Conferences and Journals:
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris, I. Viniotis, "Optimal scheduling policies in a multi-server homogeneous queuing system with random connectivity,” under preparation (Journal paper).
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris, I. Viniotis, "Scheduler Optimization in A Multi-Server System of Parallel Queues With Random Connectivity and Packet Retransmission,” under preparation (Journal paper).
H. Al-Zubaidy, C.C. Huang, J.Yan, "Dynamic Packet Scheduler Optimization in Wireless Relay Networks," submitted/accepted, IEEE JSAC, March/September 2011.
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris and J. Talim, “Optimal Scheduling in High Speed Downlink Packet Access Networks,” to appear in ACM TOMACS Journal. Here is the Electronic Appendix.
W. Jibrail, H. Al-Zubaidy, “Search Strategies for Acquisition of DS Spread Spectrum Signals,” International Journal of Electronics Vol.84, no.2, pp. 83-104(22), UK, Feb.1998.
H. Al-Zubaidy, C.C. Huang, J.Yan, "Most Balancing Algorithms for Optimal Packet Scheduling in Multi-Server Wireless Systems." WCNC’11, Mexico (2011).
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris, I. Viniotis, C. C. Huang, R. H. Hwang, "Optimal Key Generation Policies for MANET Security." Globecom’10, Miami, USA (2010).
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris, I. Viniotis, F.R. Yu, "Optimal Multi-Server Allocation to Parallel Queues With Random Connectivity and Retransmissions," ICC'2010, South Africa.
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris and I. Viniotis, "Optimal Resource Scheduling in Wireless Multi-service Systems With Random Channel Connectivity,” IEEE Globecom’09, Honolulu, HI, USA, Dec. 2009.
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris and J. Talim, "Code Allocation Policy Optimization in HSDPA Networks Using FSMC Channel Model,” IEEE WCNC’08, LasVegas, USA, March 2008.
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris and J. Talim, "Analytic Evaluation of Achievable Downlink Service Rate in 3G Wireless Networks,” ICTTA’08, Damascus, Syria, April 2008.
M. Abou El Saoud, H. Al-Zubaidy, S. Mahmoud, “Connectivity Model for Wireless Mesh Networks,” ICC 2008, Beijing, China, June 2008.
M. Abou El Saoud, S. Mahmoud, H. Al-Zubaidy, “The Effect of Inter-Link Dependencies on the Connectivity of Wireless Mesh Networks,” IEEE WCNC 2008, Las Vegas, USA, March 2008.
H. Al-Zubaidy, J. Talim and I. Lambadaris, "Dynamic Scheduling in High Speed Downlink Packet Access Networks: Heuristic Approach," MILCOM07, Orlando, USA, Oct 2007.
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris and J. Talim, "Determination of Optimal Policy for Code Allocation in High Speed Downlink Packet Access with Multi-State Channel Model," ACM/IEEE MSWiM 2007 Chania, Crete Island, Greece, Oct 2007.
H. Al-Zubaidy, J. Talim, I. Lambadaris, “Optimal Scheduling Policy Determination for High Speed Downlink Packet Access,” IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC2007, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2007.
H. Al-Zubaidy, J. Talim, I. Lambadaris, “Heuristic Approach of Optimal Code Allocation in High Speed Downlink Packet Access Networks,” International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology ICN07, April 2007, Martinique, French Caribbean.
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris, J. Talim, “Service Rate Determination for Group of Users with Random Connectivity Sharing A Single Wireless Link,” The Seventh IASTED International Conferences on Wireless and Optical Communications WOC 2007, Montreal, Canada, May 2007.
H. Al-Zubaidy, T. Omari, “RED Performance Evaluation Using Stochastic Modeling and Fluid-Based Analysis,” CCECE06, Ottawa, Canada, May 2006.
T. Omari, H. Al-Zubaidy, “Call Center Performance Evaluation,” CCECE05, Saskatchewan, Canada, pp.1805 - 1808, May 2005.
Thesis: Optimal Packet Scheduling in Emerging Wireless Networks
H. Al-Zubaidy, I. Lambadaris, J. Talim, "Downlink Scheduler Optimization in High-Speed Downlink Packet Access Networks." 26th Annual IEEE Conference on Computer Communications INFOCOM 2007, May 2007, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Poster, Abstract.
Technical Reports:
H. Al-Zubaidy, Optimal Service Allocation For Multi-Hop Network With Intermittent Connectivity. Technical report, Carleton U., 2011.
H. Al-Zubaidy,C.C. Huang, J.Yan, Dynamic Packet Scheduler Optimization in Wireless Relay Networks. Technical report, Carleton U., 2011.
H. Al-Zubaidy, Optimal Dynamic Packet Scheduling in Wireless Relay Networks. Technical report, SCE, Carleton University, 2010.
Al-Zubaidy, H. (2009) Optimal Node Selection for Distributed Security Management in Wireless Systems. TR # SCE-09-12, Carleton U., 2009.
Al-Zubaidy, H. (2009) Optimal Control of Parallel Queues Served by Two Homogeneous Randomly Connected Servers with Retransmission. TR # SCE-09-11, Carleton University.
H. Al-Zubaidy, “Optimal Dynamic Multi-Server Allocation to Parallel Queues With Independent Random Connectivity,” technical report # SCE-09-02, SCE, Carleton University, 2009.
H. Al-Zubaidy, “Search Strategies for Serial Search Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Acquisition Schemes,” M.Sc. Thesis, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq, Dec.1994.
H. Al-Zubaidy, J.Talim, I. Lambadaris, “Optimal Scheduling in High Speed Downlink Packet Access Systems,” technical report # SCE-06-16, SCE, Carleton University, 2006.
H. Al-Zubaidy, “Dynamic Frequency Hopping (DFH) in Mobile Communication,” technical report # SCE-06-17, SCE, Carleton University, 2006.
H. Al-Zubaidy, “Design and implementation of experimental DS spread spectrum Acquisition system with the ability to test different search strategies,” technical report, UoT, Baghdad, Iraq, 1994.
Dynamic Scheduling in High Speed Downlink Packet Access Networks: Heuristic Approach, MILCOM07, Orlando, USA, Oct 2007. (PPT)
Service Rate Determination for Group of Users with Random Connectivity Sharing A Single Wireless Link, The Seventh IASTED International Conferences on Wireless and Optical Communications WOC 2007. (PDF)
Optimal Scheduling in High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) Networks, ICC2007, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2007. (PDF)
RED Performance Evaluation Using Stochastic Modeling and Fluid-Based Analysis Approaches, CCECE06, Ottawa, May 2006. (PPT)
Optimal Scheduling in HSDPA, Dynamic Programming Approach (lecture) Carleton University Fall 2006. (PDF)
Talk: Downlink Scheduler Optimization in High-Speed Downlink Packet Access Networks, Canadian Summer School on Communications and Information Theory, Banff, 2007. (PDF)