Here is how this Information System works. First, each of the 3 TAs takes care of some course topics. When a student gets a question in a topic area, he/she can send an email to the TA responsible for that topic. The TA then answers the question via email to the student. If the question is representative, the TA will forward both his answer and the question to Jiangbin Yang. Jiangbin will then post the Q&A in this webpage, so that EVERY STUDENT CAN SEE THEM.
If you have questions on LP Formulation, LP Graphical Solution and Queuing Theory (Assignment #2, #4 and #6(a)), email Jiangbin Yang.
If you have questions on Decision Making, Economic Evaluation and Life Cycle Costing, and CPM/PERT (Assignment #5(a), #5(b) and #6(b)), email Kemal Kilic.
If you have questions on Assignment #1, #3 and #6(b), email Herman Colquhoun Jr.