getting off the bike - the first time I've been able to say that in an Ironman.

I've had a quick look through the results booklet and I haven't been able to find anyone with a faster T2 than my 1:24. Feet out of bike shoes before stopping, stop, hand bike to volunteer, run to T2 bag, run to grassy area, helmet off, running shoes on, grab hat (with gels inside), GO! Coincidentally, my combined transition times were exactly 5:00, just what I was hoping for.

Okay, I told myself as I headed out, just run 26 eight-minute miles and you're going to Kona. Mile 1: 6:46, yikes, way too fast! Mile 2: 7:14, still too fast. Mile 3: 7:45, that's more like it. I was able to hold about a 7:55 pace up to Mile 10, then totally ran out of energy. I'd only eaten two gels on the run up to this point, and probably hadn't eaten enough on the bike, either. Starting around Mile 10 I had to walk through aid stations and up some of the hills. I was still making up ground on a lot of runners, though. I pulled to within five metres of Paul McAneney at the OK Falls turnaround, but couldn't quite catch him. I felt I was on the verge of my calves cramping up so badly that I wouldn't be able to move, so I started eating the salted pretzels they had at aid stations; that seemed to help. After keeping Paul in sight for seven miles I managed to pass him at Mile 20. This was like waving a red flag in front of a bull and he shot past me and disappeared out of sight.

By now I was "running" 9:00 to 9:30 minute miles and had given up on qualifying. I just wanted to get the damn race over with. I was still calculating my projected finishing time though, and I have to admit that knowing training partner Dev had an Ironman PB of 10:35 spurred me on. More walking and more pain. Despite all my walking, almost nobody was passing me. I guess other people were having tough days, too. Finally I was able to lumber onto Lakeshore Drive and do the final out and back before crossing the line in 10:34:12, a PB by 14 minutes.

Post Race:
The volunteers treat you like royalty at IMC after you've finished. I had two catchers spend 10 minutes with me before delivering me to one of the hot tubs. Then it was over to the massage tent for a wonderful massage, and while there I was delivered a couple slices of pizza and fruit. Bliss! I managed to see Zoe cross the finish line and present her with her medal shortly afterwards. Then we walked back to our hotel, took hot showers, grabbed some chips and beer and returned to the finish line to watch the rest of the race. We sat in the stands with Coach Rick who, like a mother hen, was nervously watching for the last of his athletes to come home.

"Rolling, rolling, rolling, keep those slots a-rolling":
Out of 100 Hawaii qualifying slots on offer, only 48 were claimed on Monday morning, leaving 52 to roll down in the afternoon. "That's huge," said rollmeister Marc Roy. I was really surprised to find out that I'd finished 20th in my age group - after my poor run, I thought I would have finished much lower. There were 11 slots available for the M40-44 category. Only five had been claimed in the morning, leaving six to roll down. If I remember correctly, the 12th, 14th and 17th slots weren't claimed. When the 17th slot went unclaimed, I knew I was going to Kona. The 18th, 19th and (my) 20th slot were all claimed, so I managed to get the final slot in my age group - unbelievable!

While I was in the Kona registration tent, the W40-44 rolldown was taking place. But you'll have to hear about that part of the story from Zoe...

"I'd like to thank the Academy..."
(This is where it gets warm and sappy - please hit "Skip to Next" if you don't want your stomach turned.)

For somebody who loves to train alone, I sure have a lot of training partners / friends / colleagues to thank:

Four years ago, after finishing my first Ironman, I knew exactly zero triathletes in Ottawa. I think I now know a good chunk of the area's triathletes and am firm friends with many of you. This is mostly due to Rudy's List (as it was known - no such thing as TriRudy back then.). Thanks to Rudy, Joan and Jamie Stephenson for developing such a wonderful tool for Ottawa's triathletes.

I would not be going to Kona if I hadn't met Dev Paul. Period. His weekly Tour de Gats rides and wild and fun training schemes made me realize what one's body is capable of if you set your mind to it. As we used to say in my previous recreational career as a rock climber, "free your mind and your ass will follow".
More than anyone else, I owe my slot in Kona to Dev. I'd also like to thank the other Lame Posers (that is a complimentary, not derogatory term) in Dev's crew: Don Milne-Marlin, Jonathon Boocock, Jeff Reece and Gary Bolton.

Qualifying with a 1:13 swim is slightly embarrassing, but it was still an Ironman PB for me. I wouldn't have been able to have such a relaxed, easy swim without the help of Carleton Masters' swim instructors Mits Kachi and Lynn Marshall. The slow swim is the fault of the student, not the teachers. Also thanks to lanemates Vincent Stapleton and Mike Scherman who allowed me to draft behind them when I showed up at pooped at the start of our evening Masters' sessions.

In the last couple of years Zoe and I have done Rideau Lakes and become friends with Marcel Brugger, Geoff Williams and Dean Hosiak, all excellent cyclists and triathletes. Another person in that group is Mike Wall. Mike's an excellent athlete and a very dear friend of ours; I know he'll qualify for Kona next year.

I know I'm going to miss many people here, but I'd like to thank the Ottawa triathletes who we shared time with in Penticton, or who went all the way to Penticton just to watch the race: Glenn, Eric, Rich, Rod, Ted, Paul, Ross, Jasi, Darren, Ann, David, Kevin, Bev, Micheline, Jim, Marcel, Rudy and Joan, Rick and Nancy, Jamie & Erin, Heather, Ellen. Sorry, I know there were many more of you there.

Needless to say, thanks to my partner in life as well as training, Zoe, and to my parents, who've all given me unstinting support.

All of colleagues at the Citizen have been amazing in their support on my road to Kona, especially my manager, Louise Rachlis. They were awesome in putting up with a starving biker coming in mid-morning (and working late, in case any other Citizen managers are reading this). When I returned to work following Ironman Canada I found my desk covered in Hawaiian leis and pineapple tops, along with a huge Congrats card signed by my co-workers. I had been pretty blasé about having qualified until then, but I broke into tears when I saw this.

Finally, thanks to Barry Dmitruk, the Kona Express. We ride the same model Trek Hilo 1000 bikes and have the same Hed-3 race wheels. Barry made me realize that an, ummm, "aquatically challenged" triathlete (him much less so than me) could get to Kona. Barry's fully worthy of the Kona Express monikor, as I believe he's qualified outright (i.e.. without rolldown) three times for Kona. I don't want to tread on his nickname, but if he's the Kona Express, and I manage to snag the final rolldown spot at the end of the train, just call me ... the Kona Caboose!


P.S. Any recommendations on flights / lodging / race tips / things to see / places to go surfing after Ironman Hawaii would be greatly appreciated. Please email me directly.
Chris Macknie  The Kona Caboose!
Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  I noticed that the minimum age for Child Safety Supervision has increased from 2 to 3 since Winter 2005.  My child was old enough for the Winter term, but is no longer old enough for Fall 2004.  Can you explain?  Swimming Mother
Dear S. Mother:  If your child has done Safety Supervision before, there shouldn't be a problem joining for this Fall.  The staff had been encountering problems with non-toilet-trained children which is why the age was raised.  Contact Steve Baird, Aquatics Coordinator, 520-4480 x8444 or if you have specific questions about the Safety Supervision. 
Dear Coach:  Can you remind me of when the interim workouts are?  (I accidentally deleted the last newsletter.)  Clean Inbox
Dear C. Inbox:  While I'm happy to answer these questions, just in case you don't get an immediate response, remember that the newsletters are always posted on the bulletin board and are stored electronically on the web site:  (The list of interim workouts is near the top of this newsletter.)
Dear Coach:  Your newsletter said that Friday, September 3rd was the last day of the Earlybirds Summer Session but the Athletics Office staff told me it ended Friday, August 27th.  Which is correct?  Confused Swimmer
Dear C. Swimmer:  Information on the web site and newsletter is correct.  If you are ever in doubt, contact me!  The office staff deal with many different programs, and most programs did end August 27th.  Sorry for the confusion!
Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons
Schedule for Fall/Winter:
Tue/Thu 7:15-8:00pm (fully booked through April, 2005)
Extra Lessons added for Fall 2004:
Mon 3-4pm: Sept 13 to Nov 22, excluding Oct 11
Wed 3-4pm: Sept 15 to Nov 24
Sat 7-8pm: Sept 18 to Oct 23, excluding Oct 16
Sat Sept 25: 12:30-1:30pm; 1:30-2:30pm; 2:30-3:30pm; 3:30-4:30pm [during polo tourney]
Mon 4-5pm: Nov 29 to Dec 13
Prices for private lessons (up to December 2004) for Carleton Members are $36.75 for 1 hour, $68.25 for 2, $94.50 for 3, $117.60 for 4 and $138.60 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($52.50, $89.25, $120.75, $149.10 and $170.10, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $22.05 for 1 hour, $40.95 for 2, $56.70 for 3, $70.56 for 4, and $83.16 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per person) $31.50 for 1 hour, $53.55 for 2, $72.45 for 3, $89.46 for 4, and $102.06 for 5 hours, all plus GST. 

Contact Lynn for availability and bookings.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!