Due: Thursday, April 9, 1998, 5:00pm, in the dropbox, Rosebrugh Building, 2nd Floor.
Question #1 (3.5 marks): Remote excavation and exploration research is being performed at a Canadian space technology company in conjuction with a Canadian mining company. Part of this research involves coordinating the movements of remotely controlled vehicles with respect to one another. One of the steps in analyzing this problem is to determine the activities involved and their logic relationships via an activity-event network.
The following are a list of excavator robot and dump truck robot activities and their dependencies.
(A) Move the excavator to the site (no dependencies);
(B) Move the dump truck to the site (no dependencies);
(C) Move the excavator arm (shovel) to the home position
-- done when the excavator is at the site;
(D) Park the dump truck beside the excavator
-- done when the excavator is at the site and the dump truck is at the site;
(E) Fill the excavator shovel with ore
-- done after the arm is homed;
(F) Transfer the ore to the dump truck
-- done when the shovel is filled and the dump truck is beside the excavator;
(G) Transfer the ore to the compound
-- done when the ore is transferred to the dump truck.
From the above listed activities, draw and appropriately label the activity-event network.
Question #2 (4 marks): Given the following project network, find (i) the critical path for the network, (ii) total floats and (iii) free floats associated with each activity.