Michael W. Floyd

Ph.D. (Electrical and Computer Engineering) at Carleton University, 2013
M.A.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) from Carleton University, 2009
B. Eng. (Computer Systems Engineering) from Carleton University, 2006
Email: mfloyd {at} sce [dot] carleton {dot} ca
Position: Lead Artificial Intelligence Scientist @ Knexus Research Corporation
Location: National Harbor, Maryland, USA
Michael W. Floyd


I have experience as a teaching assistant and guest lecturer. I was the recipient of the 2007/2008 Teaching Assistant Excellence Award which is given to the top teaching assistant in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University (and was nominated for the 2012 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award). Additionally, I received an award for the Best Educational Video and was nominated for Best Demonstration Video at the Artificial Intelligence Video Competition at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference in 2008. I won the Best Video Award at the 2010 Artificial Intelligence Video Competition at AAAI and was nominated for the Most Innovative Video Award in 2011.

My experience as a lecturer is related to guest lectures for undergraduate and graduate courses at Carleton University with a focus on artificial intelligence, computer systems engineering and software engineering. In 2011, I completed the Carleton University Lecture Training Program by giving course lectures and being observed/rated during those lectures. I have also helped teach Saturday Engineering and Design Sessions in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011, which are used to promote the Systems and Computer Engineering Department to prospective high school students.

Starting in 2009, teaching assistants were able to have anonymous evaluations performed by students (similar to faculty evaluations). My evaluation scores are listed with each of those courses:

Teaching Assistant Experience

SYSC 2100: Algorithms and Data Structures, Winter (January - April) 2013.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.88/5.00

SYSC 3110: Software Development Project, Fall (September to December) 2012.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.87/5.00

SYSC 2004: Object-Oriented Software Development, Winter (January to April) 2012.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.78/5.00

SYSC 3001: Operating Systems and Databases, Fall (September to December) 2011.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.68/5.00

SYSC 2101: Software Development Project, Winter (January to April) 2011.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.88/5.00

SYSC 2100: Algorithms and Data Structures, Fall (September - December) 2010.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.48/5.00

SYSC 2101: Software Development Project, Winter (January to April) 2010.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.82/5.00

SYSC 2100: Algorithms and Data Structures, Fall (September - December) 2009.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.68/5.00

SYSC 3601: Microprocessor Systems, Summer (May - August) 2009.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.91/5.00

SYSC 2101: Software Development Project, Winter (January to April) 2009.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.61/5.00

SYSC 2101: Software Development Project, Winter (January to April) 2008.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.

SYSC 2101: Software Development Project, Winter (January to April) 2007.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.

SYSC 2101: Software Development Project, Winter (January to April) 2006.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.

Guest Lecture Evaluations

SYSC 2101: Software Development Project, Winter 2011.
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University.
Evaluation: 4.80/5.00
Notes: 80% of students rated my lecturing skills as above-average
and 100% indicated they would want me as a lecturer at their University.