Michael W. Floyd

Ph.D. (Electrical and Computer Engineering) from Carleton University, 2013
M.A.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) from Carleton University, 2009
B. Eng. (Computer Systems Engineering) from Carleton University, 2006
Email: mfloyd {at} sce [dot] carleton {dot} ca
Position: Lead Artificial Intelligence Scientist @ Knexus Research Corporation
Location: National Harbor, Maryland, USA
Michael W. Floyd I have been at Knexus Research Corporation since 2013. I primarily collaborate with David Aha and others at the United States Naval Research Laboratory.

My recent research has focused on adaptive autonomy and how agents/robots can be integrated into human-robot (or human-agent) teams. More specifically, I have examined methods by which agents can (1) reason over and adapt their goals; (2) measure their teammates' trust (and adapt their behavior accordingly); (3) explain their behavior; and (4) observe their teammates' actions to infer team goals.

Research Interests:
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Goal reasoning
  • Case-based reasoning
  • Human-robot teams
  • Rebel agents
  • Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI)
  • Learning by observation/learning by demonstration/imitation learning
  • Autonomous robots
  • Adaptive agents
  • Human-robot trust
  • Deep learning
  • Novel object detection
