September 8, 2011: The workshop schedule has been posted.
August 20, 2011: Preprints of the accepted papers are now available.
August 5, 2011: We are pleased to announce that Hector Munoz-Avila will be giving the invited talk at the workshop.
July 16, 2011: The list of accepted papers has been posted.
June 18, 2011: According to the ICCBR 2011 program available on the conference website, workshops will now be held on September 13, 2011 (not the 12th).
June 15, 2011: We received some interesting submissions and the review process is currently underway. As a result of the extended submission deadline (June 10) we have also extended the acceptance notification to July 11, 2011 and camera-ready copy deadline to August 1, 2011.
June 2, 2011: Due to popular demand the submission deadline is now June 10, 2011
April 4, 2011: Paper submission can now be performed using the EasyChair website. When submitting papers please submit them to "Workshop2: Case-Based Reasoning for Computer Games".
March 10, 2011: New to Case-Based Reasoning for Computer Games? Have a look at CBR for Games topic page on the CBR Wiki. The page contains an annotated bibliography of papers from ICCBR/ECCBR that have been published on the topic.
Title: A Case Study for Generating Strategic Game AI: From HTN Planning
to Multi-Modal Learning".
Abstract: This talk reports on research done on generating
strategic game AI for a particular kind of games called domination games. Domination
games are a popular game sub-genre in which teams compete to control a
number of locations called domination locations. Domination games are a good
testbed for algorithms that integrate planning and execution because actions
are non-deterministic, the environment is adversarial, and the state is partially
observable. The talk discusses the results of a comparative study of a number of
AI techniques to generate strategic Game AI to win domination games.
Current computer and video games are fascinating laboratories for CBR as they involve
interactivity, complex situations and dynamic environments. Some games often depict rich and
complex environments characterized by huge search spaces for which a strong theory does not
exist. Some are real-time and very dynamic, hence posing challenges for intelligent decision
making and planning. These challenging characteristics represent opportunities for case-based
reasoning approaches.
The workshop on Case-Based Reasoning for Computer Games is intended for both academic
researchers using games as a testbed for investigating CBR concepts and individuals exploiting
CBR techniques in game development. The goal of this workshop is twofold. First we want to
encourage dialog among researchers to determine the current state-of-the-art of CBR research in
games and to elaborate on the main issues pertaining to the study, integration, and evaluation of
CBR approaches on tasks from complex games. Second, we would like to identify clear challenge
tasks in the context of computer games, so that CBR approaches can be benchmarked, and progress
easily assessed.
We particularly welcome for this workshop contributions in areas that include, but are not limited
to, the following:
Case-based learning and adaptation for game playing
Path planning using CBR
Case-based planning and real-time decision making
Strategy recognition and modeling using CBR
Emotional modeling and simulation
Interactive narrative, dialogue planning, and story generation using CBR
Execution management of CBR components in real-time games
Evaluation techniques for complex gaming tasks
Tools and CBR approaches for game design
Tools for integrating CBR techniques and gaming environments
CBR in commercial computer games
Lessons learned in CBR/gaming investigations
Challenge tasks for benchmarking CBR systems in the context of games
This workshop will be held on September 12th, 2011 as part of the ICCBR 2011 workshop series in
Greenwich, London, UK. This workshop is open to all interested conference participants, but may
be limited by available room facilities.
We plan to include an invited speaker to summarize recent work in this area and might also invite
papers from a small but diverse set of contributors. The Organizing Committee will select a subset
of the submitted papers for oral presentation. Finally, time will be reserved for a session where
some participants can demonstrate their gaming environments and illustrate the contributions of
CBR technology.
Research and application papers: a maximum of 10 pages describing original contributions.
Demonstration of game-related CBR systems: a maximum of 5 pages describing the gaming
environment or CBR component, and why is it interesting for research on CBR and games.
June 3, 2011June 10, 2011 - Deadline for workshop paper submission July 6, 2011July 11, 2011 - Notification of acceptance for workshop papers July 23, 2011August 1, 2011 - Camera ready copy due September 12, 2011September 13, 2011- Workshop held at ICCBR 2011