Question 1: (i) Analysis Stage: (a) Inventory - an enterprise must take inventory of all the hardware and software that they use in their operations and identify all the date-sensitive materials (applications and data files) within that inventory. As well, the size and complexity of the components which are likely to be affected can be determined. (b) Risk Assessment - both internal and external impact analysis should be performed to determine the costs and liability associated with the problems caused by Y2K. External affiliations will also face similar problems, and should be considered if they are essential to internal operations. From this analysis an estimate of the magnitude of the change in effort required to fix the problem can be developed (ie. how many lines of code are affected, what additional components are affected such as hardware and inter- organizational systems) (ii) Synthesis Stage: (a) Conversion - replacing appropriate source code, updating databases and files, and expanding year fields. (b) Testing and Implementing Solutions- Every modified system and its interfaces must be tested with year data before and after the year 2000. Question 2: Define X1: the fraction of Method 1 (increasing the stack heights) used; X2: the fraction of Method 2 (using filters) used; X3: the fraction of Method 3 (using better fuel) used. Then the LP problem can be formulated as the following: Minimize Z = 8X1 + 7X2 + 11X3 subject to 12X1 + 25X2 + 17X3 >= 30 35X1 + 18X2 + 56X3 >= 80 37X1 + 28X2 + 29X3 >= 60 X1 <= 1 X2 <= 1 X3 <= 1 X1, X2, X3 >= 0 Question 3: You must submit your graph. From the graph, it can be seen that the optimal solution is achieved at the intersection of X1 + X2 = 8 2X1 - X2 = 10. By solving this system of equations, we find the optimal solution is (X1, X2) = (6, 2). The optimal objective value is 3X1 + 2X2 = 22. Question 4: First of all, we can neglect the market strategy M2, since it is dominated by the other strategies. New table can be constructed as follows; S1(0.2) S2(0.3) S3(0.4) S4(0.1) M1 -20 140 90 220 M3 40 100 200 120 M4 60 110 100 200 (a) The most probable sales level corresponds to S3, with the probability of 0.4. With this approach our decision will be M3 since it earns most for the sales level of S3. (b) The expected values of each machine can be determined as follows: M1 = ((-20)*0.2+140*0.3+90*0.4+220*0.1) * 1000 = $ 96,000 M3 = (40*0.2+100*0.3+200*0.4+120*0.1) * 1000 = $ 130,000 M4 = (60*0.2+110*0.3+100*0.4+200*0.1) * 1000 = $ 105,000 So our decision will be M3. (c) Since we are using the laplace criterion we will assume the nature to be indifferent, and assign the probabiltiy of 1/n, (which corresponds to 1/4 for this problem) to each future. So we wil look at the average profit for each machine such as M1 = ((-20)+140+90+220) * 1000*0.25 = $107,500 M3 = (40+100+200+120) * 1000 *0.25 = $ 115,000 M4 = (60+110+100+200) * 1000 *0.25 = $ 117,500 So our decision would be M4. (d) Maximum profits and minimum profits for each machine is as follows Alternative Max Min M1 220 -20 M3 200 40 M4 200 60 So our Maximin decision would be M4. (e) For the Hurwicz rule, alpha = 0.4. Alternatives Values of the equation M1 (0.4*220+0.6*(-20))*1000= 76,000 M3 (0.4*200+0.6*40)*1000= 104,000 M4 (0.4*200+0.6*60)*1000= 116,000 So our decision would be M4.