Michael W. Floyd

Ph.D. (Electrical and Computer Engineering) from Carleton University, 2013
M.A.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) from Carleton University, 2009
B. Eng. (Computer Systems Engineering) from Carleton University, 2006
Email: mfloyd {at} sce [dot] carleton {dot} ca
Position: Lead Artificial Intelligence Scientist @ Knexus Research Corporation
Location: National Harbor, Maryland, USA
Michael W. Floyd
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
January 2009 - May 2013.
Thesis Committee:
  • Prof. Luc Lamontagne (Laval University)
  • Prof. Stan Matwin (University of Ottawa/Dalhousie University)
  • Prof. Jim Davies (Carleton University)
  • Prof. Yvan Labiche (Carleton University)
  • Prof. Babak Esfandiari (supervisor, Carleton University)
Awarded (nominated by my thesis committee) a Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement (awarded to the top PhD dissertations at Carleton University)
Comprehensive Exams: Artificial Intelligence (major) and Computer Systems (minor)
GPA: 11.67/12 which is equivalent to 3.97/4

Masters of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
September 2006 - December 2008.
GPA: 11.5/12 which is equivalent to 3.93/4

Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Systems Engineering (High Distinction and Co-op)
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University
September 2001 - April 2006.

Ontario Secondary School Diploma and Ontario Academic Credit Diploma
Osgoode Township High School, Metcalfe, Ontario.
September 1996 - June 2001.