Michael W. Floyd

Ph.D. (Electrical and Computer Engineering) at Carleton University, 2013
M.A.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) from Carleton University, 2009
B. Eng. (Computer Systems Engineering) from Carleton University, 2006
Email: mfloyd {at} sce [dot] carleton {dot} ca
Position: Lead Artificial Intelligence Scientist @ Knexus Research Corporation
Location: National Harbor, Maryland, USA
Michael W. Floyd

About Me

I attended high school at Osgoode Township High School in Metcalfe, Ontario before going on to Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario where I received a B.Eng. degree in 2006. Following that I went on to receive a M.A.Sc. degree from Carleton in 2008 and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Systems Engineering in 2013. My Ph.D. dissertation was awarded a Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement (awarded to the top PhD dissertations at Carleton University). My research focuses on learning by observation and involves areas including case-based reasoning, artificial intelligence and software agents.

I have been the recipient of numerous academic scholarships as well as teaching and research awards. These include the Ontario Graduate Scholarship, the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering Teaching Assistant Excellence Award, the Best Educational Video Award at the 2008 Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) conference and the Best Video Award at the 2010 AAAI conference.

In addition to living in the province of Ontario, I have also lived in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. I am an avid sports fan, particularly hockey and football, and enjoy travelling.