EIDORS: Electrical Impedance Tomography and Diffuse Optical Tomography Reconstruction Software |
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EIDORS fwd_modelsCreate a simple 3D fwd_model structureEIDORS has functions to create common FEM models.% Create fwd models % $Id: tutorial010a.m 3960 2013-04-22 09:30:21Z aadler $ subplot(121); % 2D Model imdl_2d= mk_common_model('b2c',16); show_fem(imdl_2d.fwd_model); axis square subplot(122); % 3D Model imdl_3d= mk_common_model('n3r2',[16,2]); show_fem(imdl_3d.fwd_model); axis square; view(-35,14); print_convert('tutorial010a.png','-density 100') Figure: output image showing 2D and 3D EIT finite element models. Electrodes are shown in green. Electrode #1 is light green. Create a simple 3D fwd_model structureBased on these FEM models, we can simulate data. This code simulates difference data for a pattern with two inhomogeneities.% Simulate EIT data % $Id: tutorial010b.m 3273 2012-06-30 18:00:35Z aadler $ sim_img= mk_image(imdl_3d.fwd_model,1); % set voltage and current stimulation patterns stim = mk_stim_patterns(16,2,[0,1],[0,1],{},1); sim_img.fwd_model.stimulation = stim; % set homogeneous conductivity and simulate homg_data=fwd_solve( sim_img ); % set inhomogeneous conductivity and simulate sim_img.elem_data([390,391,393,396,402,478,479,480,484,486, ... 664,665,666,667,668,670,671,672,676,677, ... 678,755,760,761])= 1.15; sim_img.elem_data([318,319,321,324,330,439,440,441,445,447, ... 592,593,594,595,596,598,599,600,604,605, ... 606,716,721,722])= 0.8; inh_data=fwd_solve( sim_img ); clf;subplot(211); xax= 1:length(homg_data.meas); hh= plotyy(xax,[homg_data.meas, inh_data.meas], ... xax, homg_data.meas- inh_data.meas ); set(hh,'Xlim',[1,max(xax)]); print_convert('tutorial010b.png','-density 75'); Figure: Simulated voltages from 3D EIT mesh. Right axis (left) shows the difference signal due to an inhomogeneity. Reconstruct imagesUsing these difference data sets, an image may be reconstructed.% Reconstruct images % $Id: tutorial010c.m 2157 2010-04-04 11:22:54Z aadler $ subplot(131) show_fem(sim_img); %Add 20dB SNR noise to data noise_level= std(inh_data.meas - homg_data.meas)/10^(20/20); inh_data.meas = inh_data.meas + noise_level* ... randn(size(inh_data.meas)); %reconstruct rec_img= inv_solve(imdl_3d, homg_data, inh_data); % Show reconstruction as a 3D mesh subplot(132) show_fem(rec_img) subplot(133) rec_img.calc_colours.npoints = 128; show_slices(rec_img,[inf,inf,2.0,1,1; ... inf,inf,1.0,1,2]); print_convert('tutorial010c.png', '-density 100', 0.5); Figure: Left: Simulation image; Middle: Reconstructed image (as mesh); Right: Reconstructed image slices at z=1.0 and z=2.0. |
Last Modified: $Date: 2017-02-28 13:12:08 -0500 (Tue, 28 Feb 2017) $ by $Author: aadler $