[J72] Aghamiri HR, Hosseini SA, Green JR, Oommen BJ, 2025, "Nonparametric Probability Density Function Estimation using the Padé Approximation", MDPI Algorithms, in press.
[J71] Yassin Y, Fuller A, Ranjbar K, Bala K, Nichman L, Green JR, 2024, "Soft Contrastive Representation Learning for Cloud-particle Images Captured In-Flight by the New HVPS-4 Airborne Probe", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, in press, doi:TBD.
[J70] Hajj-Ali Z, Souley Dosso Y, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, 2024, "Depth-Based Intervention Detection in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Using Vision Transformers", MDPI Sensors, 24(23):7753, doi:10.3390/s24237753.
[J69] Mozafari M, Law AJ, Goubran RA, Green JR, 2024, "Deep Learning Respiratory Rate Estimation from Thermal Video", MDPI Sensors, 24(19):6386, doi:10.3390/s24196386.
[J68] Valdes JJ, Cook Z, Wang J, Wallace B, Laska B, Green JR, Goubran RA, Xi P, 2024, "Human Activity Understanding Through Explainable Audio–Visual Features", IEEE Sensors Letters, 8(8):6010104, doi:10.1109/LSENS.2024.3425760.
[J67] Klamrowski MM, Klein R, McCudden C, Green JR, Rashidi B, White CA, Oliver MJ, Molnar A, Edwards C, Ramsay T, Akbari A, Hundemer GL, 2024, "Derivation and Validation of a Machine Learning Model for the Prevention of Unplanned Dialysis," Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 19(9):1098-1108, doi:10.2215/CJN.0000000000000489.
[J65] Kehoe P, Gibb K, Hurley J, Langlois RG, Green JR, Chan ADC, Toma E, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Ibey A, Redpath S, 2024, "Simulating whole-body vibration for neonatal patients on a tire-coupled road simulator", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine,238(2), doi:10.1177/09544119231219531.
[J62] Klamrowski MM, Klein R, McCudden C, Green JR, Ramsay T, Rashidi B, White CA, Oliver MJ, Akbari A, Hundemer GL, 2023, "Short Timeframe Prediction of Kidney Failure among Patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney," Clinical Chemistry 69(10):1163–1173, doi:10.1093/clinchem/hvad112
[J50] Souley Dosso Y, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, 2021, "RGB-D Scene Analysis in the NICU," Elsevier Computers in Biology and Medicine, 138:104873, doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104873.
[J28] Kazmirchuk T, Dick K, Burnside DJ, Barnes B, Moteshareie H, Hajikarimlou M, Omidi K, Ahmed D, Low A, Lettl C, Hooshyar M, Schoenrock A, Pitre S, Babu M, Cassol E, Samanfar B, Wong A, Dehne F, Green JR, Golshani A, 2017, "Designing Anti-Zika Virus Peptides Derived from Predicted Human-Zika Virus Protein-Protein Interactions," Computational Biology and Chemistry, 71:180-197 (doi:10.1016/j.compbiolchem.2017.10.011).
[J25] Schoenrock A, Burnside D, Moteshareie H, Pitre S, Hooshyar M, Green JR, Golshani A, Dehne F, Wong A, 2017, "Evolution of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks in Yeast," PLoS One 12(3): e0171920 (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171920).
[J20] Schoenrock A, Samanfar B, Pitre S, Hooshyar M, Jin K, Phillips CA, Wang H, Phanse S, Omidi K, Gui Y, Alamgir Md, Wong A, Barrenäs F, Babu M, Benson M, Langston MA, Green JR, Dehne F, Golshani A, 2014, "Efficient Prediction of Human Protein-Protein Interactions at a Global Scale", BMC Bioinformatics, 15:283.
[J18] Fraser GD, Chan ADC, Green JR, MacIsaac D, 2014, "Automated Biosignal Quality Analysis for Electromyography using a One-Class Support Vector Machine", IEEE Transactions in Instrumentation and Measurement, 63(12):2919-2930 (doi:10.1109/TIM.2014.2317296).
[J17] Chao S, Green JR*, Smith JC*, 2014, "Evaluation of a GPGPU-based de novo peptide sequencing algorithm", Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 34(5): 461-468 (doi:10.5405/jmbe.1713). (*co-corresponding authors)
[J16] Ghadiri A, Green JR, Marble AE, 2014, "Real-time Non-contact Optical Tongue Tracking", Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 34(5): 455-460 (doi:10.5405/jmbe.1712).
[J14] Yuan MY, Green JR, Goubran RA, 2013, "Thermal Imaging for Assisted Living At Home: Improving Kitchen Safety", Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 33(4):380-387 ( doi:10.5405/jmbe.1271).
[B1] Peace RJ and Green JR, 2018, "Computational Sequence- and NGS-based MicroRNA Prediction" in Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data, edited by Sejdic E and Falk TH, CRC Press, Boca Raton, (DOI:10.1201/9781351061223)
[PP1] Kotlyar M, Ableson A, Green J, Somogyi R, Steeg E, inventors; Molecular Mining Corp, assignee. "Determination of Co-occurrences of Attributes," International Patent Application No. PCT/CA02/00731 (International Patent Publication No. WO 02/095650). Filed May 17, 2002.
Refereed conference publications
[C107] Papillon O, Goubran RA, Green JR, Lariviere-Chartier J, Higginson C, Knoefel F, Robillard R, "Sleep Position Classification using Transfer Learning for Bed-based Pressure Sensors", IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - I2MTC2025, Chemnitz, Germany, 19-22 May 2025.
[C106] Al-Najjar A, Amini M, Green JR, Felix K, "LineShield: a Generalized Lidar Pipeline for Automated Vegetation Encroachment Detection on Powerlines", 2025 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2025), London UK, 25-28 May 2025.
[C105] Fuller A, Kyrollos D, Yassin Y, Green JR, "LookHere: Vision Transformers with Directed Attention Generalize and Extrapolate", NeurIPS 2024, Vancouver, Canada, 10-15 Dec 2024. Acceptance rate of <24%
[C104] Kehoe P, Egwabor R, Langlois R, Green JR, Chan ADC, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Ibey A, Redpath S, 2023, "Characterization of Noise and Vibration in a Ground Ambulance by Road Classification", In: Huang, W., Ahmadian, M. (eds) Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks III. IAVSD 2023. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-66968-2_46
[C103] Fuller A, Millard K, Green JR, "CROMA: Remote Sensing Representations with Contrastive Radar-Optical Masked Autoencoders", NeurIPS 2023, New Orleans, 12-14 Dec 2023. Acceptance rate of 26.1%
[C102] Ajila V, Green JR, "Domain Adaptation applied to microRNA Target Prediction", IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE), virtual, 2-6 Dec 2023.
[C101] Huq S, Xi P, Goubran RA, Knoefel F, Green JR, "Data Augmentation using Reverb and Noise in Deep Learning Implementation of Cough Classification", IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE), virtual, 2-6 Dec 2023.
[C100] Masson P, Wallace B, Green JR, Goubran RA, "Comparison of Spatial Coverage of LiDAR Systems for In Home Activity of Daily Living Applications", IEEE Sensors Application Symposium (SAS2023), Ottawa, Canada, 18-20 July 2023.
[C99] Zhang Z, Shen Y, Valdes JJ, Huq S, Wallace B, Green JR, Xi P, Goubran RA, "Domestic Sound Classification with Deep Learning", IEEE Sensors Application Symposium (SAS2023), Ottawa, Canada, 18-20 July 2023.
[C98] Singh A, Rajan S, Amini M, Green JR, Dick K, "Critical Electrical Infrastructure Segmentation in Arctic Conditions", IEEE Sensors Application Symposium (SAS2023), Ottawa, Canada, 18-20 July 2023.
[C97] Stewart M, Higginson C, Lariviere-Chartier J, Robillard R, Green JR, Goubran RA, Knoefel F, "Fusion in Automated Sleep Apnea Classification Using Multi-Input Convolutional Neural Networks", IEEE Sensors Application Symposium (SAS2023), Ottawa, Canada, 18-20 July 2023.
[C96] Gibb K, Yovchev N, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Redpath S, Ibey A, Chan ADCC, Green JR, Langlois R, "Developing an Instrumentation Package to Measure Noise and Vibration in Neonatal Patient Transport", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Jeju, South Korea, 14-16 June 2023.
[C95] Huq S, Xi P, Goubran RA, Valdes J, Knoefel F, Green JR, "Data Augmentation using Reverb and Noise in Deep Learning Implementation of Cough Classification", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Jeju, South Korea, 14-16 June 2023.
[C94] Mozafari M, Law A, Green JR, Goubran RA, "Face Detection in Thermal Images with Improved Spatial Precision and Temporal Stability", IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - I2MTC2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-25 May 2023.
[C93] Abbasi H, Dey A, Lam I, Sharifisoraki Z, Ali E, Amini M, Rajan S, Green JR, Kwamena F, 2023, "A Step-By-Step Approach for Camera and Low-Resolution-3D-LiDAR Calibration", IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, NV, 6-8 Jan 2023.
[C92] Dick K, Green JR, "Emergence of an Autonomous Vehicle Secondary Data Market for Breakthrough Applications", BSD 2022 workshop within IEEE BigData 2022, Tokyo, Japan , 17-20 Dec 2022.
[C91] Souley Dosso Y, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Depth Encoding for Neonatal Patient Segmentation”, IEEE BIBM 2022 workshop MABM 2022, Las Vegas, NV, 6-8 Dec 2022.
[C90] Souley Dosso Y, Rizcallah E, Kwamena F, Goubran RA, Green JR, "Deep Learning for Segmentation of Critical Electrical Infrastructure from Vehicle-Based Images”, IEEE EPEC 2022, Victoria, BC , 5-7 Dec 2022.
[C89] Hajj-Ali Z, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Towards Depth-based Respiratory Rate Estimation with Arbitrary Camera Placement", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Giardini Naxos-Taormina, Italy, 22-24 June 2022.
[C88] Kyrollos D, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Transfer Learning Approaches for Neonate Head Localization from Pressure Images", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Giardini Naxos-Taormina, Italy, 22-24 June 2022.
[C87] Kehoe P, Gibb K, Hurley J, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Ibey A, Redpath S, Chan ADC, Green JR, Langlois R, "Vibration Profiles of a Road Ambulance Using Equivalent Acceleration", Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress - CSME 2022, Edmonton, Canada, 5-8 June 2022.
[C86] Hurley J, Kehoe P, Gibb K, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Ibey A, Redpath S, Chan ADC, Green JR, Langlois R, "Development of Dedicated Transport Isolette Vibration Test Aparatus", Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress - CSME 2022, Edmonton, Canada, 5-8 June 2022.
[C85] Gibb K, Kehoe P, Hurley J, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Ibey A, Redpath S, Chan ADC, Green JR, Langlois R, "Developing a Dynamic Model of the Standard Neonatal Patient Transport System using Lagrange’s Equation in the Pitch Plane", Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress - CSME 2022, Edmonton, Canada, 5-8 June 2022.
[C84] Gibb K, Kehoe P, Hurley J, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Ibey A, Redpath S, Chan ADC, Green JR, Langlois R, "Dynamic Modeling of the Standard Neonatal Patient Transport System using a Newton-Euler Based Formulation in the Roll Plane", 9th International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics - CDSR22, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2-4 June 2022.
[C83] Tanner J, Dick K, Green JR, "Inter- & Intra-City Image Geolocalization", Conference on Robots and Vision - CRV2022, Toronto, Ontario, 30 May - 2 June 2022.
[C82] Mozafari M, Law A, Green JR, Goubran RA, "Respiration Rate Estimation from Thermal Video of Masked and Unmasked Individuals Using Tensor Decomposition", IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - I2MTC2022, Ottawa, Canada, 16-19 May 2022.
[C81] Mozafari M, Law A, Béni Tchoudem Djouaka S, Green JR, Goubran RA, "Comparison of Blind Source Separation Techniques for Respiration Rate Estimation from Depth Video", IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - I2MTC2022, Ottawa, Canada, 16-19 May 2022.
[C80] Kyrollos D, Green JR, "MetaHate: A Meta-Model for Hate Speech Detection", IEEE Big Data DEVIANCE 2021: Workshop on Deviant Activities on Social Media, Orlando, FL (virtual), 15-18 Dec 2021.
[C79] Souley Dosso Y, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Bottle-Feeding Intervention Detection in the NICU", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference - EMBC 2021, Guadalajara, Mexico (virtual), 1-5 Nov 2021.
[C78] Purohit A, Acharya S, Green JR, "A novel Greedy approach for Sequence based Computational prediction of Binding-Sites in Protein-Protein Interaction", IEEE 21st International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering - BIBE2021, Kragujevac, Serbia (virtual), 25-27 Oct. 2021.
[C77] Dick K, Kyrollos D, Green JR, "Machine Learning Pedagogy to Support the Research Community", ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH-E ’21), Chicago, IL (virtual), 20 Oct 2021.
[C76] Mozafari M, Goubran RA, Green JR, "A Fusion Model for Cross-Subject Stress Level Detection Based on Transfer Learning", Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), Sundsvall, Sweden (virtual), 23-25 Aug 2021.
[C75] Kyrollos D, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Detection of False Alarms in the NICU Using Pressure Sensitive Mat", Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), Sundsvall, Sweden (virtual), 23-25 Aug 2021.
[C74] Kyrollos D, Tanner JB, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Noncontact Neonatal Respiration Rate Estimation Using Machine Vision", Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), Sundsvall, Sweden (virtual), 23-25 Aug 2021.
[C73] Souley Dosso Y, Selzler R, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "RGB-D Sensor Application for Non-Contact Neonatal Monitoring", Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), Sundsvall, Sweden (virtual), 23-25 Aug 2021.
[C72] Selzler R, Chan ADC, Green JR, "TSEA: An Open Source Python-Based Annotation Tool for Time Series Data", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Neuchatel, Switzerland (virtual), 23-25 June 2021.
[C71] Selzler R, Chan ADC, Green JR, "Impact of Subject-specific Training Data in Anxiety Level Classification from Physiologic Data", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Neuchatel, Switzerland (virtual), 23-25 June 2021.
[C70] Darwaish F, Redpath S, Greenwood K, Aubertin C, Ibey A, Chan ADC, Green JR, Langlois RG, "Characterizing On-Road Vibrations in Ontario’s Neonatal Patient Transport", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Neuchatel, Switzerland (virtual), 23-25 June 2021.
[C69] Dick K, Tanner J, Green JR, "To Keystone or Not to Keystone, that is the Correction", Conference on Robots and Vision - CRV2020, Vancouver, Canada (virtual), 25-28 May 2021.
[C68] Kyrollos D, Hassan R, Souley Dosso Y, Green JR, "Fusing Pressure-Sensitive Mat Data with Video through Multi-Modal Registration", IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - I2MTC2021, Glasgow, Scotland (virtual), 17-20 May 2021.
[C67] Cohen-McFarlane M, Dick K, Green JR, Goubran RA, "Chaos Game Representation of Audio Signals", IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference - I2MTC2021, Glasgow, Scotland (virtual), 17-20 May 2021.
[C66] Kyrollos D, Stachiw T, Green JR, Langlois RG, "Injury Risk and Comfort Assessment Applied to Ambulance Transportation", 7th International Conference of Control Systems, and Robotics (CDSR'20), Niagara Falls, ON (virtual), 9-11 Nov 2020, doi: 10.11159/cdsr20.156.
[C65] Dick K, Green JR, "Chaos Game Representations and Deep Learning for Proteome-wide Protein Prediction", IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering - BIBE2020, Cincinnati, OH (virtual), 26-28 Oct. 2020.
[C64] Souley Dosso Y, Aziz S, Nizami S, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Video-based Neonatal Motion Detection", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference - EMBC 2020, Montreal, Quebec (virtual), 20-24 July 2020.
[C63] Darwaish F, Selzler R, Law A, Chen E, Ibey A, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Redpath S, Chan ADC, Green JR, Langlois RG, "Preliminary Laboratory Vibration Testing of a Complete Neonatal Patient Transport System", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference - EMBC 2020, Montreal, Quebec (virtual), 20-24 July 2020.
[C62] Selzler R, Smith A, Charih F, Boyle A, Holly J, Bridgewater C, Besemann M, Curan D, Chan ADC, Green JR, "Exploratory Analysis of Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Features in Virtual Rehabilitation Sessions," IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Bari, Italy (virtual), 1-3 June 2020.
[C61] Aziz S, Souley Dosso Y, Nizami S, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Detection of Neonatal Patient Motion Using a Pressure-Sensitive Mat," IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Bari, Italy (virtual), 1-3 June 2020.
(Received the IEEE MeMeA "Best Student Paper" award)
[C60] Souley Dosso Y, Aziz S, Nizami S, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Neonatal Face Tracking for Non-Contact Continuous Patient Monitoring," IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Bari, Italy (virtual), 1-3 June 2020.
[C59] Dick K, Charih F, Woo J, Green JR, "Gas Prices of America: The Machine-Augmented Crowd-Sourcing Era", Conference on Robots and Vision - CRV2020, Ottawa, Ontario, 13-15 May 2020.
[C58] Green JR, Langlois R, Chan A, Selzler R, Darwaish F, Ibey A, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Redpath S, "Investigating Vibration Levels in a Neonatal Transport System", Can Med Biol Eng Conf (CMBEC42), Ottawa, 21-24 May 2019.
[C56] Sheikh Hassani M, Green JR, "Active Learning for microRNA Prediction", IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine - BIBM2018, Madrid, Spain, 3-6 Dec 2018.
[C55] Bekele A, Samuel J, Nizami S, Basharat A, Giffen PR, Green JR, "Ontology Driven Temporal Event Annotator mHealth Application Framework," CASCON 2018, Markham, Canada, 29-31 October 2018.
[C54] Dick K, Green JR, "Fitting Rank Order Data in the Age of Context", IEEE Life Sciences Conference 2018, Montreal, Quebec, 28-30 Oct 2018.
[C53] Souley Dosso Y, Bekele A, Nizami S, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Segmentation of Patient Images in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit", IEEE Life Sciences Conference 2018, Montreal, Quebec, 28-30 Oct 2018.
[C52] Charih F, Steeves A, Bromwich M, Mark AE, Lefrançois R, Green JR, "Applications of Machine Learning Methods in Retrospective Studies on Hearing", IEEE Life Sciences Conference 2018, Montreal, Quebec, 28-30 Oct 2018.
[C51] Selzler R, Green JR, Goubran RA, "Neurodegenerative Disease Prediction Based on Gait Analysis Signals Acquired with Force-Sensitive Resistors", IEEE Life Sciences Conference 2018, Montreal, Quebec, 28-30 Oct 2018.
[C50] Oommen J, Bews D, Sheikh Hassani M, Ono Y, Green JR, "A Wearable Electronic Swim Coach for Blind Athletes", IEEE Life Sciences Conference 2018, Montreal, Quebec, 28-30 Oct 2018.
[C49] Souley Dosso Y, Bekele A, Green JR, "Eulerian Magnification of Multi-Modal RGB-D Video for Heart Rate Estimation," IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy, 11-13 May 2018. Awarded the IEEE MeMeA "Women in Engineering Best Paper"
[C48] Selzler R, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, MacLean G, Redpath S, Green JR, "Measurement of Vibration Levels on Neonatal Transport Systems Using a Custom Data Logger," IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy, 11-13 May 2018.
[C47] Charih F, Bromwich M, Lefrancois R, Mark A, Green JR, "Mining Audiograms to Improve the Interpretability of Automated Audiometry Measurements," IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy, 11-13 May 2018.
[C46] Bekele A, Nizami S, Souley Dosso Y, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Real-time Neonatal Respiratory Rate Estimation using a Pressure-Sensitive Mat," IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rome, Italy, 11-13 May 2018.
[C45] Nizami S, Basharat A, Shaukat A, Hameed U, Raza SA, Bekele A, Giffen PR, Green JR, "CEA: Clinical Event Annotator mHealth Application for Real-time Patient Monitoring," IEEE 40th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC2018), Honolulu, HI, USA, 17-21 July 2018.
[C44] Dick K, Charih F, Souley Dosso Y, Russell L, Green JR, "Systematic Street View Sampling: High Quality Annotation of Power Infrastructure in Rural Ontario", Conference on Robots and Vision - CRV2018, Toronto, Ontario, 8-11 May 2018.
[C43] Selzler R, Green JR, Goubran RA, Knoefel F, "Pressure sensitive mat using proximity sensors for vital sign monitoring", IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 14-17 May 2018.
[C41] Nizami S, Bekele A, Hozayen M, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Comparing time and frequency domain estimation of neonatal respiratory rate using pressure-sensitive mats," IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Rochester, MN, USA, 7-10 May 2017. Awarded the IEEE MeMeA "Women in Engineering Best Paper"
[C40] Nizami S, Cohen-McFarlane M, Green JR, Goubran RA, "Comparing metrological properties of pressure-sensitive mats for continuous patient monitoring," 2017 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, Glassboro, New Jersey, 13-15 March 2017.
[C39] Cohen-McFarlane M, Green JR, Goubran RA, Knoefel F, "Smart Monitoring of Fluid Intake and Bladder Voiding using Pressure Sensitive Mats", 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS (EMBC), Orlando, Florida, 16-20 Aug 2016.
[C38] Dick K, Green JR, "Comparison of Sequence- and Structure-Based Protein-Protein Interaction Sites", IEEE EMBS ISC 2016, Ottawa, Canada, May 2016.
[C37] Barnes B, Karimloo M, Schoenrock A, Burnside D, Cassol E, Wong A, Dehne F, Golshani A, Green JR, "Predicting Novel Protein-Protein Interactions Between the HIV-1 Virus and Homo Sapiens", IEEE EMBS ISC 2016, Ottawa, Canada, May 2016. (Awarded 3rd Prize in Student Paper Competition)
[C36] Cohen-McFarlane M, Green JR, Goubran RA, Knoefel F, "Monitoring Congestive Heart Failure using Pressure-Sensitive Mats", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Benevento, Italy, 15-18 May 2016.
[C35] Cohen-McFarlane M, Green JR, Goubran RA, Knoefel F, "Characterization of Measurements from Pressure Sensitive Mats using an Anthropomorphic Body Model", IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 23-26 May 2016.
[C34] Schoenrock A, Burnside D, Moteshareie H, Green JR, Wong A, Golshani A, Dehne F, "Engineering Inhibitory Proteins with InSiPS: The In-Silico Protein Synthesizer", Supercomputing 2015, Austin, Texas, Nov 2015.
[C31] Moradshahi P, Green JR, Lemair E.D, Baddour, N, "Differentiating Two Daily Activities Through Analysis of Short Ambulatory Video Clips", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Gatineau, Canada, May 2013.
[C30] Fraser GD, Chan ADC, Green JR, MacIsaac D, "Biosignal Quality Analysis of Surface EMG using a Correlation Coefficient Test for Normality", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Gatineau, Canada, May 2013.
[C25] Abser N, MacIsaac D, Chan ADC, Fraser G.D, Green JR, "CleanEMG: Comparing interpolation strategies for power line interference quantification in surface EMG signals", 35th Conference of the Canadian Medical & Biological Engineering Society, Halifax, Canada, 2012.
[C24] Fraser G.D, Chan ADC, Green JR, MacIsaac D, "Detection of ADC clipping, quantization noise, and amplifier saturation in surface electromyography", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, pp. 162-166, Budapest, Hungary, 2012.
[C23] Fraser G.D, Chan ADC, Green JR, MacIsaac D, "Removal of electrocardiogram artifacts in surface electromyography using a moving average method", IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 128-131, 2012.
[C22] Iyuke, F, Green, JR, Willmore, W, "Active learning for the prediction of asparagine/aspartate hydroxylation sites on proteins", Computation Intelligence and Bioinformatics (CIB2011), Pittsburgh PA, 7-9 Nov 2011.
[C21] Nizami, S, Green, JR, McGregor, C, "Service oriented architecture to support real-time implementation of artifact detection in critical care monitoring.", 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS (EMBC), Boston MA, USA, 2011.
[C20] Fraser G.D, Chan ADC, Green JR, Abser N, MacIsaac D, "CleanEMG - Power line inteference estimation in sEMG using an adaptive least squares algorithm", 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS (EMBC), Boston MA, USA, 2011.
[C19] Abser N, MacIsaac D, Fraser G, Chan ADC, Green JR, "CleanEMG: Quantifying power line interference in surface EMG signals", 34th Conference of the Canadian Medical & Biological Engineering Society and Festival of International Conferences on Caregiving, Disability, Aging and Technology, Toronto, Canada, 69825, pp. 1-4, 2011.
[C18] Schoenrock, A, Dehne, F, Green, JR, Golshani, A, Pitre, S, "MP-PIPE: A Massively Parallel Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Engine", International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'11), Tuscon AZ, USA, May 31-June 4, 11 pages, 2011.
[C13] Peace, R, Stewart, T, Green, JR, Smith, J, "Analysis of Redundant Peaks in LC-MS/MS Datasets", IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Ottawa, 30 April-1 May 2010.
[C12] Nizami, S, Green, JR, Eklund, J.M, McGregor, C, "Heart Disease Classification through HRV Analysis Using Parallel Cascade Identification and Fast Orthogonal Search", IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Ottawa, 30 April-1 May 2010.
[C11] Wetherow, O, Green, JR, Chan, ADC, Golshani, A, "Plate Analyzer - A Yeast Colony Size Measurement System", IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Ottawa, 30 April-1 May 2010.
[C10] Green, JR, Mahmoud, H, Dumontier, M, "Modeling Tryptic Digestion on the Cell BE Processor", CCECE09, St. John's NFLD, 3-6 May 2009.
[C8] Chan, ADC. and Green, JR, "Smart Rollator Prototype", MeMeA 2008, Ottawa, 8-9 May, p97-100, 2008.
[C7] Aboul-Magd, Md. and Green, JR, "PCI-SS: Web-Based Human and Machine Interfaces to Protein Secondary Structure Prediction", CCECE08, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 4-7 May, 2008.
[C1] Green, JR, 1997, "An Analysis of Human Factors in Motor Vehicle Accident Investigations", Proceedings of the Tenth Canadian Multi-Disciplinary Road Safety Conference, Toronto, 9-11 June 1997.
Non-refereed technical papers
[T11] Souley Dosso Y, Green JR, Goubran RA, 2023, “Multi-Sensor Applications to Address Critical Electricity Infrastructure Vulnerabilities - Academic Landscape Survey”, prepared for Natural Resources Canada, Energy Infrastructure Security Division, 45 pages.
[T10] Stone E, Pilanku V, Umeshbhai Khatri D, Green JR, Wallace B, Foss, A, 2023, “An Overview of Canadian Industry Activity to Address Emerging Vulnerabilities to Critical Electrical Infrastructure”, prepared for Natural Resources Canada, Energy Infrastructure Security Division, 63 pages.
[T9] Rajan S, Abbasi H, Dey A, Lam I, Sharifisoraki Z, Ali E, Amini M, Green JR, 2022, "Creating a Multi-modal Sensor Data Resource of Canadian Critical Electrical Infrastructure", prepared for Natural Resources Canada, Energy Infrastructure Security Division, 38 pages.
[T8] Amini M, Sharifisoraki Z, Ali E, Abbasi H, Dey A, Lam I, Rajan S, Green JR, 2022, "Segmentation Algorithms for Multi-modal Monitoring of Critical Electrical Infrastructure", prepared for Natural Resources Canada, Energy Infrastructure Security Division, 42 pages.
[T7] Amini M, Dey A, Green JR, Rajan S, Selzler R, Sharifisoraki Z, 2021, "Monitoring Critical Infrastructure using 3D LiDAR", prepared for Natural Resources Canada, Energy Infrastructure Security Division, 67 pages.
[T5] Dick K, Charih F, Russell L, Souley Dosso Y, Green JR, 2018, "Towards Energy Infrastructure Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning", prepared for Natural Resources Canada, Energy Infrastructure Security Division, 88 pages.
[T4] Dick K, Russell L, Souley Dosso Y, Green JR, 2017, "Deep Learning for Identifying Threats to Critical Infrastructure", prepared for Natural Resources Canada, Energy Infrastructure Security Division, 68 pages.
[T3] Greiss R, Green JR, Goubran RA, 2016, "Acoustic Noise Management in Open Plan Offices for Critical Infrastructure Security", prepared for Natural Resources Canada, Energy Infrastructure Security Division, 52 pages.
[T2] Peace R, Green JR, 2012, "Final Report on Semantic Techniques for Patent Landscape Analyses", prepared for Global Intellectual Strategies, 16 pages.
[W23] Green JR, "Machine Learning (ML) Applications in Critical Infrastructure Monitoring", Centre for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI) Virtual Black Sky Hazards Workshop, 40 minutes, Ottawa Ontario, 17 May 2022.
[W22] Green JR, "Machine Learning for Biomedical Informatics", Project Tech Conferences “Code your future” Youth Conference, 60 minutes, Ottawa Ontario, 26 June 2021.
[W21] Green JR, "Non-Contact Neonatal Patient Care", InGenius Talks, 60 minutes, Ottawa Ontario, 5 Feb 2020.
[W20] Green JR, "Machine Learning for Biomedical Informatics", Students in Engineering and Technology (SET) Conference, 90 minutes, Ottawa Ontario, 9 Nov 2019.
[W19] Green JR, "Reciprocal Perspective: Leveraging Context in Complete Prediction Graphs," Ottawa AI Alliance Workshop, Ottawa Ontario, 20 minutes, 19 Oct 2018.
[W18] Green JR, "Deep Learning for Identifying Threats to Critical Infrastructure," Meeting of the Energy and Utilities Sector Network (EUSN), Ottawa Ontario, 60 minutes, 15 Nov 2017.
[W17] Green JR, "Fast and Equitable Grading of Labs and Assignments in Engineering", Teaching Assistant Mentor Workshop Series, Carleton University, 90 minutes, annually 2012-2017.
[W16] Green JR, "Predicting Rare Events," Data Day 4.0, Carleton University, 29 March 2017.
[W15] Green JR, "Machine Learning with Class (Imbalance)," CASCON 2016 Evidence-based Analytics Workshop, Markham, Ontario, 1 November 2016.
[W14] Green JR, "Developing machine learning systems in the presence of class imbalance", Invited Talk, Ottawa Machine Learning Meetup Group, Ottawa, Canada, 30 November 2015.
[W13] Green JR, "Machine Learning for Bioinformatics in the Face of Class Imbalance", Track Keynote at the World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, Toronto, Canada, 11 June 2015.
[W12] Green JR, "Pattern Classification in the Presence of Class Imbalance", Invited Talk, Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba, 5 May 2015.
[W11] Green JR, "The Future of Assistive Technologies", International Summit on Accessibility, 20 minutes, Ottawa Ontario, 15 July 2014.
[W10] Green JR, "Creating Assistive Devices Using Machine Vision", FEDTalks Speaker Series, 60 minutes, Ottawa Ontario, 5 March 2014.
[W9] Green JR, "Exact String Matching on Cell B/E and GPGPU Multi-core Architectures for Computational Mass Spectrometry", CASCON Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Multi-Core and Many-Core Processors, 30 minutes, Markham Ontario, 2 November 2010.
[W8] Green JR, "Acceleration of Exact String Matching for Computational Mass Spectrometry", IEEE Computer Society Ottawa Chapter, 90 minutes, Ottawa Ontario, 21 September 2010.
[W7] Gelowsky T, Marjaba R, Patulea C, Green JR, Marble AE, "An Assistive Device for Visually Impaired Swimmers", CMBEC09, Calgary Alberta, 20-22 May 2009.
[W6] Green JR, Mahmoud H, Dumontier M, "Towards Real Time Protein Identification using the Cell BE: Modeling Tryptic Digestion on the Cell BE Processor", CASCON 2008, Toronto Ontario, 27-28 October 2008.
[W5] Green JR and Aitken S, "Fast and Equitable Grading of Labs and Assignments in Science and Engineering", Educational Development Center, Carleton University, 90 minutes, Ottawa Ontario, 2008-2009.
[W3] Green JR "Fast and Equitable Grading of Labs and Assignments in Science and Engineering", Educational Development Center, Carleton University, 90 minutes, Ottawa Ontario, 2007-2008, 2010.
[W2] Green JR, "Discovering protein structure and function via nonlinear system identification", IEEE EMBS Ottawa Chapter, Ottawa Ontario, 23 November 2005.
[W1] Green JR, "Dynamic nonlinear protein structure prediction", Carleton University, Ottawa Ontario, 10 December 2004.
[P25] Klamrowski M et al., “Comparison of Machine Learning with Cox Regression Models for Kidney Failure Prediction among Patients with Advanced CKD,” 67th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 18-21 June 2023. Awarded the “Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists Best Poster Award - Clinical”.
[P24] Souley Dosso Y, Aziz S, Nizami S, Sethi N, Samuel JF, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Giffen PR, and Green JR, "Neonatal Motion Detection and Classification from Pressure Sensitive Mat and RGB-D Video Data," CASCON 2019, Markham, Ontario, 4-6 Nov 2019.
[P23] Nizami S, Souley Dosso Y, Samuel J, Sethi N, Ain QU, Amin R, Basharat A, Giffen PR, Green JR, "Real-Time Dynamic mHealth Applications and Analytics Framework, IBM CAS Project 2019", Data Day, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 26 Mar 2019. First place among ~28 posters.
[P22] Nizami S, Bekele A, Souley Dosso Y, Samuel JF, Sethi N, Basharat A, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Giffen PR, and Green JR, "Patient Monitoring in the NICU using Pressure Sensitive Mats and Video Analytics," CASCON 2018, Markham, Ontario, 30 Oct - 1 Nov 2018.
[P21] Nizami S, Bekele A, Souley Dosso Y, Samuel J, Sethi N, Hozayen M, Basharat A, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Giffen PR, and Green JR, "Patient Monitoring in the NICU using Pressure Sensitive Mats and Video Analysis," Carleton University Life Sciences Research Day, Ottawa, Ontario, 30 May 2018. Received Best Poster Award, among ~25 posters.
[P20] Nizami S, Bekele A, Souley Dosso Y, Hozayen M, Basharat A, Shoukat A, Hameed U, Raza SA, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Giffen PR, and Green JR, "Patient Monitoring in the NICU using Pressure Sensitive Mats and Video Analysis," CASCON 2017, Markham, Ontario, 6-8 Nov 2017. (Tied for Best Poster Award, among 75 exhibits)
[P19] Cohen-MacFarlane M, Green JR, Knoefel F, Goubran RA, "Smart Monitoring of Fluid Intake And Bladder Voiding Using Pressure Sensitive Mats," Life Sciences Research Day, Carleton University, 5 May 2017.
[P18] Dick K, Green JR, "A Framework for Improving Protein-Protein Interaction Predictions," Life Sciences Research Day, Carleton University, 5 May 2017.
[P17] Souley Dosso Y, Dick K, Green JR, "Tongue Tracking using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning," Life Sciences Research Day, Carleton University, 5 May 2017.
[P16] Dick K, Souley Dosso Y, Russell L, Green JR, "Deep Learning for Identifying Threats to Critical Infrastructure," Data Day 4.0, Carleton University, 29 March 2017.
[P14] Nizami S, Nofal S, Statchuk C, Aubertin C, Greenwood K, Harrold J, Green JR, "Pressure Sensitive Mats for Patient Monitoring in the NICU," CASCON 2016, Markham, Ontario, 31 October 2016.
[P13] Nizami S, Green JR, McGregor C, "Detecting Artifacts in Big Physiologic Data to Enhance Clinical Decision Support", Second Annual Data Day, Carleton University, 1 April 2015. (Honorable Mention for Best Poster Competition)
[P12] Peace R, Green JR, "Species-specific microRNA prediction for elucidation of freeze-tolerance", 2014 Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) Research Day, Ottawa ON, 13 Nov 2014.
[P11] Peace R, Green JR, "MicroRNA prediction for elucidation of freeze-tolerant properties of C. Picta Bellii", First Annual Data Day, Carleton University, 24 April 2014.
[P10] Ruiz-Blanco Y.B, Martinez E, Marrero-Ponce Y, Green JR, "A Hybrid-meta-heuristic Approach to Search Protein Conformational Space", First Annual Data Day, Carleton University, 24 April 2014.
[P9] Amos-Binks A, Dehne F, Green JR, "Towards Personalized Interactomes" , First Annual Data Day, Carleton University, 24 April 2014.
[P8] Schoenrock A, Samanfar B, Hooshyar M, Phillips C.A, Wang H, Pitre S, Omidi K, Gui Y, Alamgir Md, Barrenas F, Benson M, Langston M, Green JR, Dehne F, Golshani A, "On finding overlapping graph complexes, with applications to PPI network analysis", UT-ORNL-KBRIN Bioinformatics Summit, Louisville, KY, March 2012.
[P7] Peace R, Mahmoud H, Green JR, "Peptide Sequence Tag Identification Using the Cell BE", 2nd Sharcnet Symposium on GPU and Cell Computing, University of Waterloo, 20 May 2009.
[P6] Mahmoud H, Peace R, Green JR, "Peptide Sequence Tag Identification Using the Cell BE", 2nd Annual Carleton Cell BE Programming Workshop, Carleton University, 13-15 May 2009. (Best Poster Award)
[P5] Rohra R, Kanagasundaram R, Green JR, "Accelerating Nonlinear System Identification Using the Cell BE Processor", 2nd Annual Carleton Cell BE Programming Workshop, Carleton University, 13-15 May 2009.
[P4] Gagne R, Williams A, Dong H, Wade M, Green J, Yauk C, "Guidelines for Chip-chip Pre-processing and Analysis", Health Canada Science Forum, Ottawa, 8-9 October 2008. (Best Poster Award)
[P3] Green JR, Knisely W, Aghaei A, "An Extensible Genetic Algorithms Library for the Cell BE Processor", Cell BE Programming Workshop 2008, Carleton University, 15-16 May 2008.
[P2] Hamdy M, Belkemah P, Green JR, "Dynamic Nonlinear System Identification on the Cell BE", Cell BE Programming Workshop 2008, Carleton University, 15-16 May 2008.
[P1] Mahmoud H, Dumontier M, Green JR, "Towards Real Time Protein Identification using the Cell BE", Cell BE Programming Workshop 2008, Carleton University, 15-16 May 2008.
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