University of Toronto
MIE165S Modelling Integrated Systems


Prof. A. K. S. Jardine


Jiangbin Yang
Kemal Kilic
Herman Colquhoun Jr.

[redball] The Week of April 6 Schedule

[redball] General Information
[redball] Q&A Information System -- Updated
[redball] Links of Interest in Systems Engineering (Solution #1.2) -- Y2K Supplemented
[redball] Assignment #2, LP Formulation
[redball] Solution #2
[redball] Tutorial on Assignment #2
[redball] Some Questions & Answers on Assignment #2
[redball] Assignment #4, LP Graphical Solution
[redball] Solution #4
[redball] Assignment #5(a), Decision Making under Uncertainty and Risk -- Part(f) Corrected
[redball] Solution #5(a)
[redball] Midterm Questions
[redball] Midterm Solutions
[redball] Midterm Marks
[redball] Assignment #5(b), Models for Economic Evaluation
[redball] Solution #5(b)
[redball] Assignment #6(a), Queuing Theory
[redball] Solution #6(a)
[redball] Some Questions & Answers on Assignment #6(a)
[redball] Assignment #6(b), Project Management
[redball] Solution #6(b)

[redball] Presentation on Logistics by Mr. Patrick Sinnott
[redball] Presentation on Project Planning in Practice by Giffels
[redball] Mid-terem Schedule & Topics
[redball] Feb. 23-27 Schedule

This website was built and run by Jiangbin Yang,
whom you may contact via the Internet.
Spring, 1998.