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MIE165S Modelling Integrated Systems

Assignment #4: L.P. Solution

Due: Thursday, Feb. 12, 1998, 5:00pm, in the dropbox, Rosebrugh Building, 2nd Floor

Question#1 (5 marks). Using the graphical method, find the optimal solution and the optimal objective value of the following LP problem (submit your graph):

Maximize        Z = X1 + 2X2
subject to
                X1 <= 7
                X2 <= 6
                X1 + 3X2 <= 9
                -X1 + X2 <= 2
                X1 + X2 >= 1
                X1 >= 0, X2 >= 0
Question#2. A manufacturing firm is planning to produce two new products. The available capacity on the required machines that will limit the production output is summarized in the following table:
Machine Type Available Time

( in machine hours per week )

Milling Machine 500
Lathe 150

The numbers of machine hours required for each unit of the two products are
Machine Type Product 1 Product 2
Milling Machine 10 5
Lathe 2 3

The sales department indicates that the sales potential for Product 1 will exceed the maximum production capacity and the sales potential for Product 2 will not exceed 30 units per week. Producing each unit of the two products will cost $1 per machine hour. The prices of both Product 1 and 2 will be $18 per unit.

(a) (5 marks). Let Xi be the units of Product i produced per week, i = 1 and 2. Show that the firm is facing solving the following LP problem:

Maximize        Z = 6X1 +  10X2
Subject to
                10X1 + 5X2 <= 500
                 2X1 + 3X2 <= 150
                        X2 <= 30
                X1 >= 0, X2 >= 0

(b) (5 marks). Solve the LP problem in (a) using the graphical method. Submit your graph, and state clearly the optimal values of X1 and X2 and the maximum objective value.