Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #99                              Thursday, September 16th, 2004

To:  Carleton Coaches (11 addresses)

Bcc: Those Registered for Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall 2004 plus "Alumni":  High Intensity (14 members), 6:30am Earlybirds (46 Members), 7:30am Earlybirds (49 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (19 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (100 addresses), Nightcaps (34 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (35 members).

Welcome to all New and Returning Carleton Masters Swimmers!
Men's Locker Room Important Update
Note that from 9pm Fri Sept 17th to 1pm Sat Sept 18th, the front part of the men's change room will be closed while the final coat of finish is applied to the floor.  This means that for this Saturday morning workout only, the men will be using the back half of the change room, and accessing the pool deck via the back stairs (just like during the summer).  If you were not at Carleton in the summer, ask the Tuck Shop to direct you to the entrance, or follow the signs!  Women please note that adding an extra coat to the change room floor will be scheduled at some point, and soap dishes will be added to the showers, also.
Annual E-Mailing List Clean Up!
Over the next couple of weeks I will be cleaning up the Masters e-mail lists.  If you are not registered for Fall 2004 and would like to continue to receive the e-mail list, please let me know.  Otherwise, you will be removed!
Fall Program Registration
If you are planning to swim this Fall, you should have registered by now.  Note that Child Safety Supervision and the 7:30am Masters groups are currently full.  All other groups do have spaces.  The Fall workout themes have been posted on the bulletin board and web site.  Details on the Masters programs offered are given both on our web site: and on the Athletics web site at: (bottom of page).  You can register on-line at:
MSO Registration/Renewals: Interested in Competing in Swim Meets?
A list of dates for local and nearby Masters swim meets for Fall 2004 can be found below in the competition section.  If you are interested in competing this season, it costs $25 to register with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario).  Please bring Lynn a cheque payable to "Carleton Masters Swim Club" or cash, along with your name, address, phone number and date of birth (for renewals, I only need to know of any changes) by Monday, October 4th.

Swimmer Notes
Carleton Swim Suits:  Those who ordered suits in the summer can now pick up their order.  Men's suits are $24.50 and women's are $47.  There may be a few extra suits (I'll know in October).  They will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis, so let me know if you are interested.
Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Goodbye from Pouyan:  Pouyan (x-Whitecaps "B" / Nightcaps) reports that he has landed a job in Germany with Bombardier, and thus will no longer be swimming with Carleton Masters.  He sends his regards to everyone and big thank yous to his coaches (Mits, Louise, Lynn) for their help with his swimming which has led to an interest in scuba diving, and also helped with stress relief and enabled him to complete his Engineering degree.

Fall Session Information
As the Fall session continues, you will find information on upcoming events at workout, as well as the weekday attendance statistics.  For the first four weeks of the session, we will be focusing on stroke drills (freestyle this week, then breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly).  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!
Masters Swimming Competitions
If you want to compete in the 2004 Masters Swimming season, there is a $25 cost to register with MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario).  Your registration is good until December 31st, 2005.  New and renewal registrations will be submitted Mon Oct 4th -- please contact Lynn to sign up or renew (see details at the top of the newsletter).  
Here's a summary of upcoming local, nearby and championship meets.  Details on Ontario competitions for the 2004-2005 season can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded yellow).  If you would like more information or are interested in competing in any of these competitions, let me know.
If you're interested in the MSO Annual General Meeting (Sat Oct 23rd), the agenda is posted on the bulletin board and available at:
Sat Oct 16th Technosport Sprint Meet at U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Sun Nov 14th Kingston Masters Meet, Kingston.  Details TBA.
Sat Nov 27th Technosport Sprint Meet, U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Sat Dec 4th Technosport Distance Meet, U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Sat Jan 22nd Technosport Sprint Meet, U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Sat Feb 12th Nepean Winterlude Meet, Nepean Sportsplex.  Details TBA.
Sat Feb 19th Rideau Speedeaus Meet, U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Sat Mar 12th Technosport Sprint Meet, U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Fri Apr 1 - Sun Apr 3rd Masters Provincial Championships, Sault-Ste-Marie.  Details TBA
Sat Apr 9th Technosport Sprint Meet, U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Sat May 7th Technosport Sprint Meet, U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
Fri May 20 - Mon May 23rd Masters National Championships, Etobicoke.  Details TBA.
Sat June 4th Technosport Distance Meet, U of Ottawa.  Details TBA.
July 22 - 31st World Masters Games, Edmonton.  Details TBA.
Race Results: (Please send in your results!  My apologies if I missed anyone.)
Sat Sept 11th Wasaga Beach Triathlon
Congratulations to Heather M (Whitecaps "A" / Coach) and Corry B (Whitecaps "A" / Waterpolo Coach) who competed in this event.
Heather's team was 5th overall in the Olympic Triathlon in 2:26:02.  She completed the swim in 26:51.
Corry finished 69th overall and 11th in men's 30-34 in 2:33:36.
Full results at:
Sat Sept 11th Lobsterman Triathlon, Freeport Maine
Tom M (Whitecaps "A") participated and did very well, but he was too modest to say just how he placed in his race report (below) and the results aren't yet up on the site:
Sun Sept 12th St Marys 5km Swim Masters Provincial Championships
Lynn (Whitecaps "A"/Coach) competed in this event for the 14th time, and despite a slower finish time than usual (although the organizers do their best to set the course distance the same each year, it does vary!) she was first in 1:10:57.  The trophy has run out of room for plaques so an extra base is being added -- it should be quite impressive when completed!  Full results at:
Race Reports:
Corry's race report from Wasaga Beach:

So, I raced for the first time this season over the weekend in Wasaga Beach (about an hour or so north of Toronto on Georgian Bay). It was part of the MultiSport race series. Normally, by this time of the season, I am winding down my training and racing, but after taking up Andrew Jones's challenge to do an Ironman, I am gearing up for Florida in 2 months.

I had avoided racing through the summer, more from a cost perspective than anything else (Ironman racing in another country is expensive), but decided I needed some races under my belt this season before Florida. Wasaga Beach sounded like a nice option. I wouldn't know anybody, I could just practice a few minor things and be off.

The race (registering on race day) cost 76 dollars. There didn't seem to be too much different from most races as I wandered around pre-race. The start time was announced as being delayed by 10 minutes, but I didn't think too much of it. I then realized I hadn't brought any goggles with me (this, after realizing on the drive down that I'd already forgotten my wetsuit), fortunately there were some retailers on site that I could make a purchase from. I picked up a timing chip, despite no one telling me to do so. The only reason I thought to do so was because I walked down to the beach to get a look at the swim course and walked across a mat. That's when I realized there must be timing chips. When I picked my chip up, I asked the 14 year old girl manning the area by herself if she knew which way the chip had to go (the only chips I have used in the past have been from Championchip and they have a long-end-down/short-end-up thing going on). She looked at me like I had two heads and wandered away. I asked someone else in the registration tent and he said he'd used this circular chip before and had never concerned himself with up or down and everything seemed to be fine. I said alright and went on about my prep.

I then ran in to Heather McBurney who was there participating in the relay. She hung out with me by my transition spot as I got ready. I hadn't paid too much attention to the activity going on around me, but soon a guy wandered by and asked me which age group I was racing in (30-34) and he told me that my group was about to start. That I had about a minute to get to the start line. There had been no announcement out of the PA system prior, in fact, the music was so loud, I could hardly tell that a person was talking most of the time. I ran down to the beach to find the start was actually about a hundred metres out into the water, being that the water was quite shallow. I reached the group just in time to hear the announcer begin the 10 second countdown (Thanks to the guy in transition that got me out there). Now, forgetting my wetsuit was not too big a deal, I had swam all summer without it at Meech and was still pulling in one hour times. I figured I'd lose a minute! or so to the leaders, maybe two. Trouble was, I wore my shirt into the water, not thinking about the pockets in the back which acted nicely as drag over the course of the swim. I thought I'd had a fairly relaxed swim, and saw most of my fellow age groupers were behind me, so I figured it didn't make too much of a difference (as well, just a couple of weeks earlier I had done a relaxed 21 minute 1500 time trial at Carleton Masters), I figured I had swam about a 22 or 23 (somehow, it ended up as a 27, I haven't swam that slow since high school). Now, the trouble with starting the race a hundred metres out is that you have to run a hundred metres through the water to get back to the beach. You want to talk about tiring.

Alright, this has gone on long enough, and I've displayed most of my idiocy for all to see. Suffice to say, I had a flat on the bike with a little less than a km to go and had to run my bike in (first time flatting in a race). The run was uneventful, but hot, along the boardwalk. Now, to the point of this message. I've taken part in a lot of Somersault events, 5 years straight of the KTown tri, a Subaru event, the OAC triathlon, etc, etc. This was my first MultiSport event. It will probably be my last. They bite off way more than they can chew. A triathlon takes an army of volunteers to run properly, and they didn't have half of what they needed. I saw them recruit spectators to help direct cyclists to the bike course out of transition, mid-race! As far as I could tell, they had one guy on a jet ski in the water for the swim. The course buoys were merely suggestions to most racers, as they'd cut them to the inside. People rode their bikes in the transition area. ! A run course official let a racer run by her, veer off-course, until another racer behind him yelled at the guy that he was off-course. I finished 70th overall, or something like that, out of almost 300 racers doing the Olympic distance. They also had an international Du, an Olympic relay, a sprint, and maybe a tri a tri. I finished, and less than 5 minutes later headed for the food tent (which, previously was the registration tent) for some post race chow. When I got there, all the cold drinks were gone, they were out of watermelon, although they said 5 more were on their way - half an hour later they still hadn't shown up (not to mention, 5 more for probably 3 or 400 racers still out on the course?). What they had available were halves of chocolate chip bagels and some cut up bananas. Boy, did I ever lament the OAC triathlon and their Lone Star Catering at that point.

All I am getting at is that we in the Ottawa area are far more fortunate than we know to have the excellent races we have. The level of professionalism and event planning far exceeds what I saw this weekend for the Toronto triathlon market. Yes, the triathlon community has exploded in the last 5 years, but so has the race availability. You could race every weekend of the summer with very little travel if you wanted to. If race directors want this to continue and want their races to be events that people put on their calendars, they have to satisfy the needs of the majority of racers. Not always an easy thing to do, but I think certainly achievable.

In conclusion, thanks to the local race coordinators for your efforts and keep up the good work, you've achieved a level beyond those of many others. Here's hoping it continues to improve.


Tom's race report from Lobsterman:
The lobsterman Tri took place this last weekend in Freeport Maine.  The weather was fabulous (again like last year). From the start to the finish this is one of the best run Triathlons out there.  For those of you who are looking for a road trip next year put this one on the list.  From all indications this is the equal to Kingston and Cranberry Triathlons, with the attention to detail in all aspects of the event.

The venue is perfect and the race course is fair (swim is a tad long)

My experience: Swim was a bit cold but very tolerable, the point to point swim course was perfectly long for the likes of me. If you had the time you could take in the scenery on the swim as you swim around a small island and along a rocky shoreline then to end up on a sand beach. A short climb to the transition on mostly thick grass and bike out on a 150m firm dirt road to pavement. The course starts with a long slightly tough climb then on to a mostly rolling smooth pavement road. There are some bumps and issues but mostly pretty good. Next year a lot of this course will be newly paved. (the town really backs this race as it supports the Local fire dept)The large lollipop bike course is not overly tough but it has some interesting sections. All of the intersections are monitored by police and very clear for athletes. The bike is mostly tree covered and not exposed to heavy sun and wind.

From there the Run is out and back with the exception of a small 1km loop at the 4.5k mark. The course follows the beginning of the bike course. A bit tough with the rolling hills but some good flat and fast sections.

The finish is a nifty little chute that greets you with a finishing ribbon, medal of participation, Lobsterman water btl (filled with water)and a Lobsterman hat. A little further is the food and message tent. Then the climax .....a lobster/clam bake with beer and corn on the cob. WOW!!!!

I'll be back next year and you should all look at this as a must.


PS. if you want there is plenty of camping on site and shopping at L.L. Bean's and other stores... I went to Portland and took in the water front and ate Oysters and fish soup. 7 1/2 hours later I was home (Ottawa) in bed.
Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  I've never learned butterfly.  Is that going to prevent me from participating fully in the Masters workouts?  A Newbie
Dear A. Newbie:  First, welcome to Carleton Masters!  Many of our Masters swimmers have never done butterfly before joining the Masters team.  When we work on butterfly drills (4th week of the session) your coach will provide you with drills for which no previous butterfly experience is necessary!  Everyone can learn to do butterfly!
Dear Coach:  I have a knee injury and can't do breaststroke (whip) kick.  Can I do something else instead?   Kneed an Alternative
Dear N.a. Alternative:  A good choice is to do a dolphin kick instead (breaststroke arms and butterfly legs).  If this isn't comfortable for you, let me know.  Everyone please take note that if you have a temporary injury or permanent condition that prevents you from doing any of the swimming skills, please ensure that your coach is aware of it!  We can usually provide an alternate skill that you can do instead. 
Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons
Schedule for Fall/Winter:
Tue/Thu 7:15-8:00pm (fully booked through April, 2005)
Extra Lessons added for Fall 2004:
Mon 3-4pm: Sept 13 to Nov 22, excluding Oct 11
Wed 3-4pm: Sept 15 to Nov 24
Sat 7-8pm: Sept 18 to Oct 23, excluding Oct 16
Sat Sept 25: 12:30-1:30pm; 1:30-2:30pm; 2:30-3:30pm; 3:30-4:30pm [during polo tourney]
Mon 4-5pm: Nov 29 to Dec 13
Prices for private lessons (up to December 2004) for Carleton Members are $36.75 for 1 hour, $68.25 for 2, $94.50 for 3, $117.60 for 4 and $138.60 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($52.50, $89.25, $120.75, $149.10 and $170.10, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $22.05 for 1 hour, $40.95 for 2, $56.70 for 3, $70.56 for 4, and $83.16 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per person) $31.50 for 1 hour, $53.55 for 2, $72.45 for 3, $89.46 for 4, and $102.06 for 5 hours, all plus GST. 

Contact Lynn for availability and bookings.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts on Sunday.

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!