MIE165S Modelling Integrated Systems


                        Prof. A. K. S. Jardine
                        Office: RS206 
                        Phone: (416)978-2921 


                        Jiangbin Yang
Kemal Kilic
Herman Colquhoun Jr.


                Blanchart, B. S. and Fabrycky, W. J.
                Systems Engineering and Analysis 
                2nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 1990

Examination Composition:

                Final           55%
                Mid-term        30%
                Assignments     15%

Course Description:

This course provides an introduction to the modelling, analysis and control of integrated systems such as occur in manufacturing, logistics, process industries and health care. Well-designed systems integrate many perspectives to satisfy customer needs. These perspective include quality, reliability, ergonomics, human resources, management, information, productivity and environment. The design and analysis of integrated systems follows the basic engineering process of systhesis and analysis. Techniques, such as work measurement and design, project management, mathematical modelling and activity and information modelling will be studied as a basis of modelling integrated systems. A series of case studies will illustrate the design and analysis of integrated systems.