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The following list includes some existing models developed for the CD++ Simulator. It includes the name, location, a brief description of it, and some other helpful information for each model.

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The files marked with this icon ★ can be visualized using CD++ Modeler, 3D visualization GUI, and the Web-Based Graflog applet .

Name Description
CD++ Simple Model ( A simple model used in the CD++ demo class, which can send and receive messages between Base Station (BS) and User Equipment (UE). Download model and sample simulations CD++ Demo (the PPT used during the class)
2D-AUTO NAVIGATION ROBOT ( A robot always seeks for the shortest path to the destination node. There is one obstacle spawn randomly in one of the non-destination grid (a grid with an obstacle in it is considered as impassable) Download model and sample simulations
2D-CRYSTAL GROWTH (2D crystal growth Study the impact of different temperatures, different concentration of impurities and defects as well as gravity. Download model and sample simulations
2D-HEAT CONDUCTION ( Steady-state 2-D heat transfer in a long bar of rectangular cross section. One side of the bar is insulated, the other exposed to a fluid at 25ºc. Download model and sample simulations
2D-HEAT DIFFUSION ( Heat diffusion model in a surface. A cell can be connected to heat generator, a cold generator or none. A cell's temperature is measured as the average of its neighborhood. It's possible to see the cell's temperature in each step. Download model and sample simulations
2D-ROBOT ARM (2D Of Freedom Robot Arm A robot arm with two degrees of freedom. Download model and sample simulations
2 FLOOR EVACUATION ( The evacuation of a building with multiple floors Download model and sample simulations
3D ELEVATOR ( Vertical elevator tunnels are located at each corner of a building and three horizontal tunnels connect the four vertical ones, one in the first floor, one in the 50th floor and one in 99th floor. Download model and sample simulations
3D ROCK FALL ( Simulates the process of rock fall in a mountain with a 45-degree slope. Download model and sample simulations
3D SI ETCHING ( Simulates a 3D model of the process of using chemical reaction between some special liquid and wafer to remove the part uncovered by the photoresist (wet etching). Download model and sample simulations
3D-FREE FORM ( Free-form modeling the deformation of objects in 3D space. Download model and sample simulations
3D-HEAT DIFFUSION ( A heat diffusion model (as the one described above) but using three dimensions. Download model and sample simulations
AD-HOC NETWORK ( Model used to study the reliability of ad-hoc networks. Reliability is defined as a function of existing links and possible links. Download model and sample simulations
AD-HOC NETWORK 2 ( Model used to study the evolution of an ad-hoc network as a cellular model. Nodes are free to join or leave the network randomly, therefore the topology of the network changes with time. The model shows the random movements of nodes and the area of radio coverage as the nodes move about. Download model and sample simulations
AD-HOC ROUTING ( An example of ad-hoc wireless routing using the AODV protocol and variations. Download model and sample simulations
AIRCONDITION ( Air-conditioner model with an incorporated thermostat (Documentation in Spanish). Download model here Download atomic models for Parallel/RT DEVS
AIR CONDITIONER COOLING MODEL ( This model is used to simulate the process of how an air conditioner work when it has been set into cooling mode. Download model and sample simulations
AIRCRAFT EVACUATION ( The model simulates the emergency exit of passengers aboard an aircraft (a part of the Airbus A380) and is used to asses the impact of passenger delay at the exit. Download model and sample simulations
AIRPLANE TAKEOFF ( Simulates the takeoff procedure of an airplane. Download model and sample simulations
AIRPORT ( Simulates departures and arrivals in an airport. Uses a control tower, several planes arriving/departuer, and queue and a hangar. Planes arrive/depart based on their flight numbers. Download model and sample simulations Download atomic models for Parallel DEVS
AIRPORT BOARDING ( simulates the whole procedure of airport services that an international passenger will probably experience at the airport. Download model and sample simulations
ALFA1 ( Alfa-1 simulated computer. A complete computer based on the SPARC Integer Unit. It is possible to test each of the isolated components. Performance improvements to the computer can be analyzed using these models. ALFA-1 Project (visit this link for more information). Download model and sample simulations
ALTERNATE BIT PROTOCOL ( A model of the alternate bit protocol, which ensures reliable transmission through unreliable networks. Download model and sample simulations
AMBULANCE DISPATCH ( models the process that occurs from receiving a emergency call till the ambulance completes the call. Download model and sample simulations
ANTS ( A model of Ants moving in a field. Download model and sample simulations
ANTS ( A different version of Ants moving in a field. Ants search for food leaving a pheromone path in direction to the anthill (documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
ASYMMETRIC ENERGY REQUIREMENTS IN WSN ( This model portrays the behavior of a WSN used for data collection. It shows how packets are routed to the sink and how this causes energy requirement variance in WSNs. Download model and sample simulations Download variant model and sample simulations
ATLAS ( Example of the execution of the TSC compiler, which implements the ATLAS specification language (traffic model of Carleton University’s campus). Download model and sample simulations. ★ More information about ATLAS press HERE and HERE. Further information about TSC press HERE .
ATM ( An automatic teller machine (ATM), which can dispense money to a customer. Download model and sample simulations
AUTO ( DEVS model representing a simple automobile factory. Includes a 3D visualization in Blender Download model and sample simulations Download atomic models for Real-Time DEVS
AUTOMATIC DOOR ( DEVS model for representing a simple automobile factory Download model and sample simulations
AUTOPILOT ( Simulates the operator input to the elevator flight control and the aircraft's response to the input. Download model and sample simulations
BACTERIA ( Reproduction of the Vibrio Parahaemolyticus bacteria. Download model and sample simulations
BAMDED VEGETATION ( examine the growth of banded vegetation in semi-arid and arid landscapes such as grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands based on the reception of constant rainfall. Download model and sample simulations
BARBER SHOP ( Simulates a retail barber shop. Customers arrive to the store and have their hair cut by the barber available in FCFS order. Download model and sample simulations
BASKETBALL PARK ( models the behavior of the park throughout a basketball game. Download model and sample simulations
BASS DIFFUSION ( Used to model the adoption and diffusion of new products and technologies which then are used for market analysis and demand forecasting of new technologies. Download model and sample simulations
BATTLE ( simulates a video game battle between a dragon and a knight. Download model and sample simulations
BATTLEFIELD ( Behavior of the fighters of two armies engaged in a battlefield. Each army is trying to capture the flag of the other army. Different aspects are modeled, such as soldier injury, death, movements, and fight engagement. Download model and sample simulations Download advanced model for Parallel Cell-DEVS
BATTLEFIELD 2 ( this model expands from BATTLEFIELD SIMULATION. Download model and sample simulations
BORDER GATEWAY PROTOCOL ( Simulates how routing table information is sent to BGP routers in a network. Download model and sample simulations
BI-DIRECTIONAL PEDESTRIAN PATH 2 ( To model and simulate the behaviors of pedestrians walking on a bi-directional path, as well as to study of collision avoidance. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube Advanced model with walkway Watch another video on YouTube Advanced 3D model
BI-DIRECTIONAL PEDESTRIAN DOOR ( To model and simulate the behaviors of pedestrians walking north and south from a room to a hall through a doorway. Download model and sample simulations
BI-DIRECTIONAL PEDESTRIAN MOVE ( To model and simulate the behaviors of pedestrians walking north and south in an area while avoiding obstacles and each other. Download model and sample simulations
BINARY SOLIDIFICATION ( A model of Binary Solidification. Afield contains particles of water and ammonia, and gets solidified according to the concentration of particles. Download model and sample simulations
BLUETOOTH NETWORK ( Demonstrates the behavior of sending data from a sender mobile to a receiver mobile. In real world, data such as sound clips, videos, images, and pure text messages are sent back and forth between two paired mobile devices. Download model and sample simulations
BOIDS ( A model of a flock of birds flying and joining under proximity conditions. Download model and sample simulations
BORDER CONTROL SYSTEM ( models the Border Control System which ensures individuals and vehicles that are a threat to the country are not permitted into the country. Download model and sample simulations
BOUNCING BALL ( A ball bouncing in a square field. It's possible to design a field with walls and one or more balls bouncing inside the field. Download model and sample simulations
BRAIN MACHINE ( The Brain Machine revisited. It includes a Spiking Neural Decoder Model (DEVS formalism) and Quantum dot devices models (Cell-DEVS formalism). Download model and sample simulations
BRIDGE ( A DEVS models representing a controller for a traffic light on a bridge Download model and sample simulations
BUSVEND ( DEVS models representing a controller for an automatic ticket distributor for buses Download model and sample simulations
CABLE ANCHOR ROBOT ( A model of planar robot locomotion and drawing system using anchored cables. Extension to a 3D cable system using 3 servo motor models, implementation using a robotics kit usch as Lego MindStorms™, modular adaptation to non-linear path planners or other cable geometries. Event-driven robot control Download model and sample simulations Download model and sample simulations for RT-DEVS
CANCER ( Definition of cancer spreading on different types of tissue Download model and sample simulations
CANCER: PATTERN DIFFERENTIATION ( The goal of this study was to construct a system that could generate and modify Feature Detector (FD) for specific pattern recognition in cancerous cells research Download model and sample simulations
CAR DEALERSHIP ( This is a simple simulation for Car Services in Car dealership. The Atomic Reception which holds several service areas for customer cars for service. Customers arrive and lined up the cars in the queue wait for the Mechanic for car service. Download model and sample simulations
CARWASH ( A queuing system for a carwash with different washing programs. Download model and sample simulations
CASE-BASED REASONER ( Case-based reasoning is a machine learning approach that operates under the assumption that similar problems are likely to have similar solutions. When provided with a new problem to solve, the system looks to find the most similar known cases, stored in a casebase, and reuse the solutions from those similar cases. Download model and sample simulations
CHEMICAL SYSTEM ( Simulates a simple chemical system containing two ingredients. Some characteristics are defined such as breaking rules, joining rules, free movement, reactions and transitions. Download model and sample simulations
CITY ROUTING ( A model of a section of a city using Cell-DEVS and dynamic routing. Download model and sample simulations
CITY SECTION ( A model of a section of the city of Buenos Aires using Cell-DEVS and O/D matrixes. Download model and sample simulations
CITY WATER SUPPLY ( This model simulates a water supply system in a city. Important parameters in this system can be analyzed such as evolution of water flow, level in the buffer tank (reservoir), the balance between water supply and consumption. Download model and sample simulations
CLASSIFICATION ( A cellular model used to train an instance-based classifier. The model was improved to allow for online learning. Download model and sample simulations
CLOCK ( DEVS model representing a simple Alarm Clock Download model and sample simulations Download model and sample simulations to run under the Real-Time version of CD++
CLOCK (v2 - Simulates a very simple alarm clock with a pendulum. (Documentation in Spanish) Download model and sample simulations
CLOUDS ( Represents the amount of rain that a group of clouds (moving from east to west) are capable to produce. Download model and sample simulations
CLOUDS GENERATOR ( Cellular model to stimulate the continuous evolution of clouds. Download model and sample simulations Download model and sample simulations to run in Parallel Cell-DEVS
COFFEE MACHINE ( A machine that dispenses different warm drinks (coffee, chocolate) and dispenses change (Documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations Download model and sample simulations to run under the Real-Time version of CD++
COLLISION AVOIDANCE ( A simulation of collision avoidance for robots. Download model and sample simulations
COLLISION AVOIDANCE: UAV ( A simpler model of collision avoidance for robots or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Avoids only static obstacles. Download model and sample simulations
COMMERCIAL ( Simulates the behavior of vehicles moving in a commercial neighborhood. Download model and sample simulations to run under Parallel CD++
COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ( Ensures the voice operation of the simulator matches the hardware implementation as represented on the CP-140 Aurora aircraft. Download model and sample simulations
CoMP ( simulatea a mobile network to test different CoMP techniques. Download model and sample simulations
CONSUMER CHOICE ( A model for market dynamic analysis, describing the dynamics of two types of markets consisting of consumers choosing among competing information products. Download model and sample simulations
CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM ( A model of a cruise control system for a vehicle. Download model and sample simulations
CRYPTOGRAPHY ( Cellular encryption/decryption of neighbors by knowing the encryption/decryption rules. Knowing where the zero padding is, a solution can be grown using many iterations Download model and sample simulations
CSMA-CA ( Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) is a shared medium protocol that aims to allow multiple hosts to share a medium to communicate. We model the operation of distributed point function based CSMA/CA protocol in wireless networks. Download model and sample simulations
DAISYWORLD ( Simulates the effect of planetary life on the planet's climate. Together, black and white daisies come to a dynamic equilibrium that keeps the planet's temperature within a moderate range. Download model and sample simulations
DATA MINING WITH CELLULAR AUTOMATA (Datamining with simple model which shows how Cell-DEVS concept is capable of showing data mining concepts. Download model and sample simulations
DBM ( DBM are a pest that can cause serious damage to crops.This model is to capture relationship of Diamondback moth and parasitoids. Download model and sample simulations
DEPTH FINDER DEVICE ( represents a device that sinks to the bottom of a body of water and finds the depth at the ground. Download model and sample simulations
DEVSTONE ( A synthetic benchmarking tool developed to test the performance of DEVS models running on CD++. Download model and sample simulations
DIAMOND SQUARE ( Simulates the diamond-square algorithm which is a method for generating height maps for computer graphics. Download model and sample simulations
DISCRETE EVENT CONTROLLER ( The goal of the controller is to have a plant’s output match the reference signal, with zero control error. The reference signal is discretized using quantized DEVS with hysteresis. Download model and sample simulations
DISCRETE EVENT DRIVEN VEHICLE (Discrete Event Driven model of a vehicle driven by discrete event input signals. Download model and sample simulations
DLA ( Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) is a phenomenon that occurs when diffusing particles stick to and progressively enlarge an initial seed represented by a fixed object. Download model and sample simulations
DOCUMENT PROCESSING ( A document processing facility that is studied according to different configurations, in order to compute the time required by the system to process a given document. Download model and sample simulations
DRIVEN DIFFUSION ( Random motion of two species of particles that exist in a system. Download model and sample simulations
ECOSYSTEM ( An ecosystem environment in which the components interact with each other to model and simulate the vegetable population and shape with respect to the resources available and the competition for the resources in the environment. Download model and sample simulations
EDGE DETECTION ( Cellular automaton used for edge detection, a fundamental process in image processing. Download model and sample simulations
ELEPHANT HOUSE OCCUPANCY ( Occupancy Analysis Using BIM and Cell-DEVS Simulation with RISE Remote Simulation : The model is used to simulate people moving in Copenhagen's Elephant House. Download model and sample simulations Download early analysis model Watch simulation video on YouTube
ELEVATOR ( DEVS models representing a controller for an elevator. Download model and sample simulations. Download atomic models for Real-Time DEVS. Download atomic models using DEVS Graphs
ENZYME KINETICS ( A simple enzyme kinetics model, where an enzyme and a substrate interact. The substrate may be converted to a product or the enzyme and substrate may separate. Products are stable as are enzymes. Download model and sample simulations
EPIDEMICS ( Modelling the spread of viral diseases through populated areas. Each cell is composed of a population, and the cell space represents a large area of population. In the cell there are healthy individuals who are susceptible to infection, infected individuals who can transmit the disease. Download model and sample simulations
EPSP ( Simulates an enterprise process for provisioning data network services (ATM, FR, DSL, ISDN, etc.). Download model and sample simulations
EXMEDIA ( A model of excitable media and diffusion reaction in the environment. Download model and sample simulations
FERRY ( Definition of a queueing system for a ferry boat; it represents the vehicles arriving and waiting in line for service (documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
FIRE - PERCOLATION ( Application of percolation theory to the simulation of forest fires. Download model and sample simulations
FIRE – QUANTIZED ( Improved version of the Corsican Quantized version. The fire equations have been transformed into a different version in which we detect the thresholds determined by the quantum size, optimizing the simulation results. Download model and sample simulations
FIRE ( Simulates a fire in a forest. The simulation allows to foresee the propagation and intensity of the fire. Three parameters are involved in the RS (ratio of spread): particles properties (amount of heat, minerals and density), type of fuel (includes the size of the vegetation) and values involved with the natural environment (wind speed, territory inclination and humidity). Download model and sample simulations
FIRE AND FIREFIGHTERS ( Shows the firefighters influence on a fire in the region. A negative value is still used for wet or cooling cells, a positive value for burning cells, but the way in which the water is spread has been changed. Download model and sample simulations
FIRE AND RAIN ( Fire model combined with rain, moving in direction NW-SE, extinguishing the fire on burning cells. Negative values define the effects of the rain. Download model and sample simulations
FIRECORSE – QUANTIZED ( Quantized version of the previous fire model. Download model and sample simulations
FIRECORSE ( Simulates a fire in a closed environment, following the rules of the Environmental Lab of the University of Corsica. The simulation allows predicting the intensity of the fire. The fuel is uniformly distributed (pine seeds) and no weather or slope conditions are considered. Download model and sample simulations
FIREFLIES ( Simulation of the light produced by a group of fireflies. Download model and sample simulations
FISH MIGRATION (A Fish Migration A cellular fish migration model which simulates the procedure of fish migration and performs simulation under different conditions in order to compare the effects of different construction strategies and help decision making on budget arrangement. Download model and sample simulations
FISH SCHOOL ( Simulates how fish schools are formed. Download model and sample simulations
FISSION ( Simple model showing the basics of atomic fission processes (breakage of radioactive atoms by means of a process of self-division into two parts). Download model and sample simulations
FLOOD ( Dispersion of water on a plane. Download model and sample simulations
FLOW INJECTION ANALYSIS ( A reactor used to analyze flow of particles after injecting a reactive in carrier solution. Download model and sample simulations
FRACTAL ( Fractals generation using a random seed particle. Download model and sample simulations
FREIGHT ELEVATOR ( Freight elevators are used in many industries; their function is to carry cargo from different levels to some others inside one building, since they are not supposed to be used by humans most of them even have preprogrammed destinations. Download model and sample simulations
FSM ( A simple DEVS library to define Finite State Machines Download model and sample simulations
FSM2 ( An update to the library of Finite State Machines (FSM). Moore Machines can be created in a simple way. Download model and sample simulations
GARAGE DOOR ( A model of a garage door, which works only with the correct password and has a timer to open/close. Download model and sample simulations
GLYCOLISIS ( A of the Glycolisis pathways in human mitochondria. Download model and sample simulations
GO BACK N PROTOCOL ( A model of Go Back N ARQ protocol which ensures reliable transmission through unreliable networks with high delay-bandwidth product such as satellite channels. Download model and sample simulations
GOSSIP ( Spread of information (or gossip) amongst a group of people from a single person. Download model and sample simulations
GOOGLE EARTH VISUALIZATION ( A framework based on Google Earth is proposed to visualize the Cell-DEVS simulation results. An land use and land cover Google Earth visualization prototype is implemented to validate this framework. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
GRAIN GROWTH ( simulates the growth of grain boundaries in a metal crystal structure. The value in the cell represents one of 8 orientations. Download model and sample simulations
GROCERY STORE ( Grocery store checkout with several lines (tellers), determining the average total time a customer is expected to spend to pay for its purchase. . Download model and sample simulations
GSM AUTHENTICATION ( Simulate authentication of mobile phones in a GSM wireless network. The handset first contacts the network claiming a certain identity (Id). To verify the SIM card’s the Network generates a random 128 bit number which is broadcast to the handset. Download model and sample simulations
GSM LOCATION ( Location update is a crucial procedure to implement the functionality of mobility in the GSM mobile network. It is a procedure of periodically updating the exact current position of mobile subscriber, commonly a location area in the GSM mobile network. This model simulates the location update procedure in GSM Mobile Network. Download model and sample simulations
HATTON CROSS ROUNDABOUT ( model of the Hatton Cross Roundabout which ensures vehicles that safely enters the system and exits the system at their destination exit. Download model and sample simulations
HEART – ( Quantized DEVS function of the Action Potential function of the Hudgkin-Huxley heart tissue model. Download model and sample simulations
HEART – GDEVS ( GDEVS approximation of the Hudgkin-Huxley heart tissue model Download model and sample simulations
HEART CONDUCTIVITY ( A discrete-event model of the conductivity in a heart, including sinodal node, AV node, Purkinje net, etc. Download model and sample simulations
HEART TISSUE – ( DEVS model of all the compartments in the heart, including atria, ventricles, purkinje fibres, sinusal node, etc. All the heart conduction compartments are modeled as queuing submodels (documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
HEAT FEM ( Heat spreading model using Finite Elements (2D) implemented as Cell-DEVS. Download model and sample simulations
HELICOPTER FLIGHT DECK ( To simulate shipboard helicopters landing on ships between missions for replenishment, to estimate the time between missions. Download model and sample simulations
HERCULES ( A DEVS model simulation of a CC-130 (Hercules) aircraft Loads Monitoring System. Download model and sample simulations
HERO BATTLE SIMULATION ( The user inputs the enemy creep’s health point to the hero. The Hero will go first, and may choose to attack or do nothing, then the enemy hero and creep will choose their action in turn. This cycle repeats until one of the hero win the battle, and the simulation ends. Download model and sample simulations
HIGHWAY - DELLEPIANE ( The objective is to study how the changes in the structure of A freeways (length of the routes and amount of tracks by routes) and the amount of qualified cabins of toll influences to the flow of vehicles (Documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
HIGHWAY INTERSECTION ( A section of the city of Buenos Aires, studying an intersection where traffic jams occur frequently. (Documentation in Spanish) Download model and sample simulations
HIGHWAY TOLL ( A toll station in the city of Buenos Aires, studying an intersection where traffic jams occur frequently. (Documentation in Spanish) Download model and sample simulations
HIV ( Shows a simplified version of the evolution of HIV in human cells. (Documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
HIV INFLUENCE ( The model simulates the spread of HIV according to the influence that neighbours have on each other this is used specifically for a community with drug use. Download model and sample simulations
HOSPITAL LAUNDRY ( A model of an offsite laundry facility for a hospital that is used to analyze the affects of schedule, laundry amount and inefficiencies in the hospital. Download model and sample simulations
HOUSE HEATING ( A model that enables us to observe and study the effects of outdoor temperature changes and the corresponding dynamic response of a typical house heating system. Download model and sample simulations
HUMAN MOTION CAPTURE ( A model of some major components of a human motion control system: brain, spinal cord, and body. The system is designed to produce the output data in the form of motion capture data. The proposed model and the output data produced can be widely applied in areas such as robotics and multimedia (animation). The simulations carried out illustrate the performance of such a model which is capable of accurate mimicking of the human motion control system. Download model and sample simulations
HUMAN MOTION CLASSIFICATION ( A model of a system which acquires data from a motion capture system, preprocesses the data, trains the classifier, and classifies new data successive to user request. This model ensures correct flow of data from the cameras to the classifier. Download model and sample simulations
HYBRID ( A simple library to model hybrid systems (at present the library contains an Integrator and a Quantizer implemented as DEVS models). Download model and sample simulations
HYBRID2 - BOND GRAPHS ( Using the library to model varied Bond Graphs. Download model and sample simulations
HYDRAULIC FRACTURING ( Visualization in Autodesk Maya 2012 Representing a Cell DEVS Simulation of a Hydraulic Fracturing Model. Download model and sample simulations
HYDRAULIC FRACTURING 2 ( The model is based on Lopez which is the one of the version of CD++ and allows multiple state values and ports in a single cell. In this paper, the process of how to build a model with Lopez and RISE api, and the detail of the hydraulic fracturing model will be shown. Download model and sample simulations
HYDROFRACKING 2D ( expresses the rudimentary characteristics of a hydrofracking event induced by a well-bore (represents a 2D vertical cross section of an underground region of space). Download model and sample simulations
HYDROPHIBIC EFFECT ( tries to replicate this behavior of non-polar substances Download model and sample simulations
IMAGE GENERALIZATION ( Image generalization for a source image based on the extended Moore neighborhood. Download model and sample simulations
IMITATION LEARNING ( Creating models and simulations of robotic control systems requires a level of technical expertise. If a domain expert has the knowledge required for a model but lacks the necessary technical skills they may be unable to successfully implement the model. To overcome this technical requirement, we propose a case-based reasoning approach to learn the behaviour of DEVS models. By observing a desired behaviour, in the form of outputs produced in response to inputs, a DEVS model of the behaviour can be built. This model can then be used during simulation to imitate the behaviour of interest. Download model and sample simulations
INDUSTRIAL IMAGING SYSTEM ( A model of the basic functionality of an imaging system. A camera continuously generates images which the Frame Grabber accepts when an image has been requested. Download model and sample simulations
INTRUDER DETECTION ( An intruder detection system with main door alarm detection Download model and sample simulations
JK CLOCK ( A clock and J-K flip flops to build different logic circuits. Download model and sample simulations
KINGS COURT ( King’s Court (aka Four Square) is a popular children’s playground game. The game consists of four squares drawn on the ground, one for each player, and a ball. Download model and sample simulations
KREBS CYCLE ( A of the Glycolisis pathways in human mitochondria. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
LANDSLIDE ( A landslide model based on the SCIDDICA softwre. It attempts to simulate the debris flow of a landslide, mudslide or avalanche, given information about altitude, soil depth. Download model and sample simulations
LATHE ( A model of a lathe in an automated machine. Download model and sample simulations
LATTICE GAS ( A model of gas particles using HPP lattice gas automata. Download model and sample simulations
LATTICE GAS 2( A different model of gas particles using HPP lattice gas automata using Margolus neighborhood. Download model and sample simulations
LAYERED QUEUING NETWORKS ( implementation of a DEVS library for the simulation of Layered Queueing Networks. Download model and sample simulations
LIFE ( The “life game” with the original rules proposed by Conway. The key rule is known as “B3/S23”. A new cell is born when it has exactly 3 neighbors. An existing cell survives if it has 2 or 3 neighbors. Otherwise, it dies. Download model and sample simulations
LIFE EXT – Extension ( A variation of the “life game”, including external events. Download model and sample simulations
LIFE3D ( A variation of the “life game” game in 3D. Download model and sample simulations
LIFE4D ( A variation of the “life game” game in 4D, to test the features of multidimensional models in CD++ . Download model and sample simulations
LIFE GAME PARALLEL DEVS ( A version of the life game using parallel DEVS. Download model and sample simulations
LINE TRACKING ROBOT (Line Tracking Robot.ZIP) simulate a Line Tracking Robot’s behaviour. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
LINEAR ( A binary linear automata. Download model and sample simulations
LIVER ( Representation of the lobule interaction in human liver. Download model and sample simulations
LOAD BALANCER ( Simulation of a load balancer, which connected to a database system and three servers and receives jobs periodically. Download model and sample simulations
MACAQUE PATHOGEN TRANSMISSION ( A model used to simulate pathogen transmission amongst macaques.Macaques can move to surrounding environment randomly, they may or may not carry pathogen, and can be infected by nearby neighbors. This model consists of five layers to store different state variables. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube Watch another video on YouTube
MAJORITY VOTE GATE ( Cellular Automata implementation of Quantum Logic Circuits, which are used in the current state-of-the-art Quantum Computing and Artificial Brain Machines. Download model and sample simulations
MALWARE AND ANTI-MALWARE (Malware and Simulations of Malware and Anti-malware in a Network using CD++ (lopez service) Download model and sample simulations
MALWARE IN WSN (Malware in Effectiveness’s of MAC Techniques and Security patches on Restricting Malware Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Download model and sample simulations Download variant model and sample simulations Download variant model and sample simulations
MALWARE PROPAGATION ( Malware propagation in wireless sensor networks. Download model and sample simulations
MANUFACTURING FACILITY ( Simulation of a facility that assembles different types of products (composed by one or more components) in various workstations. Download model and sample simulations
MANUFACTURING SYSTEM ( One of the most important issues in modern manufacturing systems is work-in-progress (WIP) reduction. In this example, we use a DEVS Model to Identify and Control WIP in Manufacturing Systems. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
MARKET DYNAMICS ( This model uses a cell space to simulate consumers making purchasing decisions based on several factors. Download model and sample simulations
MAZE ( The model shows the implementation of a maze-solving algorithm using Cell-DEVS. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
MEMORY HIERARCHY ( A model of Memory Hierarchy which demonstrate the benefits of the memory hierarchy to increase the memory access and improve the cpu performance. Also, we can research different cache replacement strategies using this simulator. Download model and sample simulations
METRO ( A model representing the behavior of crowds in a metro station (documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
MICROCOMPUTER ( A model of for performance analysis of microcomputer, including queuing models for the cpu, memory, hard drives, etc. Download model and sample simulations
MICROWAVE OVEN ( A model of a programmable microwave oven system, with buttons, alarm, etc. Download model and sample simulations
MINE CLEARING ROBOTS ( The model involves the mapping of a 10×10 minefield using four robots. The individual robots are constrained to move about the minefield in order to scan the ground to detect the presence or absence of mines. It was assumed that the robots were in contact and were updating a common map of the minefield. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
MKS ( A 2-dimensional model, capable of deriving the incremental velocity of a mass under the influence of a spring and viscous damper model of a programmable microwave oven system, with buttons, alarm, etc. Download model and sample simulations
MKS ( he MKS Model is first a 2-dimensional model, capable of deriving the incremental velocity of a mass under the influence of a spring and viscous damper Download model and sample simulations
MOBILE AD-HOC ( Models of fixed and mobile Ad-hoc networks (networks without an infrastructure: there are no routers, switches, etc. Instead, each ad-hoc node can act as a router and forward data from one node to another). Download model and sample simulations
MOBILE COVERAGE ( The model simulates a cellular network and identifies the network coverage for each mobile user equipment at each position. Download model and sample simulations
MOBILE NETWORK ( to find out the number of BSs which cover a mobile user in different location of an area have been considered. Download model and sample simulations
MOBILE NODES ( A model of a mobile communication network with multiple UE and BS. Download model and sample simulations
MOBILITY MANAGEMENT ( Analyzes user mobility in mobile wireless middleware systems. Users access space via wireless gateways. Download model and sample simulations
MOL ( Method of lines (MOL) is the method to solve the problem of Differential Equations Ordinary (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs). This model is to sove ODEs system (as result of applying a MOL PDE) using the CD++ simulator. (in Spanish) Download model and sample simulations
MOSQUITO ( A sample 4D model. Three 3D models interconnected. In one of them, the temperature is stored (as the average of its neighbourhood). Using the temperature value of a cell, the atmospheric pressure in the corresponding 3D plane is computed. There are also mosquitoes fly in the third 3D model (a mosquito dies if the cell's temperature is below 16ºC). Download model and sample simulations
MOUNTAIN PINE BEETLE ( This model simulates the behaviour of the mountain pine beetle. I is a 16x16x2 non wrapped model that assumes a single infestation and each step represents a year in realtime. Additionally, multiple infestation sites along with different densities of forest could be simulated Download model and sample simulations Download advanced model for Parallel Cell-DEVS
MULTITASK SERVER ( Simulates a multithreaded system running in a simple single processor architecture. Download model and sample simulations
MUSIC AUTOMATION ( Music Conversion Automation. Download model and sample simulations
NAVIGATION AVIONICS ( Model the interaction between an Inertial Reference System (IRS), its gyros, and a GPS. An IRS is comprised of a IRS computer and 3 gyros. It keeps track of accelration values between updates in position from a GPS. After taking various startup delays into account, the IRS uses the various input values it receives to output its position. Download model and sample simulations
NEAREST NEIGHBOR CLASSIFFIER ( The nearest neighbour classifier is a popular supervised tool for classification of test data based on the nearest training sample. In this version, Manhatan distance is employed. The model can divide the feature space based on up to 7 training classes and determine the curves for neighbouring classes. Download model and sample simulations
NEIGHBORHOOD FLOOD ( To simulate flood status in the neighborhood Download model and sample simulations
NERVE CELLS: ACTIVE ZONE ( Transmission of signals at nerve cell terminals requires a complex sequence of interactions. One result is the docking of vesicles containing neurotransmitter at a specialized region of the cell membrane called the active zone. In a simple 2D Cell-DEVS, a fundamental sequence has been modeled which includes (i) opening of calcium ion channels, (ii) activation of calmodulin by calcium ions, (iii) activation of calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II by activated calmodulin, (iv) phosphorylation of synapsin by activated kinase and (v) release of synaptic vesicles held in a cluster by synapsin. Download model and sample simulations
NERVE CELLS: MEMBRANE ( A model used to simulate the propagation of action potentials along nerve cell membranes. A nerve cell membrane is a series of connected membrane nodes. Each node contains two channels, one for potassium ions and one for sodium ions. As ion pass through the channels, they alter the transmembrane voltage of the nearby nodes. These voltage changes in turn open and close the channels, affecting the flow of ions. The overall effect is to allow action potentials, rises and falls in voltage, to propagate from one node to the next. Download model and sample simulations
NERVE CELLS: VESICLES AND SYNAPSINS ( Molecular interaction of synapsin with vesicles which occur inside a nerve cell. Download model and sample simulations Download a more advanced model and sample simulations
NETWORK IP ( A detailed model of the IP Protocol Stack including multiple models at different levels in the network. Download model and sample simulations
NEWSPAPER ( A model of the behavior in a newspaper, since the reception of a new input from photographer and Journalist, activating editing and output the final article to printer. Permits studying the delaying time for publishing and printing the newspaper. Download model and sample simulations
NIF ( News Integration and Filtering Tool - A model to integrate and filter information and news from several accounts. Download model and sample simulations
NUCLEAR REACTION ( The model was created to determine the most optimal location and quantity of triggers for a controlled nuclear reaction. Download model and sample simulations
OFFLINE FILE TRANSFER ( A DEVS model which is used for offline file transfer. Download model and sample simulations
OMNIENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM ( A model for the OmniEngine control system which is the main module of the OmniPeek Network Analyzer – a network packet sniffing software. Download model and sample simulations
ONLINE BANKING SYSTEM ( A model of the Internet Online Banking System which ensures reliable accessing internet and proper use of network bandwidth. Download model and sample simulations
OPERATING SYSTEM SCHEDULER ( DEVS model of the kernel of a simple Operating System. The objective is to evaluate different scheduling algorithms (Documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
OPERATION ( DEVS model representing scheduling of an Emergency Room in a hospital Download model and sample simulations
OPTICAL NETWORKS ON CHIP ( A hybrid model containing an optical and an electrical component interacting together. Download model and sample simulations
OTRAIN ( O-Train Passenger Wait Time Simulation - The model simulates the passengers arriving and departing from the O-Train in which an average travel time can be estimated. Download model and sample simulations
PANAMA CANAL ( This model describes the behavior of the Gatun Locks in the Panama Canal using the DEVS formalism. The canal consists of two groups of locks separated by a lake (Gatun Lake). Download model and sample simulations
PARITY CHECKER ( Computes the parity bit using the value of its neighbors. Download model and sample simulations
PARTICLE COLLISION ( Behavior of gas particles. The collision of two particles modifies their particle direction and its purity. Download model and sample simulations
PATH PLANNING – VORONOI ( A robot path planning algorithm to construct a Voronoi Diagrama around the obstacles in the room Download model and sample simulations
PATH PLANNING ( Solves path planning algorithms to allow a robot to find a destination from a source. Download model and sample simulations
PATTERN ( A model creating patterns in a fabric. Download model and sample simulations
PCS ( A model using a personal communication service (PCS) network simulation . Download model and sample simulations
PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENT ( This is a modeling and simulation of pedestrians walking around an open space, with obstacles, trying to reach respective destination points Download model and sample simulations
PEER-To-PEER FILE-SHARING ( Simulates peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing networks based on a discrete-event model. Download model and sample simulations
PENDULUM CLOCK ( A model for a pendulum-based alarm clock (Documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
PERSIAN TAPESTRY ( The model simulates many nice shapes of persian tapestries. One variation has 64×64 dimensions with no wrapped borders and four ones in the middle, one with rapped borders and one with 16 ones in middle with no wrapped borders. Larger tapestries also can be made with extending the dimensions. It also has the implementation of the model in DEVS-View 3D modeler. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
PESTICIDE PERCOLLATION ( Percollation applied to study how water (e.g. from rain) gets contaminated with pesticides that exist in the soil and how the rain washes away the pesticides from the soil. Download model and sample simulations
PETRI NETS - TIMED ( A library built on top of DEVS enabling modeling and simulation of Timed Petri Nets. Download model and sample simulations
PETRI NETS ( A library built on top of DEVS enabling modeling and simulation of Petri Nets. It includes an interface with a graphical tool for defining the Petri Nets. Download model and sample simulations
PHARMACY ( Model of the core daily pharmacy standard operation routine to serve and delivers properly filled prescription to existing and new customers (determined by the availability of their details in the pharmacy database) under the pharmacist control. Download model and sample simulations
PHOTO-RESIST ETCHING ( Simulates the etching process which controlled by a photo resistor. This process is extensively used in chemical processing of for creating semiconductor devices. Depending on the material used, the model accepts an etching distributed function. Download model and sample simulations
PINBALL ( Simulates a pinball. An integer (1..8) in each cell indicates the existence of a ball and its direction, or the lack of a ball in the cell (0). There is a different value (9) to represent a “brick” in the cell. Download model and sample simulations
PIZZA DELIVERY ( The model illustrates a pizza delivery system (Documentation in Spanish). Apart from the kitchen model, this model also simulates the call, the processing and the distribution components. Download model and sample simulations
PIZZA KITCHEN ( Simulates the kitchen of a pizza restaurant, receiving orders from customers and delivering food. (Documentation in Spanish) . Download model and sample simulations
PLANTS ( A model of plant population in fens Download model and sample simulations
PLANTS VS ZOMBIES( Models a single zombie’s behavior in the game of Plants vs. Zombies to simulate if such zombie can obtain the brain. Download model and sample simulations
PLASTIC DEFORMATION ( Deformation in a 2D space using Margolus neighborhood, based on distribution rules of virtual clay. Download model and sample simulations
POLLUTION ( Studies the diffusion of pollution in a lagoon. (Documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
PONZI SCHEME ( Model of a simple Ponzi Scheme where initial investors are recruited by long term investors. Download model and sample simulations
POOL TABLE ( A ball bouncing in a pool table. Simulates diagonal motion on a square grid. For instance, a top left motion would result in a ball moving either up or to the left, with a bias towards which ever the angle of motion was closer to. Download model and sample simulations
POPULATION ( Reproduction of the population of a species located in a given area. Used to study the relationship between the initial state, and the viability of the species in the area. Download model and sample simulations
POPULATION 2 ( A variation on the Population model. Download model and sample simulations
POWER DISSIPATION ( ) Allows the estimation of power dissipation in a surface. Download model and sample simulations
Plant Species Competition ( Two Plant Species Competition Download model and sample simulations
PREDATOR-PREY ( A model of a predator following a pray insida a maze, following the smell of the prey. Download model and sample simulations
PRESTO CARD RECHARGING MACHINE ( model a self-service presto card recharging machine. Download model and sample simulations
PRISONNER'S DILEMMA ( The Prisoner’s Dilemma CA model shows why two purely “rational” individuals might choose not to cooperate, even if it appears that it is in their best interests to do so. Download model and sample simulations
PRODUCTION SYSTEM ( Represents any production systems. It consists of atomic model as source or raw materials and coupled model which simply contains two atomic models: buffer and production. Download model and sample simulations
PURSUER ( Simulates the behavior of a group of people following a leader (hide-and-seek game). People are hidden, and when found by the leader, they follow the leader and form a line behind Download model and sample simulations
QUEUE ( A simple queuing system. Download model and sample simulations
QUEUE2 ( A different version of a queuing system. Download model and sample simulations
QUEUING MODELS ( DEVS models of a queueing system. Download model and sample simulations
RADAR ( A simple radar system used to control air traffic in airports. Download model and sample simulations
RADAR FREQUENCY ( synchronisation effects between radar receivers and transmitters. Different frequencies in the radar can cause interference. Download model and sample simulations
RADAR TRACK IDENTIFIER ( Model for tracking targets moving across a radar's area of interest Download model and sample simulations
RAIN ( Represents the amount of rain that a group of clouds (moving from east to west) are producing. Download model and sample simulations Download model and sample simulations to run under Parallel CD++
RANGING SYSTEM ( A description of Ultrasonic ranging system in DEVS model Download model and sample simulations
RANDOM ( A cellular automata for generating high quality random numbers. Download model and sample simulations
REACTION DIFFUSION ( A model of reaction and diffusion models in 3D. Download model and sample simulations
RECONFIGURABLE ROBOTS ( A set of reconfigurable robots moving in the plane. Download model and sample simulations
RED-LIGHT RUNNING DETECTION SYSTEM ( Investigate behavior of Red-light Running Detection System Download model and sample simulations
REGULATORY BEHAVIOUR OF MUSCLE THIN FILAMENTS (Regulatory Behaviour of Muscle Thin A model used to simulate the regulatory behaviour of skeletal muscle thin filaments. The model implemented simulates the interactions between the actin sites and a troponin sites. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
REPAIR ROBOTS ( A set of robots scanning a field, looking for damaged areas, and fixing the damage. Download model and sample simulations
RESIN ( DEVS model representing a manufacturing tank for Resin products Download model and sample simulations
RESOURCE DISTRIBUTION ( A model of cache memory distribution is setup to analyze different resource allocation strategies to maximize the performance of the multi-core processors. Download model and sample simulations
RICE ( Pollution process from a chemical factory to a rice field through the water supply. The chemical factory locates at upper stream of the ditch. The polluted water is drained into the ditch and used to irrigate the farmland at lower stream. Resided in one cell of the soil, each plant in the field will be infected by the polluted water eventually. According to the pollution degree, the plants are catalyzed into 3 groups: healthy, infected or deadly. Download model and sample simulations
RIFLE ( Rifle was developed to evaluate inner mechanical workings of an assault rifle. Download model and sample simulations
RING LEADER ELECTION ( Testing a leader election algorithm Download model and sample simulations
ROBOT ARM ( Modeling a Robot Arm with Parallel DEVS. The objective is to show the ease of combining a simulated model using CD++ and parallel DEVS to combine the model with a robot running in a real time environment. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
ROBOT ARM: TWO DEGREES OF FREEDOM ( models the behaviour of a robot in performing a homing stage and then reacts to any command inputs entered by the user. Download model and sample simulations
ROBOT VEHICLE ( We have used DEVS formalism to define the robotic vehicle model and conducted variety of tests by simulation variety of scenarios. The final model has been embedded on a tank shaped robot. Download model and sample simulations
ROBOTS ( An industrial plant with several semi-autonomous robots carrying material in a specified path. There are 5 possible paths in the sample. It's possible that some of these paths includes crossing with other robots, and therefore a collision analysis must be analyzed. Download model and sample simulations
ROCK FALL ( Cell-DEVS model has been used to simulate the commonplace natural phenomenon rock fall in 3D version. Download model and sample simulations
ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS PLAYERS ( Simulate the process of two players playing multiple consecutive rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Download model and sample simulations
ROUTING IP ( A router device for computer networks. A LAN with fixed topology is defined, and different routing techniques are implemented. Download model and sample simulations
ROUTING OD ( A model of car routing in a city section using Origin/Destination matrixes. Download model and sample simulations
RULE 110 ( Examination of Rule 110 Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
SAND PILE ( Avalanches in a landslide that can happen as a result of earthquakes. Sand pile models are studied to predict landslide behavior as a result of an earthquake. Download model and sample simulations
SATELLITE CLOUDS ( Simulates clouds in a satellite image using Cell-DEVS. Download model and sample simulations
SATELLITE IMAGE ( Satellite Images Analysis with Cell-DEVS Download model and sample simulations
SCADA ( A model of a SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition) system. This type of system are used to monitor oil plants, large industrial plants, etc. (Documentation in Spanish) Download model and sample simulations
SECURITY AREA ACCESS ( This secure area access system is used to arm and disarm the building's alarm, and is also used to temporarily unlock the access door to the building (when the alarm is disarmed) to allow entry to the building's personnel. Download model and sample simulations
SECURITY CONTROL ( Describes a product that provides security-management functions for the security of a building. It can deny/allow entry into the building. Download model and sample simulations
SEEKERS ( A model of autonomous devices seeking heat sources on a plane (using a temperature spread model). Download model and sample simulations
SEGREGATION PROCESS ( Illustrates complex social dynamics with the segregation process. The behaviors of individuals who wish to live in a neighborhood where their class is not in a minority are modelled and simulated. Download model and sample simulations
SENSOR NET MALWARE ( Sensor Network Malware Progation - Model of spread of malware across a Sensor Network. Download model and sample simulations
SHALLOW WATER (shallow This work is based on shallow water equations (shallow water) that model the propagation of disturbances in water or other incompressible fluids in response to gravitational and rotational accelerations.(in spanish) Download model and sample simulations
SHARKS ( A model of shark feeding. It includes two sea areas, one with herring, and other dominated by sharks. If there is not enough room for the herring well, it moves to the shark's area. Sharks eat nearby herring. Download model and sample simulations
SHIP EVACUATION ( Simulates the evacuation of a ship in an emergency. Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
SHIP EVACUATION 2 ( Simulates the evacuation of a ship in an emergency. (Documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
SI ETCHING (Etching Final simulates the process of using chemical reaction between some special liquid and wafer to remove the part uncovered by the photoresist (wet etching). Download model and sample simulations
SMOG ( A model of smog spreading in a residential neighborhood. Download model and sample simulations
SNOW TRANSPORT ( Simulation of snow particles transportation with wind. Download model and sample simulations
SNOWFLAKE ( Formation of snowflake crystals, which has a rich diversity of forms with striking hexagonal symmetry structure. Download model and sample simulations
SOCCER ( Some of the basic alternatives of a soccer game. Download model and sample simulations
SOIL EROSION ( It models the effects of uniform rain falling on a volume of earth as the rain falls. It is represented as a 4D model, each 3D plane representing a different phenomenon. Download model and sample simulations
SOLAR STORM ( simulate the dynamics of magnetosphere- ionosphere coupling to real-time monitor substorm solar activity Download model and sample simulations
SORT (Base - A sort algorithm developed using cellular automata. It's behavior is similar to a bubble-sort. ]] Download model and sample simulations
SORT (Optimized An optimized sort algorithm similar to the above, but here the space is no-wrapped. Download model and sample simulations
SORT 3 (Optimized - A 3rd version of the sorting algorithm. Download model and sample simulations
SPIKING NEURON TERMINAL ( A model of the spiking neuron terminal; AN output neuron is firing when spikes of the two series of impulses meet the firing condition, which in this particular case is chosen to be the time delay between timing of the input received. Download model and sample simulations
STOCK MARKET (Stock Market Term A model to simulate the dynamic of stock market using Cell-DEVS automata. Download model and sample simulations
SUBSTANCE CLASSIFIER ( A substance generator places different amounts of substances into a queue. In order to classify and ship it properly, a classifier takes the substance and measures it's purity. Depending on the value measured, it's classified as First or Second class. Download model and sample simulations
SUPPLY CHAIN ( A model of a a Supply Chain Operational Management (SCOM) built using the DEVS formalism. The idea is to help to perform what-if analyses, to do the comparison of various operational alternatives, and to make timely policy decisions. Download model and sample simulations
SUPERCOOLING ( 2D and 3D models that simulate free dentritic growth in supercooled liquids. The relationships between growth speed and other supercooling parameters are also analyzed. Download model and sample simulations
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGMENT ( This model is implemented in order to assist various companies to perform what-if analyses. This in turn can help them evaluate various operational alternatives which in turn can increase their profitability. Download model and sample simulations
SURGERY ( A model for analyzing delays in surgery of patients at a hospital. Download model and sample simulations
SURVIVAL ( Evolution of a population and interaction between people and virus competing for their living space. Through changing initial distribution of population and virus, the size of population and the number of viruses will change. Download model and sample simulations. Download model for Parallel Cell-DEVS
SWITCHING AND ROUTING ( Models and simulates traffic generation, switching, routing and traffic reception between nodes in a computer network. The model is based on a computer network, which consists of three Local Area Networks (LANs) connected through a Wide Area Network (WAN). Download model and sample simulations
switching between nodes ( A model of Traffic Generation, Switching and Reception between Nodes in a Computer Network Download model and sample simulations
TANK FIRE ( A fire system of a tank is modeled; first the loader should load the barrel of the tank with the required ammunition then the barrel lock is closed (to prevent the ammunition from sliding out of the barrel). After that the loader press the safety loader button to inform that he is in a safe position. Download model and sample simulations
TARGET SEEKER ( A simple target seeker in pursuit of a static target. It acts to steer the character towards a specified position in global space. This behavior adjusts the character so that its velocity is radially aligned towards the target. Download model and sample simulations
TECHNICAL SUPPORT FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT ( This Model simulates a model of simple financial department of a technical support call center. Download model and sample simulations
TELEPHONE – LQN ( An application of a library of Layered Queuing Networks (LQN) on DEVS. Used for analyzing the performance of a telephone switching system. Download model and sample simulations
TELEPHONE SWITCH ( A simulation of a real-time telephone switch system for an enterprise. Download model and sample simulations
TEMPERATURE DETECTOR ( Using this simulator could gather data send by sensors and do some simply calculation on them, the main purpose is to get the average temperature and the abruptness of the temperature change. Download model and sample simulations
TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY CONTROL ( A model of a room to determine if the air conditioner or heater or humidifier should be turned on or off to make people comfortable. Download model and sample simulations
TENSION ( A simple surface tension model. The particles tend to group according to the existing surface tension using a majority vote rule. Download model and sample simulations
TICKETVEND ( Model of the behavior of a spending machine of train tickets. This machine contains a series of buttons to indicate the destination, a button to cancel the operations, a display to show messages to the user, a selector to enter payment options. Download model and sample simulations
TOGETHERNESS ( The cellular automaton called “Togetherness” is based on a random initial system where the cells try to move to empty locations or to swap positions among themselves. Download model and sample simulations
TOLL STATION ( Model of a toll station, the teller, cars arriving to the station, sensors, etc. (Documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations
TRAFFIC ( A simple traffic model, with cars traveling on one-way northbound and eastbound. The former have priority when a possible collision occurs. Download model and sample simulations
TRAFFIC COMBINATION ( Track Combining Simulation with rule-184 in 2D Cellular Automaton Model. Download model and sample simulations
TRAFFIC CONTROLLER ( A traffic controller that works with lights and sensors. Download model and sample simulations
TRAFFIC INTERSECTION CONNECTOR ( A previously created model of an intersection was modified to output every vehicle that successfully passes through the intersection. A model of a street was created, taking those vehicles leaving the intersection, and holding them until enough time has passed for them to have reached the next intersection. The model of the street then outputs the vehicles to the second intersection Download model and sample simulations
TRAFFIC LIGHT ( A simulation of a traffic light in an intersection of two one-way streets. Download model and sample simulations
TRAFFIC LIGHT CROSSING ( Some modifications to the model trafficlightsys, implemented with Cell-DEVS to analyze more complex phenomena. Download model and sample simulations
TRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEM ( A complete traffic light controller in an intersection of two two-way streets. Download model and sample simulations
TRAFFIC MONITOR ( The real system which is focused on is the traffic flow on a one-way two-lane highway. Download model and sample simulations
TRAFFIC ROUNDABOUT ( The Cell-DEVS models used to simulate the behaviour of a typical traffic roundabout Download model and sample simulations
TRAFFIC SHOCKWAVES ( The modeled artificial system simulates the behaviour of the traffic flow. Download model and sample simulations
TRAIN STATION ( A model of passenger arriving to a train station. Download model and sample simulations
TRANSD ( Measures the task throughput for a CPU, using a coupled model with different atomic models: a queue, a processor (the CPU), a transducer and a process generator. Download model and sample simulations
TRANSPORT ( A team of trucks transporting ore, used to study efficiency of the system. Building the model is for analyzing the relationship between service time and queue length in this Mining Transport System. If time is properly arranged, the efficiency will be increased. Download model and sample simulations
TREE ( A simple 2D cellular model showing the growth of a tree and its branches. Download model and sample simulations
TRUSS ( The 2-D truss model represents a structure commonly used in building or aircraft construction. Using fundamental structural analysis equations, an iterative method to solve for nodal displacements is implemented. A linear approximation of the strain is used. Nodes, represented by a cells, are identified relative to the top left corner of the truss. The external forces are applied at the nodes, with positive forces pointing up. The Cell-DEVS model consists of 4 layers in the third dimension to store the values of displacements and external forces in both the vertical and horizontal directions. Download model and sample simulations
TUMOR-IMMUNE SYSTEM ( A tumor grows from the center of the model. It consists of necro (dead) cells, surrounded By dormant cells, surrounded by proliferative cells. Immunity cells move at random around the tumor, until they encounter and attack proliferative cells. Download model and sample simulations Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
TURING MACHINE ( A Cell-DEVS version of the Turing Machine cellular automaton. Download model and sample simulations Download advanced model for Parallel Cell-DEVS
UAV ( A model of the controller for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Download model and sample simulations
UAV PATH PLANNER ( A UAV’s target location probability modeled as a gradient terrain which has a diffusion function modeling increasing uncertainty. The UAV uses a hill climb algorithm to search this terrain. Download model and sample simulations
UNMANNED GROUND VEHICLE ( A basic model of an unmanned ground vehicle capable of navigating on a given heading and detecting intruders Download model and sample simulations
URBAN POPULATION ( A model of urban population for land use planning, which simulates the conversion from non-urban land use to urban land use. Download model and sample simulations
URBAN GROWTH ( Urbangrowth simulates the development of land uses Download model and sample simulations Watch simulation video on YouTube
VANTS ( Behavior of a group of ants eating grass. Ants first eat the leaves and later the root. If an ant does not grass, it keeps moving forward. When grass is found, it rotates 90° to the right, seeking for more grass. Download model and sample simulations
VEGETATION ( A model of growth of vegetation in a forest. Download model and sample simulations
VENDING ( DEVS model representing a Vending Machine Download model and sample simulations Download here the model executable in the Real-Time CD++ version (
VHDL ( A library of components of n-VHDL to represent varied circuits. Download model and sample simulations
VIRTUAL PET ( Simulates the behavior of a virtual pet that reacts to food, medicine, and games, which are received from the environment. (Documentation in Spanish). Download model and sample simulations Download here the model executable in the Real-Time CD++ version
VOLCANIC PARTICLE TRANSPORTATION ( the transport models of snow particles and volcanic particles are defined and simulated using Cell-DEVS formalism. Download model and sample simulations
VOTERS ( A model showing the influence of neighbors in the vote decision using cellular automata. Download model and sample simulations
WASHER ( A home washer with programmable inputs and washing options (documentation in Spanish) Download model and sample simulations
WATER ( A model of water evaporation on the land surface. Download model and sample simulations
WATERSHED ( A simulation of a natural region that acts as the water-receiving area of a drainage basin. Each cell accumulates water from rain, rivers and snow, and filters the amount of water received depending on soil, vegetation and slope. Download model and sample simulations
WATERSHED 2 ( An updated version of the watershed, modifying the terrain and rain information. Download model and sample simulations
WAVE ( A simulation of wave propagation and interference properties. Download model and sample simulations
WEBSERVER ( A simulation of a simple web server. It includes models for a client/server application. Download model and sample simulations
WIRELESS MODEM SIMULATION ( A model of the wireless modem which enables user laptops to connect, send and receive data to and from Internet. Download model and sample simulations
WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK 2 ( A different model of a wireless sensor network (WSN) in which we study the lifetime of the network based on different algorithms. Download model and sample simulations
WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK ( A model of a wireless sensor network (WSN) with a specific topology control. The most important performance aspect in a WSN is the need to be energy efficient as the sensor node has a finite energy reserve offered by a battery. Download model and sample simulations
WIREWORLD ( WireWorld is a two-dimensional four-color cellular automaton. It can be used to build and simulate logical circuits and electronic logic elements or gates based on its state changes. Using its rules, it is possible build a complete computer. the system of WireWorld is used to draw wires and electrons, with electrons traveling as time steps pass. Therefore, digital logic (such as OR, XOR, and AND gates) and fairly complicated logic circuits can be constructed. WireWorld can be configured to perform and demonstrates universal computations very simply. Download model and sample simulations
WORM SPREADING ( The model has to simulate the process of spread of worm with rules and 2500 cells. Download model and sample simulations
Predator-prey model ( A model to simulate sharks and fish based on the fictional planet of Wa-Tor.Download model and sample simulations
Waterfall Software Development Model (Waterfall Software Development A model that represents the software development life cycle for a waterfall model approach.Download model and sample simulations
Virtual Network ( A model to simulate virtual networks Download model and sample simulations
Worms and food ( This model simulates worms moving in search for food.Download model and sample simulations
Self-organized 3D-printing Patterns ( 3D Printing process creates some self organized patterns due to certain printing conditions. Download model and sample simulations
Urban growth with Google ( Urban growth with Google visualization. Download model and sample simulations
Snow removal model ( An abstract model for snow clearing for a particular neighbourhood. Download model and sample simulations
Border crossing ( A model designed to demonstrate the different things that may happen when a person arrives at a border. Download model and sample simulations
Border crossing with CDBoost (Border_CrossingCDBOOST) A model designed to demonstrate the different things that may happen when a person arrives at a border. Download model and sample simulations
Brians_brain ( Cell DEVs implementation of Brian Silverman's Brian's Brain cellular automaton model. Download model and sample simulations
Cave system generation (cave system A model to generate and join random caves using stimulation.Download model and sample simulations
Energy conservation using Cell-DEVS (Energy Conservation using A model for Energy conservation in wireless sensor networkDownload model and sample simulations
Fire test ( Modifies the FireCorse model by calculating the time of the next temperature step, rather than vice versa.Download model and sample simulations
Maleware simulation ( Simulations of Malware and Anti-malware in a Network using CD++.Download model and sample simulations
Crossroad ligths ( A model to simulate traffic lights in a crossroadDownload model and sample simulations
Network on chip ( A model to simulate a 2×2 Mesh architecture NOCDownload model and sample simulations
Parking lot ( A model for the behavior of an underground parking lot.Download model and sample simulations
Product inspection ( A model to simulate inspecting the quality of a product at the end of the production chain.Download model and sample simulations
Kitchen simulator ( A model that emulates real world kitchen scenarios.Download model and sample simulations
Cricket arena ( Simulation of a Cricket Arena to find the relationship between ticket income and player onfiledumpire third umpire audience and scoreboard.Download model and sample simulations
Homogeneous Cellular Networks ( A model to simulate the Handover process in Homogeneous Cellular Networks.Download model and sample simulations
Priority queuing ( A model for Non-Preemptive Priority Queuing Packet Scheduling.Download model and sample simulations
Registration system (SARS Student academic registration system.Download model and sample simulations
Powered compact shelving system ( A model to simulate powered compact shelving system.Download model and sample simulations
Food bank ( A model to simulate the operation of a food bank that helps poor people.Download model and sample simulations
Mean filter ( A linear filter that preserves the borders and reduces the noise as well as smoothing the image.Download model and sample simulations
Employee behaviour ( A model to simulate the behaviour of employees in a workplace based on the rules and the model definition of a cellular automata model in a research paper.Download model and sample simulations
Memristor circuit ( The model a to simulate the memristor circuit which is to sort the keys.Download model and sample simulations
Ganet and Ramet Survivorship ( The model a to simulate the relationship of colonel growth between different genet nodes.Download model and sample simulations
Fire and Smoke ( This is a model that simulate the behavior of smoke particles from forest fires (or any open field fire).Download model and sample simulations
QR code encryption ( This is a model to simulate the rules to encrypt a QR Code for security, using Elementary Cellular Automata (ECA) method.Download model and sample simulations
Network decontamination ( A model to study how the network decontamination is performed using Von Neumann and Moore neighbourhood.Download model and sample simulations
Population generation behavior ( A model for simulation of reallocation (migration) of people from one place to another.Download model and sample simulations
Lynx hare ( A model to simulate a lynx hare system.Download model and sample simulations
Laundry operation ( A model to simulate for laundry services in apartment buildings.Download model and sample simulations
Drive thru ( Food chain Drive Thru simulator.Download model and sample simulations
Food court survey ( A model To do a survey on the performance of a food court.Download model and sample simulations
Ranch ( Simulation model of sheep population in a ranch using cellular automata.Download model and sample simulations
Power change over( A model that automatically starts a generator whenever the power supply goes off and switches the consumer mains over between power supply and generator where necessary.Download model and sample simulations
Food chain ( A model that simulates a Food Chain.Download model and sample simulations
Handover process ( Simulation of handover process in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous cellular networks.Download model and sample simulations
3D pin ball ( Simulation of Pinball computer game.Download model and sample simulations
Predator and prey ( 3D Visualization of Predator Prey Cell-DEVs Model.Download model and sample simulations
Image morphology ( Binary image morphology for erosion, dilation, opening and closing.Download model and sample simulations
Football ground Robot simulation ( Football stadium simulation using Blender.Download model and sample simulations
Powered compact shelving systems in CDBoost ( Simulation of powered compact shelving systems in CDBoost.Download model and sample simulations
Macaque pathogen transmission ( Simulation of Macaque Pathogen Transmission.Download model and sample simulations
Generation of Chess Variants ( Cell-DEVS model for Generation of Chess Variants. Download model and sample simulations
Settlement Growth ( Simulation of population settlement growth in the Chainjing Region of China using Cell-DEVS. Download model and sample simulations
Cyst ( Simulation of the generation of a cyst from cluster of cells that do not initially have lumen using Cell-DEVS. Download model and sample simulations
Dungeons (dungeon generator Simulation of Constructive Generation Methods for Dungeons using Cell-DEVS. Download model and sample simulations
Settlement Growth ( Scenario-based cellular automata urban growth and policy application. Download model and sample simulations
Metal Decarburization ( Cell-DEVSsimulation of Decarburization of Metal Droplets in Basic Oxygen Steelmaking using Lopez. Download model and sample simulations
Truck Movement ( Truck Movement in Traffic Simulator using Cell-DEVS. Download model and sample simulations
Dental ( Simulation of efficiency of clinic in delivering the medical services to the patients in the stipulated time frame using DEVS. Download model and sample simulations
Building Evacuation ( Modeling occupant evacuation using Cell-DEVS. Download model and sample simulations
Flocking Behavior of Crowds( Simulation of scenarios of how flock react under various conditions. Download model and sample simulations
Distracted Behavior( Simulation of pedestrian distraction and phone usage in dense crowds. Download model and sample simulations
Flocking behavior Of Crowds ( Simulation results for the flocking behavior Of Crowds with a processing-based simulator. Download videos
Building Cell-DEVS Model using Triangular and Hexagonal Meshes (Hexagonal-Triangular A model to simulate various physical systems in triangular and hexagonal meshes. Download model and sample simulations
Hydraulic Fracturing using Lopez CellDEVS simulator ( model is developed towards implementing model that mimics the propagation of hydraulic fracturing in the near wellbore region. Download model and sample simulations
Information impact ( CELL-DEVS model of information impact on individuals in social network. Download model and sample simulations
Packing and shipping ( model to simulate product packing and shipping. Download model and sample simulations
Protein folding ( model to simulate protein folding in a two dimensional hydrophobic polar model where amino acids are classified to be either a hydrophobic amino acid or a polar amino acid. Download model and sample simulations
Simulation of Corrosion ( model has to simulate the 3-D corrosion growth on metal. Download model and sample simulations
Smog model-Lopez (Smog of smog over north-west India Download model and sample simulations
Salt and Pepper Noise Filtering ( model to study how the Salt and Pepper noise is detected and removed from the image. Download model and sample simulations
Sympatric Speciation (Sympatric The model has to simulate the process of sympatric speciation with 400 cells over different configurations of lanscape and considering four types of individuals according to their genotypes. Download model and sample simulations
Water Level Indicator ( A model for Water Level Indicator that measures the level of water in overhead tanks, wells or standpipes. Download model and sample simulations

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model_samples/start.1560295853.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/11 23:30 by labstudents